CISG by jurisdiction

Admin area

United Kingdom

United Kingdom
Status under the CISG:

Non-Contracting State

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has not acceded to the CISG.

Further information:

A. Discussions about the United Kingdom's possible accession to the CISG in Parliament

On at least five occasions, a possible accession of the UK to the 1980 Sales Convention was raised in the House of Lords or in written questions by Members of Parliament:

1. House of Lords, Debates on 3 May 1995, Hansard volume 563 columns 1457–1459:


8.45 p.m.

Lord Steyn

My Lords, I ask for your indulgence for a few diffident remarks on the wider commercial context in which the proposed amendment to the Sale of Goods Act ought to be seen. The amendment proposed by my noble and learned friend Lord Mustill, if passed, will rationalise our trade law in one important area for the benefit of the trading community. I support the amendment. But I should like to go further. It is important that our trade law should in all respects be flexible, attuned to the needs of commerce and responsive to major developments in the international market place.

Our trade law ought to be structured so that our traders are at the very least at no disadvantage and, one hopes, in the best possible position to compete in international markets for sale of goods and services. I am conscious that for a Law Lord to invoke the real world may seem a little incongruous. Indeed, I am reminded of the Law Lord, sitting at a High Table in Oxford, who complained that the press said that he lived in an ivory tower. His response was: "That's nonsense; I go foxhunting every Sunday with ordinary people". Nevertheless, I will attempt to illustrate the broader theme by reference to two other important trade law projects, one very much on the rails and the other, apparently, in a long slumber.

The first project is the new Arbitration Bill. [...]

The second project is the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods 1980, commonly called the Vienna Sales Convention. It was a project of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL). The convention has nothing to do with international politics: it has everything to do with the promotion of trade. The United Kingdom played a full and constructive role in the drafting sessions and final formulation of the convention. In 1980 the convention was adopted by 60 nations. In 1988 it came into force. Forty-four nations have so far ratified the convention. Those nations include almost all members of the European Community, many Commonwealth countries, including Australia and New Zealand, and the United States. An estimate from UNCITRAL suggests that already one-half of world trade is conducted on the terms of the Vienna Sales Convention. That role of the convention is bound to grow and grow.

What has the response of the United Kingdom been? In 1989 the Department of Trade and Industry issued a consultative document on the Vienna Sales Convention. In response, the Law Commission recommended that the United Kingdom should ratify the convention. To date there has been no official announcement.

Your Lordships may think that the right question to ask is: Is it in the best interests of the United Kingdom as a trading nation to ratify the Vienna Sales Convention? If Britannia still ruled the waves, and if our traders could regularly impose English law as the applicable law in international transactions, there would be no pressing need to ratify the convention. But the international marketplace for the sale of goods has changed. For every such transaction in respect of which an English trader is able to insist on English law as the applicable law, there will he one or more where the English trader has to concede the applicability of a foreign legal system. That is particularly the case with the great many foreign state trading corporations.

In many parts of the world national sales regimes are little more than embryonic or skeletal. Exposure to such systems is a substantial business hazard. The Vienna Sales Convention is usually an attractive alternative for both parties. It has the badge of neutrality. Even foreign state trading corporations readily contract subject to such terms. And, if we ratify, those traders who wish to insist on the applicability of English law will be entitled, of course, to contract out.

At present our traders are at a disadvantage in international transactions relating to the sale of goods. Our trade law has fallen behind. It is not sufficiently attuned to the needs of commerce. We have not responded swiftly enough to developments in the international marketplace. It seems to me that the case is made out for an official announcement that the United Kingdom will ratify the convention. In such matters an open mind is a good thing, but it must be capable of eventually shutting.

I have trespassed on your Lordships' time. I leave this subject by reminding your Lordships of what happened to another inept speaker. It was 70 years ago. The scene was a Law Society dinner in Liverpool. The principle guest was the great F. E. Smith. The president of the Law Society spoke. His speech was long; it was also boring. When the speaker sat down he said to F. E. Smith, "How would you have done it?" F. E. Smith replied, "Under an assumed name".

8.54 p.m.


2. House of Commons, Debates on 7 September 2004, Hansard volume 424 column 1084W:

Written question by Professor Ross Cranston

„To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry when she expects to be in the position to introduce legislation implementing the UN Sales Convention; and if she will make a statement.“

Ms Patricia Hewitt, Secretary of State for Trade and Industry:

„Any legislative needed to implement the 1980 UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods will be introduced when Parliamentary time permits. We are it a comparatively early stage on the road towards possible legislation but we are proposing to issue a consultation document, in the course of the next few months, to examine the available options.“

3. House of Lords, Debates on 7 February 2005, Hansard volume 669 column 86WA:

Lord Lester of Herne Hill asked Her Majesty's Government:

„Why they have not ratified the United Nations Convention on contracts for the international sale of goods (the Vienna Sales Convention) which came into force on 1 January 1988.“

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Trade and Industry, Lord Sainsbury of Turville:

„Primary legislation will be needed to implement the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. The United Kingdom intends to ratify the convention, subject to the availability of parliamentary time. There have been delays in the past for a number of reasons, but we propose to issue a consultation document in the course of the next few months to examine the available options.“

4. Question for Department for International Trade UIN 114241, tabled on 11 November 2020:

Written question by Mhairi Black MP (Scottish National Party):

„To ask the Secretary of State for International Trade, whether she plans to ratify the Convention on the International Sale of Goods 1980.“

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary, Department of International Trade Mr. Ranil Jayawardena MP answered on 20 November 2020:

„HM Government has no current plans to ratify the Convention.“

5. Question for Department for International Trade UIN 141505, tabled on 21 January 2021:

Written question by Mhairi Black MP (Scottish National Party):

„To ask the Secretary of State for International Trade, what her Department's policy is on ratifying the Convention on the International Sale of Goods 1980.“

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary, Department of International Trade Mr. Ranil Jayawardena MP answered on 26 January 2021:

„I refer the Hon. Lady for Paisley and Renfrewshire South to the answer I gave her on 20th November 2020 (UIN: 114241).“

B. Past consultations conducted by United Kingdom government departments about the UK's possible accession to the CISG

Department of Trade and Industry, United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods: a consultative document (June 1989), 81 pp.

Department of Trade and Industry, United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (The Vienna Sales Convention): A Consultation Document (1997)

Department of Trade and Industry, United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (Vienna Sales Convention): Position Paper (1999)

In addition, even the Financial Markets Law Committee convened under the auspices of the Bank of England investigated possible consequences of an accession by the UK to the CISG for financial markets law:

Financial Markets Law Committee, Issue 130 – Implementation of the Vienna Sales Convention: Legal assessment of various financial markets aspects of the question whether the UK should implement the Vienna Sales Convention (July 2008), 27 pp.

C. Suggested use of the CISG’s contract formation rules as model for the reform of the Scottish law of contract formation

In 1992 and 1993, the Scottish Law Commission published a report on the reform of the general domestic Scottish law of contract formation. The report discussed the use of the CISG as a model in this context:

Scottish Law Commission, Report on Formation of Contract: Scottish Law and the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (14 June 1993), 43 pp.

In conclusion, the Scottish Law Commission proposed that provisions based on Arts. 4, 6, 8, 9, 10 and 13 to 24 CISG, with minor modifications specified in the report, should be adopted as part of the general law of Scotland relating to the formation of contracts.

D. The United Kingdom's approach towards the CISG in scholarly writings

The United Kingdom’s current status as a CISG Non-Contracting State, the underlying reasons and the desirability of its accession to the Convention have also been extensively discussed in scholarly writings.

Some of these articles have been collected in our Bibliography on the United Kingdom.

Participation of the United Kingdom in the 1980 Diplomatic Conference in Vienna

The United Kingdom was one of the 62 States that participated in the Diplomatic Conference held from 10 March until 11 April 1980 that adopted the Sales Convention's text. The United Kingdom’s delegation in Vienna was comprised as follows:


Professor J .K. Barry NICHOLAS, Principal, Brasenose College, Oxford University

Alternative Representatives:

Mr. John D. FELTHAM, Magdalen College, Oxford University

Miss E. Nuala O'FLYNN, Senior Legal Assistant, Solicitor’s Department, Department of Trade

Miss Jennifer SNAITH, Legal Assistant, Solicitor’s Department, Department of Trade

Mr. Donald A. LAMONT, First Secretary at the British Embassy, Vienna

Published CISG cases adjudicated by courts in the United Kingdom:
8 decisions
5 cases
Czech Republic
Naftogaz v. Gazprom II (Gas Transit Arbitration)
High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench Division
United Kingdom, 15 March 2019 – V2014/129, CISG-online 6036
Czech Republic
Naftogaz v. Gazprom I (Gas Sales Arbitration)
High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench Division
United Kingdom, 15 March 2019 – V2014/078/080, CISG-online 6046
Czech Republic
Rock Advertising Limited (Respondent) v MWB Business Exchange Centres Limited (Appellant)
Supreme Court of the United Kingdom
United Kingdom, 16 May 2018 – [2018] UKSC 24, CISG-online 3078
Czech Republic
VSC Steel Company Limited v. Habas Sinai ve Tibbi Gazlar Istihsal Endustrisi AS
High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench Division
United Kingdom, 19 December 2013 – 1:15-cv-05292-GBD, CISG-online 6089
Czech Republic
Kingspan Environmental Ltd. v. Borealis A/S
High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench Division
United Kingdom, 01 May 2012 – 2009 FOLIO 871 / [2012] EWHC 1147 (Comm), CISG-online 2391
Czech Republic
Chartbrook Ltd v Persimmon Homes Ltd
House of Lords
United Kingdom, 01 July 2009 – [2009] UKHL 38, CISG-online 2088
Czech Republic
The Square Mile Partnership Ltd v. Fitzmaurice McCall Ltd
Court of Appeal of England and Wales
United Kingdom, 18 December 2006 – [2006] EWCA Civ 1690, CISG-online 1425
Czech Republic
ProForce Recruit Ltd v. Rugby Group Ltd
Court of Appeal of England and Wales
United Kingdom, 17 February 2006 – 2006 EWCA Civ 69, CISG-online 1424
Czech Republic
Rock Advertising Limited (Respondent) v MWB Business Exchange Centres Limited (Appellant)
Supreme Court of the United Kingdom
United Kingdom, 16 May 2018 – [2018] UKSC 24, CISG-online 3078
Czech Republic
Kingspan Environmental Ltd. v. Borealis A/S
High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench Division
United Kingdom, 01 May 2012 – 2009 FOLIO 871 / [2012] EWHC 1147 (Comm), CISG-online 2391
Czech Republic
Chartbrook Ltd v Persimmon Homes Ltd
House of Lords
United Kingdom, 01 July 2009 – [2009] UKHL 38, CISG-online 2088
Czech Republic
The Square Mile Partnership Ltd v. Fitzmaurice McCall Ltd
Court of Appeal of England and Wales
United Kingdom, 18 December 2006 – [2006] EWCA Civ 1690, CISG-online 1425
Czech Republic
ProForce Recruit Ltd v. Rugby Group Ltd
Court of Appeal of England and Wales
United Kingdom, 17 February 2006 – 2006 EWCA Civ 69, CISG-online 1424
Published CISG cases worldwide involving parties from the United Kingdom:
125 decisions
81 cases
Czech Republic
Valitus Ltd et al. v. Maisons du Monde France S.A.S. et al.
Cour d'appel de Rennes (Court of Appeal Rennes)
France, 18 June 2024 – 21/07569, CISG-online 7032
Czech Republic
Stolen wheel loader case
Obergericht des Kantons Zug (Court of Appeal Canton Zug)
Switzerland, 23 February 2023 – Z1 2022 6, CISG-online 6313
Czech Republic
Samson Materials Handling Ltd v. TTS (Transportation Technology Systems) SIA
Latvijas Republikas Senāts (Supreme Court of Latvia)
Latvia, 16 June 2022 – C29522018 / SKC-128/2022, CISG-online 6538
Czech Republic
Used SMT machine case
Rechtbank Midden-Nederland (District Court Midden-Nederland)
Netherlands, 08 June 2022 – 9485401 UC EXPL 21-7173, CISG-online 6154
Czech Republic
ArcelorMittal Construction Nederland B.V. v. [...]
Rechtbank Gelderland (District Court Gelderland)
Netherlands, 05 April 2022 – C/05/396865 / KG ZA 21-429, CISG-online 5950
Czech Republic
Stolen wheel loader case
Kantonsgericht Zug (Court of First Instance Canton Zug)
Switzerland, 24 February 2022 – A3 2019 27, CISG-online 6285
Czech Republic
Valitus Ltd et al. v. Maisons du Monde France S.A.S. et al.
Tribunal de Commerce de Nantes (Commercial Court Nantes)
France, 04 November 2021, CISG-online 6892
Czech Republic
Samson Materials Handling Ltd v. TTS (Transportation Technology Systems) SIA
Latgales apgabaltiesa (Court of Appeal Latgale)
Latvia, 24 February 2021 – CA-0020-21, CISG-online 6484
Czech Republic
BMW X5 35i case
Landgericht Dortmund (District Court Dortmund)
Germany, 15 July 2020 – 10 O 27/20, CISG-online 5452
Czech Republic
Samson Materials Handling Ltd v. TTS (Transportation Technology Systems) SIA

