Bibliography on Art. 35 CISG

Yesim M. Atamer & Patrick M. Gerber, 'Ethische Produktionsprozesse als Merkmal der Mangelfreiheit der Kaufsache?', Aktuelle Juristische Praxis/Pratique Juridique Actuelle (AJP/PJA) (2022), 1159–1175 [– in German]
Joachim Aue, Mängelgewährleistung im UN-Kaufrecht unter besonderer Berücksichtigung stillschweigender Zusicherungen, Frankfurt am Main: (1989) [– in German]
Benedikt Bartylla, 'Lieferkettenregulierung und internationales Kaufrecht', Neue Zeitschrift für Gesellschaftsrecht (NZG) (2023), 103–107 [– in German]
Marino Bin, 'La non conformità dei beni nella Convenzione di Vienna sulla vendita internazionale', Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto e Procedura Civile (Riv. trim. dir. e proc. civ.) (1990), 755–768 [– in Italian]
Luciana Cabella Pisu, 'La "Mancanza di Conformità": Il Modello della Convenzione e la Tradizione Giuridica Italiana', in: La Vendita Internazionale: La Convenzione di Vienna dell'11 Aprile 1980. Atti del Convegno di Studi di S. Margherita Ligure (26-28 settembre 1980), Milano: Dott. A. Giuffrè Editore (1981), 359–363 [– in Italian]
Dagmar Coester-Waltjen, 'Die nichtvertragsgemässe Ware im Kaufrecht', Juristische Ausbildung (Jura) (1997), 637–641 [– in German]
Juan Carlos Dastis, 'Ethischer Konsum und Vertragsrecht', Verbraucher und Recht (VuR) (2017), 252–256 [– in German]  
Kendra Daubner, 'Cumplir o no cumplir: esa es la cuestión. Los estándares de conformidad de las mercaderías según el artículo 35 de la CISG', 20 Gaceta Judicial (Santo Domingo) (2016) [– in Spanish]
Johannes Daun, 'Öffentlichrechtliche “Vorgaben” im Käuferland und Vertragsmäßigkeit der Ware nach UN-Kaufrecht', Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (NJW) (1996), 29–30 [– in German]
Suzanne de Groot, 'Non-conformiteit volgens het Weens Koopverdrag: Een onderzoek naar de al dan niet uniforme wijze waarop rechters van verdragsstaten de artikelen 35, 38, 39, 40 en 44 van het CISG interpreteren en toepassen', Tijdschrift voor Privaatrecht (TPR) (1999), 635–692 [– in Dutch]  
Villy de Luca, 'The Conformity of the Goods to the Contract in International Sales', 27 Pace International Law Review (Pace Int'l L. Rev.) (2015), 163–257 [– in English]  
José Ramón de Verda y Beamonte, 'La no conformidad de la Convención de Viena', in: José Alberto Gaitán Martínez & Fabricio Mantilla Espinosa (eds.), La terminación del contrato: Nuevas tendencias del Derecho comparado, Universidad del Rosario (2007), 317–354 [– in Spanish]
Alfredo Ferrante, 'Burden of Proof and Lack of Conformity under the CISG from the Italian Law Perspective', in: Francesca Benatti, Sergio García Long & Filippo Viglione (eds.), The Transnational Sales Contract – 40 years influence of the CISG on national jurisdictions, Milano: Wolters Kluwer & CEDAM (2022), 177–198 [– in English]
Franco Ferrari, 'Divergences in the application of the CISG’s rules on non-conformity of goods', 68 Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht (RabelsZ) (2004), 473–494 [– in English]
Silvia Ferreri, 'Remarks concerning the implementation of the CISG by the courts (the seller’s performance and article 35)', 25 Journal of Law & Commerce (J.L. & Com.) (2005), 223–239 [– in English]  
Harry M. Flechtner, 'Decisions on Conformity of Goods under Article 35 of the UN Sales Convention (CISG): the „Mussels Case“, Evidentiary Standards for Lack of Conformity, and the „Default Rule“ vs. „Cumulative“ Views of Implied Conformity Obligations', in: Ingeborg Schwenzer, Yeşim M. Atamer & Petra Butler (eds.), Current Issues in the CISG and Arbitration, The Hague: Eleven International Publishing (2013), 177–194 [– in English]
