Bibliography on Art. 8 CISG

Daniel Achá Lemaitre, 'Los principios de interpretación de la Convención de la Naciones Unidas sobre los Contratos de Compraventa Internacional de Mercaderías', 9 FORO, Revista de Derecho (2008), 155–173 [– in Spanish]  
Nicola Brutti, 'The Controlling Language of the Contract in Light of the CISG', in: Francesca Benatti, Sergio García Long & Filippo Viglione (eds.), The Transnational Sales Contract – 40 years influence of the CISG on national jurisdictions, Milano: Wolters Kluwer & CEDAM (2022), 17–36 [– in English]
Antonio Crivellaro, 'La rilevanza dei preamboli nell'interpretazione dei contratti internazionale', Diritto del Commercio Internazionale (Dir. com. int.) (2001), 777–792 [– in Italian]
Filip J.M. De Ly, 'Interpretation Clauses in International Contracts', Revue de Droit des Affaires Internationales/International Business Law Journal (RDAI/IBLJ) (2000), 719–812 [– in English]
Franco Ferrari, 'Auslegung von Parteierklärungen und -verhalten nach UN-Kaufrecht', Internationales Handelsrecht (IHR) (2003), 10 [– in German]
Franco Ferrari, 'Interpretation of Statements and Conduct under the Convention for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) in the Light of Case Law', Revue de Droit des Affaires Internationales/International Business Law Journal (RDAI/IBLJ) (2003), 96–107 [– in English]
Aleksandrs Fillers, 'Concepts of the reasonable person under Article 8 of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods', 17 Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration (VJ) (2013), 171–190 [– in English]
Friedrich Graf von Westphalen, 'AGB-rechtliche Auslegung, überraschende Klauseln, Vorrang des Individualvertrags und Transparenzgebot im Licht des UN-Kaufrechts', Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (ZIP) (2019), 2281–2288 [– in German]
Robert A. Hillman, 'Some Realism About the Admission of Parol Evidence in Sales Cases under the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and the Uniform Commercial Code', in: Francesca Benatti, Sergio García Long & Filippo Viglione (eds.), The Transnational Sales Contract – 40 years influence of the CISG on national jurisdictions, Milano: Wolters Kluwer & CEDAM (2022), 325–340 [– in English]
Alina Kaczorowska, 'Règles uniformes d'interprétation d'un contrat international', Revue de droit international et de droit comparé (Rev. dr. int. et comp.) (1991), 294–313 [– in French]
Angel Manuel López-López, 'La interpretación del contrato en la Convención de Viena sobre compraventa internacional de mercaderías', Revista de derecho mercantil (1997), 1207–1236 [– in Spanish]
Mikaël F. Nabati, 'Les règles d’interprétation des contrats dans les Principes d’UNIDROIT et la CVIM: entre unité structurelle et diversité fonctionnelle', 12 Uniform Law Review/Revue de droit uniforme (Unif. L. Rev.) (2007), 247–262 [– in French]
Naděžda Rozehnalová, 'Interpretace smluvních ujednání a jednostranných prohlášení stran v prostředí mezinárodního obchodu (Interpretation of Contract's Terms and Partie's Unilateral Declaration in International Trade Area)', 26 Casopis pro právni vedu a praxi (CPVP) (2018), 381–396 [– in Czech]  
Mareike Schmidt, 'Ambiguous Expectations in Intercultural Commerce: Seven Propositions for Dealing with the Challenges of Intercultural Communication in the Realm of the CISG', 22 Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration (VJ) (2018), 67–79 [– in English]
Ulrich G. Schroeter, 'Rückkaufvereinbarungen und “contra proferentem”-Regel unter dem UN-Kaufrecht', Internationales Handelsrecht (IHR) (2014), 173–179 [– in German]  
Tidarat Sinlapapiromsuk, 'The Paradox of Substance-Procedure Dichotomy and the Admissibility of Extrinsic Evidence for the Interpretation of Contracts Governed by the CISG 1980', 39(2) Chulalongkorn Law Journal (Chulalongkorn L.J.) (2021), 139–185 [– in English]  
Donald J. Smythe, 'Reasonable Standards for Contract Interpretations under the CISG', 25 Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law (Cardozo J. Int’l & Comp. L.) (2016), 1–28 [– in English]  
Lisa Spagnolo, 'Contract Interpretation', in: Larry A. DiMatteo, André Janssen, Ulrich Magnus & Reiner Schulze (eds.), International Sales Law: Contract, Principles & Practice, Munich / Oxford / Baden-Baden: C.H. Beck / Hart / Nomos (2016), 713–782 [– in English]
Maja Stanivuković, 'Editorial Remarks on the Manner in which the PECL may be used to interpret or supplement Article 8 of the CISG', Review of the Convention on Contracts for the International Sales of Goods (Rev. CISG) (2002-2003), 327–333 [– in English]  
Elisabeth Stern, Erklärungen im UNCITRAL-Kaufrecht, Vienna: Manz (1990) [– in German]
Aditya Suresh, 'Interpreting merger clauses in contracts governed by the CISG: delineating the scope for the use of extrinsic evidence', 26 Uniform Law Review/Revue de droit uniforme (Unif. L. Rev.) (2021), 223–247 [– in English]
Jean Thieffry, 'La prise en considération du comportement des parties par la Convention de Vienne', in: Ferenc Majoros (ed.), emptio-venditio inter nationes: Convention de Vienne sur la vente internationale de marchandises/The UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)/Wiener Übereinkommen betreffend Verträge über den internationalen Warenkauf, Basel: Recht und Gesellschaft (1997), 279–295 [– in French]
Ahmet Cemil Yildirim, Interpretation of Contracts in Comparative and Uniform Law, Kluwer Law International (2019) [– in English]
Bruno Zeller, 'Determining the Contractual Intent of Parties under the CISG and Common Law – A Comparative Analysis', 4 European Journal of Law Reform (EJLR) (2002), 629–643 [– in English]  
Bruno Zeller, 'Interpretation of Article 8: Is it Consistent with the Function of the Global Jurisconsultorium?', Internationales Handelsrecht (IHR) (2013), 89 [– in English]