Latvia, 14 April 2020 – C 29522018, CISG-online 6431
Czech Republic
SK Energy Europe Ltd. v. Trefoil Trading B.V.
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 11 December 2019 – C/10/552715 / HA ZA 18-589, CISG-online 5057
Czech Republic
Flowers and plants case
Rechtbank Den Haag (District Court The Hague)
Netherlands, 24 July 2019 – C/09/570430 / HA ZA 19-289, CISG-online 4538
Czech Republic
Genson B.V. v. S&A Produce Ltd.
Rechtbank Oost-Brabant (District Court Oost-Brabant)
Netherlands, 17 April 2019 – C/01/322578 / HA ZA 17-428, CISG-online 4267
Czech Republic
Lypack Lionards E.G. vs. Biofoodnutrition S.E.
Rechtbank Noord-Nederland (District Court Northern Netherlands)
Netherlands, 25 July 2018 – C/17/161481 / KG ZA 18-124, CISG-online 4755
Czech Republic
Genson B.V. v. S&A Produce Ltd.
Rechtbank Oost-Brabant (District Court Oost-Brabant)
Netherlands, 28 February 2018 – C/01/322578 / HA ZA 17-428, CISG-online 3047
Czech Republic
Fish feed case
Gerechthof 's-Hertogenbosch (Court of Appeal 's-Hertogenbosch)
Netherlands, 12 December 2017 – 200.184.301_01, CISG-online 2957
Czech Republic
Anchor case
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 26 April 2017 – C/10/512886 / HA ZA 16-1037, CISG-online 2932
Czech Republic
Transportation contract case
Harju Maakohtus (County Court Harju)
Estonia, 11 April 2016 – 2-15-14718, CISG-online 4530
Czech Republic
General Dynamics United Kingdom Ltd. v. The State of Libya
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 05 January 2016 – 19222/EMT, CISG-online 5994
Czech Republic
Horse case III
Gerechtshof Arnhem-Leeuwarden (Court of Appeal Arnhem-Leeuwarden)
Netherlands, 15 September 2015 – 200.141.228/01, CISG-online 2628
Czech Republic
Fish feed case
Rechtbank Oost-Brabant (District Court Oost-Brabant)
Netherlands, 26 August 2015 – C-01-272963 - HA ZA 14-14, CISG-online 2956
Czech Republic
Bruno Rimini (Furniture) Ltd v. Connor Marketing, Inc.
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California
USA, 27 July 2015 – 1:14-01906 WBS SAB, CISG-online 2662
Czech Republic
Potatoes case III
Cour d'appel de Reims (Court of Appeal Reims)
France, 30 June 2015 – 13/02339, CISG-online 2703
Czech Republic
Codfish case
Sąd Apelacyjny w Białymstoku (Court of Appeal Bialystok)
Poland, 28 May 2014 – I ACa 213/14, CISG-online 5465
Czech Republic
Willet & Son (Bristol) Limited v. Itema S.A.
Rechtbank Zeeland-West-Brabant (District Court Zeeland-West-Brabant)
Netherlands, 12 March 2014 – C/02/254122 / HA ZA 12-634, CISG-online 5239
Czech Republic
Polish oak and beech wood panels case
Sąd Okręgowy w Rzeszowie (District Court Rzeszów)
Poland, 28 February 2014 – VI GC 106/13, CISG-online 6752
Czech Republic
Horse case III
Rechtbank Noord-Nederland (District Court Northern Netherlands)
Netherlands, 08 January 2014 – C/18/132067 / HA ZA 12-75, CISG-online 3427
Czech Republic
Exclusive Distributor (EU country) v. Manufacturer GmbH (EU country)
Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC)
Arbitration, 18 December 2013 – 73/2011, CISG-online 2571
Czech Republic
Codfish case
Sąd Najwyższy (Supreme Court of Poland)
Poland, 28 November 2013 – IV CSK 215/13, CISG-online 2785
Czech Republic
Potatoes case III
Tribunal de Commerce de Reims (Commercial Court Reims)
France, 16 July 2013, CISG-online 4543
Czech Republic
Smith v. Vini San Barbato
Tribunale di Foggia (District Court Foggia)
Italy, 21 June 2013 – N. 5394/03 R.G., CISG-online 2674
Czech Republic
[...] Services B.V. v. Dealkent Ltd
Gerechtshof Amsterdam (Court of Appeal Amsterdam)
Netherlands, 07 May 2013 – 200.109.798-01, CISG-online 4944
Czech Republic
Swiss watches case III
Bundesgericht/Tribunal fédéral (Swiss Federal Supreme Court)
Switzerland, 23 April 2013 – 4A_24/2013, CISG-online 2482
Czech Republic
Codfish case
Sąd Apelacyjny w Białymstoku (Court of Appeal Bialystok)
Poland, 14 December 2012, CISG-online 5415
Czech Republic
BP Oil International Limited v. Shell Trading Rotterdam B.V.
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 05 December 2012 – 388188 / HA ZA 11-1976, CISG-online 2422
Czech Republic
Swiss watches case III
Cour de Justice de Genève (Court of Appeal Canton Geneva)
Switzerland, 23 November 2012, CISG-online 2989
Czech Republic
Hoogwegt Cheese B.V. v. Fayrefield Foods Ltd.
Gerechthof 's-Gravenhage (Court of Appeal The Hague)
Netherlands, 04 September 2012 – 200.079.906-01, CISG-online 5382
Czech Republic
Codfish case
Sąd Okręgowy w Olsztynie (District Court Olsztyn)
Poland, 23 May 2012 – V GC 5/12, CISG-online 5092
Czech Republic
[...] Trucks Holland B.V. v. Dealkent Ltd
Parket bij de Hoge Raad (Advocate General at the Dutch Supreme Court)
Netherlands, 11 May 2012 – 11/00925, CISG-online 4689
Czech Republic
[...] Trucks Holland B.V. v. Dealkent Ltd
Hoge Raad (Dutch Supreme Court)
Netherlands, 11 May 2012 – 11/00925, CISG-online 4945
Czech Republic
Kingspan Environmental Ltd. v. Borealis A/S
High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench Division
United Kingdom, 01 May 2012 – 2009 FOLIO 871 / [2012] EWHC 1147 (Comm), CISG-online 2391
Czech Republic
Swiss watches case III
Tribunal de Première Instance de Genève (Court of First Instance Geneva)
Switzerland, 02 December 2011, CISG-online 1277
Czech Republic
Global Crankshaft Services B.V. v. Industrial and Marine Power Services Ltd.
Rechtbank Dordrecht (District Court Dordrecht)
Netherlands, 16 February 2011 – 86314 / HA ZA 10-2293, CISG-online 2367
Czech Republic
[...] Trucks Holland B.V. v. Dealkent Ltd
Gerechthof 's-Gravenhage (Court of Appeal The Hague)
Netherlands, 30 November 2010 – 200.044.695-01, CISG-online 4688
Czech Republic
Hoogwegt Cheese B.V. v. Fayrefield Foods Ltd.
Rechtbank Dordrecht (District Court Dordrecht)
Netherlands, 03 November 2010 – 80250 / HA ZA 09-2220, CISG-online 5380
Czech Republic
M-A-M Ltd. v. Dana Automacion, S.A.
Audiencia Provincial de Navarra (Court of Appeal Navarra)
Spain, 30 July 2010 – 175/2008 / 169/2010, CISG-online 2315
Czech Republic
Aluminum rings case
Bundesgerichtshof (German Supreme Court)
Germany, 11 May 2010 – VIII ZR 212/07, CISG-online 2125
Czech Republic
Allied General Trading Ltd v. MIKSKAAR AS
Tallinna Ringkonnakohus (Court of Appeal Tallinn)
Estonia, 05 March 2010 – 2-08-67305, CISG-online 2642
Czech Republic
Princesse D'Isenbourg et Cie, Ltd. v. Kinder Caviar, Inc.
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky
USA, 22 February 2010 – 3:09-29-DCR, CISG-online 2185
Czech Republic
Harel Insurance Company Ltd. et al. v. BTR Environmental Ltd.
Supreme Court of Israel
Israel, 17 January 2010 – CA 9422/06, CISG-online 3413
Czech Republic
Control and measuring equipment for organic pollutants case
Fővárosi Ítélőtábla (Court of Appeal Budapest)
Hungary, 24 September 2009 – 14.Gf.40.294/2009/4, CISG-online 4492
Czech Republic
Allied General Trading Ltd v. MIKSKAAR AS
Harju Maakohtus (County Court Harju)
Estonia, 03 April 2009, CISG-online 3192
Czech Republic
Dealkent Ltd v. [...] Trucks Holland B.V.
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 28 January 2009, CISG-online 4687
Czech Republic
Control and measuring equipment for organic pollutants case
Fővárosi Bíróság (Metropolitan Court Budapest)
Hungary, 02 September 2008 – 4.G.41.291/2005/49, CISG-online 4484
Czech Republic
Ransomes Jacobsen Ltd. v. Elumina Ibérica S.A.
Audiencia Provincial de Valencia (Court of Appeal Valencia)
Spain, 12 May 2008 – 51/2006, CISG-online 2099
Czech Republic
Penguin Books Ltd. v. Librería Rodríguez S.A.C.I.F.
Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación (Supreme Court of Argentina)
Argentina, 19 February 2008, CISG-online 4448
Czech Republic
Kingfisher Seafoods Ltd. v. Comercial Eloy Rocio Mar S.L.
Audiencia Provincial de Pontevedra (Court of Appeal Pontevedra)
Spain, 19 December 2007 – 681/2007, CISG-online 1688
Czech Republic
Dana Automacion, S.A. v. M-A-M Ltd.
Juzgado de Primera Instancia No. 7 de Pamplona (Court of First Instance No. 7 of Pamplona)
Spain, 19 December 2007 – 148/2007, CISG-online 3809
Czech Republic
Adex International Ltd v. Eaconn B.V.
Gerechthof 's-Hertogenbosch (Court of Appeal 's-Hertogenbosch)
Netherlands, 13 November 2007 – C0401754, CISG-online 3276
Czech Republic
Ransomes Jacobsen Ltd. v. Elumina Ibérica S.A.
Juzgado de Primera Instancia No. 11 de Valencia (Court of First Instance No. 11 of Valencia)
Spain, 30 June 2007 – 1245/2006, CISG-online 3775
Czech Republic
Aluminum rings case
Oberlandesgericht Köln (Court of Appeal Cologne)
Germany, 21 June 2007 – 12 U 16/07, CISG-online 3084
Czech Republic
Amministrazione delle Finanze dello Stato v. Ford Italia S.p.A. II
Corte Suprema di Cassazione (Italian Supreme Court)
Italy, 16 May 2007 – 11226, CISG-online 2483
Czech Republic
Kingfisher Seafoods Ltd. v. Comercial Eloy Rocio Mar S.L.
Juzgado de Primera Instancia No. 1 de Cambados (Court of First Instance No. 1 of Cambados)
Spain, 07 May 2007, CISG-online 3794
Czech Republic
KLM v. Teleadapt Ltd
Rechtbank Haarlem (District Court Haarlem)
Netherlands, 24 January 2007 – 128540 - HA ZA 06-1268, CISG-online 4693
Czech Republic
Aluminum rings case
Landgericht Köln (District Court Cologne)
Germany, 11 January 2007 – 83 O 238/05, CISG-online 1835
Czech Republic
All Trade BV v. CM Supplies (UK) Ltd.
Gerechthof 's-Gravenhage (Court of Appeal The Hague)
Netherlands, 29 September 2006 – 05/818, CISG-online 1808
Czech Republic
Metal goods case
Международного коммерческого Арбитражного суда при ТПП Украины (International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICAC))
Arbitration, 13 February 2006, CISG-online 2243
Czech Republic
Luciano Pessa v. W.H.S. Saddlers International
Tribunale di Padova (District Court Padova)
Italy, 10 January 2006, CISG-online 1157
Czech Republic
Beyond the Network, Ltd v. Vectone Ltd
Hong Kong Court of First Instance
Hong Kong SAR (China), 13 December 2005 – [2005] HKCU 1771 / HCA 2826/2004, CISG-online 6391
Czech Republic
Penguin Books Ltd. v. Librería Rodríguez S.A.C.I.F.
Cámara Nacional de Apelaciones en lo Comercial (National Commercial Court of Appeals)
Argentina, 03 November 2005, CISG-online 4422
Czech Republic
Pocket ashtrays case
Bundesgericht/Tribunal fédéral (Swiss Federal Supreme Court)
Switzerland, 10 October 2005 – 4P.146/2005/biz, CISG-online 1353
Czech Republic
Pocket ashtrays case
Camera di Commercio dell'Industria e dell'Artigianato del Cantone Ticino (Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts of the Canton of Ticino)
Arbitration, 25 April 2005, CISG-online 3103
Czech Republic
All Trade BV v. CM Supplies (UK) Ltd.
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 16 March 2005, CISG-online 3491
Czech Republic
All Trade BV v. CM Supplies (UK) Ltd.
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 27 October 2004, CISG-online 3490
Czech Republic
Aquafili Textile Yarns S.p.A. v. Updeal Ltd.
Tribunale di Rovereto (District Court Rovereto)
Italy, 28 August 2004 – 1224/03, CISG-online 902
Czech Republic
Penguin Books Ltd. v. Librería Rodríguez S.A.C.I.F.
Juzgado Nacional de Primera Instancia en lo Comercial No. 1 (National Commercial Court of First Instance No. 1)
Argentina, 16 July 2004, CISG-online 4399
Czech Republic
Garage Ma Campagne NV v. Riverside Vehicle Rental Ltd.
Rechtbank van Koophandel Kortrijk (Commercial Court Kortrijk)
Belgium, 26 May 2004 – AR 4143/2003, CISG-online 989
Czech Republic
Sesinco Foods Ltd. v. Schuivens Beheer B.V.
Rechtbank Maastricht (District Court Maastricht)
Netherlands, 12 November 2003 – 84290 - HA ZA 03-544, CISG-online 4598
Czech Republic
Sereo S.L. v. Easco Ltd.
Audiencia Provincial de Vizcaya (Court of Appeal Vizcaya)
Spain, 05 November 2003 – 529/2003, CISG-online 1101
Czech Republic
Clothes case III
Landgericht Saarbrücken (District Court Saarbrücken)
Germany, 25 November 2002 – 8 O 68/02, CISG-online 718
Czech Republic
English-American sales contract case
Международного коммерческого Арбитражного суда при ТПП Украины (International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICAC))
Arbitration, 25 November 2002, CISG-online 1267
Czech Republic
Impuls I.D. Internacional, S.L. et al. v. Psion Teklogix Inc.
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida
USA, 22 November 2002 – 01-7541-CIV-Zloch, CISG-online 783
Czech Republic
Rijn Blend oil case
Nederlands Arbitrage Instituut (Netherlands Arbitration Institute)
Arbitration, 15 October 2002 – 2319, CISG-online 740
Czech Republic
Moroccan strawberries case
Cour d'appel de Versailles (Court of Appeal Versailles)
France, 27 June 2002 – 00/01533, CISG-online 1350
Czech Republic
Easco Ltd. v. Sereo S.L.
Juzgado de Primera Instancia No. 8 de Bilbao (Court of First Instance No. 8 of Bilbao)
Spain, 21 June 2002 – 654/1999, CISG-online 3814
Czech Republic
Tantalite case
Oberlandesgericht Braunschweig (Court of Appeal Braunschweig)
Germany, 25 April 2002 – 2 U 130/01, CISG-online 2697
Czech Republic
G. & D. Iberica S.A. v. Cardel
Audiencia Provincial de Barcelona (Court of Appeal Barcelona)
Spain, 11 March 2002 – 60/2002, CISG-online 1325
Czech Republic
G. & D. Iberica S.A. v. Cardel
Juzgado de Primera Instancia No. 3 de Sant Boi de Llobregat (Court of First Instance No. 3 of Sant Boi de Llobregat)
Spain, 16 October 2001, CISG-online 3817
Czech Republic
Tantalite case
Landgericht Braunschweig (District Court Braunschweig)
Germany, 30 July 2001 – 21 O 703/01 (028), CISG-online 689
Czech Republic

Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 17 July 2001 – 419/1995, CISG-online 936
Czech Republic
Muller Ecole et Bureau v. Federal Trait
Cour de Cassation (French Supreme Court)
France, 26 June 2001 – Q 99-16.118, CISG-online 598
Czech Republic
Victoria Alloys, Inc. v. Fortis Bank SA/NV
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Ohio
USA, 10 April 2001 – 00-18761, Adversary Proceeding No. 01-1045, CISG-online 589
Czech Republic

Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 09 February 2001 – 161/2000, CISG-online 879
Czech Republic

Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 25 January 2001 – 88/2000, CISG-online 878
Czech Republic
BSC Footwear Supplies, Ltd. v. Brumby, SL
Audiencia Provincial de Alicante (Court of Appeal Alicante)
Spain, 16 November 2000, CISG-online 1318
Czech Republic
Russian-English sales contract case
Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 06 June 2000 – 406/1998, CISG-online 1249
Czech Republic
Brumby, SL v. BSC Footwear Supplies, Ltd.
Juzgado de Primera Instancia No. 1 de Elche (Court of First Instance No. 1 of Elche)
Spain, 12 April 2000 – 395/1997, CISG-online 3807
Czech Republic
Moroccan strawberries case
Tribunal de Commerce de Versailles (Commercial Court Versailles)
France, 26 January 2000 – 97F02317, CISG-online 2317
Czech Republic
Imperial Bathroom Company v. Sanitari Possi S.p.A.
Corte Suprema di Cassazione (Italian Supreme Court)
Italy, 14 December 1999 – 895, CISG-online 1314
Czech Republic
D[...] N.V. v. Cavalier Carpets Ltd.
Rechtbank van Koophandel Oudenaarde (Commercial Court Oudenaarde)
Belgium, 23 November 1999 – A.R. 92/30178, CISG-online 4550
Czech Republic
Peppermint oil case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 30 June 1999 – CISG/1999/30, CISG-online 1075
Czech Republic
Wensum Corporate Company v. Bertex S.A.
Audiencia Provincial de Barcelona (Court of Appeal Barcelona)
Spain, 07 June 1999 – 28/1999, CISG-online 499
Czech Republic
Muller Ecole et Bureau v. Federal Trait
Cour d'appel de Colmar (Court of Appeal Colmar)
France, 23 February 1999 – 1A 9601815, CISG-online 3376
Czech Republic
Shares case
Cour de Justice de Genève (Court of Appeal Canton Geneva)
Switzerland, 09 October 1998 – C/8157/1992, CISG-online 424
Czech Republic
Bertex S.A. v. Wensum Corporate Company
Juzgado de Primera Instancia No. 3 de Barcelona (Court of First Instance No. 3 of Barcelona)
Spain, 04 September 1998, CISG-online 3439
Czech Republic
Russian coal case II
Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 04 April 1998 – 387/1995, CISG-online 1334
Czech Republic
Hempseed case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 24 March 1998 – [CISG/1998/03], CISG-online 930
Czech Republic
Hughes Electronic v. Technocontact S.A.
Cour de Cassation (French Supreme Court)
France, 27 January 1998 – B 95-19.448, CISG-online 309
Czech Republic

Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 15 December 1997 – 128/1996, CISG-online 3956
Czech Republic
Sodime-La Rosa S.a.r.l. v. Softlife Design Ltd. et al.
Cour d'appel de Paris (Court of Appeal Paris)
France, 15 October 1997 – 97/08814, CISG-online 293
Czech Republic
Shares case
Tribunal de Première Instance de Genève (Court of First Instance Geneva)
Switzerland, 10 September 1997 – C/8157/1992-11 / JTPI/12311/1997, CISG-online 1933
Czech Republic
Iron molybdenum case
Oberlandesgericht Hamburg (Court of Appeal Hamburg)
Germany, 28 February 1997 – 1 U 167/95, CISG-online 261
Czech Republic
Sodime-La Rosa S.a.r.l. v. Softlife Design Ltd. et al.
Tribunal de Commerce de Paris (Commercial Court Paris)
France, 07 January 1997 – 96/15120, CISG-online 4240
Czech Republic
Natural rubber case I
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 29 March 1996 – CISG/1996/16, CISG-online 2280
Czech Republic
Federal Trait v. Muller Ecole et Bureau
Tribunal de Grande Instance de Mulhouse (District Court Mulhouse)
France, 05 February 1996, CISG-online 3377
Czech Republic

Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 22 January 1996 – 40/1995, CISG-online 1830
Czech Republic
Iron molybdenum case
Landgericht Hamburg (District Court Hamburg)
Germany, 02 October 1995 – 419 O 85/95, CISG-online 395
Czech Republic
Alfred Dunhill Ltd. v. Tivoli Group S.r.l.
Corte Suprema di Cassazione (Italian Supreme Court)
Italy, 09 June 1995 – 6499, CISG-online 314
Czech Republic
Hughes Electronic v. Souriau Cluses S.A.
Cour d'appel de Versailles (Court of Appeal Versailles)
France, 19 April 1995 – 2491/92, CISG-online 432
Czech Republic
Cobalt case
Kantonsgericht Zug (Court of First Instance Canton Zug)
Switzerland, 16 March 1995 – A3 1993 20, CISG-online 230
Czech Republic
Custom Made Commercial Ltd. v. Stawa Metallbau GmbH
European Court of Justice
European Union, 29 June 1994 – C-288/92, CISG-online 272
Czech Republic
J.A. Harris & Sons v. Nijmergsche Ijzergieterij BV
Rechtbank Arnhem (District Court Arnhem)
Netherlands, 15 April 1993 – 1991/35, CISG-online 88
Czech Republic
Streamline Building Products Ltd. v. Albrecht Bouwproducten B.V.
Rechtbank Arnhem (District Court Arnhem)
Netherlands, 22 October 1992 – 1264/1991, CISG-online 58
Czech Republic
Stawa Metallbau GmbH v. Custom Made Commercial Ltd.
Bundesgerichtshof (German Supreme Court)
Germany, 26 March 1992 – VII ZR 258/91, CISG-online 67
Czech Republic
Souriau Cluses S.A. v. Hughes Electronic
Tribunal de Commerce de Versailles (Commercial Court Versailles)
France, 06 November 1991, CISG-online 3355
Czech Republic
Used SMT machine case
Rechtbank Midden-Nederland (District Court Midden-Nederland)
Netherlands, 08 June 2022 – 9485401 UC EXPL 21-7173, CISG-online 6154
Czech Republic
ArcelorMittal Construction Nederland B.V. v. [...]
Rechtbank Gelderland (District Court Gelderland)
Netherlands, 05 April 2022 – C/05/396865 / KG ZA 21-429, CISG-online 5950
Czech Republic
Stolen wheel loader case
Obergericht des Kantons Zug (Court of Appeal Canton Zug)
Switzerland, 23 February 2023 – Z1 2022 6, CISG-online 6313
Czech Republic
Stolen wheel loader case
Kantonsgericht Zug (Court of First Instance Canton Zug)
Switzerland, 24 February 2022 – A3 2019 27, CISG-online 6285
Czech Republic
Valitus Ltd et al. v. Maisons du Monde France S.A.S. et al.
Cour d'appel de Rennes (Court of Appeal Rennes)
France, 18 June 2024 – 21/07569, CISG-online 7032
Czech Republic
Valitus Ltd et al. v. Maisons du Monde France S.A.S. et al.
Tribunal de Commerce de Nantes (Commercial Court Nantes)
France, 04 November 2021, CISG-online 6892
Czech Republic
BMW X5 35i case
Landgericht Dortmund (District Court Dortmund)
Germany, 15 July 2020 – 10 O 27/20, CISG-online 5452
Czech Republic
Samson Materials Handling Ltd v. TTS (Transportation Technology Systems) SIA
Latvijas Republikas Senāts (Supreme Court of Latvia)
Latvia, 16 June 2022 – C29522018 / SKC-128/2022, CISG-online 6538
Czech Republic
Samson Materials Handling Ltd v. TTS (Transportation Technology Systems) SIA
Latgales apgabaltiesa (Court of Appeal Latgale)
Latvia, 24 February 2021 – CA-0020-21, CISG-online 6484
Czech Republic
Samson Materials Handling Ltd v. TTS (Transportation Technology Systems) SIA

Latvia, 14 April 2020 – C 29522018, CISG-online 6431
Czech Republic
SK Energy Europe Ltd. v. Trefoil Trading B.V.
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 11 December 2019 – C/10/552715 / HA ZA 18-589, CISG-online 5057
Czech Republic
Flowers and plants case
Rechtbank Den Haag (District Court The Hague)
Netherlands, 24 July 2019 – C/09/570430 / HA ZA 19-289, CISG-online 4538
Czech Republic
Lypack Lionards E.G. vs. Biofoodnutrition S.E.
Rechtbank Noord-Nederland (District Court Northern Netherlands)
Netherlands, 25 July 2018 – C/17/161481 / KG ZA 18-124, CISG-online 4755
Czech Republic
Genson B.V. v. S&A Produce Ltd.
Rechtbank Oost-Brabant (District Court Oost-Brabant)
Netherlands, 17 April 2019 – C/01/322578 / HA ZA 17-428, CISG-online 4267
Czech Republic
Genson B.V. v. S&A Produce Ltd.
Rechtbank Oost-Brabant (District Court Oost-Brabant)
Netherlands, 28 February 2018 – C/01/322578 / HA ZA 17-428, CISG-online 3047
Czech Republic
Anchor case
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 26 April 2017 – C/10/512886 / HA ZA 16-1037, CISG-online 2932
Czech Republic
Transportation contract case
Harju Maakohtus (County Court Harju)
Estonia, 11 April 2016 – 2-15-14718, CISG-online 4530
Czech Republic
General Dynamics United Kingdom Ltd. v. The State of Libya
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 05 January 2016 – 19222/EMT, CISG-online 5994
Czech Republic
Fish feed case
Gerechthof 's-Hertogenbosch (Court of Appeal 's-Hertogenbosch)
Netherlands, 12 December 2017 – 200.184.301_01, CISG-online 2957
Czech Republic
Fish feed case
Rechtbank Oost-Brabant (District Court Oost-Brabant)
Netherlands, 26 August 2015 – C-01-272963 - HA ZA 14-14, CISG-online 2956
Czech Republic
Bruno Rimini (Furniture) Ltd v. Connor Marketing, Inc.
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California
USA, 27 July 2015 – 1:14-01906 WBS SAB, CISG-online 2662
Czech Republic
Willet & Son (Bristol) Limited v. Itema S.A.
Rechtbank Zeeland-West-Brabant (District Court Zeeland-West-Brabant)
Netherlands, 12 March 2014 – C/02/254122 / HA ZA 12-634, CISG-online 5239
Czech Republic
Polish oak and beech wood panels case
Sąd Okręgowy w Rzeszowie (District Court Rzeszów)
Poland, 28 February 2014 – VI GC 106/13, CISG-online 6752
Czech Republic
Horse case III
Gerechtshof Arnhem-Leeuwarden (Court of Appeal Arnhem-Leeuwarden)
Netherlands, 15 September 2015 – 200.141.228/01, CISG-online 2628
Czech Republic
Horse case III
Rechtbank Noord-Nederland (District Court Northern Netherlands)
Netherlands, 08 January 2014 – C/18/132067 / HA ZA 12-75, CISG-online 3427
Czech Republic
Exclusive Distributor (EU country) v. Manufacturer GmbH (EU country)
Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC)
Arbitration, 18 December 2013 – 73/2011, CISG-online 2571
Czech Republic
Potatoes case III
Cour d'appel de Reims (Court of Appeal Reims)
France, 30 June 2015 – 13/02339, CISG-online 2703
Czech Republic
Potatoes case III
Tribunal de Commerce de Reims (Commercial Court Reims)
France, 16 July 2013, CISG-online 4543
Czech Republic
Smith v. Vini San Barbato
Tribunale di Foggia (District Court Foggia)
Italy, 21 June 2013 – N. 5394/03 R.G., CISG-online 2674
Czech Republic
BP Oil International Limited v. Shell Trading Rotterdam B.V.
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 05 December 2012 – 388188 / HA ZA 11-1976, CISG-online 2422
Czech Republic
Codfish case
Sąd Apelacyjny w Białymstoku (Court of Appeal Bialystok)
Poland, 28 May 2014 – I ACa 213/14, CISG-online 5465
Czech Republic
Codfish case
Sąd Najwyższy (Supreme Court of Poland)
Poland, 28 November 2013 – IV CSK 215/13, CISG-online 2785
Czech Republic
Codfish case
Sąd Apelacyjny w Białymstoku (Court of Appeal Bialystok)
Poland, 14 December 2012, CISG-online 5415
Czech Republic
Codfish case
Sąd Okręgowy w Olsztynie (District Court Olsztyn)
Poland, 23 May 2012 – V GC 5/12, CISG-online 5092
Czech Republic
Kingspan Environmental Ltd. v. Borealis A/S
High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench Division
United Kingdom, 01 May 2012 – 2009 FOLIO 871 / [2012] EWHC 1147 (Comm), CISG-online 2391
Czech Republic
Swiss watches case III
Bundesgericht/Tribunal fédéral (Swiss Federal Supreme Court)
Switzerland, 23 April 2013 – 4A_24/2013, CISG-online 2482
Czech Republic
Swiss watches case III
Cour de Justice de Genève (Court of Appeal Canton Geneva)
Switzerland, 23 November 2012, CISG-online 2989
Czech Republic
Swiss watches case III
Tribunal de Première Instance de Genève (Court of First Instance Geneva)
Switzerland, 02 December 2011, CISG-online 1277
Czech Republic
Global Crankshaft Services B.V. v. Industrial and Marine Power Services Ltd.
Rechtbank Dordrecht (District Court Dordrecht)
Netherlands, 16 February 2011 – 86314 / HA ZA 10-2293, CISG-online 2367
Czech Republic
Hoogwegt Cheese B.V. v. Fayrefield Foods Ltd.
Gerechthof 's-Gravenhage (Court of Appeal The Hague)
Netherlands, 04 September 2012 – 200.079.906-01, CISG-online 5382
Czech Republic
Hoogwegt Cheese B.V. v. Fayrefield Foods Ltd.
Rechtbank Dordrecht (District Court Dordrecht)
Netherlands, 03 November 2010 – 80250 / HA ZA 09-2220, CISG-online 5380
Czech Republic
Princesse D'Isenbourg et Cie, Ltd. v. Kinder Caviar, Inc.
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky
USA, 22 February 2010 – 3:09-29-DCR, CISG-online 2185
Czech Republic
Harel Insurance Company Ltd. et al. v. BTR Environmental Ltd.
Supreme Court of Israel
Israel, 17 January 2010 – CA 9422/06, CISG-online 3413
Czech Republic
Allied General Trading Ltd v. MIKSKAAR AS
Tallinna Ringkonnakohus (Court of Appeal Tallinn)
Estonia, 05 March 2010 – 2-08-67305, CISG-online 2642
Czech Republic
Allied General Trading Ltd v. MIKSKAAR AS
Harju Maakohtus (County Court Harju)
Estonia, 03 April 2009, CISG-online 3192
Czech Republic
[...] Services B.V. v. Dealkent Ltd
Gerechtshof Amsterdam (Court of Appeal Amsterdam)
Netherlands, 07 May 2013 – 200.109.798-01, CISG-online 4944
Czech Republic
[...] Trucks Holland B.V. v. Dealkent Ltd
Hoge Raad (Dutch Supreme Court)
Netherlands, 11 May 2012 – 11/00925, CISG-online 4945
Czech Republic
[...] Trucks Holland B.V. v. Dealkent Ltd
Parket bij de Hoge Raad (Advocate General at the Dutch Supreme Court)
Netherlands, 11 May 2012 – 11/00925, CISG-online 4689
Czech Republic
[...] Trucks Holland B.V. v. Dealkent Ltd
Gerechthof 's-Gravenhage (Court of Appeal The Hague)
Netherlands, 30 November 2010 – 200.044.695-01, CISG-online 4688
Czech Republic
Dealkent Ltd v. [...] Trucks Holland B.V.
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 28 January 2009, CISG-online 4687
Czech Republic
Control and measuring equipment for organic pollutants case
Fővárosi Ítélőtábla (Court of Appeal Budapest)
Hungary, 24 September 2009 – 14.Gf.40.294/2009/4, CISG-online 4492
Czech Republic
Control and measuring equipment for organic pollutants case
Fővárosi Bíróság (Metropolitan Court Budapest)
Hungary, 02 September 2008 – 4.G.41.291/2005/49, CISG-online 4484
Czech Republic
M-A-M Ltd. v. Dana Automacion, S.A.
Audiencia Provincial de Navarra (Court of Appeal Navarra)
Spain, 30 July 2010 – 175/2008 / 169/2010, CISG-online 2315
Czech Republic
Dana Automacion, S.A. v. M-A-M Ltd.
Juzgado de Primera Instancia No. 7 de Pamplona (Court of First Instance No. 7 of Pamplona)
Spain, 19 December 2007 – 148/2007, CISG-online 3809
Czech Republic
Adex International Ltd v. Eaconn B.V.
Gerechthof 's-Hertogenbosch (Court of Appeal 's-Hertogenbosch)
Netherlands, 13 November 2007 – C0401754, CISG-online 3276
Czech Republic
Ransomes Jacobsen Ltd. v. Elumina Ibérica S.A.
Audiencia Provincial de Valencia (Court of Appeal Valencia)
Spain, 12 May 2008 – 51/2006, CISG-online 2099
Czech Republic
Ransomes Jacobsen Ltd. v. Elumina Ibérica S.A.
Juzgado de Primera Instancia No. 11 de Valencia (Court of First Instance No. 11 of Valencia)
Spain, 30 June 2007 – 1245/2006, CISG-online 3775
Czech Republic
Amministrazione delle Finanze dello Stato v. Ford Italia S.p.A. II
Corte Suprema di Cassazione (Italian Supreme Court)
Italy, 16 May 2007 – 11226, CISG-online 2483
Czech Republic
Kingfisher Seafoods Ltd. v. Comercial Eloy Rocio Mar S.L.
Audiencia Provincial de Pontevedra (Court of Appeal Pontevedra)
Spain, 19 December 2007 – 681/2007, CISG-online 1688
Czech Republic
Kingfisher Seafoods Ltd. v. Comercial Eloy Rocio Mar S.L.
Juzgado de Primera Instancia No. 1 de Cambados (Court of First Instance No. 1 of Cambados)
Spain, 07 May 2007, CISG-online 3794
Czech Republic
KLM v. Teleadapt Ltd
Rechtbank Haarlem (District Court Haarlem)
Netherlands, 24 January 2007 – 128540 - HA ZA 06-1268, CISG-online 4693
Czech Republic
Aluminum rings case
Bundesgerichtshof (German Supreme Court)
Germany, 11 May 2010 – VIII ZR 212/07, CISG-online 2125
Czech Republic
Aluminum rings case
Oberlandesgericht Köln (Court of Appeal Cologne)
Germany, 21 June 2007 – 12 U 16/07, CISG-online 3084
Czech Republic
Aluminum rings case
Landgericht Köln (District Court Cologne)
Germany, 11 January 2007 – 83 O 238/05, CISG-online 1835
Czech Republic
Metal goods case
Международного коммерческого Арбитражного суда при ТПП Украины (International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICAC))
Arbitration, 13 February 2006, CISG-online 2243
Czech Republic
Luciano Pessa v. W.H.S. Saddlers International
Tribunale di Padova (District Court Padova)
Italy, 10 January 2006, CISG-online 1157
Czech Republic
Beyond the Network, Ltd v. Vectone Ltd
Hong Kong Court of First Instance
Hong Kong SAR (China), 13 December 2005 – [2005] HKCU 1771 / HCA 2826/2004, CISG-online 6391
Czech Republic
Pocket ashtrays case
Bundesgericht/Tribunal fédéral (Swiss Federal Supreme Court)
Switzerland, 10 October 2005 – 4P.146/2005/biz, CISG-online 1353
Czech Republic
Pocket ashtrays case
Camera di Commercio dell'Industria e dell'Artigianato del Cantone Ticino (Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts of the Canton of Ticino)
Arbitration, 25 April 2005, CISG-online 3103
Czech Republic
All Trade BV v. CM Supplies (UK) Ltd.
Gerechthof 's-Gravenhage (Court of Appeal The Hague)
Netherlands, 29 September 2006 – 05/818, CISG-online 1808
Czech Republic
All Trade BV v. CM Supplies (UK) Ltd.
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 16 March 2005, CISG-online 3491
Czech Republic
All Trade BV v. CM Supplies (UK) Ltd.
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 27 October 2004, CISG-online 3490
Czech Republic
Aquafili Textile Yarns S.p.A. v. Updeal Ltd.
Tribunale di Rovereto (District Court Rovereto)
Italy, 28 August 2004 – 1224/03, CISG-online 902
Czech Republic
Penguin Books Ltd. v. Librería Rodríguez S.A.C.I.F.
Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación (Supreme Court of Argentina)
Argentina, 19 February 2008, CISG-online 4448
Czech Republic
Penguin Books Ltd. v. Librería Rodríguez S.A.C.I.F.
Cámara Nacional de Apelaciones en lo Comercial (National Commercial Court of Appeals)
Argentina, 03 November 2005, CISG-online 4422
Czech Republic
Penguin Books Ltd. v. Librería Rodríguez S.A.C.I.F.
Juzgado Nacional de Primera Instancia en lo Comercial No. 1 (National Commercial Court of First Instance No. 1)
Argentina, 16 July 2004, CISG-online 4399
Czech Republic
Garage Ma Campagne NV v. Riverside Vehicle Rental Ltd.
Rechtbank van Koophandel Kortrijk (Commercial Court Kortrijk)
Belgium, 26 May 2004 – AR 4143/2003, CISG-online 989
Czech Republic
Sesinco Foods Ltd. v. Schuivens Beheer B.V.
Rechtbank Maastricht (District Court Maastricht)
Netherlands, 12 November 2003 – 84290 - HA ZA 03-544, CISG-online 4598
Czech Republic
Clothes case III
Landgericht Saarbrücken (District Court Saarbrücken)
Germany, 25 November 2002 – 8 O 68/02, CISG-online 718
Czech Republic
English-American sales contract case
Международного коммерческого Арбитражного суда при ТПП Украины (International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICAC))
Arbitration, 25 November 2002, CISG-online 1267
Czech Republic
Impuls I.D. Internacional, S.L. et al. v. Psion Teklogix Inc.
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida
USA, 22 November 2002 – 01-7541-CIV-Zloch, CISG-online 783
Czech Republic
Rijn Blend oil case
Nederlands Arbitrage Instituut (Netherlands Arbitration Institute)
Arbitration, 15 October 2002 – 2319, CISG-online 740
Czech Republic
Sereo S.L. v. Easco Ltd.
Audiencia Provincial de Vizcaya (Court of Appeal Vizcaya)
Spain, 05 November 2003 – 529/2003, CISG-online 1101
Czech Republic
Easco Ltd. v. Sereo S.L.
Juzgado de Primera Instancia No. 8 de Bilbao (Court of First Instance No. 8 of Bilbao)
Spain, 21 June 2002 – 654/1999, CISG-online 3814
Czech Republic
G. & D. Iberica S.A. v. Cardel
Audiencia Provincial de Barcelona (Court of Appeal Barcelona)
Spain, 11 March 2002 – 60/2002, CISG-online 1325
Czech Republic
G. & D. Iberica S.A. v. Cardel
Juzgado de Primera Instancia No. 3 de Sant Boi de Llobregat (Court of First Instance No. 3 of Sant Boi de Llobregat)
Spain, 16 October 2001, CISG-online 3817
Czech Republic
Tantalite case
Oberlandesgericht Braunschweig (Court of Appeal Braunschweig)
Germany, 25 April 2002 – 2 U 130/01, CISG-online 2697
Czech Republic
Tantalite case
Landgericht Braunschweig (District Court Braunschweig)
Germany, 30 July 2001 – 21 O 703/01 (028), CISG-online 689
Czech Republic

Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 17 July 2001 – 419/1995, CISG-online 936
Czech Republic
Victoria Alloys, Inc. v. Fortis Bank SA/NV
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Ohio
USA, 10 April 2001 – 00-18761, Adversary Proceeding No. 01-1045, CISG-online 589
Czech Republic

Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 09 February 2001 – 161/2000, CISG-online 879
Czech Republic

Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 25 January 2001 – 88/2000, CISG-online 878
Czech Republic
Russian-English sales contract case
Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 06 June 2000 – 406/1998, CISG-online 1249
Czech Republic
BSC Footwear Supplies, Ltd. v. Brumby, SL
Audiencia Provincial de Alicante (Court of Appeal Alicante)
Spain, 16 November 2000, CISG-online 1318
Czech Republic
Brumby, SL v. BSC Footwear Supplies, Ltd.
Juzgado de Primera Instancia No. 1 de Elche (Court of First Instance No. 1 of Elche)
Spain, 12 April 2000 – 395/1997, CISG-online 3807
Czech Republic
Moroccan strawberries case
Cour d'appel de Versailles (Court of Appeal Versailles)
France, 27 June 2002 – 00/01533, CISG-online 1350
Czech Republic
Moroccan strawberries case
Tribunal de Commerce de Versailles (Commercial Court Versailles)
France, 26 January 2000 – 97F02317, CISG-online 2317
Czech Republic
Imperial Bathroom Company v. Sanitari Possi S.p.A.
Corte Suprema di Cassazione (Italian Supreme Court)
Italy, 14 December 1999 – 895, CISG-online 1314
Czech Republic
D[...] N.V. v. Cavalier Carpets Ltd.
Rechtbank van Koophandel Oudenaarde (Commercial Court Oudenaarde)
Belgium, 23 November 1999 – A.R. 92/30178, CISG-online 4550
Czech Republic
Peppermint oil case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 30 June 1999 – CISG/1999/30, CISG-online 1075
Czech Republic
Wensum Corporate Company v. Bertex S.A.
Audiencia Provincial de Barcelona (Court of Appeal Barcelona)
Spain, 07 June 1999 – 28/1999, CISG-online 499
Czech Republic
Bertex S.A. v. Wensum Corporate Company
Juzgado de Primera Instancia No. 3 de Barcelona (Court of First Instance No. 3 of Barcelona)
Spain, 04 September 1998, CISG-online 3439
Czech Republic
Russian coal case II
Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 04 April 1998 – 387/1995, CISG-online 1334
Czech Republic
Hempseed case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 24 March 1998 – [CISG/1998/03], CISG-online 930
Czech Republic

Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 15 December 1997 – 128/1996, CISG-online 3956
Czech Republic
Shares case
Cour de Justice de Genève (Court of Appeal Canton Geneva)
Switzerland, 09 October 1998 – C/8157/1992, CISG-online 424
Czech Republic
Shares case
Tribunal de Première Instance de Genève (Court of First Instance Geneva)
Switzerland, 10 September 1997 – C/8157/1992-11 / JTPI/12311/1997, CISG-online 1933
Czech Republic
Sodime-La Rosa S.a.r.l. v. Softlife Design Ltd. et al.
Cour d'appel de Paris (Court of Appeal Paris)
France, 15 October 1997 – 97/08814, CISG-online 293
Czech Republic
Sodime-La Rosa S.a.r.l. v. Softlife Design Ltd. et al.
Tribunal de Commerce de Paris (Commercial Court Paris)
France, 07 January 1997 – 96/15120, CISG-online 4240
Czech Republic
Natural rubber case I
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 29 March 1996 – CISG/1996/16, CISG-online 2280
Czech Republic
Muller Ecole et Bureau v. Federal Trait
Cour de Cassation (French Supreme Court)
France, 26 June 2001 – Q 99-16.118, CISG-online 598
Czech Republic
Muller Ecole et Bureau v. Federal Trait
Cour d'appel de Colmar (Court of Appeal Colmar)
France, 23 February 1999 – 1A 9601815, CISG-online 3376
Czech Republic
Federal Trait v. Muller Ecole et Bureau
Tribunal de Grande Instance de Mulhouse (District Court Mulhouse)
France, 05 February 1996, CISG-online 3377
Czech Republic

Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 22 January 1996 – 40/1995, CISG-online 1830
Czech Republic
Iron molybdenum case
Oberlandesgericht Hamburg (Court of Appeal Hamburg)
Germany, 28 February 1997 – 1 U 167/95, CISG-online 261
Czech Republic
Iron molybdenum case
Landgericht Hamburg (District Court Hamburg)
Germany, 02 October 1995 – 419 O 85/95, CISG-online 395
Czech Republic
Alfred Dunhill Ltd. v. Tivoli Group S.r.l.
Corte Suprema di Cassazione (Italian Supreme Court)
Italy, 09 June 1995 – 6499, CISG-online 314
Czech Republic
Cobalt case
Kantonsgericht Zug (Court of First Instance Canton Zug)
Switzerland, 16 March 1995 – A3 1993 20, CISG-online 230
Czech Republic
J.A. Harris & Sons v. Nijmergsche Ijzergieterij BV
Rechtbank Arnhem (District Court Arnhem)
Netherlands, 15 April 1993 – 1991/35, CISG-online 88
Czech Republic
Streamline Building Products Ltd. v. Albrecht Bouwproducten B.V.
Rechtbank Arnhem (District Court Arnhem)
Netherlands, 22 October 1992 – 1264/1991, CISG-online 58
Czech Republic
Custom Made Commercial Ltd. v. Stawa Metallbau GmbH
European Court of Justice
European Union, 29 June 1994 – C-288/92, CISG-online 272
Czech Republic
Stawa Metallbau GmbH v. Custom Made Commercial Ltd.
Bundesgerichtshof (German Supreme Court)
Germany, 26 March 1992 – VII ZR 258/91, CISG-online 67
Czech Republic
Hughes Electronic v. Technocontact S.A.
Cour de Cassation (French Supreme Court)
France, 27 January 1998 – B 95-19.448, CISG-online 309
Czech Republic
Hughes Electronic v. Souriau Cluses S.A.
Cour d'appel de Versailles (Court of Appeal Versailles)
France, 19 April 1995 – 2491/92, CISG-online 432
Czech Republic
Souriau Cluses S.A. v. Hughes Electronic
Tribunal de Commerce de Versailles (Commercial Court Versailles)
France, 06 November 1991, CISG-online 3355
Parties from the United Kingdom most frequently settled their CISG disputes in:
1. Netherlands
30 decisions
20 cases
24.69 %
Czech Republic
Used SMT machine case
Rechtbank Midden-Nederland (District Court Midden-Nederland)
Netherlands, 08 June 2022 – 9485401 UC EXPL 21-7173, CISG-online 6154
Czech Republic
ArcelorMittal Construction Nederland B.V. v. [...]
Rechtbank Gelderland (District Court Gelderland)
Netherlands, 05 April 2022 – C/05/396865 / KG ZA 21-429, CISG-online 5950
Czech Republic
SK Energy Europe Ltd. v. Trefoil Trading B.V.
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 11 December 2019 – C/10/552715 / HA ZA 18-589, CISG-online 5057
Czech Republic
Flowers and plants case
Rechtbank Den Haag (District Court The Hague)
Netherlands, 24 July 2019 – C/09/570430 / HA ZA 19-289, CISG-online 4538
Czech Republic
Genson B.V. v. S&A Produce Ltd.
Rechtbank Oost-Brabant (District Court Oost-Brabant)
Netherlands, 17 April 2019 – C/01/322578 / HA ZA 17-428, CISG-online 4267
Czech Republic
Lypack Lionards E.G. vs. Biofoodnutrition S.E.
Rechtbank Noord-Nederland (District Court Northern Netherlands)
Netherlands, 25 July 2018 – C/17/161481 / KG ZA 18-124, CISG-online 4755
Czech Republic
Genson B.V. v. S&A Produce Ltd.
Rechtbank Oost-Brabant (District Court Oost-Brabant)
Netherlands, 28 February 2018 – C/01/322578 / HA ZA 17-428, CISG-online 3047
Czech Republic
Fish feed case
Gerechthof 's-Hertogenbosch (Court of Appeal 's-Hertogenbosch)
Netherlands, 12 December 2017 – 200.184.301_01, CISG-online 2957
Czech Republic
Anchor case
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 26 April 2017 – C/10/512886 / HA ZA 16-1037, CISG-online 2932
Czech Republic
Horse case III
Gerechtshof Arnhem-Leeuwarden (Court of Appeal Arnhem-Leeuwarden)
Netherlands, 15 September 2015 – 200.141.228/01, CISG-online 2628
Czech Republic
Fish feed case
Rechtbank Oost-Brabant (District Court Oost-Brabant)
Netherlands, 26 August 2015 – C-01-272963 - HA ZA 14-14, CISG-online 2956
Czech Republic
Willet & Son (Bristol) Limited v. Itema S.A.
Rechtbank Zeeland-West-Brabant (District Court Zeeland-West-Brabant)
Netherlands, 12 March 2014 – C/02/254122 / HA ZA 12-634, CISG-online 5239
Czech Republic
Horse case III
Rechtbank Noord-Nederland (District Court Northern Netherlands)
Netherlands, 08 January 2014 – C/18/132067 / HA ZA 12-75, CISG-online 3427
Czech Republic
[...] Services B.V. v. Dealkent Ltd
Gerechtshof Amsterdam (Court of Appeal Amsterdam)
Netherlands, 07 May 2013 – 200.109.798-01, CISG-online 4944
Czech Republic
BP Oil International Limited v. Shell Trading Rotterdam B.V.
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 05 December 2012 – 388188 / HA ZA 11-1976, CISG-online 2422
Czech Republic
Hoogwegt Cheese B.V. v. Fayrefield Foods Ltd.
Gerechthof 's-Gravenhage (Court of Appeal The Hague)
Netherlands, 04 September 2012 – 200.079.906-01, CISG-online 5382
Czech Republic
[...] Trucks Holland B.V. v. Dealkent Ltd
Parket bij de Hoge Raad (Advocate General at the Dutch Supreme Court)
Netherlands, 11 May 2012 – 11/00925, CISG-online 4689
Czech Republic
[...] Trucks Holland B.V. v. Dealkent Ltd
Hoge Raad (Dutch Supreme Court)
Netherlands, 11 May 2012 – 11/00925, CISG-online 4945
Czech Republic
Global Crankshaft Services B.V. v. Industrial and Marine Power Services Ltd.
Rechtbank Dordrecht (District Court Dordrecht)
Netherlands, 16 February 2011 – 86314 / HA ZA 10-2293, CISG-online 2367
Czech Republic
[...] Trucks Holland B.V. v. Dealkent Ltd
Gerechthof 's-Gravenhage (Court of Appeal The Hague)
Netherlands, 30 November 2010 – 200.044.695-01, CISG-online 4688
Czech Republic
Hoogwegt Cheese B.V. v. Fayrefield Foods Ltd.
Rechtbank Dordrecht (District Court Dordrecht)
Netherlands, 03 November 2010 – 80250 / HA ZA 09-2220, CISG-online 5380
Czech Republic
Dealkent Ltd v. [...] Trucks Holland B.V.
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 28 January 2009, CISG-online 4687
Czech Republic
Adex International Ltd v. Eaconn B.V.
Gerechthof 's-Hertogenbosch (Court of Appeal 's-Hertogenbosch)
Netherlands, 13 November 2007 – C0401754, CISG-online 3276
Czech Republic
KLM v. Teleadapt Ltd
Rechtbank Haarlem (District Court Haarlem)
Netherlands, 24 January 2007 – 128540 - HA ZA 06-1268, CISG-online 4693
Czech Republic
All Trade BV v. CM Supplies (UK) Ltd.
Gerechthof 's-Gravenhage (Court of Appeal The Hague)
Netherlands, 29 September 2006 – 05/818, CISG-online 1808
Czech Republic
All Trade BV v. CM Supplies (UK) Ltd.
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 16 March 2005, CISG-online 3491
Czech Republic
All Trade BV v. CM Supplies (UK) Ltd.
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 27 October 2004, CISG-online 3490
Czech Republic
Sesinco Foods Ltd. v. Schuivens Beheer B.V.
Rechtbank Maastricht (District Court Maastricht)
Netherlands, 12 November 2003 – 84290 - HA ZA 03-544, CISG-online 4598
Czech Republic
J.A. Harris & Sons v. Nijmergsche Ijzergieterij BV
Rechtbank Arnhem (District Court Arnhem)
Netherlands, 15 April 1993 – 1991/35, CISG-online 88
Czech Republic
Streamline Building Products Ltd. v. Albrecht Bouwproducten B.V.
Rechtbank Arnhem (District Court Arnhem)
Netherlands, 22 October 1992 – 1264/1991, CISG-online 58
Czech Republic
Used SMT machine case
Rechtbank Midden-Nederland (District Court Midden-Nederland)
Netherlands, 08 June 2022 – 9485401 UC EXPL 21-7173, CISG-online 6154
Czech Republic
ArcelorMittal Construction Nederland B.V. v. [...]
Rechtbank Gelderland (District Court Gelderland)
Netherlands, 05 April 2022 – C/05/396865 / KG ZA 21-429, CISG-online 5950
Czech Republic
SK Energy Europe Ltd. v. Trefoil Trading B.V.
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 11 December 2019 – C/10/552715 / HA ZA 18-589, CISG-online 5057
Czech Republic
Flowers and plants case
Rechtbank Den Haag (District Court The Hague)
Netherlands, 24 July 2019 – C/09/570430 / HA ZA 19-289, CISG-online 4538
Czech Republic
Lypack Lionards E.G. vs. Biofoodnutrition S.E.
Rechtbank Noord-Nederland (District Court Northern Netherlands)
Netherlands, 25 July 2018 – C/17/161481 / KG ZA 18-124, CISG-online 4755
Czech Republic
Genson B.V. v. S&A Produce Ltd.
Rechtbank Oost-Brabant (District Court Oost-Brabant)
Netherlands, 17 April 2019 – C/01/322578 / HA ZA 17-428, CISG-online 4267
Czech Republic
Genson B.V. v. S&A Produce Ltd.
Rechtbank Oost-Brabant (District Court Oost-Brabant)
Netherlands, 28 February 2018 – C/01/322578 / HA ZA 17-428, CISG-online 3047
Czech Republic
Anchor case
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 26 April 2017 – C/10/512886 / HA ZA 16-1037, CISG-online 2932
Czech Republic
Fish feed case
Gerechthof 's-Hertogenbosch (Court of Appeal 's-Hertogenbosch)
Netherlands, 12 December 2017 – 200.184.301_01, CISG-online 2957
Czech Republic
Fish feed case
Rechtbank Oost-Brabant (District Court Oost-Brabant)
Netherlands, 26 August 2015 – C-01-272963 - HA ZA 14-14, CISG-online 2956
Czech Republic
Willet & Son (Bristol) Limited v. Itema S.A.
Rechtbank Zeeland-West-Brabant (District Court Zeeland-West-Brabant)
Netherlands, 12 March 2014 – C/02/254122 / HA ZA 12-634, CISG-online 5239
Czech Republic
Horse case III
Gerechtshof Arnhem-Leeuwarden (Court of Appeal Arnhem-Leeuwarden)
Netherlands, 15 September 2015 – 200.141.228/01, CISG-online 2628
Czech Republic
Horse case III
Rechtbank Noord-Nederland (District Court Northern Netherlands)
Netherlands, 08 January 2014 – C/18/132067 / HA ZA 12-75, CISG-online 3427
Czech Republic
BP Oil International Limited v. Shell Trading Rotterdam B.V.
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 05 December 2012 – 388188 / HA ZA 11-1976, CISG-online 2422
Czech Republic
Global Crankshaft Services B.V. v. Industrial and Marine Power Services Ltd.
Rechtbank Dordrecht (District Court Dordrecht)
Netherlands, 16 February 2011 – 86314 / HA ZA 10-2293, CISG-online 2367
Czech Republic
Hoogwegt Cheese B.V. v. Fayrefield Foods Ltd.
Gerechthof 's-Gravenhage (Court of Appeal The Hague)
Netherlands, 04 September 2012 – 200.079.906-01, CISG-online 5382
Czech Republic
Hoogwegt Cheese B.V. v. Fayrefield Foods Ltd.
Rechtbank Dordrecht (District Court Dordrecht)
Netherlands, 03 November 2010 – 80250 / HA ZA 09-2220, CISG-online 5380
Czech Republic
[...] Services B.V. v. Dealkent Ltd
Gerechtshof Amsterdam (Court of Appeal Amsterdam)
Netherlands, 07 May 2013 – 200.109.798-01, CISG-online 4944
Czech Republic
[...] Trucks Holland B.V. v. Dealkent Ltd
Hoge Raad (Dutch Supreme Court)
Netherlands, 11 May 2012 – 11/00925, CISG-online 4945
Czech Republic
[...] Trucks Holland B.V. v. Dealkent Ltd
Parket bij de Hoge Raad (Advocate General at the Dutch Supreme Court)
Netherlands, 11 May 2012 – 11/00925, CISG-online 4689
Czech Republic
[...] Trucks Holland B.V. v. Dealkent Ltd
Gerechthof 's-Gravenhage (Court of Appeal The Hague)
Netherlands, 30 November 2010 – 200.044.695-01, CISG-online 4688
Czech Republic
Dealkent Ltd v. [...] Trucks Holland B.V.
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 28 January 2009, CISG-online 4687
Czech Republic
Adex International Ltd v. Eaconn B.V.
Gerechthof 's-Hertogenbosch (Court of Appeal 's-Hertogenbosch)
Netherlands, 13 November 2007 – C0401754, CISG-online 3276
Czech Republic
KLM v. Teleadapt Ltd
Rechtbank Haarlem (District Court Haarlem)
Netherlands, 24 January 2007 – 128540 - HA ZA 06-1268, CISG-online 4693
Czech Republic
All Trade BV v. CM Supplies (UK) Ltd.
Gerechthof 's-Gravenhage (Court of Appeal The Hague)
Netherlands, 29 September 2006 – 05/818, CISG-online 1808
Czech Republic
All Trade BV v. CM Supplies (UK) Ltd.
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 16 March 2005, CISG-online 3491
Czech Republic
All Trade BV v. CM Supplies (UK) Ltd.
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 27 October 2004, CISG-online 3490
Czech Republic
Sesinco Foods Ltd. v. Schuivens Beheer B.V.
Rechtbank Maastricht (District Court Maastricht)
Netherlands, 12 November 2003 – 84290 - HA ZA 03-544, CISG-online 4598
Czech Republic
J.A. Harris & Sons v. Nijmergsche Ijzergieterij BV
Rechtbank Arnhem (District Court Arnhem)
Netherlands, 15 April 1993 – 1991/35, CISG-online 88
Czech Republic
Streamline Building Products Ltd. v. Albrecht Bouwproducten B.V.
Rechtbank Arnhem (District Court Arnhem)
Netherlands, 22 October 1992 – 1264/1991, CISG-online 58
2. Arbitration
16 decisions
16 cases
19.75 %
Czech Republic
General Dynamics United Kingdom Ltd. v. The State of Libya
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 05 January 2016 – 19222/EMT, CISG-online 5994
Czech Republic
Exclusive Distributor (EU country) v. Manufacturer GmbH (EU country)
Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC)
Arbitration, 18 December 2013 – 73/2011, CISG-online 2571
Czech Republic
Metal goods case
Международного коммерческого Арбитражного суда при ТПП Украины (International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICAC))
Arbitration, 13 February 2006, CISG-online 2243
Czech Republic
Pocket ashtrays case
Camera di Commercio dell'Industria e dell'Artigianato del Cantone Ticino (Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts of the Canton of Ticino)
Arbitration, 25 April 2005, CISG-online 3103
Czech Republic
English-American sales contract case
Международного коммерческого Арбитражного суда при ТПП Украины (International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICAC))
Arbitration, 25 November 2002, CISG-online 1267
Czech Republic
Rijn Blend oil case
Nederlands Arbitrage Instituut (Netherlands Arbitration Institute)
Arbitration, 15 October 2002 – 2319, CISG-online 740
Czech Republic

Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 17 July 2001 – 419/1995, CISG-online 936
Czech Republic

Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 09 February 2001 – 161/2000, CISG-online 879
Czech Republic

Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 25 January 2001 – 88/2000, CISG-online 878
Czech Republic
Russian-English sales contract case
Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 06 June 2000 – 406/1998, CISG-online 1249
Czech Republic
Peppermint oil case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 30 June 1999 – CISG/1999/30, CISG-online 1075
Czech Republic
Russian coal case II
Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 04 April 1998 – 387/1995, CISG-online 1334
Czech Republic
Hempseed case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 24 March 1998 – [CISG/1998/03], CISG-online 930
Czech Republic

Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 15 December 1997 – 128/1996, CISG-online 3956
Czech Republic
Natural rubber case I
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 29 March 1996 – CISG/1996/16, CISG-online 2280
Czech Republic

Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 22 January 1996 – 40/1995, CISG-online 1830
Czech Republic
General Dynamics United Kingdom Ltd. v. The State of Libya
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 05 January 2016 – 19222/EMT, CISG-online 5994
Czech Republic
Exclusive Distributor (EU country) v. Manufacturer GmbH (EU country)
Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC)
Arbitration, 18 December 2013 – 73/2011, CISG-online 2571
Czech Republic
Metal goods case
Международного коммерческого Арбитражного суда при ТПП Украины (International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICAC))
Arbitration, 13 February 2006, CISG-online 2243
Czech Republic
Pocket ashtrays case
Camera di Commercio dell'Industria e dell'Artigianato del Cantone Ticino (Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts of the Canton of Ticino)
Arbitration, 25 April 2005, CISG-online 3103
Czech Republic
English-American sales contract case
Международного коммерческого Арбитражного суда при ТПП Украины (International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICAC))
Arbitration, 25 November 2002, CISG-online 1267
Czech Republic
Rijn Blend oil case
Nederlands Arbitrage Instituut (Netherlands Arbitration Institute)
Arbitration, 15 October 2002 – 2319, CISG-online 740
Czech Republic

Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 17 July 2001 – 419/1995, CISG-online 936
Czech Republic

Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 09 February 2001 – 161/2000, CISG-online 879
Czech Republic

Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 25 January 2001 – 88/2000, CISG-online 878
Czech Republic
Russian-English sales contract case
Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 06 June 2000 – 406/1998, CISG-online 1249
Czech Republic
Peppermint oil case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 30 June 1999 – CISG/1999/30, CISG-online 1075
Czech Republic
Russian coal case II
Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 04 April 1998 – 387/1995, CISG-online 1334
Czech Republic
Hempseed case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 24 March 1998 – [CISG/1998/03], CISG-online 930
Czech Republic

Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 15 December 1997 – 128/1996, CISG-online 3956
Czech Republic
Natural rubber case I
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 29 March 1996 – CISG/1996/16, CISG-online 2280
Czech Republic

Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 22 January 1996 – 40/1995, CISG-online 1830
3. Spain
14 decisions
7 cases
8.64 %
Czech Republic
M-A-M Ltd. v. Dana Automacion, S.A.
Audiencia Provincial de Navarra (Court of Appeal Navarra)
Spain, 30 July 2010 – 175/2008 / 169/2010, CISG-online 2315
Czech Republic
Ransomes Jacobsen Ltd. v. Elumina Ibérica S.A.
Audiencia Provincial de Valencia (Court of Appeal Valencia)
Spain, 12 May 2008 – 51/2006, CISG-online 2099
Czech Republic
Kingfisher Seafoods Ltd. v. Comercial Eloy Rocio Mar S.L.
Audiencia Provincial de Pontevedra (Court of Appeal Pontevedra)
Spain, 19 December 2007 – 681/2007, CISG-online 1688
Czech Republic
Dana Automacion, S.A. v. M-A-M Ltd.
Juzgado de Primera Instancia No. 7 de Pamplona (Court of First Instance No. 7 of Pamplona)
Spain, 19 December 2007 – 148/2007, CISG-online 3809
Czech Republic
Ransomes Jacobsen Ltd. v. Elumina Ibérica S.A.
Juzgado de Primera Instancia No. 11 de Valencia (Court of First Instance No. 11 of Valencia)
Spain, 30 June 2007 – 1245/2006, CISG-online 3775
Czech Republic
Kingfisher Seafoods Ltd. v. Comercial Eloy Rocio Mar S.L.
Juzgado de Primera Instancia No. 1 de Cambados (Court of First Instance No. 1 of Cambados)
Spain, 07 May 2007, CISG-online 3794
Czech Republic
Sereo S.L. v. Easco Ltd.
Audiencia Provincial de Vizcaya (Court of Appeal Vizcaya)
Spain, 05 November 2003 – 529/2003, CISG-online 1101
Czech Republic
Easco Ltd. v. Sereo S.L.
Juzgado de Primera Instancia No. 8 de Bilbao (Court of First Instance No. 8 of Bilbao)
Spain, 21 June 2002 – 654/1999, CISG-online 3814
Czech Republic
G. & D. Iberica S.A. v. Cardel
Audiencia Provincial de Barcelona (Court of Appeal Barcelona)
Spain, 11 March 2002 – 60/2002, CISG-online 1325
Czech Republic
G. & D. Iberica S.A. v. Cardel
Juzgado de Primera Instancia No. 3 de Sant Boi de Llobregat (Court of First Instance No. 3 of Sant Boi de Llobregat)
Spain, 16 October 2001, CISG-online 3817
Czech Republic
BSC Footwear Supplies, Ltd. v. Brumby, SL
Audiencia Provincial de Alicante (Court of Appeal Alicante)
Spain, 16 November 2000, CISG-online 1318
Czech Republic
Brumby, SL v. BSC Footwear Supplies, Ltd.
Juzgado de Primera Instancia No. 1 de Elche (Court of First Instance No. 1 of Elche)
Spain, 12 April 2000 – 395/1997, CISG-online 3807
Czech Republic
Wensum Corporate Company v. Bertex S.A.
Audiencia Provincial de Barcelona (Court of Appeal Barcelona)
Spain, 07 June 1999 – 28/1999, CISG-online 499
Czech Republic
Bertex S.A. v. Wensum Corporate Company
Juzgado de Primera Instancia No. 3 de Barcelona (Court of First Instance No. 3 of Barcelona)
Spain, 04 September 1998, CISG-online 3439
Czech Republic
M-A-M Ltd. v. Dana Automacion, S.A.
Audiencia Provincial de Navarra (Court of Appeal Navarra)
Spain, 30 July 2010 – 175/2008 / 169/2010, CISG-online 2315
Czech Republic
Dana Automacion, S.A. v. M-A-M Ltd.
Juzgado de Primera Instancia No. 7 de Pamplona (Court of First Instance No. 7 of Pamplona)
Spain, 19 December 2007 – 148/2007, CISG-online 3809
Czech Republic
Ransomes Jacobsen Ltd. v. Elumina Ibérica S.A.
Audiencia Provincial de Valencia (Court of Appeal Valencia)
Spain, 12 May 2008 – 51/2006, CISG-online 2099
Czech Republic
Ransomes Jacobsen Ltd. v. Elumina Ibérica S.A.
Juzgado de Primera Instancia No. 11 de Valencia (Court of First Instance No. 11 of Valencia)
Spain, 30 June 2007 – 1245/2006, CISG-online 3775
Czech Republic
Kingfisher Seafoods Ltd. v. Comercial Eloy Rocio Mar S.L.
Audiencia Provincial de Pontevedra (Court of Appeal Pontevedra)
Spain, 19 December 2007 – 681/2007, CISG-online 1688
Czech Republic
Kingfisher Seafoods Ltd. v. Comercial Eloy Rocio Mar S.L.
Juzgado de Primera Instancia No. 1 de Cambados (Court of First Instance No. 1 of Cambados)
Spain, 07 May 2007, CISG-online 3794
Czech Republic
Sereo S.L. v. Easco Ltd.
Audiencia Provincial de Vizcaya (Court of Appeal Vizcaya)
Spain, 05 November 2003 – 529/2003, CISG-online 1101
Czech Republic
Easco Ltd. v. Sereo S.L.
Juzgado de Primera Instancia No. 8 de Bilbao (Court of First Instance No. 8 of Bilbao)
Spain, 21 June 2002 – 654/1999, CISG-online 3814
Czech Republic
G. & D. Iberica S.A. v. Cardel
Audiencia Provincial de Barcelona (Court of Appeal Barcelona)
Spain, 11 March 2002 – 60/2002, CISG-online 1325
Czech Republic
G. & D. Iberica S.A. v. Cardel
Juzgado de Primera Instancia No. 3 de Sant Boi de Llobregat (Court of First Instance No. 3 of Sant Boi de Llobregat)
Spain, 16 October 2001, CISG-online 3817
Czech Republic
BSC Footwear Supplies, Ltd. v. Brumby, SL
Audiencia Provincial de Alicante (Court of Appeal Alicante)
Spain, 16 November 2000, CISG-online 1318
Czech Republic
Brumby, SL v. BSC Footwear Supplies, Ltd.
Juzgado de Primera Instancia No. 1 de Elche (Court of First Instance No. 1 of Elche)
Spain, 12 April 2000 – 395/1997, CISG-online 3807
Czech Republic
Wensum Corporate Company v. Bertex S.A.
Audiencia Provincial de Barcelona (Court of Appeal Barcelona)
Spain, 07 June 1999 – 28/1999, CISG-online 499
Czech Republic
Bertex S.A. v. Wensum Corporate Company
Juzgado de Primera Instancia No. 3 de Barcelona (Court of First Instance No. 3 of Barcelona)
Spain, 04 September 1998, CISG-online 3439
4. France
14 decisions
6 cases
7.41 %
Czech Republic
Valitus Ltd et al. v. Maisons du Monde France S.A.S. et al.
Cour d'appel de Rennes (Court of Appeal Rennes)
France, 18 June 2024 – 21/07569, CISG-online 7032
Czech Republic
Valitus Ltd et al. v. Maisons du Monde France S.A.S. et al.
Tribunal de Commerce de Nantes (Commercial Court Nantes)
France, 04 November 2021, CISG-online 6892
Czech Republic
Potatoes case III
Cour d'appel de Reims (Court of Appeal Reims)
France, 30 June 2015 – 13/02339, CISG-online 2703
Czech Republic
Potatoes case III
Tribunal de Commerce de Reims (Commercial Court Reims)
France, 16 July 2013, CISG-online 4543
Czech Republic
Moroccan strawberries case
Cour d'appel de Versailles (Court of Appeal Versailles)
France, 27 June 2002 – 00/01533, CISG-online 1350
Czech Republic
Muller Ecole et Bureau v. Federal Trait
Cour de Cassation (French Supreme Court)
France, 26 June 2001 – Q 99-16.118, CISG-online 598
Czech Republic
Moroccan strawberries case
Tribunal de Commerce de Versailles (Commercial Court Versailles)
France, 26 January 2000 – 97F02317, CISG-online 2317
Czech Republic
Muller Ecole et Bureau v. Federal Trait
Cour d'appel de Colmar (Court of Appeal Colmar)
France, 23 February 1999 – 1A 9601815, CISG-online 3376
Czech Republic
Hughes Electronic v. Technocontact S.A.
Cour de Cassation (French Supreme Court)
France, 27 January 1998 – B 95-19.448, CISG-online 309
Czech Republic
Sodime-La Rosa S.a.r.l. v. Softlife Design Ltd. et al.
Cour d'appel de Paris (Court of Appeal Paris)
France, 15 October 1997 – 97/08814, CISG-online 293
Czech Republic
Sodime-La Rosa S.a.r.l. v. Softlife Design Ltd. et al.
Tribunal de Commerce de Paris (Commercial Court Paris)
France, 07 January 1997 – 96/15120, CISG-online 4240
Czech Republic
Federal Trait v. Muller Ecole et Bureau
Tribunal de Grande Instance de Mulhouse (District Court Mulhouse)
France, 05 February 1996, CISG-online 3377
Czech Republic
Hughes Electronic v. Souriau Cluses S.A.
Cour d'appel de Versailles (Court of Appeal Versailles)
France, 19 April 1995 – 2491/92, CISG-online 432
Czech Republic
Souriau Cluses S.A. v. Hughes Electronic
Tribunal de Commerce de Versailles (Commercial Court Versailles)
France, 06 November 1991, CISG-online 3355
Czech Republic
Valitus Ltd et al. v. Maisons du Monde France S.A.S. et al.
Cour d'appel de Rennes (Court of Appeal Rennes)
France, 18 June 2024 – 21/07569, CISG-online 7032
Czech Republic
Valitus Ltd et al. v. Maisons du Monde France S.A.S. et al.
Tribunal de Commerce de Nantes (Commercial Court Nantes)
France, 04 November 2021, CISG-online 6892
Czech Republic
Potatoes case III
Cour d'appel de Reims (Court of Appeal Reims)
France, 30 June 2015 – 13/02339, CISG-online 2703
Czech Republic
Potatoes case III
Tribunal de Commerce de Reims (Commercial Court Reims)
France, 16 July 2013, CISG-online 4543
Czech Republic
Moroccan strawberries case
Cour d'appel de Versailles (Court of Appeal Versailles)
France, 27 June 2002 – 00/01533, CISG-online 1350
Czech Republic
Moroccan strawberries case
Tribunal de Commerce de Versailles (Commercial Court Versailles)
France, 26 January 2000 – 97F02317, CISG-online 2317
Czech Republic
Sodime-La Rosa S.a.r.l. v. Softlife Design Ltd. et al.
Cour d'appel de Paris (Court of Appeal Paris)
France, 15 October 1997 – 97/08814, CISG-online 293
Czech Republic
Sodime-La Rosa S.a.r.l. v. Softlife Design Ltd. et al.
Tribunal de Commerce de Paris (Commercial Court Paris)
France, 07 January 1997 – 96/15120, CISG-online 4240
Czech Republic
Muller Ecole et Bureau v. Federal Trait
Cour de Cassation (French Supreme Court)
France, 26 June 2001 – Q 99-16.118, CISG-online 598
Czech Republic
Muller Ecole et Bureau v. Federal Trait
Cour d'appel de Colmar (Court of Appeal Colmar)
France, 23 February 1999 – 1A 9601815, CISG-online 3376
Czech Republic
Federal Trait v. Muller Ecole et Bureau
Tribunal de Grande Instance de Mulhouse (District Court Mulhouse)
France, 05 February 1996, CISG-online 3377
Czech Republic
Hughes Electronic v. Technocontact S.A.
Cour de Cassation (French Supreme Court)
France, 27 January 1998 – B 95-19.448, CISG-online 309
Czech Republic
Hughes Electronic v. Souriau Cluses S.A.
Cour d'appel de Versailles (Court of Appeal Versailles)
France, 19 April 1995 – 2491/92, CISG-online 432
Czech Republic
Souriau Cluses S.A. v. Hughes Electronic
Tribunal de Commerce de Versailles (Commercial Court Versailles)
France, 06 November 1991, CISG-online 3355
5. Germany
10 decisions
6 cases
7.41 %
Czech Republic
BMW X5 35i case
Landgericht Dortmund (District Court Dortmund)
Germany, 15 July 2020 – 10 O 27/20, CISG-online 5452
Czech Republic
Aluminum rings case
Bundesgerichtshof (German Supreme Court)
Germany, 11 May 2010 – VIII ZR 212/07, CISG-online 2125
Czech Republic
Aluminum rings case
Oberlandesgericht Köln (Court of Appeal Cologne)
Germany, 21 June 2007 – 12 U 16/07, CISG-online 3084
Czech Republic
Aluminum rings case
Landgericht Köln (District Court Cologne)
Germany, 11 January 2007 – 83 O 238/05, CISG-online 1835
Czech Republic
Clothes case III
Landgericht Saarbrücken (District Court Saarbrücken)
Germany, 25 November 2002 – 8 O 68/02, CISG-online 718
Czech Republic
Tantalite case
Oberlandesgericht Braunschweig (Court of Appeal Braunschweig)
Germany, 25 April 2002 – 2 U 130/01, CISG-online 2697
Czech Republic
Tantalite case
Landgericht Braunschweig (District Court Braunschweig)
Germany, 30 July 2001 – 21 O 703/01 (028), CISG-online 689
Czech Republic
Iron molybdenum case
Oberlandesgericht Hamburg (Court of Appeal Hamburg)
Germany, 28 February 1997 – 1 U 167/95, CISG-online 261
Czech Republic
Iron molybdenum case
Landgericht Hamburg (District Court Hamburg)
Germany, 02 October 1995 – 419 O 85/95, CISG-online 395
Czech Republic
Stawa Metallbau GmbH v. Custom Made Commercial Ltd.
Bundesgerichtshof (German Supreme Court)
Germany, 26 March 1992 – VII ZR 258/91, CISG-online 67
Czech Republic
BMW X5 35i case
Landgericht Dortmund (District Court Dortmund)
Germany, 15 July 2020 – 10 O 27/20, CISG-online 5452
Czech Republic
Aluminum rings case
Bundesgerichtshof (German Supreme Court)
Germany, 11 May 2010 – VIII ZR 212/07, CISG-online 2125
Czech Republic
Aluminum rings case
Oberlandesgericht Köln (Court of Appeal Cologne)
Germany, 21 June 2007 – 12 U 16/07, CISG-online 3084
Czech Republic
Aluminum rings case
Landgericht Köln (District Court Cologne)
Germany, 11 January 2007 – 83 O 238/05, CISG-online 1835
Czech Republic
Clothes case III
Landgericht Saarbrücken (District Court Saarbrücken)
Germany, 25 November 2002 – 8 O 68/02, CISG-online 718
Czech Republic
Tantalite case
Oberlandesgericht Braunschweig (Court of Appeal Braunschweig)
Germany, 25 April 2002 – 2 U 130/01, CISG-online 2697
Czech Republic
Tantalite case
Landgericht Braunschweig (District Court Braunschweig)
Germany, 30 July 2001 – 21 O 703/01 (028), CISG-online 689
Czech Republic
Iron molybdenum case
Oberlandesgericht Hamburg (Court of Appeal Hamburg)
Germany, 28 February 1997 – 1 U 167/95, CISG-online 261
Czech Republic
Iron molybdenum case
Landgericht Hamburg (District Court Hamburg)
Germany, 02 October 1995 – 419 O 85/95, CISG-online 395
Czech Republic
Stawa Metallbau GmbH v. Custom Made Commercial Ltd.
Bundesgerichtshof (German Supreme Court)
Germany, 26 March 1992 – VII ZR 258/91, CISG-online 67
6. Italy
6 decisions
6 cases
7.41 %
Czech Republic
Smith v. Vini San Barbato
Tribunale di Foggia (District Court Foggia)
Italy, 21 June 2013 – N. 5394/03 R.G., CISG-online 2674
Czech Republic
Amministrazione delle Finanze dello Stato v. Ford Italia S.p.A. II
Corte Suprema di Cassazione (Italian Supreme Court)
Italy, 16 May 2007 – 11226, CISG-online 2483
Czech Republic
Luciano Pessa v. W.H.S. Saddlers International
Tribunale di Padova (District Court Padova)
Italy, 10 January 2006, CISG-online 1157
Czech Republic
Aquafili Textile Yarns S.p.A. v. Updeal Ltd.
Tribunale di Rovereto (District Court Rovereto)
Italy, 28 August 2004 – 1224/03, CISG-online 902
Czech Republic
Imperial Bathroom Company v. Sanitari Possi S.p.A.
Corte Suprema di Cassazione (Italian Supreme Court)
Italy, 14 December 1999 – 895, CISG-online 1314
Czech Republic
Alfred Dunhill Ltd. v. Tivoli Group S.r.l.
Corte Suprema di Cassazione (Italian Supreme Court)
Italy, 09 June 1995 – 6499, CISG-online 314
Czech Republic
Smith v. Vini San Barbato
Tribunale di Foggia (District Court Foggia)
Italy, 21 June 2013 – N. 5394/03 R.G., CISG-online 2674
Czech Republic
Amministrazione delle Finanze dello Stato v. Ford Italia S.p.A. II
Corte Suprema di Cassazione (Italian Supreme Court)
Italy, 16 May 2007 – 11226, CISG-online 2483
Czech Republic
Luciano Pessa v. W.H.S. Saddlers International
Tribunale di Padova (District Court Padova)
Italy, 10 January 2006, CISG-online 1157
Czech Republic
Aquafili Textile Yarns S.p.A. v. Updeal Ltd.
Tribunale di Rovereto (District Court Rovereto)
Italy, 28 August 2004 – 1224/03, CISG-online 902
Czech Republic
Imperial Bathroom Company v. Sanitari Possi S.p.A.
Corte Suprema di Cassazione (Italian Supreme Court)
Italy, 14 December 1999 – 895, CISG-online 1314
Czech Republic
Alfred Dunhill Ltd. v. Tivoli Group S.r.l.
Corte Suprema di Cassazione (Italian Supreme Court)
Italy, 09 June 1995 – 6499, CISG-online 314
7. Switzerland
9 decisions
4 cases
4.94 %
Czech Republic
Stolen wheel loader case
Obergericht des Kantons Zug (Court of Appeal Canton Zug)
Switzerland, 23 February 2023 – Z1 2022 6, CISG-online 6313
Czech Republic
Stolen wheel loader case
Kantonsgericht Zug (Court of First Instance Canton Zug)
Switzerland, 24 February 2022 – A3 2019 27, CISG-online 6285
Czech Republic
Swiss watches case III
Bundesgericht/Tribunal fédéral (Swiss Federal Supreme Court)
Switzerland, 23 April 2013 – 4A_24/2013, CISG-online 2482
Czech Republic
Swiss watches case III
Cour de Justice de Genève (Court of Appeal Canton Geneva)
Switzerland, 23 November 2012, CISG-online 2989
Czech Republic
Swiss watches case III
Tribunal de Première Instance de Genève (Court of First Instance Geneva)
Switzerland, 02 December 2011, CISG-online 1277
Czech Republic
Pocket ashtrays case
Bundesgericht/Tribunal fédéral (Swiss Federal Supreme Court)
Switzerland, 10 October 2005 – 4P.146/2005/biz, CISG-online 1353
Czech Republic
Shares case
Cour de Justice de Genève (Court of Appeal Canton Geneva)
Switzerland, 09 October 1998 – C/8157/1992, CISG-online 424
Czech Republic
Shares case
Tribunal de Première Instance de Genève (Court of First Instance Geneva)
Switzerland, 10 September 1997 – C/8157/1992-11 / JTPI/12311/1997, CISG-online 1933
Czech Republic
Cobalt case
Kantonsgericht Zug (Court of First Instance Canton Zug)
Switzerland, 16 March 1995 – A3 1993 20, CISG-online 230
Czech Republic
Stolen wheel loader case
Obergericht des Kantons Zug (Court of Appeal Canton Zug)
Switzerland, 23 February 2023 – Z1 2022 6, CISG-online 6313
Czech Republic
Stolen wheel loader case
Kantonsgericht Zug (Court of First Instance Canton Zug)
Switzerland, 24 February 2022 – A3 2019 27, CISG-online 6285
Czech Republic
Swiss watches case III
Bundesgericht/Tribunal fédéral (Swiss Federal Supreme Court)
Switzerland, 23 April 2013 – 4A_24/2013, CISG-online 2482
Czech Republic
Swiss watches case III
Cour de Justice de Genève (Court of Appeal Canton Geneva)
Switzerland, 23 November 2012, CISG-online 2989
Czech Republic
Swiss watches case III
Tribunal de Première Instance de Genève (Court of First Instance Geneva)
Switzerland, 02 December 2011, CISG-online 1277
Czech Republic
Shares case
Cour de Justice de Genève (Court of Appeal Canton Geneva)
Switzerland, 09 October 1998 – C/8157/1992, CISG-online 424
Czech Republic
Shares case
Tribunal de Première Instance de Genève (Court of First Instance Geneva)
Switzerland, 10 September 1997 – C/8157/1992-11 / JTPI/12311/1997, CISG-online 1933
Czech Republic
Cobalt case
Kantonsgericht Zug (Court of First Instance Canton Zug)
Switzerland, 16 March 1995 – A3 1993 20, CISG-online 230
8. USA
4 decisions
4 cases
4.94 %
Czech Republic
Bruno Rimini (Furniture) Ltd v. Connor Marketing, Inc.
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California
USA, 27 July 2015 – 1:14-01906 WBS SAB, CISG-online 2662
Czech Republic
Princesse D'Isenbourg et Cie, Ltd. v. Kinder Caviar, Inc.
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky
USA, 22 February 2010 – 3:09-29-DCR, CISG-online 2185
Czech Republic
Impuls I.D. Internacional, S.L. et al. v. Psion Teklogix Inc.
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida
USA, 22 November 2002 – 01-7541-CIV-Zloch, CISG-online 783
Czech Republic
Victoria Alloys, Inc. v. Fortis Bank SA/NV
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Ohio
USA, 10 April 2001 – 00-18761, Adversary Proceeding No. 01-1045, CISG-online 589
Czech Republic
Bruno Rimini (Furniture) Ltd v. Connor Marketing, Inc.
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California
USA, 27 July 2015 – 1:14-01906 WBS SAB, CISG-online 2662
Czech Republic
Princesse D'Isenbourg et Cie, Ltd. v. Kinder Caviar, Inc.
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky
USA, 22 February 2010 – 3:09-29-DCR, CISG-online 2185
Czech Republic
Impuls I.D. Internacional, S.L. et al. v. Psion Teklogix Inc.
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida
USA, 22 November 2002 – 01-7541-CIV-Zloch, CISG-online 783
Czech Republic
Victoria Alloys, Inc. v. Fortis Bank SA/NV
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Ohio
USA, 10 April 2001 – 00-18761, Adversary Proceeding No. 01-1045, CISG-online 589
9. Poland
5 decisions
2 cases
2.47 %
Czech Republic
Codfish case
Sąd Apelacyjny w Białymstoku (Court of Appeal Bialystok)
Poland, 28 May 2014 – I ACa 213/14, CISG-online 5465
Czech Republic
Polish oak and beech wood panels case
Sąd Okręgowy w Rzeszowie (District Court Rzeszów)
Poland, 28 February 2014 – VI GC 106/13, CISG-online 6752
Czech Republic
Codfish case
Sąd Najwyższy (Supreme Court of Poland)
Poland, 28 November 2013 – IV CSK 215/13, CISG-online 2785
Czech Republic
Codfish case
Sąd Apelacyjny w Białymstoku (Court of Appeal Bialystok)
Poland, 14 December 2012, CISG-online 5415
Czech Republic
Codfish case
Sąd Okręgowy w Olsztynie (District Court Olsztyn)
Poland, 23 May 2012 – V GC 5/12, CISG-online 5092
Czech Republic
Polish oak and beech wood panels case
Sąd Okręgowy w Rzeszowie (District Court Rzeszów)
Poland, 28 February 2014 – VI GC 106/13, CISG-online 6752
Czech Republic
Codfish case
Sąd Apelacyjny w Białymstoku (Court of Appeal Bialystok)
Poland, 28 May 2014 – I ACa 213/14, CISG-online 5465
Czech Republic
Codfish case
Sąd Najwyższy (Supreme Court of Poland)
Poland, 28 November 2013 – IV CSK 215/13, CISG-online 2785
Czech Republic
Codfish case
Sąd Apelacyjny w Białymstoku (Court of Appeal Bialystok)
Poland, 14 December 2012, CISG-online 5415
Czech Republic
Codfish case
Sąd Okręgowy w Olsztynie (District Court Olsztyn)
Poland, 23 May 2012 – V GC 5/12, CISG-online 5092
10. Estonia
3 decisions
2 cases
2.47 %
Czech Republic
Transportation contract case
Harju Maakohtus (County Court Harju)
Estonia, 11 April 2016 – 2-15-14718, CISG-online 4530
Czech Republic
Allied General Trading Ltd v. MIKSKAAR AS
Tallinna Ringkonnakohus (Court of Appeal Tallinn)
Estonia, 05 March 2010 – 2-08-67305, CISG-online 2642
Czech Republic
Allied General Trading Ltd v. MIKSKAAR AS
Harju Maakohtus (County Court Harju)
Estonia, 03 April 2009, CISG-online 3192
Czech Republic
Transportation contract case
Harju Maakohtus (County Court Harju)
Estonia, 11 April 2016 – 2-15-14718, CISG-online 4530
Czech Republic
Allied General Trading Ltd v. MIKSKAAR AS
Tallinna Ringkonnakohus (Court of Appeal Tallinn)
Estonia, 05 March 2010 – 2-08-67305, CISG-online 2642
Czech Republic
Allied General Trading Ltd v. MIKSKAAR AS
Harju Maakohtus (County Court Harju)
Estonia, 03 April 2009, CISG-online 3192
Goods most frequently traded under the CISG by buyers and sellers from the United Kingdom:
1. Unspecified goods
9 decisions
9 cases
7.26 %
Czech Republic
Exclusive Distributor (EU country) v. Manufacturer GmbH (EU country)
Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC)
Arbitration, 18 December 2013 – 73/2011, CISG-online 2571
Czech Republic
Metal goods case
Международного коммерческого Арбитражного суда при ТПП Украины (International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICAC))
Arbitration, 13 February 2006, CISG-online 2243
Czech Republic
English-American sales contract case
Международного коммерческого Арбитражного суда при ТПП Украины (International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICAC))
Arbitration, 25 November 2002, CISG-online 1267
Czech Republic

Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 17 July 2001 – 419/1995, CISG-online 936
Czech Republic

Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 09 February 2001 – 161/2000, CISG-online 879
Czech Republic

Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 25 January 2001 – 88/2000, CISG-online 878
Czech Republic
Russian-English sales contract case
Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 06 June 2000 – 406/1998, CISG-online 1249
Czech Republic

Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 15 December 1997 – 128/1996, CISG-online 3956
Czech Republic

Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 22 January 1996 – 40/1995, CISG-online 1830
Czech Republic
Exclusive Distributor (EU country) v. Manufacturer GmbH (EU country)
Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC)
Arbitration, 18 December 2013 – 73/2011, CISG-online 2571
Czech Republic
Metal goods case
Международного коммерческого Арбитражного суда при ТПП Украины (International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICAC))
Arbitration, 13 February 2006, CISG-online 2243
Czech Republic
English-American sales contract case
Международного коммерческого Арбитражного суда при ТПП Украины (International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICAC))
Arbitration, 25 November 2002, CISG-online 1267
Czech Republic

Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 17 July 2001 – 419/1995, CISG-online 936
Czech Republic

Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 09 February 2001 – 161/2000, CISG-online 879
Czech Republic

Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 25 January 2001 – 88/2000, CISG-online 878
Czech Republic
Russian-English sales contract case
Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 06 June 2000 – 406/1998, CISG-online 1249
Czech Republic

Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 15 December 1997 – 128/1996, CISG-online 3956
Czech Republic

Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово–промышленной палате Российской Федерации (Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKAC))
Arbitration, 22 January 1996 – 40/1995, CISG-online 1830
2. Miscellaneous manufactured articles, not elsewhere specified
12 decisions
7 cases
5.65 %
Czech Republic
General Dynamics United Kingdom Ltd. v. The State of Libya
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 05 January 2016 – 19222/EMT, CISG-online 5994
Czech Republic
Penguin Books Ltd. v. Librería Rodríguez S.A.C.I.F.
Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación (Supreme Court of Argentina)
Argentina, 19 February 2008, CISG-online 4448
Czech Republic
KLM v. Teleadapt Ltd
Rechtbank Haarlem (District Court Haarlem)
Netherlands, 24 January 2007 – 128540 - HA ZA 06-1268, CISG-online 4693
Czech Republic
Penguin Books Ltd. v. Librería Rodríguez S.A.C.I.F.
Cámara Nacional de Apelaciones en lo Comercial (National Commercial Court of Appeals)
Argentina, 03 November 2005, CISG-online 4422
Czech Republic
Pocket ashtrays case
Bundesgericht/Tribunal fédéral (Swiss Federal Supreme Court)
Switzerland, 10 October 2005 – 4P.146/2005/biz, CISG-online 1353
Czech Republic
Pocket ashtrays case
Camera di Commercio dell'Industria e dell'Artigianato del Cantone Ticino (Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts of the Canton of Ticino)
Arbitration, 25 April 2005, CISG-online 3103
Czech Republic
Penguin Books Ltd. v. Librería Rodríguez S.A.C.I.F.
Juzgado Nacional de Primera Instancia en lo Comercial No. 1 (National Commercial Court of First Instance No. 1)
Argentina, 16 July 2004, CISG-online 4399
Czech Republic
G. & D. Iberica S.A. v. Cardel
Audiencia Provincial de Barcelona (Court of Appeal Barcelona)
Spain, 11 March 2002 – 60/2002, CISG-online 1325
Czech Republic
G. & D. Iberica S.A. v. Cardel
Juzgado de Primera Instancia No. 3 de Sant Boi de Llobregat (Court of First Instance No. 3 of Sant Boi de Llobregat)
Spain, 16 October 2001, CISG-online 3817
Czech Republic
Imperial Bathroom Company v. Sanitari Possi S.p.A.
Corte Suprema di Cassazione (Italian Supreme Court)
Italy, 14 December 1999 – 895, CISG-online 1314
Czech Republic
Sodime-La Rosa S.a.r.l. v. Softlife Design Ltd. et al.
Cour d'appel de Paris (Court of Appeal Paris)
France, 15 October 1997 – 97/08814, CISG-online 293
Czech Republic
Sodime-La Rosa S.a.r.l. v. Softlife Design Ltd. et al.
Tribunal de Commerce de Paris (Commercial Court Paris)
France, 07 January 1997 – 96/15120, CISG-online 4240
Czech Republic
General Dynamics United Kingdom Ltd. v. The State of Libya
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 05 January 2016 – 19222/EMT, CISG-online 5994
Czech Republic
KLM v. Teleadapt Ltd
Rechtbank Haarlem (District Court Haarlem)
Netherlands, 24 January 2007 – 128540 - HA ZA 06-1268, CISG-online 4693
Czech Republic
Pocket ashtrays case
Bundesgericht/Tribunal fédéral (Swiss Federal Supreme Court)
Switzerland, 10 October 2005 – 4P.146/2005/biz, CISG-online 1353
Czech Republic
Pocket ashtrays case
Camera di Commercio dell'Industria e dell'Artigianato del Cantone Ticino (Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts of the Canton of Ticino)
Arbitration, 25 April 2005, CISG-online 3103
Czech Republic
Penguin Books Ltd. v. Librería Rodríguez S.A.C.I.F.
Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación (Supreme Court of Argentina)
Argentina, 19 February 2008, CISG-online 4448
Czech Republic
Penguin Books Ltd. v. Librería Rodríguez S.A.C.I.F.
Cámara Nacional de Apelaciones en lo Comercial (National Commercial Court of Appeals)
Argentina, 03 November 2005, CISG-online 4422
Czech Republic
Penguin Books Ltd. v. Librería Rodríguez S.A.C.I.F.
Juzgado Nacional de Primera Instancia en lo Comercial No. 1 (National Commercial Court of First Instance No. 1)
Argentina, 16 July 2004, CISG-online 4399
Czech Republic
G. & D. Iberica S.A. v. Cardel
Audiencia Provincial de Barcelona (Court of Appeal Barcelona)
Spain, 11 March 2002 – 60/2002, CISG-online 1325
Czech Republic
G. & D. Iberica S.A. v. Cardel
Juzgado de Primera Instancia No. 3 de Sant Boi de Llobregat (Court of First Instance No. 3 of Sant Boi de Llobregat)
Spain, 16 October 2001, CISG-online 3817
Czech Republic
Imperial Bathroom Company v. Sanitari Possi S.p.A.
Corte Suprema di Cassazione (Italian Supreme Court)
Italy, 14 December 1999 – 895, CISG-online 1314
Czech Republic
Sodime-La Rosa S.a.r.l. v. Softlife Design Ltd. et al.
Cour d'appel de Paris (Court of Appeal Paris)
France, 15 October 1997 – 97/08814, CISG-online 293
Czech Republic
Sodime-La Rosa S.a.r.l. v. Softlife Design Ltd. et al.
Tribunal de Commerce de Paris (Commercial Court Paris)
France, 07 January 1997 – 96/15120, CISG-online 4240
3. Road vehicles (including air-cushion vehicles)
8 decisions
4 cases
3.23 %
Czech Republic
BMW X5 35i case
Landgericht Dortmund (District Court Dortmund)
Germany, 15 July 2020 – 10 O 27/20, CISG-online 5452
Czech Republic
[...] Services B.V. v. Dealkent Ltd
Gerechtshof Amsterdam (Court of Appeal Amsterdam)
Netherlands, 07 May 2013 – 200.109.798-01, CISG-online 4944
Czech Republic
[...] Trucks Holland B.V. v. Dealkent Ltd
Parket bij de Hoge Raad (Advocate General at the Dutch Supreme Court)
Netherlands, 11 May 2012 – 11/00925, CISG-online 4689
Czech Republic
[...] Trucks Holland B.V. v. Dealkent Ltd
Hoge Raad (Dutch Supreme Court)
Netherlands, 11 May 2012 – 11/00925, CISG-online 4945
Czech Republic
[...] Trucks Holland B.V. v. Dealkent Ltd
Gerechthof 's-Gravenhage (Court of Appeal The Hague)
Netherlands, 30 November 2010 – 200.044.695-01, CISG-online 4688
Czech Republic
Dealkent Ltd v. [...] Trucks Holland B.V.
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 28 January 2009, CISG-online 4687
Czech Republic
Amministrazione delle Finanze dello Stato v. Ford Italia S.p.A. II
Corte Suprema di Cassazione (Italian Supreme Court)
Italy, 16 May 2007 – 11226, CISG-online 2483
Czech Republic
Garage Ma Campagne NV v. Riverside Vehicle Rental Ltd.
Rechtbank van Koophandel Kortrijk (Commercial Court Kortrijk)
Belgium, 26 May 2004 – AR 4143/2003, CISG-online 989
Czech Republic
BMW X5 35i case
Landgericht Dortmund (District Court Dortmund)
Germany, 15 July 2020 – 10 O 27/20, CISG-online 5452
Czech Republic
[...] Services B.V. v. Dealkent Ltd
Gerechtshof Amsterdam (Court of Appeal Amsterdam)
Netherlands, 07 May 2013 – 200.109.798-01, CISG-online 4944
Czech Republic
[...] Trucks Holland B.V. v. Dealkent Ltd
Hoge Raad (Dutch Supreme Court)
Netherlands, 11 May 2012 – 11/00925, CISG-online 4945
Czech Republic
[...] Trucks Holland B.V. v. Dealkent Ltd
Parket bij de Hoge Raad (Advocate General at the Dutch Supreme Court)
Netherlands, 11 May 2012 – 11/00925, CISG-online 4689
Czech Republic
[...] Trucks Holland B.V. v. Dealkent Ltd
Gerechthof 's-Gravenhage (Court of Appeal The Hague)
Netherlands, 30 November 2010 – 200.044.695-01, CISG-online 4688
Czech Republic
Dealkent Ltd v. [...] Trucks Holland B.V.
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 28 January 2009, CISG-online 4687
Czech Republic
Amministrazione delle Finanze dello Stato v. Ford Italia S.p.A. II
Corte Suprema di Cassazione (Italian Supreme Court)
Italy, 16 May 2007 – 11226, CISG-online 2483
Czech Republic
Garage Ma Campagne NV v. Riverside Vehicle Rental Ltd.
Rechtbank van Koophandel Kortrijk (Commercial Court Kortrijk)
Belgium, 26 May 2004 – AR 4143/2003, CISG-online 989
4. Metalliferous ores and metal scrap
7 decisions
4 cases
3.23 %
Czech Republic
Sereo S.L. v. Easco Ltd.
Audiencia Provincial de Vizcaya (Court of Appeal Vizcaya)
Spain, 05 November 2003 – 529/2003, CISG-online 1101
Czech Republic
Easco Ltd. v. Sereo S.L.
Juzgado de Primera Instancia No. 8 de Bilbao (Court of First Instance No. 8 of Bilbao)
Spain, 21 June 2002 – 654/1999, CISG-online 3814
Czech Republic
Tantalite case
Oberlandesgericht Braunschweig (Court of Appeal Braunschweig)
Germany, 25 April 2002 – 2 U 130/01, CISG-online 2697
Czech Republic
Tantalite case
Landgericht Braunschweig (District Court Braunschweig)
Germany, 30 July 2001 – 21 O 703/01 (028), CISG-online 689
Czech Republic
Iron molybdenum case
Oberlandesgericht Hamburg (Court of Appeal Hamburg)
Germany, 28 February 1997 – 1 U 167/95, CISG-online 261
Czech Republic
Iron molybdenum case
Landgericht Hamburg (District Court Hamburg)
Germany, 02 October 1995 – 419 O 85/95, CISG-online 395
Czech Republic
Cobalt case
Kantonsgericht Zug (Court of First Instance Canton Zug)
Switzerland, 16 March 1995 – A3 1993 20, CISG-online 230
Czech Republic
Sereo S.L. v. Easco Ltd.
Audiencia Provincial de Vizcaya (Court of Appeal Vizcaya)
Spain, 05 November 2003 – 529/2003, CISG-online 1101
Czech Republic
Easco Ltd. v. Sereo S.L.
Juzgado de Primera Instancia No. 8 de Bilbao (Court of First Instance No. 8 of Bilbao)
Spain, 21 June 2002 – 654/1999, CISG-online 3814
Czech Republic
Tantalite case
Oberlandesgericht Braunschweig (Court of Appeal Braunschweig)
Germany, 25 April 2002 – 2 U 130/01, CISG-online 2697
Czech Republic
Tantalite case
Landgericht Braunschweig (District Court Braunschweig)
Germany, 30 July 2001 – 21 O 703/01 (028), CISG-online 689
Czech Republic
Iron molybdenum case
Oberlandesgericht Hamburg (Court of Appeal Hamburg)
Germany, 28 February 1997 – 1 U 167/95, CISG-online 261
Czech Republic
Iron molybdenum case
Landgericht Hamburg (District Court Hamburg)
Germany, 02 October 1995 – 419 O 85/95, CISG-online 395
Czech Republic
Cobalt case
Kantonsgericht Zug (Court of First Instance Canton Zug)
Switzerland, 16 March 1995 – A3 1993 20, CISG-online 230
5. Manufactures of metals, not elsewhere specified
7 decisions
4 cases
3.23 %
Czech Republic
ArcelorMittal Construction Nederland B.V. v. [...]
Rechtbank Gelderland (District Court Gelderland)
Netherlands, 05 April 2022 – C/05/396865 / KG ZA 21-429, CISG-online 5950
Czech Republic
Anchor case
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 26 April 2017 – C/10/512886 / HA ZA 16-1037, CISG-online 2932
Czech Republic
Aluminum rings case
Bundesgerichtshof (German Supreme Court)
Germany, 11 May 2010 – VIII ZR 212/07, CISG-online 2125
Czech Republic
Aluminum rings case
Oberlandesgericht Köln (Court of Appeal Cologne)
Germany, 21 June 2007 – 12 U 16/07, CISG-online 3084
Czech Republic
Aluminum rings case
Landgericht Köln (District Court Cologne)
Germany, 11 January 2007 – 83 O 238/05, CISG-online 1835
Czech Republic
Custom Made Commercial Ltd. v. Stawa Metallbau GmbH
European Court of Justice
European Union, 29 June 1994 – C-288/92, CISG-online 272
Czech Republic
Stawa Metallbau GmbH v. Custom Made Commercial Ltd.
Bundesgerichtshof (German Supreme Court)
Germany, 26 March 1992 – VII ZR 258/91, CISG-online 67
Czech Republic
ArcelorMittal Construction Nederland B.V. v. [...]
Rechtbank Gelderland (District Court Gelderland)
Netherlands, 05 April 2022 – C/05/396865 / KG ZA 21-429, CISG-online 5950
Czech Republic
Anchor case
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 26 April 2017 – C/10/512886 / HA ZA 16-1037, CISG-online 2932
Czech Republic
Aluminum rings case
Bundesgerichtshof (German Supreme Court)
Germany, 11 May 2010 – VIII ZR 212/07, CISG-online 2125
Czech Republic
Aluminum rings case
Oberlandesgericht Köln (Court of Appeal Cologne)
Germany, 21 June 2007 – 12 U 16/07, CISG-online 3084
Czech Republic
Aluminum rings case
Landgericht Köln (District Court Cologne)
Germany, 11 January 2007 – 83 O 238/05, CISG-online 1835
Czech Republic
Custom Made Commercial Ltd. v. Stawa Metallbau GmbH
European Court of Justice
European Union, 29 June 1994 – C-288/92, CISG-online 272
Czech Republic
Stawa Metallbau GmbH v. Custom Made Commercial Ltd.
Bundesgerichtshof (German Supreme Court)
Germany, 26 March 1992 – VII ZR 258/91, CISG-online 67
6. Miscellaneous
6 decisions
4 cases
3.23 %
Czech Republic
Valitus Ltd et al. v. Maisons du Monde France S.A.S. et al.
Cour d'appel de Rennes (Court of Appeal Rennes)
France, 18 June 2024 – 21/07569, CISG-online 7032
Czech Republic
Valitus Ltd et al. v. Maisons du Monde France S.A.S. et al.
Tribunal de Commerce de Nantes (Commercial Court Nantes)
France, 04 November 2021, CISG-online 6892
Czech Republic
Global Crankshaft Services B.V. v. Industrial and Marine Power Services Ltd.
Rechtbank Dordrecht (District Court Dordrecht)
Netherlands, 16 February 2011 – 86314 / HA ZA 10-2293, CISG-online 2367
Czech Republic
Luciano Pessa v. W.H.S. Saddlers International
Tribunale di Padova (District Court Padova)
Italy, 10 January 2006, CISG-online 1157
Czech Republic
Shares case
Cour de Justice de Genève (Court of Appeal Canton Geneva)
Switzerland, 09 October 1998 – C/8157/1992, CISG-online 424
Czech Republic
Shares case
Tribunal de Première Instance de Genève (Court of First Instance Geneva)
Switzerland, 10 September 1997 – C/8157/1992-11 / JTPI/12311/1997, CISG-online 1933
Czech Republic
Valitus Ltd et al. v. Maisons du Monde France S.A.S. et al.
Cour d'appel de Rennes (Court of Appeal Rennes)
France, 18 June 2024 – 21/07569, CISG-online 7032
Czech Republic
Valitus Ltd et al. v. Maisons du Monde France S.A.S. et al.
Tribunal de Commerce de Nantes (Commercial Court Nantes)
France, 04 November 2021, CISG-online 6892
Czech Republic
Global Crankshaft Services B.V. v. Industrial and Marine Power Services Ltd.
Rechtbank Dordrecht (District Court Dordrecht)
Netherlands, 16 February 2011 – 86314 / HA ZA 10-2293, CISG-online 2367
Czech Republic
Luciano Pessa v. W.H.S. Saddlers International
Tribunale di Padova (District Court Padova)
Italy, 10 January 2006, CISG-online 1157
Czech Republic
Shares case
Cour de Justice de Genève (Court of Appeal Canton Geneva)
Switzerland, 09 October 1998 – C/8157/1992, CISG-online 424
Czech Republic
Shares case
Tribunal de Première Instance de Genève (Court of First Instance Geneva)
Switzerland, 10 September 1997 – C/8157/1992-11 / JTPI/12311/1997, CISG-online 1933
7. Articles of apparel and clothing accessories
5 decisions
4 cases
3.23 %
Czech Republic
Transportation contract case
Harju Maakohtus (County Court Harju)
Estonia, 11 April 2016 – 2-15-14718, CISG-online 4530
Czech Republic
Sesinco Foods Ltd. v. Schuivens Beheer B.V.
Rechtbank Maastricht (District Court Maastricht)
Netherlands, 12 November 2003 – 84290 - HA ZA 03-544, CISG-online 4598
Czech Republic
Clothes case III
Landgericht Saarbrücken (District Court Saarbrücken)
Germany, 25 November 2002 – 8 O 68/02, CISG-online 718
Czech Republic
Wensum Corporate Company v. Bertex S.A.
Audiencia Provincial de Barcelona (Court of Appeal Barcelona)
Spain, 07 June 1999 – 28/1999, CISG-online 499
Czech Republic
Bertex S.A. v. Wensum Corporate Company
Juzgado de Primera Instancia No. 3 de Barcelona (Court of First Instance No. 3 of Barcelona)
Spain, 04 September 1998, CISG-online 3439
Czech Republic
Transportation contract case
Harju Maakohtus (County Court Harju)
Estonia, 11 April 2016 – 2-15-14718, CISG-online 4530
Czech Republic
Sesinco Foods Ltd. v. Schuivens Beheer B.V.
Rechtbank Maastricht (District Court Maastricht)
Netherlands, 12 November 2003 – 84290 - HA ZA 03-544, CISG-online 4598
Czech Republic
Clothes case III
Landgericht Saarbrücken (District Court Saarbrücken)
Germany, 25 November 2002 – 8 O 68/02, CISG-online 718
Czech Republic
Wensum Corporate Company v. Bertex S.A.
Audiencia Provincial de Barcelona (Court of Appeal Barcelona)
Spain, 07 June 1999 – 28/1999, CISG-online 499
Czech Republic
Bertex S.A. v. Wensum Corporate Company
Juzgado de Primera Instancia No. 3 de Barcelona (Court of First Instance No. 3 of Barcelona)
Spain, 04 September 1998, CISG-online 3439
8. Fish (not marine mammals), crustaceans, molluscs and aquatic invertebrates and preparations thereof
7 decisions
3 cases
2.42 %
Czech Republic
Codfish case
Sąd Apelacyjny w Białymstoku (Court of Appeal Bialystok)
Poland, 28 May 2014 – I ACa 213/14, CISG-online 5465
Czech Republic
Codfish case
Sąd Najwyższy (Supreme Court of Poland)
Poland, 28 November 2013 – IV CSK 215/13, CISG-online 2785
Czech Republic
Codfish case
Sąd Apelacyjny w Białymstoku (Court of Appeal Bialystok)
Poland, 14 December 2012, CISG-online 5415
Czech Republic
Codfish case
Sąd Okręgowy w Olsztynie (District Court Olsztyn)
Poland, 23 May 2012 – V GC 5/12, CISG-online 5092
Czech Republic
Princesse D'Isenbourg et Cie, Ltd. v. Kinder Caviar, Inc.
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky
USA, 22 February 2010 – 3:09-29-DCR, CISG-online 2185
Czech Republic
Kingfisher Seafoods Ltd. v. Comercial Eloy Rocio Mar S.L.
Audiencia Provincial de Pontevedra (Court of Appeal Pontevedra)
Spain, 19 December 2007 – 681/2007, CISG-online 1688
Czech Republic
Kingfisher Seafoods Ltd. v. Comercial Eloy Rocio Mar S.L.
Juzgado de Primera Instancia No. 1 de Cambados (Court of First Instance No. 1 of Cambados)
Spain, 07 May 2007, CISG-online 3794
Czech Republic
Codfish case
Sąd Apelacyjny w Białymstoku (Court of Appeal Bialystok)
Poland, 28 May 2014 – I ACa 213/14, CISG-online 5465
Czech Republic
Codfish case
Sąd Najwyższy (Supreme Court of Poland)
Poland, 28 November 2013 – IV CSK 215/13, CISG-online 2785
Czech Republic
Codfish case
Sąd Apelacyjny w Białymstoku (Court of Appeal Bialystok)
Poland, 14 December 2012, CISG-online 5415
Czech Republic
Codfish case
Sąd Okręgowy w Olsztynie (District Court Olsztyn)
Poland, 23 May 2012 – V GC 5/12, CISG-online 5092
Czech Republic
Princesse D'Isenbourg et Cie, Ltd. v. Kinder Caviar, Inc.
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky
USA, 22 February 2010 – 3:09-29-DCR, CISG-online 2185
Czech Republic
Kingfisher Seafoods Ltd. v. Comercial Eloy Rocio Mar S.L.
Audiencia Provincial de Pontevedra (Court of Appeal Pontevedra)
Spain, 19 December 2007 – 681/2007, CISG-online 1688
Czech Republic
Kingfisher Seafoods Ltd. v. Comercial Eloy Rocio Mar S.L.
Juzgado de Primera Instancia No. 1 de Cambados (Court of First Instance No. 1 of Cambados)
Spain, 07 May 2007, CISG-online 3794
9. General industrial machinery and equipment, not elsewhere specified, and machine parts, not elsewhere specified
6 decisions
3 cases
2.42 %
Czech Republic
Stolen wheel loader case
Obergericht des Kantons Zug (Court of Appeal Canton Zug)
Switzerland, 23 February 2023 – Z1 2022 6, CISG-online 6313
Czech Republic
Samson Materials Handling Ltd v. TTS (Transportation Technology Systems) SIA
Latvijas Republikas Senāts (Supreme Court of Latvia)
Latvia, 16 June 2022 – C29522018 / SKC-128/2022, CISG-online 6538
Czech Republic
Stolen wheel loader case
Kantonsgericht Zug (Court of First Instance Canton Zug)
Switzerland, 24 February 2022 – A3 2019 27, CISG-online 6285
Czech Republic
Samson Materials Handling Ltd v. TTS (Transportation Technology Systems) SIA
Latgales apgabaltiesa (Court of Appeal Latgale)
Latvia, 24 February 2021 – CA-0020-21, CISG-online 6484
Czech Republic
Samson Materials Handling Ltd v. TTS (Transportation Technology Systems) SIA

