CISG Advisory Council Opinions in case law

The CISG Advisory Council (CISG-AC) is a group of experts on the CISG that issues and publishes opinions and declarations on the interpretation, application, and the role of the Convention in general. Founded in 2001 in Paris, the CISG-AC is a private initiative without official function. Nevertheless, courts often follow the interpretation suggested by the CISG-AC when applying CISG provisions.

The list of CISG-AC opinions below provides links to the full text of all opinions (accessible via the pdf icons on the left), together with lists of court decisions and arbitral awards that have referred to the respective opinions.

CISG-AC Opinion No. 1 ‘Electronic Communications under CISG’ (Rapporteur: Christina Ramberg), adopted by the CISG Advisory Council on 15 August 2003
Czech Republic
Sargaso Grupe UAB v. Euro Trading Company SIA
Rīgas apgabaltiesa (Court of Appeal Riga)
Latvia, 10 October 2016 – C28248415 / CA-2212-16/23, CISG-online 5062
Czech Republic
Ideal Bike Corp. v. IMPEXO spol. s r.o.
Nejvyšší soud České republiky (Supreme Court of the Czech Republic)
Czech Republic, 17 December 2013 – 23 Cdo 1308/2011, CISG-online 2749
CISG-AC Opinion No. 2 ‘Examination of the Goods and Notice of Non-Conformity – Articles 38 and 39’ (Rapporteur: Eric E. Bergsten), adopted by the CISG Advisory Council on 7 June 2004
Czech Republic
Aan- en Verkoopcoöperatie "De Eendracht" U.A. v. Raiffeisenbank Emsland-Mitte EG et al.
Gerechtshof Arnhem-Leeuwarden (Court of Appeal Arnhem-Leeuwarden)
Netherlands, 21 March 2023 – 200.292.817/01, CISG-online 6261
Czech Republic
[…] v. Edco Eindhoven B.V.
Rechtbank Oost-Brabant (District Court Oost-Brabant)
Netherlands, 04 May 2022 – C/01/364407 / HA ZA 20-720, CISG-online 5906
Czech Republic
Shenzen Synergy Digital Co., Ltd. v. Mingtel, Inc.
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas
USA, 29 March 2022 – 4:19-cv-00216, CISG-online 5845
Czech Republic
Onions case II
Višje sodišce v Ljubljani (Court of Appeal Ljubljana)
Slovenia, 28 April 2016 – VSL sklep I Cpg 1502/2015, CISG-online 5953
Czech Republic
Green Best Sp. z o.o. Sp.k. v. 4 Fruit, spol. s r.o.
Okresný súd Dunajská Streda (District Court Dunajska Streda)
Slovak Republic, 11 June 2015 – 16Cb/124/2015 / 2214218939 , CISG-online 4533
Czech Republic
Belgian pasta case
Gerechtshof Arnhem (Court of Appeal Arnhem)
Netherlands, 09 March 2010 – 104.002.936, CISG-online 2095
CISG-AC Opinion No. 3 ‘Parol Evidence Rule, Plain Meaning Rule, Contractual Merger Clause and the CISG’ (Rapporteur: Richard Hyland), adopted by the CISG Advisory Council at its 7th meeting in Madrid (Spain) on 23 October 2004
Czech Republic
HRC-Hainan Holding Company, LLC v. Hu
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California
USA, 25 February 2020 – 19-MC-80277, CISG-online 5140
Czech Republic
Cedar Petrochemicals, Inc. v. Dongbu Hannong Chemical Co., Ltd.
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York
USA, 28 September 2011 – 06 Civ. 3972 (LTS)(JCF), CISG-online 2338
Czech Republic
Bodum USA, Inc. v. La Cafetière, Inc.
U.S. Court of Appeals (7th Circuit)
USA, 02 September 2010 – 09 1982, CISG-online 2148
Czech Republic
Alpha Prime Development Co. v. Holland Loader Co.
U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado
USA, 06 July 2010 – 09-cv-01763-WYD-KMT, CISG-online 2111
Czech Republic
Caffaro Chimica S.r.l. et al. v. Sipcam Agro USA et al.
