CISG by jurisdiction

Admin area


Status under the CISG:

 Contracting State

Finland has been a CISG Contracting State since 1 January 1989.

As authorized by Art. 94 CISG, Finland has declared that the CISG does not apply to sales contracts between a party from Finland and another party from Denmark, Iceland, Norway or Sweden (i.e. intra-Nordic trade).

Further information:

Finland had signed the Convention in accordance with Art. 91(1) CISG on 26 May 1981. It subsequently deposited its instrument of ratification in accordance with Art. 91(2), (4) CISG on 15 December 1987.

Finnish Art. 92 CISG reservation and its withdrawal

Upon ratifying the Convention, Finland had made a reservation authorized by Art. 92 CISG, declaring that it would not be bound by the Convention's Part II on the formation of contracts (Arts. 1424 CISG). On 28 November 2011, Finland withdrew this reservation (Art. 97(4) CISG). According to Art. 92(2) CISG, Finland was therefore not considered a Contracting State within Art. 1(1) CISG for matters governed by Arts. 1424 CISG as far as sales contracts concluded between 1 January 1989 and 31 May 2012 were concerned.

Participation of Finland in the 1980 Diplomatic Conference in Vienna

Finland was one of the 62 States that participated in the Diplomatic Conference held from 10 March until 11 April 1980 that adopted the Sales Convention's text. The Finnish delegation in Vienna was comprised as follows:


Mr. Leif SEVON, Director of Legislation, Ministry of Justice

Alternative Representatives:

