Impact of Art. 33 on the interpretation of non-CISG provisions

Beyond its actual sphere of application, Art. 33 CISG has occasionally been used as guidance by courts when interpreting provisions of domestic or international law. Some examples are listed below.



Georgian law:

Czech Republic
Computer equipment case
საქართველოს უზენაესი სასამართლო (Supreme Court of Georgia)
Georgia, 06 July 2018 – 5-515-515-2018, CISG-online 4454
Reference made to Art. 33(a) CISG in discussing the importance of timely performance under Georgian domestic law


Spanish law:

Czech Republic
Poliamidas de Somontano SA v. World Elastomer Trade SL
Audiencia Provincial de Barcelona (Court of Appeal Barcelona)
Spain, 18 July 2013 – 405/2013, CISG-online 2753
Reference made to Art. 33(b) CISG in interpreting the clause "plazo de entrega según necesidades" ("delivery time in accordance with requirements”) contained in a domestic Spanish sales contract