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia
USA, 15 July 2008 – 1:07-CV-2471-MHS, CISG-online 5529
Czech Republic
TeeVee Toons, Inc. v. Gerhard Schubert GmbH
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York
USA, 23 August 2006 – 00 Civ. 5189 (RCC), CISG-online 1272
CISG-AC Opinion No. 4 ‘Contracts for the Sale of Goods to be Manufactured or Produced and Mixed Contracts (Article 3 CISG)’ (Rapporteur: Pilar Perales Viscasillas), adopted by the CISG Advisory Council at its 7th meeting in Madrid (Spain) on 24 October 2004
Czech Republic
[…] v. Tarkett Sports B.V.
Rechtbank Oost-Brabant (District Court Oost-Brabant)
Netherlands, 04 September 2024 – C/01/388535 / HA ZA 22-678, CISG-online 7150
Czech Republic
Park Plus Inc. v. Sotefin SA
Swiss Arbitration Centre
Arbitration, 21 September 2023 – 500146-2022 (Final Award), CISG-online 7020
Czech Republic
Inter Rao UES et al. v. CELEC EP
Centro de Arbitraje y Mediación de la Cámara de Comercio de Santiago (CAM Santiago) (Santiago Arbitration and Mediation Centre)
Arbitration, 29 May 2023 – 3568-18, CISG-online 6903
Czech Republic
Energy storage container case
Ondernemingsrechtbank Gent (Commercial Court Ghent)
Belgium, 29 April 2021, CISG-online 7101
Czech Republic
Machinery for a power facility case
Арбитражный центр при Российском союзе промышленников и предпринимателей (Arbitration Centre at the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs)
Arbitration, 12 February 2021 – 75/2020-681, CISG-online 6198
Czech Republic
Industrial plants case
Ad hoc Arbitral Tribunal
Arbitration, 17 December 2019, CISG-online 5221
Czech Republic
Toiletsystem case
Okresný súd Žilina (District Court Žilina)
Slovak Republic, 30 July 2019 – 10Cb/213/2014 / 5114217183, CISG-online 5706
Czech Republic
Coplass di Gianni Cortini e C. S.a.s. v. Rudos Ružomberok s.r.o.
Krajský súd v Žiline (Court of Appeal Zilina)
Slovak Republic, 30 May 2018 – 13Cob/145/2017 / 5914204394, CISG-online 4010
Czech Republic
Coplass di Gianni Cortini e C. S.a.s. v. Rudos Ružomberok s.r.o.
Okresný súd Ružomberok (District Court Ružomberok)
Slovak Republic, 26 April 2017 – 9Cb/7/2014-810 / 1712219837, CISG-online 4011
CISG-AC Opinion No. 5 ‘The Buyer's Right to Avoid the Contract in Case of Non-conforming Goods or Documents’ (Rapporteur: Ingeborg Schwenzer), adopted by the CISG Advisory Council at its 9th meeting in Philadelphia (USA) in 2005
Czech Republic
Hungarian injection moulding tools case
Bundesgerichtshof (German Supreme Court)
Germany, 24 September 2014 – VIII ZR 394/12, CISG-online 2545
Czech Republic
Car paint case
Sąd Okręgowy w Olsztynie (District Court Olsztyn)
Poland, 23 February 2012 – V GC 115/10, CISG-online 4349
Czech Republic
Ferrous metal scrap case
Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 31 March 2008 – 2/2007, CISG-online 4048
Czech Republic
Shoe leather case
Sąd Najwyższy (Supreme Court of Poland)
Poland, 11 May 2007 – V CSK 456/06, CISG-online 1790
CISG-AC Opinion No. 6 ‘Calculation of Damages under CISG Article 74’ (Rapporteur: John Y. Gotanda), adopted by the CISG Advisory Council at its 10th meeting in Stockholm (Sweden) in Spring 2006
Czech Republic
Ponte Vecchio Beheer B.V. v. DST Global Solutions (Realty) Limited
Parket bij de Hoge Raad (Advocate General at the Dutch Supreme Court)
Netherlands, 31 May 2024 – 23/02925, CISG-online 7028
Czech Republic
Goodman Food Products, Inc. v. Sunrise Foods Int'l Inc.
U.S. District Court for the Central District of California
USA, 01 June 2022 – 2:21-cv-06518-SB-ADS, CISG-online 6047
Czech Republic
Shenzen Synergy Digital Co., Ltd. v. Mingtel, Inc.