Professor Eero ROUTAMO, University of Helsinki

Mr. Thomas WILHELMSSON, Counsellor of Legislation, Ministry of Justice

Hr. Pekka SÄILÄ, Embassy of Finland

Mr. Henrik RÄIHÄ

Hr. Stig HENRIKSSON, Confederation of Finnish Industries

Published CISG cases adjudicated by courts in Finland:
27 decisions
12 cases
Czech Republic
Tönnies Lebensmittel GmbH & Co KG v. Polarica Oy
Ro­va­nie­men ho­vioi­keus (Court of Appeal Rovaniemi)
Finland, 06 July 2018 – 235 / S 17/161, CISG-online 5549
Czech Republic
Tönnies Lebensmittel GmbH & Co KG v. Polarica Oy
La­pin kä­rä­jä­oi­keus (District Court Lapland)
Finland, 28 October 2016 – 8040, CISG-online 5517
Czech Republic
Oy Pokostore Systems Ltd. v. TP-Konepajat Polska Sp.z o.o
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 18 December 2013 – S 13/1060, CISG-online 3990
Czech Republic
Oy Pokostore Systems Ltd. v. TP-Konepajat Polska Sp.z o.o
Pirkanmaan käräjäoikeus (District Court Pirkanmaa)
Finland, 19 April 2013 – 14535, CISG-online 3988
Czech Republic
Log house case
Kouvolan hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Kouvola)
Finland, 14 March 2007 – S 06/737, CISG-online 4097
Czech Republic
Log house case
Heinolan käräjäoikeus (District Court Heinola)
Finland, 21 April 2006 – 06/425, L 05/947, CISG-online 4095
Czech Republic
Log house case
Korkein oikeus (Finnish Supreme Court)
Finland, 14 October 2005 – 2005:114 / S2004/50, CISG-online 1882
Czech Republic
MP-Maustepalvelu Oy v. Omega Spice S.r.l.
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 24 May 2005 – S 04/1600, CISG-online 2369
Czech Republic
Crudex Chemicals Oy v. Landmark Chemicals S.A.
Helsingin hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Helsinki)
Finland, 31 May 2004 – S 01/269, CISG-online 5770
Czech Republic
MP-Maustepalvelu Oy v. Omega Spice S.r.l.
Hämeenlinnan käräjäoikeus (District Court Hämeenlinna)
Finland, 19 May 2004 – S 03/2166, CISG-online 4327
Czech Republic
Log house case
Kouvolan hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Kouvola)
Finland, 13 November 2003, CISG-online 4092
Czech Republic
Log house case
Heinolan käräjäoikeus (District Court Heinola)
Finland, 27 January 2003, CISG-online 4087
Czech Republic
Forestry equipment case
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 12 April 2002 – S 97/324, CISG-online 660
Czech Republic
Crudex Chemicals Oy v. Landmark Chemicals S.A.
Länsi-Uudenmaan käräjäoikeus (District Court Espoo, Western Uusimaa)
Finland, 03 November 2000 – S 96/7875, CISG-online 5718
Czech Republic
Plastic grass carpets case
Helsingin hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Helsinki)
Finland, 26 October 2000 – S 00/82, CISG-online 1078
Czech Republic
Forestry equipment case
Tampereen käräjäoikeus (District Court Tampere)
Finland, 07 January 2000 – 97/1457, CISG-online 3415
Czech Republic
Skin care products case
Helsingin hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Helsinki)
Finland, 30 June 1998 – S 96/1215, CISG-online 1304
Czech Republic
Steel plates case I
Helsingin hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Helsinki)
Finland, 29 January 1998 – S 96/1129, CISG-online 1302
Czech Republic
Canned food case
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 12 November 1997 – S 97/324, CISG-online 2636
Czech Republic
Butter case
Helsingin hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Helsinki)
Finland, 27 March 1997 – S 96/605, CISG-online 782
Czech Republic
Packages for animal food case
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 18 February 1997 – S 95/1023, CISG-online 1297
Czech Republic
Canned food case
Tampereen käräjäoikeus (District Court Tampere)
Finland, 17 January 1997 – 95/11193, CISG-online 4086
Czech Republic
Plastic grass carpets case
Helsingin käräjäoikeus (District Court Helsinki)
Finland, 1997, CISG-online 4326
Czech Republic
Butter case
Pohjois-Savon käräjäoikeus (District Court Kuopio, Northern Savonia)
Finland, 05 November 1996 – 95/3214, CISG-online 869
Czech Republic
Steel plates case I
Helsingin käräjäoikeus (District Court Helsinki)
Finland, 18 July 1995 – 17450, CISG-online 4084
Czech Republic
Packages for animal food case
Turun käräjäoikeus (District Court Turku)
Finland, 16 June 1995 – S 94/4988, CISG-online 4073
Czech Republic
Skin care products case
Helsingin käräjäoikeus (District Court Helsinki)
Finland, 11 June 1995 – 19067 (95/11481), CISG-online 4077
Czech Republic
Tönnies Lebensmittel GmbH & Co KG v. Polarica Oy
Ro­va­nie­men ho­vioi­keus (Court of Appeal Rovaniemi)
Finland, 06 July 2018 – 235 / S 17/161, CISG-online 5549
Czech Republic
Tönnies Lebensmittel GmbH & Co KG v. Polarica Oy
La­pin kä­rä­jä­oi­keus (District Court Lapland)
Finland, 28 October 2016 – 8040, CISG-online 5517
Czech Republic
Oy Pokostore Systems Ltd. v. TP-Konepajat Polska Sp.z o.o
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 18 December 2013 – S 13/1060, CISG-online 3990
Czech Republic
Oy Pokostore Systems Ltd. v. TP-Konepajat Polska Sp.z o.o
Pirkanmaan käräjäoikeus (District Court Pirkanmaa)
Finland, 19 April 2013 – 14535, CISG-online 3988
Czech Republic
MP-Maustepalvelu Oy v. Omega Spice S.r.l.
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 24 May 2005 – S 04/1600, CISG-online 2369
Czech Republic
MP-Maustepalvelu Oy v. Omega Spice S.r.l.
Hämeenlinnan käräjäoikeus (District Court Hämeenlinna)
Finland, 19 May 2004 – S 03/2166, CISG-online 4327
Czech Republic
Log house case
Kouvolan hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Kouvola)
Finland, 14 March 2007 – S 06/737, CISG-online 4097
Czech Republic
Log house case
Heinolan käräjäoikeus (District Court Heinola)
Finland, 21 April 2006 – 06/425, L 05/947, CISG-online 4095
Czech Republic
Log house case
Korkein oikeus (Finnish Supreme Court)
Finland, 14 October 2005 – 2005:114 / S2004/50, CISG-online 1882
Czech Republic
Log house case
Kouvolan hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Kouvola)
Finland, 13 November 2003, CISG-online 4092
Czech Republic
Log house case
Heinolan käräjäoikeus (District Court Heinola)
Finland, 27 January 2003, CISG-online 4087
Czech Republic
Crudex Chemicals Oy v. Landmark Chemicals S.A.
Helsingin hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Helsinki)
Finland, 31 May 2004 – S 01/269, CISG-online 5770
Czech Republic
Crudex Chemicals Oy v. Landmark Chemicals S.A.
Länsi-Uudenmaan käräjäoikeus (District Court Espoo, Western Uusimaa)
Finland, 03 November 2000 – S 96/7875, CISG-online 5718
Czech Republic
Forestry equipment case
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 12 April 2002 – S 97/324, CISG-online 660
Czech Republic
Forestry equipment case
Tampereen käräjäoikeus (District Court Tampere)
Finland, 07 January 2000 – 97/1457, CISG-online 3415
Czech Republic
Canned food case
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 12 November 1997 – S 97/324, CISG-online 2636
Czech Republic
Canned food case
Tampereen käräjäoikeus (District Court Tampere)
Finland, 17 January 1997 – 95/11193, CISG-online 4086
Czech Republic
Plastic grass carpets case
Helsingin hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Helsinki)
Finland, 26 October 2000 – S 00/82, CISG-online 1078
Czech Republic
Plastic grass carpets case
Helsingin käräjäoikeus (District Court Helsinki)
Finland, 1997, CISG-online 4326
Czech Republic
Butter case
Helsingin hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Helsinki)
Finland, 27 March 1997 – S 96/605, CISG-online 782
Czech Republic
Butter case
Pohjois-Savon käräjäoikeus (District Court Kuopio, Northern Savonia)
Finland, 05 November 1996 – 95/3214, CISG-online 869
Czech Republic
Steel plates case I
Helsingin hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Helsinki)
Finland, 29 January 1998 – S 96/1129, CISG-online 1302
Czech Republic
Steel plates case I
Helsingin käräjäoikeus (District Court Helsinki)
Finland, 18 July 1995 – 17450, CISG-online 4084
Czech Republic
Packages for animal food case
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 18 February 1997 – S 95/1023, CISG-online 1297
Czech Republic
Packages for animal food case
Turun käräjäoikeus (District Court Turku)
Finland, 16 June 1995 – S 94/4988, CISG-online 4073
Czech Republic
Skin care products case
Helsingin hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Helsinki)
Finland, 30 June 1998 – S 96/1215, CISG-online 1304
Czech Republic
Skin care products case
Helsingin käräjäoikeus (District Court Helsinki)
Finland, 11 June 1995 – 19067 (95/11481), CISG-online 4077
Published CISG cases worldwide involving parties from Finland:
54 decisions
30 cases
Czech Republic
EU v. AstraZeneca AB
Tribunal de première instance francophone de Bruxelles
Belgium, 18 June 2021 – 2021/48/C, CISG-online 5607
Czech Republic
