Unreasonableness under Art. 48(1) CISG
Examples from case law where courts have accepted or dismissed unreasonable delay, unreasonable inconvenience or uncertainty of reimbursement under Art. 48(1) CISG.

Hungarian injection moulding tools case
Bundesgerichtshof (German Supreme Court)
Germany, 24 September 2014 – VIII ZR 394/12, CISG-online 2545
Bundesgerichtshof (German Supreme Court)
Germany, 24 September 2014 – VIII ZR 394/12, CISG-online 2545
No specification of what kind of unreasonableness under Art. 48(1) CISG was addressed, but the court relied on the following grounds:
- fruitless attempts of the seller to cure the non-conformities
- the time pressure under which the buyer found himself towards his own customers
- the mere announcement of the seller to create a plan of action instead of immediately repairing the goods

Impellers case
Landgericht Stade (District Court Stade)
Germany, 15 May 2014 – 8 O 70/13, CISG-online 2988
Landgericht Stade (District Court Stade)
Germany, 15 May 2014 – 8 O 70/13, CISG-online 2988
No specification of what kind of unreasonableness under Art. 48(1) CISG was adressed, but the following reasons were cited for the conclusion:
- reasonably lost trust of the buyer in the seller's ability and willingness to deliver conforming goods within a reasonable period of time
- gravity of the non-conformities
- the time pressure under which the buyer was towards his own customers

Automated pasta production lines case
Федерального арбитражного суда Северо-Кавказского округа (Federal Arbitrazh Court of North Caucasus Area, Krasnodor)
Russian Federation, 03 October 2011 – A63-4588/2010, CISG-online 2518
Федерального арбитражного суда Северо-Кавказского округа (Federal Arbitrazh Court of North Caucasus Area, Krasnodor)
Russian Federation, 03 October 2011 – A63-4588/2010, CISG-online 2518

Designer clothes case
Oberlandesgericht Köln (Court of Appeal Cologne)
Germany, 14 October 2002 – 16 U 77/01, CISG-online 709
Oberlandesgericht Köln (Court of Appeal Cologne)
Germany, 14 October 2002 – 16 U 77/01, CISG-online 709
No specification of what kind of unreasonableness under Art. 48(1) CISG was addressed, but the court relied on the following grounds:
- the gravity of the non-conformities lead to the buyer reasonabily having lost his trust in the seller's ability to cure
- the time pressure under which the buyer found himself towards his own customers, since the goods were articles of highly priced summer fashion
- the mere announcement of the seller to "try" to remedy the defects

Tetracycline HCL case
Amtsgericht München (Local Court Munich)
Germany, 23 June 1995 – 271 C 18968/94, CISG-online 368
Amtsgericht München (Local Court Munich)
Germany, 23 June 1995 – 271 C 18968/94, CISG-online 368
Unreasonable delay. The court relied on the following grounds:
- delay in the transport back to the seller lead to an unreasonable delay if the goods would have still been repaired by the seller in Italy
- the damages claims the buyer faced from his own customers

Acrylic blankets case
Oberlandesgericht Koblenz (Court of Appeal Koblenz)
Germany, 31 January 1997 – 2 U 31/96, CISG-online 256
Oberlandesgericht Koblenz (Court of Appeal Koblenz)
Germany, 31 January 1997 – 2 U 31/96, CISG-online 256