Harry M. Flechtner, 'Excluding CISG Article 35(2) Quality Obligations: The “Default Rule” View vs. the “Cumulation” View', in: Stefan Kröll, Loukas A. Mistelis, Pilar Perales Viscasillas & Vikki M. Rogers (eds.), International Arbitration and International Commercial Law - Synergy, Convergence and Evolution: Liber Amicorum Eric Bergsten on the Occasion of his Eightieth Birthday, Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International (2011), 571–584 [– in English]
Harry M. Flechtner, 'Funky Mussels, a Stolen Car, and Decrepit Used Shoes: Non-Conforming Goods and Notice thereof under the United Nations Sales Convention ("CISG")', 26 Boston University International Law Journal (B.U. Int'l L.J.) (2008), 1–28 [– in English]  
Morten M. Fogt, 'Some Remarks on the Caveat Emptor Rule under the CISG - in Cator’s Case and Other', in: Joseph Lookofsky & Mads Bryde Andersen (eds.), The CISG Convention and Domestic Contract Law: Harmony, Cross-Inspiration, or Discord?, Copenhagen: DJØF (2015), 147–163 [– in English]
Clayton P. Gillette & Franco Ferrari, 'Warranties and "Lemons" under CISG Article 35(2)(a)', Internationales Handelsrecht (IHR) (2010), 2–17 [– in English]  
Laura Gouvêa de França Pereira, 'The Challenges of Applying the CISG Concept of Conformity in Latin America: The Ordinary and Particular Purpose Approaches', in: Ingeborg Schwenzer, Cesar Pereira & Leandro Tripodi (eds.), CISG and Latin America: Regional and Global Perspectives, The Hague: Eleven International Publishing (2016), 319–344 [– in English]
Klaus Günther, 'Rügeerfordernisse im internationalen Handelsverkehr gemäß Artikel 39 CISG', in: Theodor Baums (ed.), Corporations, Capital Markets and Business in the Law: Liber amicorum Richard M. Buxbaum, London: Kluwer International Law (2000), 235–252 [– in German]
René Franz Henschel, Conformity of Goods in International Sales: An analysis of Article 35 in the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), Copenhagen: Karnov Group (2005) [– in English]
René Franz Henschel, 'Conformity of Goods in International Sales governed by CISG Article 35: Caveat Venditor, Caveat Emptor and Contract Law as Background Law and as a Competing Set of Rules', Nordic Journal of Commercial Law (NJCL) (2004), #1, 1–21 [– in English]  
René Franz Henschel, 'Methodological challenges of codifying or consolidating national and international sales law based on CISG Article 35', in: Mads Andenas & Camilla Baasch Andersen (eds.), Theory and practice of harmonisation, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (2011), 198–219 [– in English]
Bruno Huwiler, 'Die "Vertragsmäßigkeit der Ware": Romanistische Gedanken zu Art. 35 und 45 ff. des Wiener Kaufrechts', in: Eugen Bucher (ed.), Wiener Kaufrecht: Berner Tage für die juristische Praxis 1990, Bern: Stämpfli (1991), 249–274 [– in German]
William P. Johnson, 'Disclaiming Warranties That Were Never Implied: The Irrelevance of UCC Section 2-316 for Article 35 of the CISG', 28(2) Southwestern Journal of International Law (Sw. J. Int'l L.) (2022), 685–715 [– in English]  
Glower W. Jones, 'Warranties in International Sales: UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods Compared to the US Uniform Commercial Code on Sales', 17 International Business Lawyer (Int’l Bus. Lawyer) (1989), 497–500 [– in English]
Raphael Koch, 'Vertragsmässigkeit der Ware bei Divergenz öffentlich-rechtlicher Vorgaben – Eine Untersuchung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Systematik des Art. 35 CISG', Internationales Handelsrecht (IHR) (2009), 233–237 [– in German]