Huoltovarmuuskeskus v. The Look Medical Care OÜ
Tallinna Ringkonnakohus (Court of Appeal Tallinn)
Estonia, 07 April 2021 – 2-20-5806, CISG-online 5914
Czech Republic
Huoltovarmuuskeskus v. The Look Medical Care OÜ
Harju Maakohtus (County Court Harju)
Estonia, 13 July 2020 – 2-20-5806, CISG-online 5844
Czech Republic
Romuliike Mäki Ky v. Demokapital OÜ
Tallinna Ringkonnakohus (Court of Appeal Tallinn)
Estonia, 08 October 2018 – 2-17-8837, CISG-online 4005
Czech Republic
Tönnies Lebensmittel GmbH & Co KG v. Polarica Oy
Ro­va­nie­men ho­vioi­keus (Court of Appeal Rovaniemi)
Finland, 06 July 2018 – 235 / S 17/161, CISG-online 5549
Czech Republic
Romuliike Mäki Ky v. Demokapital OÜ
Harju Maakohtus (County Court Harju)
Estonia, 22 February 2018 – 2-17-8837, CISG-online 4003
Czech Republic
Tönnies Lebensmittel GmbH & Co KG v. Polarica Oy
La­pin kä­rä­jä­oi­keus (District Court Lapland)
Finland, 28 October 2016 – 8040, CISG-online 5517
Czech Republic
Aktsiaseltsi Filter v. Vapor Boilers Finland Oy
Tallinna Ringkonnakohus (Court of Appeal Tallinn)
Estonia, 07 March 2016 – 2-14-57167, CISG-online 4015
Czech Republic
Aktsiaseltsi Filter v. Vapor Boilers Finland Oy
Harju Maakohtus (County Court Harju)
Estonia, 30 September 2015, CISG-online 4012
Czech Republic
Used MAN truck case
Landgericht Stade (District Court Stade)
Germany, 19 February 2015 – 8 O 135/13, CISG-online 2669
Czech Republic
Raisio Nutrition Ltd. v. Oat Solutions LLC
Ad hoc Arbitral Tribunal
Arbitration, 05 November 2014, CISG-online 6006
Czech Republic
Oy Pokostore Systems Ltd. v. TP-Konepajat Polska Sp.z o.o
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 18 December 2013 – S 13/1060, CISG-online 3990
Czech Republic
Oy Pokostore Systems Ltd. v. TP-Konepajat Polska Sp.z o.o
Pirkanmaan käräjäoikeus (District Court Pirkanmaa)
Finland, 19 April 2013 – 14535, CISG-online 3988
Czech Republic
Allianz SA v. Lima TP S.a.r.l. et al.
Cour d'appel de Limoges (Court of Appeal Limoges)
France, 21 March 2013 – 10/00477, CISG-online 2553
Czech Republic
Research in Motion Limited v. Nokia Corporation
Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC)
Arbitration, 06 November 2012 – 044/2011, CISG-online 6099
Czech Republic
Unikon B.V. v. Kometos Oy
Rechtbank Arnhem (District Court Arnhem)
Netherlands, 11 January 2012 – 211512, CISG-online 4673
Czech Republic
Etablissement Travaux Publics Lancelot v. Lima TP S.a.r.l. et al.
Tribunal de Commerce de Limoges (Commercial Court Limoges)
France, 17 March 2010, CISG-online 4260
Czech Republic
Used car case II
Oberlandesgericht Hamm (Court of Appeal Hamm)
Germany, 02 April 2009 – 28 U 107/08, CISG-online 1978
Czech Republic
Used car case II
Landgericht Bielefeld (District Court Bielefeld)
Germany, 10 July 2008 – 1 O 84/08, CISG-online 3015
Czech Republic
Valero Marketing & Supply Co. v. Greeni Oy
U.S. Court of Appeals (3rd Circuit)
USA, 19 July 2007 – 06-3390, 06-3525, CISG-online 1510
Czech Republic
Log house case
Kouvolan hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Kouvola)
Finland, 14 March 2007 – S 06/737, CISG-online 4097
Czech Republic
Log house case
Heinolan käräjäoikeus (District Court Heinola)
Finland, 21 April 2006 – 06/425, L 05/947, CISG-online 4095
Czech Republic
Valero Marketing & Supply Co. v. Greeni Oy
U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey
USA, 04 April 2006 – 01-5254 (DRD), CISG-online 1216
Czech Republic
Log house case
Korkein oikeus (Finnish Supreme Court)
Finland, 14 October 2005 – 2005:114 / S2004/50, CISG-online 1882
Czech Republic
Valero Marketing & Supply Co. v. Greeni Oy
U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey
USA, 15 June 2005 – 01-5254 (DRD), CISG-online 1028
Czech Republic
MP-Maustepalvelu Oy v. Omega Spice S.r.l.
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 24 May 2005 – S 04/1600, CISG-online 2369
Czech Republic
Crudex Chemicals Oy v. Landmark Chemicals S.A.
Helsingin hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Helsinki)
Finland, 31 May 2004 – S 01/269, CISG-online 5770
Czech Republic
MP-Maustepalvelu Oy v. Omega Spice S.r.l.
Hämeenlinnan käräjäoikeus (District Court Hämeenlinna)
Finland, 19 May 2004 – S 03/2166, CISG-online 4327
Czech Republic
Log house case
Kouvolan hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Kouvola)
Finland, 13 November 2003, CISG-online 4092
Czech Republic
Standard Bent Glass Corp. v. Glassrobots Oy
U.S. Court of Appeals (3rd Circuit)
USA, 20 June 2003 – 02-2169, CISG-online 810
Czech Republic
Log house case
Heinolan käräjäoikeus (District Court Heinola)
Finland, 27 January 2003, CISG-online 4087
Czech Republic
CISG & Unidroit Principles case I
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 2003 – 12097, CISG-online 4985
Czech Republic
Forestry equipment case
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 12 April 2002 – S 97/324, CISG-online 660
Czech Republic
Standard Bent Glass Corp. v. Glassrobots Oy
U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania
USA, 09 April 2002 – 00-cv-02423, CISG-online 4299
Czech Republic
Machine for manufacture of household textile products case
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 2002 – 10377, CISG-online 1419
Czech Republic
PDP S.r.l. v. Credito Italiano S.p.A. et al.
Corte di Appello di Milano (Court of Appeal Milan)
Italy, 23 January 2001, CISG-online 1320
Czech Republic
Crudex Chemicals Oy v. Landmark Chemicals S.A.
Länsi-Uudenmaan käräjäoikeus (District Court Espoo, Western Uusimaa)
Finland, 03 November 2000 – S 96/7875, CISG-online 5718
Czech Republic
Plastic grass carpets case
Helsingin hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Helsinki)
Finland, 26 October 2000 – S 00/82, CISG-online 1078
Czech Republic
Forestry equipment case
Tampereen käräjäoikeus (District Court Tampere)
Finland, 07 January 2000 – 97/1457, CISG-online 3415
Czech Republic
Skin care products case
Helsingin hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Helsinki)
Finland, 30 June 1998 – S 96/1215, CISG-online 1304
Czech Republic
PDP S.r.l. v. Credito Italiano S.p.A. et al.
Tribunale di Milano (District Court Milan)
Italy, 15 June 1998, CISG-online 3824
Czech Republic
Steel plates case I
Helsingin hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Helsinki)
Finland, 29 January 1998 – S 96/1129, CISG-online 1302
Czech Republic
Canned food case
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 12 November 1997 – S 97/324, CISG-online 2636
Czech Republic
Packages for animal food case
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 18 February 1997 – S 95/1023, CISG-online 1297
Czech Republic
Canned food case
Tampereen käräjäoikeus (District Court Tampere)
Finland, 17 January 1997 – 95/11193, CISG-online 4086
Czech Republic
Plastic grass carpets case
Helsingin käräjäoikeus (District Court Helsinki)
Finland, 1997, CISG-online 4326
Czech Republic
Steel plates case I
Helsingin käräjäoikeus (District Court Helsinki)
Finland, 18 July 1995 – 17450, CISG-online 4084
Czech Republic
Packages for animal food case
Turun käräjäoikeus (District Court Turku)
Finland, 16 June 1995 – S 94/4988, CISG-online 4073
Czech Republic
Skin care products case
Helsingin käräjäoikeus (District Court Helsinki)
Finland, 11 June 1995 – 19067 (95/11481), CISG-online 4077
Czech Republic
Nickel-copper cathods case
Oberlandesgericht München (Court of Appeal Munich)
Germany, 08 March 1995 – 7 U 5460/94, CISG-online 145
Czech Republic
Nickel-copper cathods case
Landgericht München I (District Court Munich I)
Germany, 02 August 1994 – 13 HKO 17330/93, CISG-online 398
Czech Republic
Finnish timber case
Landgericht Oldenburg (District Court Oldenburg)
Germany, 27 April 1994 – 12 O 3725/93, CISG-online 359
Czech Republic
Finnish automatic storage systems case
Kreisgericht Bern VIII Bern-Laupen (Court of First Instance Bern-Laupen)
Switzerland, 07 May 1993, CISG-online 136
Czech Republic
Production line for foamed boards case
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 1992 – 7585 (Final Award), CISG-online 105
Czech Republic
EU v. AstraZeneca AB
Tribunal de première instance francophone de Bruxelles
Belgium, 18 June 2021 – 2021/48/C, CISG-online 5607
Czech Republic
Huoltovarmuuskeskus v. The Look Medical Care OÜ
Tallinna Ringkonnakohus (Court of Appeal Tallinn)
Estonia, 07 April 2021 – 2-20-5806, CISG-online 5914
Czech Republic
Huoltovarmuuskeskus v. The Look Medical Care OÜ
Harju Maakohtus (County Court Harju)
Estonia, 13 July 2020 – 2-20-5806, CISG-online 5844
Czech Republic
Romuliike Mäki Ky v. Demokapital OÜ
Tallinna Ringkonnakohus (Court of Appeal Tallinn)
Estonia, 08 October 2018 – 2-17-8837, CISG-online 4005
Czech Republic
Romuliike Mäki Ky v. Demokapital OÜ
Harju Maakohtus (County Court Harju)