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas
USA, 29 March 2022 – 4:19-cv-00216, CISG-online 5845
Czech Republic
MaRa Medical-Technical-Aid GmbH v. Ningbo Laida Automotive Technology Co. Ltd.
浙江省宁波市中级人民法院 (Intermediate People's Court Ningbo, Zhejiang Province)
China, 2021 – (2021)浙 02 民初 824 号, CISG-online 6203
Czech Republic
Hewlett-Packard France v. Matrox Graphics Inc.
Cour supérieure du Québec/Superior Court of Québec
Canada, 10 January 2020 – 2020 QCCS 78 / 500-05-070786-023, CISG-online 4876
Czech Republic
Industrial plants case
Ad hoc Arbitral Tribunal
Arbitration, 17 December 2019, CISG-online 5221
Czech Republic
Sunrise Foods Int'l, Inc. v. Ryan Hinton Inc.
U.S. District Court for the District of Idaho
USA, 08 August 2019 – 1:17-CV-00457-CWD, CISG-online 4522
Czech Republic
Toiletsystem case
Okresný súd Žilina (District Court Žilina)
Slovak Republic, 30 July 2019 – 10Cb/213/2014 / 5114217183, CISG-online 5706
Czech Republic
Four Directions Ltd. v. [...]
Rechtbank Amsterdam (District Court Amsterdam)
Netherlands, 07 November 2018 – C/13/613066 / HA ZA 16-774, CISG-online 3732
Czech Republic
Coplass di Gianni Cortini e C. S.a.s. v. Rudos Ružomberok s.r.o.
Krajský súd v Žiline (Court of Appeal Zilina)
Slovak Republic, 30 May 2018 – 13Cob/145/2017 / 5914204394, CISG-online 4010
Czech Republic
Las Cascadas Multiservicios S.A. de C.V. v. Operadora Del Sur, S.A. de C.V.
Corte Suprema de Justicia de El Salvador (Supreme Court of El Salvador)
El Salvador, 05 March 2018 – 183-CAC-2017, CISG-online 4595
Czech Republic
Turkish-Indian sales contract case
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 2018 – 18981 (Final award), CISG-online 3838
Czech Republic
Crawler excavator case I
Okresný súd Dunajská Streda (District Court Dunajska Streda)
Slovak Republic, 17 October 2017 – 16Cb/42/2015 / 2215201958, CISG-online 5557
Czech Republic
Integrated Logistics Co. v. Trading Company P. van Adrighem B.V.
Parket bij de Hoge Raad (Advocate General at the Dutch Supreme Court)
Netherlands, 16 October 2015 – 14/06070, CISG-online 2681
Czech Republic
Trading Company P. van Adrighem B.V. v. Integrated Logistics Co.
Gerechtshof Den Haag (Court of Appeal The Hague)
Netherlands, 26 August 2014 – 369 964 / HA ZA 11-58, CISG-online 2589
CISG-AC Opinion No. 7 ‘Exemption of Liability for Damages Under Article 79 of the CISG’ (Rapporteur: Alejandro M. Garro), adopted by the CISG Advisory Council at its 11th meeting in Wuhan (China) on 12 October 2007
Czech Republic
Diammonium phosphate case
Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (CRCICA)
Arbitration, 19 February 2023 – 1527/2021 (Final Award), CISG-online 6272
Czech Republic
Naftogaz v. Gazprom I (Gas Sales Arbitration)
Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC)
Arbitration, 31 May 2017 – V2014/078/080 (Separate Award), CISG-online 4683
CISG-AC Opinion No. 8 ‘Calculation of Damages under Articles 75 and 76 CISG’ (Rapporteur: John Y. Gotanda), adopted by the CISG Advisory Council following its 12th meeting in Tokyo (Japan) on 15 November 2008
Czech Republic
Sunrise Foods Int'l, Inc. v. Ryan Hinton Inc.
U.S. District Court for the District of Idaho
USA, 08 August 2019 – 1:17-CV-00457-CWD, CISG-online 4522
CISG-AC Opinion No. 9 ‘Consequences of Avoidance of the Contract’ (Rapporteur: Michael Bridge), adopted by the CISG Advisory Council following its 12th meeting in Tokyo (Japan) on 15 November 2008
Czech Republic
KT MOTORSPORT spol. s r.o. v. Garage Vandecasteele NV
Nejvyšší soud České republiky (Supreme Court of the Czech Republic)
Czech Republic, 29 September 2022 – 23 Cdo 1062/2021, CISG-online 6766
Czech Republic
MaRa Medical-Technical-Aid GmbH v. Ningbo Laida Automotive Technology Co. Ltd.
