International Sales Law News

24 July 2024   Belarusian Supreme Court issues a ruling on the conformity of lumber
17 June 2024   U.S. Court of Appeals (8th Circuit) makes reference to the subcategory "Attorney's fees"
7 February 2024   Mail addresses are available again
21 October 2023   Vindobona Journal Volume 25.1 now published
27 September 2023   Rwanda accedes to the CISG and will become the 97th Contracting State
21 August 2023   Saudia Arabia accedes to the CISG (except Part III), to become the 96th Contracting State
8 August 2023   9th Commercial Court Istanbul rules on contract avoidance and notice of defect
30 May 2023   Intermediate People's Court Ningbo, Zeijang Provice renders decision on non-conformity of masks
18 May 2023   Zapata challenged: U.S. District Court rules that Art. 74 CISG includes award of attorney's fees
30 April 2023   Austrian Supreme Court renders decision on the incorporation of standard terms under the CISG
22 March 2023   Binh Duong Province People Court (Vietnam) renders decision applying the CISG
13 January 2023   German Supreme Court rules on set-off under the CISG
2 January 2023   Austrian Supreme Court rules on fundamental breach and buyer's duty to examine the goods
1 December 2022   Hong Kong is officially CISG Contracting territory from 1 December 2022 onwards
1 November 2022   Schlechtriem & Schwenzer Commentary on the CISG (5th edition) now published
24 October 2022   Court of Appeal Turku applies Art. 40 CISG
21 October 2022   CISG-online selected by UNCITRAL as first institutional CLOUT partner for the CISG
10 October 2022   Finnish Supreme Court applies the CISG to determine place of performance
2 October 2022   Textbook on the CISG in German (Schroeter, Internationales UN-Kaufrecht, 7th ed.) now published
26 August 2022   Chinese Supreme Court rules on an alleged fundamental breach
18 August 2022   Golden jubilee of uniform sales law in the United Kingdom
5 August 2022   Swedish Supreme Court rules on the burden and standard of proof under Art. 35 CISG
25 July 2022   4th Civil Court of First Instance, City of Tijuana, State of Baja California interprets Art. 11 CISG
17 June 2022   New edition of Schroeter, Internationales UN-Kaufrecht to be published in September 2022
06 May 2022   China formally declares that the CISG shall apply to Hong Kong
05 May 2022   Turkmenistan accedes to the Sales Convention, to become the 95th CISG Contracting State
02 May 2022   Chinese Supreme Court applies Arts. 30 and 34 CISG
28 March 2022   International Commercial Chamber at Paris Court of Appeal (ICCP-CA) renders first CISG decisions
24 February 2022   Egyptian Supreme Court highlights Art. 39(1) CISG
02 February 2022   Spanish Supreme Court rules on Arts. 40, 77 and 79
10 January 2022   CISG-online adds first Japanese court decisions applying the CISG
07 December 2021   New abstracts on CISG decisions (CLOUT issues 207 and 208) now available
26 November 2021   International Sales Law Quote: "The 1980 United Nations Convention ..."
17 November 2021   Univ. of Pretoria organizes webinar "The CISG@40: A Celebration" on 3 December 2021
02 November 2021   Uzbek Court applies Arts. 53 and 59 CISG
25 October 2021   CISG Nordic and CISG-online join forces
18 October 2021   Spanish Supreme Court interprets Arts. 39(1) and (2) CISG
01 October 2021   CISG enters into force for Portugal
27 September 2021   Chinese appellate court interprets Art. 2(a) CISG
22 September 2021   University of Minho (Portugal) to hold online CISG conference on 1 October 2021
19 July 2021   COVID-related disputes reach the Dutch courts
11 July 2021   The next CISG Contracting State? Ethiopia prepares accession to the Convention
23 June 2021   EU v. AstraZeneca - both sides win but no side sides with the CISG?
11 May 2021   Hong Kong government publishes results of consultation on CISG‘s future application to Hong Kong
03 May 2021   Force majeure under the “European Commission-AstraZeneca and European Commission-Curevac” contracts
22 April 2021   Tripartite "Legal Guide to Uniform Instruments" (with a focus on international sales) launched
19 February 2021   French Supreme Ct rules that Art. 39 CISG applies to redress under 1999 EU Consumer Sales Directive
1 February 2021   EU-AstraZeneca contract - applicability of the CISG?
1 January 2021   German Supreme Court holds that Arts. 14–24 CISG may apply to conclusion of arbitration agreement
16 December 2020   District Court Gelderland rules on incorporation of standard terms by reference
1 November 2020   German court rules that 1 day less shelf life of perishable goods can amount to fundamental breach
27 October 2020   District Court 's-Hertogenbosch follows German Supreme Court regarding Standard Terms
26 October 2020   Chinese Supreme Court rejects avoidance of CISG contract involving machines
13 October 2020   New case abstracts: UNCITRAL publishes CLOUT issue 205
10 October 2020   CISG case statistics: Who sues more often under CISG contracts, buyers or sellers?
6 October 2020   French Supreme Court reverses appellate decision for having overlooked Art. 39(2) CISG
28 September 2020   Portugal accedes to the CISG and will become its 94th Contracting State
12 September 2020   District Court Oost-Brabant rules that Art. 2(b) CISG excludes sales by internet auction from CISG
10 September 2020   Chinese Supreme Court issues Guiding Opinion No. 3 for trials of COVID-19 cases
24 August 2020   Webinar "CISG and Other Uniform Law Tools for Contractual Risk Mitigation" (27 August 2020)
8 August 2020   Portugal prepares its accession to the CISG
6 June 2020   Court of Appeal Arnhem-Leeuwarden holds that agreement on retention of title is governed by the CISG
26 May 2020   Supreme Court Belarus invalidates arbitration agreement in CISG contract
12 May 2020   Court of Appeal Düsseldorf addresses seller's procurement risk under Art. 79 CISG
01 May 2020   Tribunale di Trieste rules on the burden of proof under Art. 35(2)(b) CISG and on Art. 79(1) CISG
23 March 2020   Polish Supreme Court interprets Art. 74, sentence 2 CISG (foreseeability) to apply to Art. 76 CISG
2 March 2020   Hong Kong Department of Justice issues consultation paper on the proposed application of the CISG
24 February 2020   Norwegian Supreme Court interprets seller's right of stoppage under Art. 71(2), (3) CISG
16 February 2020   Florida Court issues first decision from a Common Law jurisdiction applying Art. 28 CISG
07 February 2020   Consolidated draft of "Legal Guide of Uniform Legal Instruments (with a focus on sales)" published
06 February 2020   CISG Advisory Council holds its 27th meeting in Puerto Vallarta (Mexico)
31 January 2020   High Court of Uganda renders decision applying the CISG
30 January 2020          Guatemala to become 93rd Contracting State of the CISG