Estonia, 22 February 2018 – 2-17-8837, CISG-online 4003
Czech Republic
Tönnies Lebensmittel GmbH & Co KG v. Polarica Oy
Ro­va­nie­men ho­vioi­keus (Court of Appeal Rovaniemi)
Finland, 06 July 2018 – 235 / S 17/161, CISG-online 5549
Czech Republic
Tönnies Lebensmittel GmbH & Co KG v. Polarica Oy
La­pin kä­rä­jä­oi­keus (District Court Lapland)
Finland, 28 October 2016 – 8040, CISG-online 5517
Czech Republic
Aktsiaseltsi Filter v. Vapor Boilers Finland Oy
Tallinna Ringkonnakohus (Court of Appeal Tallinn)
Estonia, 07 March 2016 – 2-14-57167, CISG-online 4015
Czech Republic
Aktsiaseltsi Filter v. Vapor Boilers Finland Oy
Harju Maakohtus (County Court Harju)
Estonia, 30 September 2015, CISG-online 4012
Czech Republic
Used MAN truck case
Landgericht Stade (District Court Stade)
Germany, 19 February 2015 – 8 O 135/13, CISG-online 2669
Czech Republic
Raisio Nutrition Ltd. v. Oat Solutions LLC
Ad hoc Arbitral Tribunal
Arbitration, 05 November 2014, CISG-online 6006
Czech Republic
Oy Pokostore Systems Ltd. v. TP-Konepajat Polska Sp.z o.o
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 18 December 2013 – S 13/1060, CISG-online 3990
Czech Republic
Oy Pokostore Systems Ltd. v. TP-Konepajat Polska Sp.z o.o
Pirkanmaan käräjäoikeus (District Court Pirkanmaa)
Finland, 19 April 2013 – 14535, CISG-online 3988
Czech Republic
Research in Motion Limited v. Nokia Corporation
Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC)
Arbitration, 06 November 2012 – 044/2011, CISG-online 6099
Czech Republic
Unikon B.V. v. Kometos Oy
Rechtbank Arnhem (District Court Arnhem)
Netherlands, 11 January 2012 – 211512, CISG-online 4673
Czech Republic
Allianz SA v. Lima TP S.a.r.l. et al.
Cour d'appel de Limoges (Court of Appeal Limoges)
France, 21 March 2013 – 10/00477, CISG-online 2553
Czech Republic
Etablissement Travaux Publics Lancelot v. Lima TP S.a.r.l. et al.
Tribunal de Commerce de Limoges (Commercial Court Limoges)
France, 17 March 2010, CISG-online 4260
Czech Republic
Used car case II
Oberlandesgericht Hamm (Court of Appeal Hamm)
Germany, 02 April 2009 – 28 U 107/08, CISG-online 1978
Czech Republic
Used car case II
Landgericht Bielefeld (District Court Bielefeld)
Germany, 10 July 2008 – 1 O 84/08, CISG-online 3015
Czech Republic
Valero Marketing & Supply Co. v. Greeni Oy
U.S. Court of Appeals (3rd Circuit)
USA, 19 July 2007 – 06-3390, 06-3525, CISG-online 1510
Czech Republic
Valero Marketing & Supply Co. v. Greeni Oy
U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey
USA, 04 April 2006 – 01-5254 (DRD), CISG-online 1216
Czech Republic
Valero Marketing & Supply Co. v. Greeni Oy
U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey
USA, 15 June 2005 – 01-5254 (DRD), CISG-online 1028
Czech Republic
MP-Maustepalvelu Oy v. Omega Spice S.r.l.
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 24 May 2005 – S 04/1600, CISG-online 2369
Czech Republic
MP-Maustepalvelu Oy v. Omega Spice S.r.l.
Hämeenlinnan käräjäoikeus (District Court Hämeenlinna)
Finland, 19 May 2004 – S 03/2166, CISG-online 4327
Czech Republic
Log house case
Kouvolan hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Kouvola)
Finland, 14 March 2007 – S 06/737, CISG-online 4097
Czech Republic
Log house case
Heinolan käräjäoikeus (District Court Heinola)
Finland, 21 April 2006 – 06/425, L 05/947, CISG-online 4095
Czech Republic
Log house case
Korkein oikeus (Finnish Supreme Court)
Finland, 14 October 2005 – 2005:114 / S2004/50, CISG-online 1882
Czech Republic
Log house case
Kouvolan hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Kouvola)
Finland, 13 November 2003, CISG-online 4092
Czech Republic
Log house case
Heinolan käräjäoikeus (District Court Heinola)
Finland, 27 January 2003, CISG-online 4087
Czech Republic
CISG & Unidroit Principles case I
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 2003 – 12097, CISG-online 4985
Czech Republic
Standard Bent Glass Corp. v. Glassrobots Oy
U.S. Court of Appeals (3rd Circuit)
USA, 20 June 2003 – 02-2169, CISG-online 810
Czech Republic
Standard Bent Glass Corp. v. Glassrobots Oy
U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania
USA, 09 April 2002 – 00-cv-02423, CISG-online 4299
Czech Republic
Machine for manufacture of household textile products case
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 2002 – 10377, CISG-online 1419
Czech Republic
Crudex Chemicals Oy v. Landmark Chemicals S.A.
Helsingin hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Helsinki)
Finland, 31 May 2004 – S 01/269, CISG-online 5770
Czech Republic
Crudex Chemicals Oy v. Landmark Chemicals S.A.
Länsi-Uudenmaan käräjäoikeus (District Court Espoo, Western Uusimaa)
Finland, 03 November 2000 – S 96/7875, CISG-online 5718
Czech Republic
Forestry equipment case
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 12 April 2002 – S 97/324, CISG-online 660
Czech Republic
Forestry equipment case
Tampereen käräjäoikeus (District Court Tampere)
Finland, 07 January 2000 – 97/1457, CISG-online 3415
Czech Republic
PDP S.r.l. v. Credito Italiano S.p.A. et al.
Corte di Appello di Milano (Court of Appeal Milan)
Italy, 23 January 2001, CISG-online 1320
Czech Republic
PDP S.r.l. v. Credito Italiano S.p.A. et al.
Tribunale di Milano (District Court Milan)
Italy, 15 June 1998, CISG-online 3824
Czech Republic
Canned food case
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 12 November 1997 – S 97/324, CISG-online 2636
Czech Republic
Canned food case
Tampereen käräjäoikeus (District Court Tampere)
Finland, 17 January 1997 – 95/11193, CISG-online 4086
Czech Republic
Plastic grass carpets case
Helsingin hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Helsinki)
Finland, 26 October 2000 – S 00/82, CISG-online 1078
Czech Republic
Plastic grass carpets case
Helsingin käräjäoikeus (District Court Helsinki)
Finland, 1997, CISG-online 4326
Czech Republic
Steel plates case I
Helsingin hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Helsinki)
Finland, 29 January 1998 – S 96/1129, CISG-online 1302
Czech Republic
Steel plates case I
Helsingin käräjäoikeus (District Court Helsinki)
Finland, 18 July 1995 – 17450, CISG-online 4084
Czech Republic
Packages for animal food case
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 18 February 1997 – S 95/1023, CISG-online 1297
Czech Republic
Packages for animal food case
Turun käräjäoikeus (District Court Turku)
Finland, 16 June 1995 – S 94/4988, CISG-online 4073
Czech Republic
Skin care products case
Helsingin hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Helsinki)
Finland, 30 June 1998 – S 96/1215, CISG-online 1304
Czech Republic
Skin care products case
Helsingin käräjäoikeus (District Court Helsinki)
Finland, 11 June 1995 – 19067 (95/11481), CISG-online 4077
Czech Republic
Nickel-copper cathods case
Oberlandesgericht München (Court of Appeal Munich)
Germany, 08 March 1995 – 7 U 5460/94, CISG-online 145
Czech Republic
Nickel-copper cathods case
Landgericht München I (District Court Munich I)
Germany, 02 August 1994 – 13 HKO 17330/93, CISG-online 398
Czech Republic
Finnish timber case
Landgericht Oldenburg (District Court Oldenburg)
Germany, 27 April 1994 – 12 O 3725/93, CISG-online 359
Czech Republic
Finnish automatic storage systems case
Kreisgericht Bern VIII Bern-Laupen (Court of First Instance Bern-Laupen)
Switzerland, 07 May 1993, CISG-online 136
Czech Republic
Production line for foamed boards case
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 1992 – 7585 (Final Award), CISG-online 105
Parties from Finland most frequently settled their CISG disputes in:
1. Finland
25 decisions
11 cases
36.67 %
Czech Republic
Tönnies Lebensmittel GmbH & Co KG v. Polarica Oy
Ro­va­nie­men ho­vioi­keus (Court of Appeal Rovaniemi)
Finland, 06 July 2018 – 235 / S 17/161, CISG-online 5549
Czech Republic
Tönnies Lebensmittel GmbH & Co KG v. Polarica Oy
La­pin kä­rä­jä­oi­keus (District Court Lapland)
Finland, 28 October 2016 – 8040, CISG-online 5517
Czech Republic
Oy Pokostore Systems Ltd. v. TP-Konepajat Polska Sp.z o.o
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 18 December 2013 – S 13/1060, CISG-online 3990
Czech Republic
Oy Pokostore Systems Ltd. v. TP-Konepajat Polska Sp.z o.o
Pirkanmaan käräjäoikeus (District Court Pirkanmaa)
Finland, 19 April 2013 – 14535, CISG-online 3988
Czech Republic
Log house case
Kouvolan hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Kouvola)
Finland, 14 March 2007 – S 06/737, CISG-online 4097
Czech Republic
Log house case
Heinolan käräjäoikeus (District Court Heinola)
Finland, 21 April 2006 – 06/425, L 05/947, CISG-online 4095
Czech Republic
Log house case
Korkein oikeus (Finnish Supreme Court)
Finland, 14 October 2005 – 2005:114 / S2004/50, CISG-online 1882
Czech Republic
MP-Maustepalvelu Oy v. Omega Spice S.r.l.