浙江省宁波市中级人民法院 (Intermediate People's Court Ningbo, Zhejiang Province)
China, 2021 – (2021)浙 02 民初 824 号, CISG-online 6203
Czech Republic
Industrial plants case
Ad hoc Arbitral Tribunal
Arbitration, 17 December 2019, CISG-online 5221
Czech Republic
Gemini Corporation N.V. v. 24/7 Media B.V.
Rechtbank Noord-Nederland (District Court Northern Netherlands)
Netherlands, 06 November 2019 – C/18/190826 / HA ZA 19-51, CISG-online 4697
CISG-AC Opinion No. 10 ‘Agreed Sums Payable upon Breach of an Obligation in CISG Contracts’ (Rapporteur: Pascal Hachem), adopted by the CISG Advisory Council following its 16th meeting in Wellington (New Zealand) on 3 August 2012
CISG-AC Opinion No. 11 ‘Issues Raised by Documents under the CISG Focusing on the Buyer’s Payment Duty’ (Rapporteur: Martin Davies), adopted by the CISG Advisory Council following its 16th meeting in Wellington (New Zealand) on 3 August 2012
CISG-AC Opinion No. 12 ‘Liability of the Seller for Damages Arising out of Personal Injuries and Property Damage Caused by Goods and Services under the CISG’ (Rapporteur: Hiroo Sono), adopted by the CISG Advisory Council following its 17th meeting in Philadelphia (USA) on 20 January 2013
CISG-AC Opinion No. 13 ‘Inclusion of Standard Terms under the CISG’ (Rapporteur: Sieg Eiselen), adopted by the CISG Advisory Council following its 17th meeting in Philadelphia (USA) on 20 January 2013
Czech Republic
Bunker Partner OU et al. v. Golden Arrow Olieproducten Amsterdam B.V.
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 31 July 2024 – C/10/656674 / HA ZA 23-392, CISG-online 7118
Czech Republic
Garage Door Systems, LLC v. Blue Giant Equipment Corp.
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana
USA, 20 June 2024 – 1:23-cv-02223-JMS-KMB, CISG-online 7026
Czech Republic
United Auto Enterprises BVBA v. OC Group B.V.
Gerechtshof Den Haag (Court of Appeal The Hague)
Netherlands, 08 August 2023 – 200.308.899/01, CISG-online 6429
Czech Republic
United Product Tankers Ltd et al. v. Golden Arrow Olieproducten Amsterdam B.V.
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 17 May 2023 – C/10/617127 / HA ZA 21-368, CISG-online 6541
Czech Republic
Redis Market S.r.l. v. SRG International B.V.
Rechtbank Zeeland-West-Brabant (District Court Zeeland-West-Brabant)
Netherlands, 19 April 2023 – C/02/395067 / HA ZA 22-97 (E), CISG-online 6305
Czech Republic
Organto Europe B.V. v. Axarfruit S.L.
Rechtbank Zeeland-West-Brabant (District Court Zeeland-West-Brabant)
Netherlands, 30 November 2022 – C/02/394240 / HA ZA 22-55, CISG-online 6125
Czech Republic
Cargo Transport by Light Trucks LLC v. Big Machinery B.V.
Rechtbank Gelderland (District Court Gelderland)
Netherlands, 16 November 2022 – C/05/392412 HA ZA 21-432, CISG-online 6100
Czech Republic
Cozy Casa N.V. v. Vidiled B.V.
Rechtbank Zeeland-West-Brabant (District Court Zeeland-West-Brabant)
Netherlands, 03 August 2022 – C/02/383574 / HA ZA 21-149, CISG-online 5974
Czech Republic
Metals case II
Rechtbank Gelderland (District Court Gelderland)
Netherlands, 20 April 2022 – 397178, CISG-online 5897
Czech Republic
ArcelorMittal Construction Nederland B.V. v. [...]
Rechtbank Gelderland (District Court Gelderland)
Netherlands, 05 April 2022 – C/05/396865 / KG ZA 21-429, CISG-online 5950
Czech Republic
Elos Med S.P. v. Glimm Screens B.V.
