Bibliography on Art. 9 CISG

Stephen Bainbridge, 'Trade Usages in International Sales of Goods: An Analysis of the 1964 and 1980 Sales Convention', 24 Virginia Journal of International Law (Va. J. Int'l L.) (1984), 619–665 [– in English]
Michael Joachim Bonell, 'Die Bedeutung der Handelsbräuche im Wiener Kaufrechtsübereinkommen von 1980', Juristische Blätter (JBl) (1985), 385–394 [– in German]
Juana Coetzee, 'The role and function of trade usage in modern international sales law', 20 Uniform Law Review/Revue de droit uniforme (Unif. L. Rev.) (2015), 243–270 [– in English]  
D.E. Deforche, 'De gewoonten en handelsgebruiken in het Weens Koopverdrag: bron van contractuele verplichting', Maandblad voor Vermogensrecht (MvV) (2007), 138–142 [– in Dutch]
E. Allan Farnsworth, 'Unification of Sales Law: Usage and Course of Dealing', in: Unification and comparative law in theory and practice: Contributions in honour of Jean Georges Sauveplanne, Deventer: Kluwer Law and Taxation (1984), 81–89 [– in English]
Franco Ferrari, 'Trade usages and practices established between parties under the CISG', Revue de Droit des Affaires Internationales/International Business Law Journal (RDAI/IBLJ) (2003), 571–580 [– in English]
Fabien Gélinas, 'Toward a Transnational Law of Trade Usages?', 7 Yearbook on Arbitration and Mediation (Y.B. Arb. & Mediation) (2015), 49–57 [– in English]  
Clayton P. Gillette, 'The Law Merchant in the Modern Age: Institutional Design and International Usages Under the CISG', 5 Chicago Journal of International Law (Chi. J. Int‘l L.) (2004), 157–179 [– in English]  
Aleksandar Goldstajn, 'Usages of Trade and Other Autonomous Rules of International Trade According to the UN (1980) Sales Convention', in: Petar Sarcevic & Paul Volken (eds.), International Sale of Goods: Dubrovnik Lectures, New York: Oceana (1986), 55–110 [– in English]
Leonardo Graffi, 'Remarks on Trade Usages And Business Practices In International Sales Law', 29 Journal of Law & Commerce (J.L. & Com.) (2011), 273–295 [– in English]  
Leonardo Graffi, 'Remarks on Trade Usages and Business Practices in International Sales Law', 59 Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu/Annals of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade, Belgrade Law Review (Belgrade L. Rev.) (2011), 102–123 [– in English]  
Volker H. Holl & Oliver Keßler, '„Selbstgeschaffenes Recht der Wirtschaft“ und Einheitsrecht - Die Stellung der Handelsbräuche und Gepflogenheiten im Wiener UN-Kaufrecht', Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft (RIW) (1995), 457–460 [– in German]
William P. Johnson, 'Analysis of Incoterms as Usage under Article 9 of the CISG', 35 University of Pennsylvania Law Review (U. Pa. L. Rev.) (2013), 379–430 [– in English]  
William P. Johnson, 'The Hierarchy That Wasn’t There: Elevating „Usage“ to its Rightful Position for Contracts Governed by the CISG', 32 Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business (Nw. J. Int'l L. & Bus) (2012), 263–303 [– in English]  
Heikki Jokela, 'The Role of Usages in the Uniform Law on International Sales', 10 Scandinavian Studies in Law (Sc.St.L.) (1966), 81–96 [– in English]  
Alina Kaczorowska, 'Les usages commerciaux dans les conventions relatives à la vente internationale', Revue juridique Thémis (R.J.T.) (1995), 427–457 [– in French]
Marco Lopez de Gonzalo, 'La rilevanza degli usi nella disciplina dell'obbligazione di consegna nella vendita marittima', Il Diritto Marittimo (1995), 1055–1058 [– in Italian]
Jorge Oviedo-Albán, 'Usages and Practices in Contracts for the International Sale of Goods', 135 Vniversitas (2017), 255–282 [– in English]  
Charalambos Pamboukis, 'The Concept and Function of Usages in the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods', 25 Journal of Law & Commerce (J.L. & Com.) (2005), 107–131 [– in English]  
Charalambos Pamboukis, 'The concept and function of usages in the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods', in: Michael Stathopoulos, Kostas Beys, Philippos Doris & Ioannis Karakostas (eds.), Festschrift für Apostolos Georgiades zum 70. Geburtstag, Munich / Athens / Berne: C.H. Beck / Ant. N. Sakkoulas / Stämpfli (2006), 838–867 [– in English]
Peter Schlosser, 'Rechtszersplitterung durch internationales Einheitsrecht? Eine Studie zu kaufmännischen Bestätigungsschreiben und Rechnungsaufdrucken nach deutschem materiellem Recht, nach § 1031 ZPO, nach Art. 17 EuGVÜ, nach Art. 9 Abs. 2 CISG und Nr. 2.12 UNIDROIT-Grundsätzen', in: Volker Beuthien, Maximilian Fuchs, Herbert Roth, Gottfried Schiemann & Andreas Wacke (eds.), Festschrift für Dieter Medicus zum 70. Geburtstag, Munich: C.H. Beck (1999), 543–554 [– in German]
Gregory C. Walker, 'Trade Usages and the CISG: Defending the Appropriateness of Incorporating Custom into International Commercial Contracts', 24 Journal of Law & Commerce (J.L. & Com.) (2005), 263–280 [– in English]
Szandra Wolf, 'A felek között kialakult gyakorlat és a szokások szerepe a Bécsi Vételi Egyezmény szerinti szerződésértelmezésben', Jogi tanulmányok (2016), 599–609 [– in Hungarian]
Edgardo Muñoz, 'Soft Law Instruments as Usages of Trade in CISG Contracts and International Commercial Arbitration', 50 Uniform Commercial Code Law Journal (UCC L.J.) (2021), 1–40 [– in English]  
Roy Goode, 'Usage and its Reception in Transnational Commercial Law', in: Jacob S. Ziegel (ed.), New Developments in International Commercial and Consumer Law: Proceedings of the 8th Biennial Conference of the International Academy of Commercial and Consumer Law, Oxford: Hart Publishing (1998), 3–36 [– in English]