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 24 May 2005 – S 04/1600, CISG-online 2369
Czech Republic
Crudex Chemicals Oy v. Landmark Chemicals S.A.
Helsingin hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Helsinki)
Finland, 31 May 2004 – S 01/269, CISG-online 5770
Czech Republic
MP-Maustepalvelu Oy v. Omega Spice S.r.l.
Hämeenlinnan käräjäoikeus (District Court Hämeenlinna)
Finland, 19 May 2004 – S 03/2166, CISG-online 4327
Czech Republic
Log house case
Kouvolan hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Kouvola)
Finland, 13 November 2003, CISG-online 4092
Czech Republic
Log house case
Heinolan käräjäoikeus (District Court Heinola)
Finland, 27 January 2003, CISG-online 4087
Czech Republic
Forestry equipment case
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 12 April 2002 – S 97/324, CISG-online 660
Czech Republic
Crudex Chemicals Oy v. Landmark Chemicals S.A.
Länsi-Uudenmaan käräjäoikeus (District Court Espoo, Western Uusimaa)
Finland, 03 November 2000 – S 96/7875, CISG-online 5718
Czech Republic
Plastic grass carpets case
Helsingin hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Helsinki)
Finland, 26 October 2000 – S 00/82, CISG-online 1078
Czech Republic
Forestry equipment case
Tampereen käräjäoikeus (District Court Tampere)
Finland, 07 January 2000 – 97/1457, CISG-online 3415
Czech Republic
Skin care products case
Helsingin hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Helsinki)
Finland, 30 June 1998 – S 96/1215, CISG-online 1304
Czech Republic
Steel plates case I
Helsingin hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Helsinki)
Finland, 29 January 1998 – S 96/1129, CISG-online 1302
Czech Republic
Canned food case
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 12 November 1997 – S 97/324, CISG-online 2636
Czech Republic
Packages for animal food case
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 18 February 1997 – S 95/1023, CISG-online 1297
Czech Republic
Canned food case
Tampereen käräjäoikeus (District Court Tampere)
Finland, 17 January 1997 – 95/11193, CISG-online 4086
Czech Republic
Plastic grass carpets case
Helsingin käräjäoikeus (District Court Helsinki)
Finland, 1997, CISG-online 4326
Czech Republic
Steel plates case I
Helsingin käräjäoikeus (District Court Helsinki)
Finland, 18 July 1995 – 17450, CISG-online 4084
Czech Republic
Packages for animal food case
Turun käräjäoikeus (District Court Turku)
Finland, 16 June 1995 – S 94/4988, CISG-online 4073
Czech Republic
Skin care products case
Helsingin käräjäoikeus (District Court Helsinki)
Finland, 11 June 1995 – 19067 (95/11481), CISG-online 4077
Czech Republic
Tönnies Lebensmittel GmbH & Co KG v. Polarica Oy
Ro­va­nie­men ho­vioi­keus (Court of Appeal Rovaniemi)
Finland, 06 July 2018 – 235 / S 17/161, CISG-online 5549
Czech Republic
Tönnies Lebensmittel GmbH & Co KG v. Polarica Oy
La­pin kä­rä­jä­oi­keus (District Court Lapland)
Finland, 28 October 2016 – 8040, CISG-online 5517
Czech Republic
Oy Pokostore Systems Ltd. v. TP-Konepajat Polska Sp.z o.o
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 18 December 2013 – S 13/1060, CISG-online 3990
Czech Republic
Oy Pokostore Systems Ltd. v. TP-Konepajat Polska Sp.z o.o
Pirkanmaan käräjäoikeus (District Court Pirkanmaa)
Finland, 19 April 2013 – 14535, CISG-online 3988
Czech Republic
MP-Maustepalvelu Oy v. Omega Spice S.r.l.
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 24 May 2005 – S 04/1600, CISG-online 2369
Czech Republic
MP-Maustepalvelu Oy v. Omega Spice S.r.l.
Hämeenlinnan käräjäoikeus (District Court Hämeenlinna)
Finland, 19 May 2004 – S 03/2166, CISG-online 4327
Czech Republic
Log house case
Kouvolan hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Kouvola)
Finland, 14 March 2007 – S 06/737, CISG-online 4097
Czech Republic
Log house case
Heinolan käräjäoikeus (District Court Heinola)
Finland, 21 April 2006 – 06/425, L 05/947, CISG-online 4095
Czech Republic
Log house case
Korkein oikeus (Finnish Supreme Court)
Finland, 14 October 2005 – 2005:114 / S2004/50, CISG-online 1882
Czech Republic
Log house case
Kouvolan hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Kouvola)
Finland, 13 November 2003, CISG-online 4092
Czech Republic
Log house case
Heinolan käräjäoikeus (District Court Heinola)
Finland, 27 January 2003, CISG-online 4087
Czech Republic
Crudex Chemicals Oy v. Landmark Chemicals S.A.
Helsingin hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Helsinki)
Finland, 31 May 2004 – S 01/269, CISG-online 5770
Czech Republic
Crudex Chemicals Oy v. Landmark Chemicals S.A.
Länsi-Uudenmaan käräjäoikeus (District Court Espoo, Western Uusimaa)
Finland, 03 November 2000 – S 96/7875, CISG-online 5718
Czech Republic
Forestry equipment case
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 12 April 2002 – S 97/324, CISG-online 660
Czech Republic
Forestry equipment case
Tampereen käräjäoikeus (District Court Tampere)
Finland, 07 January 2000 – 97/1457, CISG-online 3415
Czech Republic
Canned food case
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 12 November 1997 – S 97/324, CISG-online 2636
Czech Republic
Canned food case
Tampereen käräjäoikeus (District Court Tampere)
Finland, 17 January 1997 – 95/11193, CISG-online 4086
Czech Republic
Plastic grass carpets case
Helsingin hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Helsinki)
Finland, 26 October 2000 – S 00/82, CISG-online 1078
Czech Republic
Plastic grass carpets case
Helsingin käräjäoikeus (District Court Helsinki)
Finland, 1997, CISG-online 4326
Czech Republic
Steel plates case I
Helsingin hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Helsinki)
Finland, 29 January 1998 – S 96/1129, CISG-online 1302
Czech Republic
Steel plates case I
Helsingin käräjäoikeus (District Court Helsinki)
Finland, 18 July 1995 – 17450, CISG-online 4084
Czech Republic
Packages for animal food case
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 18 February 1997 – S 95/1023, CISG-online 1297
Czech Republic
Packages for animal food case
Turun käräjäoikeus (District Court Turku)
Finland, 16 June 1995 – S 94/4988, CISG-online 4073
Czech Republic
Skin care products case
Helsingin hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Helsinki)
Finland, 30 June 1998 – S 96/1215, CISG-online 1304
Czech Republic
Skin care products case
Helsingin käräjäoikeus (District Court Helsinki)
Finland, 11 June 1995 – 19067 (95/11481), CISG-online 4077
2. Arbitration
5 decisions
5 cases
16.67 %
Czech Republic
Raisio Nutrition Ltd. v. Oat Solutions LLC
Ad hoc Arbitral Tribunal
Arbitration, 05 November 2014, CISG-online 6006
Czech Republic
Research in Motion Limited v. Nokia Corporation
Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC)
Arbitration, 06 November 2012 – 044/2011, CISG-online 6099
Czech Republic
CISG & Unidroit Principles case I
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 2003 – 12097, CISG-online 4985
Czech Republic
Machine for manufacture of household textile products case
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 2002 – 10377, CISG-online 1419
Czech Republic
Production line for foamed boards case
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 1992 – 7585 (Final Award), CISG-online 105
Czech Republic
Raisio Nutrition Ltd. v. Oat Solutions LLC
Ad hoc Arbitral Tribunal
Arbitration, 05 November 2014, CISG-online 6006
Czech Republic
Research in Motion Limited v. Nokia Corporation
Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC)
Arbitration, 06 November 2012 – 044/2011, CISG-online 6099
Czech Republic
CISG & Unidroit Principles case I
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 2003 – 12097, CISG-online 4985
Czech Republic
Machine for manufacture of household textile products case
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 2002 – 10377, CISG-online 1419
Czech Republic
Production line for foamed boards case
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 1992 – 7585 (Final Award), CISG-online 105
3. Germany
6 decisions
4 cases
13.33 %
Czech Republic
Used MAN truck case
Landgericht Stade (District Court Stade)
Germany, 19 February 2015 – 8 O 135/13, CISG-online 2669
Czech Republic
Used car case II
Oberlandesgericht Hamm (Court of Appeal Hamm)
Germany, 02 April 2009 – 28 U 107/08, CISG-online 1978
Czech Republic
Used car case II
Landgericht Bielefeld (District Court Bielefeld)
Germany, 10 July 2008 – 1 O 84/08, CISG-online 3015
Czech Republic
Nickel-copper cathods case
Oberlandesgericht München (Court of Appeal Munich)
Germany, 08 March 1995 – 7 U 5460/94, CISG-online 145
Czech Republic
Nickel-copper cathods case
Landgericht München I (District Court Munich I)
Germany, 02 August 1994 – 13 HKO 17330/93, CISG-online 398
Czech Republic
Finnish timber case
