New case abstracts: UNCITRAL publishes CLOUT issue 205

UNCITRAL has now published Case Law on UNCITRAL Texts (CLOUT) issue No. 205, which comprises new case abstracts on nine CISG court cases and one Guiding Opinion by the Chinese Supreme Court that also addresses the CISG.


The CISG case law covered in this CLOUT issue comes from courts in Austria, Canada, Czechia, France, Germany and the U.S.


The English text version of the new CLOUT issue is avaible for download here:



Text versions in the other official languages of the United Nations (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish) can be accessed via UNCITRAL's CLOUT website.


The individual case abstracts contained in the new CLOUT issue are now available at the respective CISG-online case presentations, where they are accessible in the "Full text, translation and abstract of decision" section at the bottom of each case presentation.