Rechtbank Noord-Nederland (District Court Northern Netherlands)
Netherlands, 09 February 2022 – C/18/202331 / HA ZA 20-245, CISG-online 5792
Czech Republic
Red Globe Oppenheimer grapes case
Rechtbank Midden-Nederland (District Court Midden-Nederland)
Netherlands, 01 December 2021 – C/16/513553 / HA ZA 20-1001, CISG-online 5747
Czech Republic
Top Mark B.V. v. Orchestra-Prémaman Belgium S.A.
Gerechtshof Arnhem-Leeuwarden (Court of Appeal Arnhem-Leeuwarden)
Netherlands, 02 June 2020 – 200.274.098/01, CISG-online 5289
Czech Republic
Byttebier Hout NV v. Société Forestière du Maine SAS
Hof van Beroep Antwerpen (Court of Appeal Antwerp)
Belgium, 04 March 2020 – 2017/AR/68, CISG-online 6268
Czech Republic
Top Mark B.V. v. Orchestra-Prémaman Belgium S.A.
Rechtbank Midden-Nederland (District Court Midden-Nederland)
Netherlands, 19 December 2019 – KL ZA 19-305, CISG-online 5218
Czech Republic
SK Energy Europe Ltd. v. Trefoil Trading B.V.
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 11 December 2019 – C/10/552715 / HA ZA 18-589, CISG-online 5057
Czech Republic
Nucap Industries, Inc. v. Robert Bosch LLC
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois
USA, 07 September 2019 – 15 C 02207, CISG-online 4541
Czech Republic
Syrmos Levantis S.A. Rotosal v. Twente Trucks
Rechtbank Overijssel (District Court Overijssel)
Netherlands, 30 July 2019 – 7336571 \ CV EXPL 18-3828, CISG-online 4508
Czech Republic
Seilfabrik Ullmann AG v. Lift-Tex Industrie B.V.
Gerechtshof Arnhem-Leeuwarden (Court of Appeal Arnhem-Leeuwarden)
Netherlands, 05 February 2019 – 200.200.546/01, CISG-online 3935
Czech Republic
Used Montenegro semi-trailer case
Gerechtshof Arnhem-Leeuwarden (Court of Appeal Arnhem-Leeuwarden)
Netherlands, 06 November 2018 – 200.191.261, CISG-online 5550
Czech Republic
Merwestaal Moerdijk B.V. v. StaRo Stahlrohrhandelsgesellschaft mbH
Rechtbank Zeeland-West-Brabant (District Court Zeeland-West-Brabant)
Netherlands, 08 March 2018 – C/02/340290 / KG ZA 18-22, CISG-online 5042
Czech Republic
Genson B.V. v. S&A Produce Ltd.
Rechtbank Oost-Brabant (District Court Oost-Brabant)
Netherlands, 28 February 2018 – C/01/322578 / HA ZA 17-428, CISG-online 3047
Czech Republic
[...] B.V. v. EnviTec Biogas AG
Rechtbank Overijssel (District Court Overijssel)
Netherlands, 19 July 2017 – C/08/175962 / HA ZA 15-468, CISG-online 2840
Czech Republic
Potassium peroxide sulphate case
Rechtbank Limburg (District Court Limburg)
Netherlands, 12 April 2017 – C/03/228195 / HA ZA 16-674, CISG-online 2807
Czech Republic
Nucap Industries, Inc. v. Robert Bosch LLC
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois
USA, 31 March 2017 – 15 C 2207, CISG-online 2827
Czech Republic
Cheese case
Rechtbank Midden-Nederland (District Court Midden-Nederland)
Netherlands, 16 November 2016 – C/16/412611 / HA ZA 16-252, CISG-online 2790
Czech Republic
Nucap Industries, Inc. v. Robert Bosch LLC
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois
USA, 29 August 2016 – 15-cv-2207, CISG-online 2929
Czech Republic
Dibalex B.V. v. Delta Shelving Systems GmbH
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 29 June 2016 – C/10/478957 / HA ZA 15-711, CISG-online 2739
Czech Republic
Garlic powder case
Rechtbank Overijssel (District Court Overijssel)
Netherlands, 23 March 2016 – C/08/158118 / HA ZA 14-330, CISG-online 2736
Czech Republic
Steatite grinding balls case
Okrožno sodišče v Ljubljani (District Court Ljubljana)
Slovenia, 29 February 2016 – I Pg 5777/2013-56, CISG-online 5251
Czech Republic
Frozen pork case II
Rechtbank Midden-Nederland (District Court Midden-Nederland)
Netherlands, 20 January 2016 – C/16/333272 / HA ZA 12-1274, CISG-online 2685
Czech Republic
Brewing tanks case
Oberlandesgericht Stuttgart (Court of Appeal Stuttgart)
Germany, 21 December 2015 – 1 SchH 1/15, CISG-online 2747
Czech Republic
Antima International BVBA v. StockXL
Rechtbank Gelderland (District Court Gelderland)
Netherlands, 14 October 2015 – C/05/277453 / HA ZA 15-66C/05/277453, CISG-online 2680
Czech Republic
Conveyor belts case III
Gerechthof 's-Hertogenbosch (Court of Appeal 's-Hertogenbosch)
Netherlands, 29 September 2015 – HD 200.164.623_01, CISG-online 2655
Czech Republic
Silicon Refractory Anchoring Systems B.V. v. Refrattari Sirc S.r.l.