Landgericht Oldenburg (District Court Oldenburg)
Germany, 27 April 1994 – 12 O 3725/93, CISG-online 359
Czech Republic
Used MAN truck case
Landgericht Stade (District Court Stade)
Germany, 19 February 2015 – 8 O 135/13, CISG-online 2669
Czech Republic
Used car case II
Oberlandesgericht Hamm (Court of Appeal Hamm)
Germany, 02 April 2009 – 28 U 107/08, CISG-online 1978
Czech Republic
Used car case II
Landgericht Bielefeld (District Court Bielefeld)
Germany, 10 July 2008 – 1 O 84/08, CISG-online 3015
Czech Republic
Nickel-copper cathods case
Oberlandesgericht München (Court of Appeal Munich)
Germany, 08 March 1995 – 7 U 5460/94, CISG-online 145
Czech Republic
Nickel-copper cathods case
Landgericht München I (District Court Munich I)
Germany, 02 August 1994 – 13 HKO 17330/93, CISG-online 398
Czech Republic
Finnish timber case
Landgericht Oldenburg (District Court Oldenburg)
Germany, 27 April 1994 – 12 O 3725/93, CISG-online 359
4. Estonia
6 decisions
3 cases
10.00 %
Czech Republic
Huoltovarmuuskeskus v. The Look Medical Care OÜ
Tallinna Ringkonnakohus (Court of Appeal Tallinn)
Estonia, 07 April 2021 – 2-20-5806, CISG-online 5914
Czech Republic
Huoltovarmuuskeskus v. The Look Medical Care OÜ
Harju Maakohtus (County Court Harju)
Estonia, 13 July 2020 – 2-20-5806, CISG-online 5844
Czech Republic
Romuliike Mäki Ky v. Demokapital OÜ
Tallinna Ringkonnakohus (Court of Appeal Tallinn)
Estonia, 08 October 2018 – 2-17-8837, CISG-online 4005
Czech Republic
Romuliike Mäki Ky v. Demokapital OÜ
Harju Maakohtus (County Court Harju)
Estonia, 22 February 2018 – 2-17-8837, CISG-online 4003
Czech Republic
Aktsiaseltsi Filter v. Vapor Boilers Finland Oy
Tallinna Ringkonnakohus (Court of Appeal Tallinn)
Estonia, 07 March 2016 – 2-14-57167, CISG-online 4015
Czech Republic
Aktsiaseltsi Filter v. Vapor Boilers Finland Oy
Harju Maakohtus (County Court Harju)
Estonia, 30 September 2015, CISG-online 4012
Czech Republic
Huoltovarmuuskeskus v. The Look Medical Care OÜ
Tallinna Ringkonnakohus (Court of Appeal Tallinn)
Estonia, 07 April 2021 – 2-20-5806, CISG-online 5914
Czech Republic
Huoltovarmuuskeskus v. The Look Medical Care OÜ
Harju Maakohtus (County Court Harju)
Estonia, 13 July 2020 – 2-20-5806, CISG-online 5844
Czech Republic
Romuliike Mäki Ky v. Demokapital OÜ
Tallinna Ringkonnakohus (Court of Appeal Tallinn)
Estonia, 08 October 2018 – 2-17-8837, CISG-online 4005
Czech Republic
Romuliike Mäki Ky v. Demokapital OÜ
Harju Maakohtus (County Court Harju)
Estonia, 22 February 2018 – 2-17-8837, CISG-online 4003
Czech Republic
Aktsiaseltsi Filter v. Vapor Boilers Finland Oy
Tallinna Ringkonnakohus (Court of Appeal Tallinn)
Estonia, 07 March 2016 – 2-14-57167, CISG-online 4015
Czech Republic
Aktsiaseltsi Filter v. Vapor Boilers Finland Oy
Harju Maakohtus (County Court Harju)
Estonia, 30 September 2015, CISG-online 4012
5. USA
5 decisions
2 cases
6.67 %
Czech Republic
Valero Marketing & Supply Co. v. Greeni Oy
U.S. Court of Appeals (3rd Circuit)
USA, 19 July 2007 – 06-3390, 06-3525, CISG-online 1510
Czech Republic
Valero Marketing & Supply Co. v. Greeni Oy
U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey
USA, 04 April 2006 – 01-5254 (DRD), CISG-online 1216
Czech Republic
Valero Marketing & Supply Co. v. Greeni Oy
U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey
USA, 15 June 2005 – 01-5254 (DRD), CISG-online 1028
Czech Republic
Standard Bent Glass Corp. v. Glassrobots Oy
U.S. Court of Appeals (3rd Circuit)
USA, 20 June 2003 – 02-2169, CISG-online 810
Czech Republic
Standard Bent Glass Corp. v. Glassrobots Oy
U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania
USA, 09 April 2002 – 00-cv-02423, CISG-online 4299
Czech Republic
Valero Marketing & Supply Co. v. Greeni Oy
U.S. Court of Appeals (3rd Circuit)
USA, 19 July 2007 – 06-3390, 06-3525, CISG-online 1510
Czech Republic
Valero Marketing & Supply Co. v. Greeni Oy
U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey
USA, 04 April 2006 – 01-5254 (DRD), CISG-online 1216
Czech Republic
Valero Marketing & Supply Co. v. Greeni Oy
U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey
USA, 15 June 2005 – 01-5254 (DRD), CISG-online 1028
Czech Republic
Standard Bent Glass Corp. v. Glassrobots Oy
U.S. Court of Appeals (3rd Circuit)
USA, 20 June 2003 – 02-2169, CISG-online 810
Czech Republic
Standard Bent Glass Corp. v. Glassrobots Oy
U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania
USA, 09 April 2002 – 00-cv-02423, CISG-online 4299
6. Italy
2 decisions
1 case
3.33 %
Czech Republic
PDP S.r.l. v. Credito Italiano S.p.A. et al.
Corte di Appello di Milano (Court of Appeal Milan)
Italy, 23 January 2001, CISG-online 1320
Czech Republic
PDP S.r.l. v. Credito Italiano S.p.A. et al.
Tribunale di Milano (District Court Milan)
Italy, 15 June 1998, CISG-online 3824
Czech Republic
PDP S.r.l. v. Credito Italiano S.p.A. et al.
Corte di Appello di Milano (Court of Appeal Milan)
Italy, 23 January 2001, CISG-online 1320
Czech Republic
PDP S.r.l. v. Credito Italiano S.p.A. et al.
Tribunale di Milano (District Court Milan)
Italy, 15 June 1998, CISG-online 3824
7. France
2 decisions
1 case
3.33 %
Czech Republic
Allianz SA v. Lima TP S.a.r.l. et al.
Cour d'appel de Limoges (Court of Appeal Limoges)
France, 21 March 2013 – 10/00477, CISG-online 2553
Czech Republic
Etablissement Travaux Publics Lancelot v. Lima TP S.a.r.l. et al.
Tribunal de Commerce de Limoges (Commercial Court Limoges)
France, 17 March 2010, CISG-online 4260
Czech Republic
Allianz SA v. Lima TP S.a.r.l. et al.
Cour d'appel de Limoges (Court of Appeal Limoges)
France, 21 March 2013 – 10/00477, CISG-online 2553
Czech Republic
Etablissement Travaux Publics Lancelot v. Lima TP S.a.r.l. et al.
Tribunal de Commerce de Limoges (Commercial Court Limoges)
France, 17 March 2010, CISG-online 4260
8. Netherlands
1 decision
1 case
3.33 %
Czech Republic
Unikon B.V. v. Kometos Oy
Rechtbank Arnhem (District Court Arnhem)
Netherlands, 11 January 2012 – 211512, CISG-online 4673
Czech Republic
Unikon B.V. v. Kometos Oy
Rechtbank Arnhem (District Court Arnhem)
Netherlands, 11 January 2012 – 211512, CISG-online 4673
9. Switzerland
1 decision
1 case
3.33 %
Czech Republic
Finnish automatic storage systems case
Kreisgericht Bern VIII Bern-Laupen (Court of First Instance Bern-Laupen)
Switzerland, 07 May 1993, CISG-online 136
Czech Republic
Finnish automatic storage systems case
Kreisgericht Bern VIII Bern-Laupen (Court of First Instance Bern-Laupen)
Switzerland, 07 May 1993, CISG-online 136
10. Belgium
1 decision
1 case
3.33 %
Czech Republic
EU v. AstraZeneca AB
Tribunal de première instance francophone de Bruxelles
Belgium, 18 June 2021 – 2021/48/C, CISG-online 5607
Czech Republic
EU v. AstraZeneca AB
Tribunal de première instance francophone de Bruxelles
Belgium, 18 June 2021 – 2021/48/C, CISG-online 5607
Goods most frequently traded under the CISG by buyers and sellers from Finland:
1. Machinery specialized for particular industries
11 decisions
7 cases
12.96 %
Czech Republic
Allianz SA v. Lima TP S.a.r.l. et al.
Cour d'appel de Limoges (Court of Appeal Limoges)
France, 21 March 2013 – 10/00477, CISG-online 2553
Czech Republic
Unikon B.V. v. Kometos Oy
Rechtbank Arnhem (District Court Arnhem)
Netherlands, 11 January 2012 – 211512, CISG-online 4673
Czech Republic
Etablissement Travaux Publics Lancelot v. Lima TP S.a.r.l. et al.
Tribunal de Commerce de Limoges (Commercial Court Limoges)
France, 17 March 2010, CISG-online 4260
Czech Republic
Standard Bent Glass Corp. v. Glassrobots Oy
U.S. Court of Appeals (3rd Circuit)
USA, 20 June 2003 – 02-2169, CISG-online 810
Czech Republic
Forestry equipment case
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 12 April 2002 – S 97/324, CISG-online 660
Czech Republic
Standard Bent Glass Corp. v. Glassrobots Oy
U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania
USA, 09 April 2002 – 00-cv-02423, CISG-online 4299
Czech Republic
Machine for manufacture of household textile products case
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 2002 – 10377, CISG-online 1419
Czech Republic
PDP S.r.l. v. Credito Italiano S.p.A. et al.
Corte di Appello di Milano (Court of Appeal Milan)
Italy, 23 January 2001, CISG-online 1320
Czech Republic
Forestry equipment case
Tampereen käräjäoikeus (District Court Tampere)
Finland, 07 January 2000 – 97/1457, CISG-online 3415
Czech Republic
PDP S.r.l. v. Credito Italiano S.p.A. et al.
Tribunale di Milano (District Court Milan)
Italy, 15 June 1998, CISG-online 3824
Czech Republic
Production line for foamed boards case
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 1992 – 7585 (Final Award), CISG-online 105
Czech Republic
Unikon B.V. v. Kometos Oy
Rechtbank Arnhem (District Court Arnhem)
Netherlands, 11 January 2012 – 211512, CISG-online 4673