Latvia, 14 April 2020 – C 29522018, CISG-online 6431
Czech Republic
Harel Insurance Company Ltd. et al. v. BTR Environmental Ltd.
Supreme Court of Israel
Israel, 17 January 2010 – CA 9422/06, CISG-online 3413
Czech Republic
Stolen wheel loader case
Obergericht des Kantons Zug (Court of Appeal Canton Zug)
Switzerland, 23 February 2023 – Z1 2022 6, CISG-online 6313
Czech Republic
Stolen wheel loader case
Kantonsgericht Zug (Court of First Instance Canton Zug)
Switzerland, 24 February 2022 – A3 2019 27, CISG-online 6285
Czech Republic
Samson Materials Handling Ltd v. TTS (Transportation Technology Systems) SIA
Latvijas Republikas Senāts (Supreme Court of Latvia)
Latvia, 16 June 2022 – C29522018 / SKC-128/2022, CISG-online 6538
Czech Republic
Samson Materials Handling Ltd v. TTS (Transportation Technology Systems) SIA
Latgales apgabaltiesa (Court of Appeal Latgale)
Latvia, 24 February 2021 – CA-0020-21, CISG-online 6484
Czech Republic
Samson Materials Handling Ltd v. TTS (Transportation Technology Systems) SIA

Latvia, 14 April 2020 – C 29522018, CISG-online 6431
Czech Republic
Harel Insurance Company Ltd. et al. v. BTR Environmental Ltd.
Supreme Court of Israel
Israel, 17 January 2010 – CA 9422/06, CISG-online 3413
10. Crude animal and vegetable materials, not elsewhere specified
4 decisions
3 cases
2.42 %
Czech Republic
Flowers and plants case
Rechtbank Den Haag (District Court The Hague)
Netherlands, 24 July 2019 – C/09/570430 / HA ZA 19-289, CISG-online 4538
Czech Republic
Genson B.V. v. S&A Produce Ltd.
Rechtbank Oost-Brabant (District Court Oost-Brabant)
Netherlands, 17 April 2019 – C/01/322578 / HA ZA 17-428, CISG-online 4267
Czech Republic
Genson B.V. v. S&A Produce Ltd.
Rechtbank Oost-Brabant (District Court Oost-Brabant)
Netherlands, 28 February 2018 – C/01/322578 / HA ZA 17-428, CISG-online 3047
Czech Republic
Hempseed case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 24 March 1998 – [CISG/1998/03], CISG-online 930
Czech Republic
Flowers and plants case
Rechtbank Den Haag (District Court The Hague)
Netherlands, 24 July 2019 – C/09/570430 / HA ZA 19-289, CISG-online 4538
Czech Republic
Genson B.V. v. S&A Produce Ltd.
Rechtbank Oost-Brabant (District Court Oost-Brabant)
Netherlands, 17 April 2019 – C/01/322578 / HA ZA 17-428, CISG-online 4267
Czech Republic
Genson B.V. v. S&A Produce Ltd.
Rechtbank Oost-Brabant (District Court Oost-Brabant)
Netherlands, 28 February 2018 – C/01/322578 / HA ZA 17-428, CISG-online 3047
Czech Republic
Hempseed case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 24 March 1998 – [CISG/1998/03], CISG-online 930
Parties from the United Kingdom were involved in CISG transactions:
as seller: 28 = 29.17 %
as buyer: 56 = 58.33 %
in other roles: 12 = 12.50 %
CISG decisions by courts in the United Kingdom:
House of Lords
Czech Republic
Chartbrook Ltd v Persimmon Homes Ltd
House of Lords
United Kingdom, 01 July 2009 – [2009] UKHL 38, CISG-online 2088
Supreme Court of the United Kingdom
Czech Republic
Rock Advertising Limited (Respondent) v MWB Business Exchange Centres Limited (Appellant)
Supreme Court of the United Kingdom
United Kingdom, 16 May 2018 – [2018] UKSC 24, CISG-online 3078
Court of Appeal of England and Wales
Czech Republic
The Square Mile Partnership Ltd v. Fitzmaurice McCall Ltd
Court of Appeal of England and Wales
United Kingdom, 18 December 2006 – [2006] EWCA Civ 1690, CISG-online 1425
Czech Republic
ProForce Recruit Ltd v. Rugby Group Ltd
Court of Appeal of England and Wales
United Kingdom, 17 February 2006 – 2006 EWCA Civ 69, CISG-online 1424
High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench Division
Czech Republic
Naftogaz v. Gazprom II (Gas Transit Arbitration)
High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench Division
United Kingdom, 15 March 2019 – V2014/129, CISG-online 6036
Czech Republic
Naftogaz v. Gazprom I (Gas Sales Arbitration)
High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench Division
United Kingdom, 15 March 2019 – V2014/078/080, CISG-online 6046
Czech Republic
VSC Steel Company Limited v. Habas Sinai ve Tibbi Gazlar Istihsal Endustrisi AS
High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench Division
United Kingdom, 19 December 2013 – 1:15-cv-05292-GBD, CISG-online 6089
Czech Republic
Kingspan Environmental Ltd. v. Borealis A/S
High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench Division
United Kingdom, 01 May 2012 – 2009 FOLIO 871 / [2012] EWHC 1147 (Comm), CISG-online 2391
CISG decisions in arbitrations administered by institutions based in the United Kingdom:
London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA)
Czech Republic
Traxys Europe S.A. v. Balaji Coke Industry PVT Ltd.
London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA)
United Kingdom, 22 June 2011, CISG-online 5483
Czech Republic
German-Russian sales contracts (challenge of sole arbitrator) case
London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA)
United Kingdom, 04 January 2011 – LCIA Reference No. 101682, CISG-online 5579
Czech Republic
Distribution in Spain case
London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA)
United Kingdom, 27 April 1999 – 97/X50, CISG-online 3465
Federation of Cocoa Commerce (FCC)
Czech Republic
Albrecht & Dill Trading GmbH v. Omul-Fot OÜ
Federation of Cocoa Commerce (FCC)
United Kingdom, 16 April 2019 – AA4542, CISG-online 6149
Czech Republic
Albrecht & Dill Trading GmbH v. Omul-Fot OÜ
Federation of Cocoa Commerce (FCC)
United Kingdom, 16 April 2019 – AA4543, CISG-online 6153
Arbitral awards rendered in arbitrations with seat in the United Kingdom:
London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA)
Czech Republic
Traxys Europe S.A. v. Balaji Coke Industry PVT Ltd.
London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA)
United Kingdom, 22 June 2011, CISG-online 5483
Czech Republic
German-Russian sales contracts (challenge of sole arbitrator) case
London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA)
United Kingdom, 04 January 2011 – LCIA Reference No. 101682, CISG-online 5579
Czech Republic
Distribution in Spain case
London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA)
United Kingdom, 27 April 1999 – 97/X50, CISG-online 3465
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Czech Republic
TMCo Ltd. v. Green Light Energy Solutions R & D Corp.
ICC International Court of Arbitration
United Kingdom, 20 January 2016 – 20663/MHM, CISG-online 5453
Czech Republic
VSC Steel Company Limited v. Habas Sinai ve Tibbi Gazlar Istihsal Endustrisi AS
ICC International Court of Arbitration
United Kingdom, 10 July 2012 – 17195/MLK/ARP, CISG-online 6087
Ad hoc Arbitral Tribunal
Czech Republic
ING Bank N.V. et al. v. Express Pacific LCC
Ad hoc Arbitral Tribunal
United Kingdom, 29 November 2019, CISG-online 6073
Camilla Baasch Andersen, 'Of Cats and Cream - The UK and the CISG', in: Ingeborg Schwenzer & Lisa Spagnolo (eds.), Growing the CISG: 6th Annual MAA Schlechtriem CISG Conference, The Hague: Eleven International Publishing (2016), 1–10 [– in English]
Camilla Baasch Andersen, 'United Kingdom', in: Franco Ferrari (ed.), The CISG and its Impact on National Legal Systems, Munich: Sellier. European Law Publishers (2008), 303–312 [– in English]
R.S. Borges, 'The United Kingdom and the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG): to Ratify or Not to Ratify?', 14(4) Journal of International Maritime Law (2008), 331–338 [– in English]
Gerson Damiani, 'Game Theory in Contemporary International Commercial Law: The CISG and Its Potential Ratification by Brazil and the United Kingdom', 1 Yearbook on International Arbitration (Y.B. on Int'l Arb.) (2010), 257–268 [– in English]
Mirjam Eggen, 'Die Vertragsaufhebung nach CISG: Eine Standortbestimmung mit Bezug auf den UK Sale of Goods Act', Jusletter (27 February 2017), 1–21 [– in German]  
Angelo Forte, 'The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods: Reason or Unreason in the United Kingdom', 26 University of Baltimore Law Review (U. Balt. L. Rev.) (1997), 51–66 [– in English]  
Anette Gärtner, 'Britain and the CISG: The Case for Ratification - A Comparative Analysis with Special Reference to German Law', Review of the Convention on Contracts for the International Sales of Goods (Rev. CISG) (2000), 59–81 [– in English]
Katerina Georgiadou, 'Apathy vis-à-vis the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) in the UK and Two Proposed Strategies for CISG's Incorporation in the UK Legal Order', 3 Pace International Law Review Online Companion (Pace Int'l L. Rev. Online Companion) (2012), 256–277 [– in English]  
Roy Goode, 'Insularity or Leadership? The Role of the United Kingdom in the Harmonisation of Commercial Law', 50 International and Comparative Law Quarterly (ICLQ) (2001), 751–765 [– in English]
Benjamin Hayward, Bruno Zeller & Camilla Baasch Andersen, 'The CISG and the United Kingdom – exploring coherency and private international law', 67 International and Comparative Law Quarterly (ICLQ) (2018), 607–641 [– in English]  
Nathalie Hofmann, 'Interpretation Rules and Good Faith as Obstacles to the UK's Ratification of the CISG and to the Harmonization of Contract Law in Europe', 22 Pace International Law Review (Pace Int'l L. Rev.) (2010), 145–181 [– in English]  
Kourosh Majdzadeh Khandani, 'Does the CISG, compared to English law, put too much emphasis on promoting performance of the contract despite a breach by the seller?', 1 Manchester Student Law Review (2012), 98–135 [– in English]  
Thomas Krebs, 'The CISG in English Courts?', in: Eppur si muove: The Age of Uniform Law – Essays in honour of Michael Joachim Bonell to celebrate his 70th birthday, Rome: UNIDROIT (2016), 1745–1758 [– in English]
Robert G. Lee, 'The UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods: OK for the UK?', Journal of Business Law (J.B.L.) (1993), 131 [– in English]
Sally Moss, 'Why the United Kingdom Has Not Ratified the CISG', 25 Journal of Law & Commerce (J.L. & Com.) (2005), 483–485 [– in English]  
Alistair Mullis, 'Twenty-five years on – the United Kingdom, damages and the Vienna sales convention', 71 Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht (RabelsZ) (2007), 35–51 [– in English]
Barry Nicholas, 'The Vienna Convention on International Sales Law', 105 Law Quarterly Review (LQR) (1989), 201–243 [– in English]
Silvia E. Nikolova, 'UK’s Ratification of the CISG – An Old Debate or a New Hope for the Economy of the UK on Its Way Out of the Recession: The Potential Impact of the CISG on the UK’s SME', 3 Pace International Law Review Online Companion (Pace Int'l L. Rev. Online Companion) (2012), 69–110 [– in English]  
Yusuf Obeidat, 'The Remedy of Price Reduction in accordance with the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods under CISG: With Special Reference to Jordanian Civil Law and English Sale of Goods Law', Journal of Sharia and Law (2018), No. 76, Article 9 [– in English]  
Darren Peacock, 'Avoidance and the notion of fundamental breach under the CISG: an English perspective', 8 International Trade and Business Law Annual (2003), 95–133 [– in English]  
Peter A. Piliounis, 'The Remedies of Specific Performance, Price Reduction and Additional Time (Nachfrist) under the CISG: Are these worthwhile changes or additions to English Sales Law?', 12 Pace International Law Review (Pace Int'l L. Rev.) (2000), 1–46 [– in English]  
Antonios Platsas, 'The Potential Impact of the CISG on the Common Laws of England and the Republic of Ireland: A Legal Anactataxis or a Trivial Matter of Implementation? The Lessons of Comparative Law', 17(1) The Denning Law Journal (DLJ) (2005), 43–62 [– in English]  
Anna Rogowska, 'Some considerations on the desirability of accession to the CISG by the UK', European Journal of Commercial Contract Law (EJCCL) (2016), 31–43 [– in English]  
Anna Rogowska, 'Teaching the CISG at U.K. Universities: An Empirical Study of Frequency and Method of Introducing the CISG to U.K. Students in the Light of the Desirability of the Adoption of the CISG in the U.K.', in: Ingeborg Schwenzer & Lisa Spagnolo (eds.), Towards Uniformity: The 2nd Annual MAA Schlechtriem CISG Conference, The Hague: Eleven International Publishing (2011), 131–153 [– in English]
Djakhongir Saidov, 'Remedies for a Documentary Breach: English Law and the CISG', in: Larry A. DiMatteo, Qi Zhou, Severine Saintier & Keith Rowley (eds.), Commercial Contract Law: Transatlantic Perspectives, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2013), 434–465 [– in English]
Elizabeth Simos, 'The CISG: A lost cause in the UK?', 16 Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration (VJ) (2012), 251–282 [– in English]
Alison E. Williams, 'Forecasting the Potential Impact of the Vienna Sales Convention on International Sales Law in the United Kingdom', Review of the Convention on Contracts for the International Sales of Goods (Rev. CISG) (2000), 9–57 [– in English]
Min Yan, 'Remedies under the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and the United Kingdom’s Sale of Goods Act: A Comparative Examination', 3(1) City University of Hong Kong Law Review (2011), 111–139 [– in English]  
Qi Zhou, 'CISG and English Sales Law: An Unfair Competition', in: Larry A. DiMatteo (ed.), International Sales Law: A Global Challenge, New York: Cambridge University Press (2014), 669–682 [– in English]