Rechtbank Den Haag (District Court The Hague)
Netherlands, 19 August 2015 – C/09/463597 / HA ZA 14-440, CISG-online 2629
Czech Republic
TNO v. Zygolot GmbH
Rechtbank Den Haag (District Court The Hague)
Netherlands, 10 June 2015 – C / 09/471 317 / HA ZA 14-934, CISG-online 2617
Czech Republic
Countryside S.A.L. v. Terrapoint B.V.
Rechtbank Zeeland-West-Brabant (District Court Zeeland-West-Brabant)
Netherlands, 27 May 2015 – C-02-294178 - HA ZA 15-72, CISG-online 3514
Czech Republic
Lagerzapfen case
Gerechthof 's-Hertogenbosch (Court of Appeal 's-Hertogenbosch)
Netherlands, 24 February 2015 – HD 200.134.009_01, CISG-online 2582
Czech Republic
Volz v. Groep Jam
Hof van Beroep Antwerpen (Court of Appeal Antwerp)
Belgium, 09 February 2015 – 2013-AR/229, CISG-online 4590
Czech Republic
Wavin Overseas B.V. v. Picenum Plast S.p.A.
Rechtbank Overijssel (District Court Overijssel)
Netherlands, 03 December 2014 – C-07-198594 - HZ ZA 12-139, CISG-online 2568
Czech Republic
Armacom EBVBA v. Geurts Trucks BV
Rechtbank Gelderland (District Court Gelderland)
Netherlands, 30 July 2014 – C/05/250706 / HA ZA 13-630, CISG-online 2541
Czech Republic
Bowling alleys case
Bundesgerichtshof (German Supreme Court)
Germany, 28 May 2014 – VIII ZR 410/12, CISG-online 2513
Czech Republic
Feinbäckerei Otten GmbH & Co. KG v. Rhumveld Winter & Konijn B.V.
Gerechtshof Den Haag (Court of Appeal The Hague)
Netherlands, 22 April 2014 – 200.127.516-01, CISG-online 2515
Czech Republic
Kapiteyn B.V. v. Kurt Weiss Greenhouses Inc.
Rechtbank Amsterdam (District Court Amsterdam)
Netherlands, 08 January 2014 – C/13/533804 / HA ZA 13-56, CISG-online 2512
Czech Republic
Fleck Elektroinstallation GmbH v. Transquest Tag & Tracing Solutions B.V.
Rechtbank Gelderland (District Court Gelderland)
Netherlands, 06 November 2013 – HA ZA 12-433, CISG-online 2590
CISG-AC Opinion No. 14 ‘Interest under Article 78 CISG’ (Rapporteur: Yesim Atamer), adopted by the CISG Advisory Council following its 18th meeting in Beijing (China) on 21 and 22 October 2013
Czech Republic
Diammonium phosphate case
Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (CRCICA)
Arbitration, 19 February 2023 – 1527/2021 (Final Award), CISG-online 6272
Czech Republic
MaRa Medical-Technical-Aid GmbH v. Ningbo Laida Automotive Technology Co. Ltd.