Czech Republic
Allianz SA v. Lima TP S.a.r.l. et al.
Cour d'appel de Limoges (Court of Appeal Limoges)
France, 21 March 2013 – 10/00477, CISG-online 2553
Czech Republic
Etablissement Travaux Publics Lancelot v. Lima TP S.a.r.l. et al.
Tribunal de Commerce de Limoges (Commercial Court Limoges)
France, 17 March 2010, CISG-online 4260
Czech Republic
Standard Bent Glass Corp. v. Glassrobots Oy
U.S. Court of Appeals (3rd Circuit)
USA, 20 June 2003 – 02-2169, CISG-online 810
Czech Republic
Standard Bent Glass Corp. v. Glassrobots Oy
U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania
USA, 09 April 2002 – 00-cv-02423, CISG-online 4299
Czech Republic
Machine for manufacture of household textile products case
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 2002 – 10377, CISG-online 1419
Czech Republic
Forestry equipment case
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 12 April 2002 – S 97/324, CISG-online 660
Czech Republic
Forestry equipment case
Tampereen käräjäoikeus (District Court Tampere)
Finland, 07 January 2000 – 97/1457, CISG-online 3415
Czech Republic
PDP S.r.l. v. Credito Italiano S.p.A. et al.
Corte di Appello di Milano (Court of Appeal Milan)
Italy, 23 January 2001, CISG-online 1320
Czech Republic
PDP S.r.l. v. Credito Italiano S.p.A. et al.
Tribunale di Milano (District Court Milan)
Italy, 15 June 1998, CISG-online 3824
Czech Republic
Production line for foamed boards case
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 1992 – 7585 (Final Award), CISG-online 105
2. Iron and steel
4 decisions
2 cases
3.70 %
Czech Republic
Oy Pokostore Systems Ltd. v. TP-Konepajat Polska Sp.z o.o
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 18 December 2013 – S 13/1060, CISG-online 3990
Czech Republic
Oy Pokostore Systems Ltd. v. TP-Konepajat Polska Sp.z o.o
Pirkanmaan käräjäoikeus (District Court Pirkanmaa)
Finland, 19 April 2013 – 14535, CISG-online 3988
Czech Republic
Steel plates case I
Helsingin hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Helsinki)
Finland, 29 January 1998 – S 96/1129, CISG-online 1302
Czech Republic
Steel plates case I
Helsingin käräjäoikeus (District Court Helsinki)
Finland, 18 July 1995 – 17450, CISG-online 4084
Czech Republic
Oy Pokostore Systems Ltd. v. TP-Konepajat Polska Sp.z o.o
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 18 December 2013 – S 13/1060, CISG-online 3990
Czech Republic
Oy Pokostore Systems Ltd. v. TP-Konepajat Polska Sp.z o.o
Pirkanmaan käräjäoikeus (District Court Pirkanmaa)
Finland, 19 April 2013 – 14535, CISG-online 3988
Czech Republic
Steel plates case I
Helsingin hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Helsinki)
Finland, 29 January 1998 – S 96/1129, CISG-online 1302
Czech Republic
Steel plates case I
Helsingin käräjäoikeus (District Court Helsinki)
Finland, 18 July 1995 – 17450, CISG-online 4084
3. Miscellaneous manufactured articles, not elsewhere specified
4 decisions
2 cases
3.70 %
Czech Republic
Plastic grass carpets case
Helsingin hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Helsinki)
Finland, 26 October 2000 – S 00/82, CISG-online 1078
Czech Republic
Packages for animal food case
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 18 February 1997 – S 95/1023, CISG-online 1297
Czech Republic
Plastic grass carpets case
Helsingin käräjäoikeus (District Court Helsinki)
Finland, 1997, CISG-online 4326
Czech Republic
Packages for animal food case
Turun käräjäoikeus (District Court Turku)
Finland, 16 June 1995 – S 94/4988, CISG-online 4073
Czech Republic
Plastic grass carpets case
Helsingin hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Helsinki)
Finland, 26 October 2000 – S 00/82, CISG-online 1078
Czech Republic
Plastic grass carpets case
Helsingin käräjäoikeus (District Court Helsinki)
Finland, 1997, CISG-online 4326
Czech Republic
Packages for animal food case
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 18 February 1997 – S 95/1023, CISG-online 1297
Czech Republic
Packages for animal food case
Turun käräjäoikeus (District Court Turku)
Finland, 16 June 1995 – S 94/4988, CISG-online 4073
4. Medicinal and pharmaceutical products
3 decisions
2 cases
3.70 %
Czech Republic
EU v. AstraZeneca AB
Tribunal de première instance francophone de Bruxelles
Belgium, 18 June 2021 – 2021/48/C, CISG-online 5607
Czech Republic
Huoltovarmuuskeskus v. The Look Medical Care OÜ
Tallinna Ringkonnakohus (Court of Appeal Tallinn)
Estonia, 07 April 2021 – 2-20-5806, CISG-online 5914
Czech Republic
Huoltovarmuuskeskus v. The Look Medical Care OÜ
Harju Maakohtus (County Court Harju)
Estonia, 13 July 2020 – 2-20-5806, CISG-online 5844
Czech Republic
EU v. AstraZeneca AB
Tribunal de première instance francophone de Bruxelles
Belgium, 18 June 2021 – 2021/48/C, CISG-online 5607
Czech Republic
Huoltovarmuuskeskus v. The Look Medical Care OÜ
Tallinna Ringkonnakohus (Court of Appeal Tallinn)
Estonia, 07 April 2021 – 2-20-5806, CISG-online 5914
Czech Republic
Huoltovarmuuskeskus v. The Look Medical Care OÜ
Harju Maakohtus (County Court Harju)
Estonia, 13 July 2020 – 2-20-5806, CISG-online 5844
5. Manufactures of metals, not elsewhere specified
3 decisions
2 cases
3.70 %
Czech Republic
Nickel-copper cathods case
Oberlandesgericht München (Court of Appeal Munich)
Germany, 08 March 1995 – 7 U 5460/94, CISG-online 145
Czech Republic
Nickel-copper cathods case
Landgericht München I (District Court Munich I)
Germany, 02 August 1994 – 13 HKO 17330/93, CISG-online 398
Czech Republic
Finnish automatic storage systems case
Kreisgericht Bern VIII Bern-Laupen (Court of First Instance Bern-Laupen)
Switzerland, 07 May 1993, CISG-online 136
Czech Republic
Nickel-copper cathods case
Oberlandesgericht München (Court of Appeal Munich)
Germany, 08 March 1995 – 7 U 5460/94, CISG-online 145
Czech Republic
Nickel-copper cathods case
Landgericht München I (District Court Munich I)
Germany, 02 August 1994 – 13 HKO 17330/93, CISG-online 398
Czech Republic
Finnish automatic storage systems case
Kreisgericht Bern VIII Bern-Laupen (Court of First Instance Bern-Laupen)
Switzerland, 07 May 1993, CISG-online 136
6. Road vehicles (including air-cushion vehicles)
3 decisions
2 cases
3.70 %
Czech Republic
Used MAN truck case
Landgericht Stade (District Court Stade)
Germany, 19 February 2015 – 8 O 135/13, CISG-online 2669
Czech Republic
Used car case II
Oberlandesgericht Hamm (Court of Appeal Hamm)
Germany, 02 April 2009 – 28 U 107/08, CISG-online 1978
Czech Republic
Used car case II
Landgericht Bielefeld (District Court Bielefeld)
Germany, 10 July 2008 – 1 O 84/08, CISG-online 3015
Czech Republic
Used MAN truck case
Landgericht Stade (District Court Stade)
Germany, 19 February 2015 – 8 O 135/13, CISG-online 2669
Czech Republic
Used car case II
Oberlandesgericht Hamm (Court of Appeal Hamm)
Germany, 02 April 2009 – 28 U 107/08, CISG-online 1978
Czech Republic
Used car case II
Landgericht Bielefeld (District Court Bielefeld)
Germany, 10 July 2008 – 1 O 84/08, CISG-online 3015
7. Unspecified goods
2 decisions
2 cases
3.70 %
Czech Republic
Raisio Nutrition Ltd. v. Oat Solutions LLC
Ad hoc Arbitral Tribunal
Arbitration, 05 November 2014, CISG-online 6006
Czech Republic
CISG & Unidroit Principles case I
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 2003 – 12097, CISG-online 4985
Czech Republic
Raisio Nutrition Ltd. v. Oat Solutions LLC
Ad hoc Arbitral Tribunal
Arbitration, 05 November 2014, CISG-online 6006
Czech Republic
CISG & Unidroit Principles case I
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 2003 – 12097, CISG-online 4985
8. Cork and wood manufactures (excluding furniture)
5 decisions
1 case
1.85 %
Czech Republic
Log house case
Kouvolan hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Kouvola)
Finland, 14 March 2007 – S 06/737, CISG-online 4097
Czech Republic
Log house case
Heinolan käräjäoikeus (District Court Heinola)
Finland, 21 April 2006 – 06/425, L 05/947, CISG-online 4095
Czech Republic
Log house case
Korkein oikeus (Finnish Supreme Court)
Finland, 14 October 2005 – 2005:114 / S2004/50, CISG-online 1882
Czech Republic
Log house case
Kouvolan hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Kouvola)
Finland, 13 November 2003, CISG-online 4092
Czech Republic
Log house case
Heinolan käräjäoikeus (District Court Heinola)
Finland, 27 January 2003, CISG-online 4087
Czech Republic
Log house case
Kouvolan hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Kouvola)
Finland, 14 March 2007 – S 06/737, CISG-online 4097
Czech Republic
Log house case
Heinolan käräjäoikeus (District Court Heinola)
Finland, 21 April 2006 – 06/425, L 05/947, CISG-online 4095
Czech Republic
Log house case
Korkein oikeus (Finnish Supreme Court)
Finland, 14 October 2005 – 2005:114 / S2004/50, CISG-online 1882
Czech Republic
Log house case
Kouvolan hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Kouvola)
Finland, 13 November 2003, CISG-online 4092
Czech Republic
Log house case
Heinolan käräjäoikeus (District Court Heinola)
Finland, 27 January 2003, CISG-online 4087
9. Petroleum, petroleum products and related materials
3 decisions
1 case
1.85 %
Czech Republic
Valero Marketing & Supply Co. v. Greeni Oy
U.S. Court of Appeals (3rd Circuit)
USA, 19 July 2007 – 06-3390, 06-3525, CISG-online 1510
Czech Republic
Valero Marketing & Supply Co. v. Greeni Oy
U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey
USA, 04 April 2006 – 01-5254 (DRD), CISG-online 1216
Czech Republic
Valero Marketing & Supply Co. v. Greeni Oy
U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey
USA, 15 June 2005 – 01-5254 (DRD), CISG-online 1028
Czech Republic
Valero Marketing & Supply Co. v. Greeni Oy
U.S. Court of Appeals (3rd Circuit)
USA, 19 July 2007 – 06-3390, 06-3525, CISG-online 1510
Czech Republic
Valero Marketing & Supply Co. v. Greeni Oy
U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey
USA, 04 April 2006 – 01-5254 (DRD), CISG-online 1216
Czech Republic
Valero Marketing & Supply Co. v. Greeni Oy
U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey
USA, 15 June 2005 – 01-5254 (DRD), CISG-online 1028
10. Meat and meat preparations
2 decisions
1 case
1.85 %
Czech Republic
Tönnies Lebensmittel GmbH & Co KG v. Polarica Oy
Ro­va­nie­men ho­vioi­keus (Court of Appeal Rovaniemi)
Finland, 06 July 2018 – 235 / S 17/161, CISG-online 5549
Czech Republic
Tönnies Lebensmittel GmbH & Co KG v. Polarica Oy
La­pin kä­rä­jä­oi­keus (District Court Lapland)
Finland, 28 October 2016 – 8040, CISG-online 5517
Czech Republic
Tönnies Lebensmittel GmbH & Co KG v. Polarica Oy
Ro­va­nie­men ho­vioi­keus (Court of Appeal Rovaniemi)
Finland, 06 July 2018 – 235 / S 17/161, CISG-online 5549
Czech Republic
Tönnies Lebensmittel GmbH & Co KG v. Polarica Oy
La­pin kä­rä­jä­oi­keus (District Court Lapland)
Finland, 28 October 2016 – 8040, CISG-online 5517
Parties from Finland were involved in CISG transactions:
as seller: 17 = 51.52 %
as buyer: 14 = 42.42 %
in other roles: 2 = 6.06 %
CISG decisions by courts in Finland:
Korkein oikeus
(Finnish Supreme Court)
Czech Republic
Log house case
Korkein oikeus (Finnish Supreme Court)
Finland, 14 October 2005 – 2005:114 / S2004/50, CISG-online 1882
Helsingin hovioikeus
(Court of Appeal Helsinki)
Czech Republic
Crudex Chemicals Oy v. Landmark Chemicals S.A.
Helsingin hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Helsinki)
Finland, 31 May 2004 – S 01/269, CISG-online 5770
Czech Republic
Plastic grass carpets case
Helsingin hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Helsinki)
Finland, 26 October 2000 – S 00/82, CISG-online 1078
Czech Republic
Skin care products case
Helsingin hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Helsinki)
Finland, 30 June 1998 – S 96/1215, CISG-online 1304
Czech Republic
Steel plates case I
Helsingin hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Helsinki)
Finland, 29 January 1998 – S 96/1129, CISG-online 1302
Czech Republic
Butter case
Helsingin hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Helsinki)
Finland, 27 March 1997 – S 96/605, CISG-online 782
Kouvolan hovioikeus
(Court of Appeal Kouvola)
Czech Republic
Log house case
Kouvolan hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Kouvola)
Finland, 14 March 2007 – S 06/737, CISG-online 4097
Czech Republic
Log house case
Kouvolan hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Kouvola)
Finland, 13 November 2003, CISG-online 4092
Ro­va­nie­men ho­vioi­keus
(Court of Appeal Rovaniemi)
Czech Republic
Tönnies Lebensmittel GmbH & Co KG v. Polarica Oy
Ro­va­nie­men ho­vioi­keus (Court of Appeal Rovaniemi)
Finland, 06 July 2018 – 235 / S 17/161, CISG-online 5549
Turun hovioikeus
(Court of Appeal Turku)
Czech Republic
Oy Pokostore Systems Ltd. v. TP-Konepajat Polska Sp.z o.o
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 18 December 2013 – S 13/1060, CISG-online 3990
Czech Republic
MP-Maustepalvelu Oy v. Omega Spice S.r.l.
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 24 May 2005 – S 04/1600, CISG-online 2369
Czech Republic
Forestry equipment case
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 12 April 2002 – S 97/324, CISG-online 660
Czech Republic
Canned food case
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 12 November 1997 – S 97/324, CISG-online 2636
Czech Republic
Packages for animal food case
Turun hovioikeus (Court of Appeal Turku)
Finland, 18 February 1997 – S 95/1023, CISG-online 1297
Heinolan käräjäoikeus
(District Court Heinola)
Czech Republic
Log house case
Heinolan käräjäoikeus (District Court Heinola)
Finland, 21 April 2006 – 06/425, L 05/947, CISG-online 4095
Czech Republic
Log house case
Heinolan käräjäoikeus (District Court Heinola)
Finland, 27 January 2003, CISG-online 4087
Helsingin käräjäoikeus
(District Court Helsinki)
Czech Republic
Steel plates case I
Helsingin käräjäoikeus (District Court Helsinki)
Finland, 18 July 1995 – 17450, CISG-online 4084
Czech Republic
Skin care products case
Helsingin käräjäoikeus (District Court Helsinki)
Finland, 11 June 1995 – 19067 (95/11481), CISG-online 4077
Czech Republic
Plastic grass carpets case
Helsingin käräjäoikeus (District Court Helsinki)
Finland, 1997, CISG-online 4326
Hämeenlinnan käräjäoikeus
(District Court Hämeenlinna)
Czech Republic
MP-Maustepalvelu Oy v. Omega Spice S.r.l.
Hämeenlinnan käräjäoikeus (District Court Hämeenlinna)
Finland, 19 May 2004 – S 03/2166, CISG-online 4327
La­pin kä­rä­jä­oi­keus
(District Court Lapland)
Czech Republic
Tönnies Lebensmittel GmbH & Co KG v. Polarica Oy
La­pin kä­rä­jä­oi­keus (District Court Lapland)
Finland, 28 October 2016 – 8040, CISG-online 5517
Länsi-Uudenmaan käräjäoikeus
(District Court Espoo, Western Uusimaa)
Czech Republic
Crudex Chemicals Oy v. Landmark Chemicals S.A.
Länsi-Uudenmaan käräjäoikeus (District Court Espoo, Western Uusimaa)
Finland, 03 November 2000 – S 96/7875, CISG-online 5718
Pirkanmaan käräjäoikeus
(District Court Pirkanmaa)
Czech Republic
Oy Pokostore Systems Ltd. v. TP-Konepajat Polska Sp.z o.o
Pirkanmaan käräjäoikeus (District Court Pirkanmaa)
Finland, 19 April 2013 – 14535, CISG-online 3988
Pohjois-Savon käräjäoikeus
(District Court Kuopio, Northern Savonia)
Czech Republic
Butter case
Pohjois-Savon käräjäoikeus (District Court Kuopio, Northern Savonia)
Finland, 05 November 1996 – 95/3214, CISG-online 869
Tampereen käräjäoikeus
(District Court Tampere)
Czech Republic
Forestry equipment case
Tampereen käräjäoikeus (District Court Tampere)
Finland, 07 January 2000 – 97/1457, CISG-online 3415
Czech Republic
Canned food case
Tampereen käräjäoikeus (District Court Tampere)
Finland, 17 January 1997 – 95/11193, CISG-online 4086
Turun käräjäoikeus
(District Court Turku)
Czech Republic
Packages for animal food case
Turun käräjäoikeus (District Court Turku)
Finland, 16 June 1995 – S 94/4988, CISG-online 4073
CISG decisions in arbitrations administered by institutions based in Finland:
Arbitral awards rendered in arbitrations with seat in Finland:
Ad hoc Arbitral Tribunal
Czech Republic
Raisio Nutrition Ltd. v. Oat Solutions LLC
Ad hoc Arbitral Tribunal
Finland, 05 November 2014, CISG-online 6006
Jan Hellner, 'Die Bedeutung des UN-Kaufrechts in Skandinavien', in: Ferenc Majoros (ed.), emptio-venditio inter nationes: Convention de Vienne sur la vente internationale de marchandises/The UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)/Wiener Übereinkommen betreffend Verträge über den internationalen Warenkauf, Basel: Recht und Gesellschaft (1997), 151–169 [– in German]
Riku Paanila & Mikko Saarve, 'Änderungen des UN-Kaufrechts in Finnland und anderen nordischen Ländern', Internationales Handelsrecht (IHR) (2013), 135 [– in German]
Jan Ramberg, 'Unification of Sales Law: a Look at the Scandinavian States', 8 Uniform Law Review/Revue de droit uniforme (Unif. L. Rev.) (2003), 201–208 [– in English]
Leif Sevón, 'Kauppalaki ja YK:n yleissopimus kansainvälistä tavaran kauppaa koskevista sopimuksista', Lakimies (LM) (1988), 1–16 [– in Finnish]
Leif Sevón, 'The New Scandinavian Codification on the Sale of Goods and the 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods', in: Peter Schlechtriem (ed.), Einheitliches Kaufrecht und nationales Obligationenrecht: Fachtagung Einheitliches Kaufrecht der Gesellschaft für Rechtsvergleichung, Freiburg i.Br. 16.–17. Februar 1987, Baden-Baden: Nomos (1987), 343–357 [– in English]
Sanna Tohka, 'Application and the Interpretation of the CISG in Finnish Case Law 1997–2005', Nordic Journal of Commercial Law (NJCL) (2010), #2, 1–21 [– in English]