浙江省宁波市中级人民法院 (Intermediate People's Court Ningbo, Zhejiang Province)
China, 2021 – (2021)浙 02 民初 824 号, CISG-online 6203
Czech Republic
Integrated Logistics Co. v. Trading Company P. van Adrighem B.V.
Parket bij de Hoge Raad (Advocate General at the Dutch Supreme Court)
Netherlands, 16 October 2015 – 14/06070, CISG-online 2681
CISG-AC Opinion No. 15 ‘Reservations under Articles 95 and 96 CISG’ (Rapporteur: Ulrich G. Schroeter), adopted by the CISG Advisory Council following its 18th meeting in Beijing (China) on 21 and 22 October 2013
Czech Republic
Chilean Sea Bass Inc. v. Kendell Seafood Imports, Inc.
U.S. District Court for the District of Rhode Island
USA, 22 May 2024 – 21-cv-337-JJM-LDA, CISG-online 6990
CISG-AC Opinion No. 16 ‘Exclusion of the CISG under Article 6’ (Rapporteur: Lisa Spagnolo), adopted by the CISG Advisory Council following its 19th meeting in Pretoria (South Africa) on 30 May 2014
Czech Republic
Jura B.V. v. Willemen Infra N.V.
Parket bij de Hoge Raad (Advocate General at the Dutch Supreme Court)
Netherlands, 11 November 2022 – 22/00265, CISG-online 6129
Czech Republic
Electronic electricity meters case
Bundesgericht/Tribunal fédéral (Swiss Federal Supreme Court)
Switzerland, 28 May 2019 – 4A_543/2018, CISG-online 4463
Czech Republic
Silicon Refractory Anchoring Systems B.V. v. Refrattari Sirc S.r.l.
Rechtbank Den Haag (District Court The Hague)
Netherlands, 19 August 2015 – C/09/463597 / HA ZA 14-440, CISG-online 2629
CISG-AC Opinion No. 17 ‘Limitation and Exclusion Clauses in CISG Contracts’ (Rapporteur: Lauro Gama, Jr.), adopted by the CISG Advisory Council following its 21st meeting in Bogotá (Colombia) on 16 October 2015
CISG-AC Opinion No. 18 ‘Set-off under the CISG’ (Rapporteur: Christiana Fountoulakis), adopted by the CISG Advisory Council following its 24th meeting in Antigua (Guatemala) on 2 and 3 February 2018
Czech Republic
CeDe Group AB v. KAN Sp. z o.o.
Högsta domstolen (Swedish Supreme Court)
Sweden, 29 May 2020 – T 6032-16, CISG-online 5500
CISG-AC Opinion No. 19 'Standards and Conformity of the Goods under Article 35 CISG‘ (Rapporteur: Djakhongir Saidov), adopted by the CISG Advisory Council following its 25th meeting in Aalborg (Denmark) on 25 November 2018
CISG-AC Opinion No. 20 'Hardship under the CISG‘ (Rapporteur: Edgardo Munoz), adopted by the CISG Advisory Council following its 27th meeting in Guadalajara (Mexico) on 2-5 February 2020
Czech Republic
Chilean Sea Bass Inc. v. Kendell Seafood Imports, Inc.
U.S. District Court for the District of Rhode Island
USA, 22 May 2024 – 21-cv-337-JJM-LDA, CISG-online 6990
Czech Republic
Gasum Oy v. Gazprom Export LLC
Ad hoc Arbitral Tribunal
Arbitration, 14 November 2022 – Final award, CISG-online 7151
CISG-AC Opinion No. 21 ‘Delivery of Substitute Goods and Repair under the CISG’ (Rapporteurs: Ingeborg Schwenzer and Ilka H. Beimel), adopted by the CISG Advisory Council following its 27th meeting in Puerto Vallarta (Mexico) on 3 and 4 February 2020
CISG-AC Opinion No. 22 ‘The seller’s liability for goods infringing intellectual property rights under Article 42 CISG’ (Rapporteur: David Tebel), adopted by the CISG Advisory Council following its 30th meeting in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) on 7-9 August 2022
Czech Republic
The North Face t-shirts case
Rechtbank Noord-Holland (District Court Noord-Holland)
Netherlands, 24 May 2023 – C/15/331571 / HA ZA 22-544, CISG-online 6736