Thomas Koller, 'Aliud und peius: wirklich überholt? – oder: Was das CISG und das revidierte deutsche Recht dem OR (noch) voraus haben', in: Heinrich Honsell, Roger Zäch, Franz Hasenböhler, Friedrich Harrer & René Rhinow (eds.), Privatrecht und Methode: Festschrift für Ernst A. Kramer, Basel, Geneva, Munich: (2004), 531–550 [– in German]  
Thomas Koller & Michael Stalder, 'Vertragsrecht und internationaler Handel – Die Vertragswidrigkeit der Ware im UN-Kaufrecht (CISG) bei national unterschiedlichen öffentlichrechtlichen Beschaffenheitsvorschriften', in: Pierre Tercier, Marc Amstutz, Alfred Koller, Jörg Schmid & Hubert Stöckli (eds.), Gauchs Welt: Festschrift für Peter Gauch, Zurich: (2004), 477–492 [– in German]  
Thomas Koller & David Jost, 'Rinderlasagne mit Pferdefleisch, Salatgurken mit EHEC-Bakterien, dioxinverseuchtes Schweinefleisch – oft nur ein Verdacht und doch ein Mangel? Überlegungen zum Mangelverdacht bei Lebensmitteln als Vertragswidrigkeit der Ware nach UN-Kaufrecht (CISG)', in: Peter V. Kunz, Jonas Weber, Andreas Lienhard, Iole Fargnoli & Jolanta Kren Kostkiewicz (eds.), Berner Gedanken zum Recht: Festgabe der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Bern für den Schweizerischen Juristentag 2014, Berne: Stämpfli (2014), 35–55 [– in German]  
Tobias Krätzschmar, Öffentlichrechtliche Beschaffenheitsvorgaben und Vertragsmäßigkeit der Ware im UN-Kaufrecht (CISG), Munich: Sellier. European Law Publishers (2008) [– in German]
Stefan Kröll, 'The Burden of Proof for the Non-conformity of Goods Under Art. 35 CISG', 59 Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu/Annals of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade, Belgrade Law Review (Belgrade L. Rev.) (2011), 162–180 [– in English]  
Stefan Kröll & Rudolf Hennecke, 'From New Zealand Mussels to New Zealand Trucks - The (Not So) "Ordinary Use" in Article 35(2)', in: Ingeborg Schwenzer & Lisa Spagnolo (eds.), Growing the CISG: 6th Annual MAA Schlechtriem CISG Conference, The Hague: Eleven International Publishing (2016), 43–59 [– in English]
Sonja A. Kruisinga, 'De aansprakelijkheid van de verkoper in de CISG voor het in acht nemen van buitenlandse regelgeving', Maandblad voor Vermogensrecht (MvV) (2007), 156–160 [– in Dutch]
Sonja A. Kruisinga, (Non-)conformity in the 1980 UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods: A Uniform Concept?, Cambridge: Intersentia (2004) [– in English]
Anna L. Linne, 'Burden of Proof under Art. 35 CISG', 20 Pace International Law Review (Pace Int'l L. Rev.) (2008), 31–44 [– in English]  
Joseph Lookofsky, 'Cator Can't Compete: Caveat Emptor under CISG Article 35(3)?', in: Joseph Lookofsky & Mads Bryde Andersen (eds.), The CISG Convention and Domestic Contract Law: Harmony, Cross-Inspiration, or Discord?, Copenhagen: DJØF (2015), 131–146 [– in English]  
Marco Lopez de Gonzalo, 'Accertamento della conformità della merce nei contratti di vendita internazionale di "commodities"', Diritto del Commercio Internazionale (Dir. com. int.) (1999), 149–159 [– in Italian]
Ulrich Magnus, 'Mangelverdacht als Mangel im CISG?', in: Andreas Heldrich, Jürgen Prölss & Ingo Koller (eds.), Festschrift für Claus-Wilhelm Canaris zum 70. Geburtstag, Munich: C.H. Beck (2007), 257–269 [– in German]
Thomas Neumann, 'Features of Article 35 CISG: Equivalence, Burden of Proof and Awareness', 11 Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration (VJ) (2007), 81–98 [– in English]
Christina Ramberg, 'Emotional Non-Conformity in the International Sale of Goods, Particularly in Relation to CSR-Policies and Codes of Conduct', in: Ingeborg Schwenzer & Lisa Spagnolo (eds.), Boundaries and Intersections: The 5th Annual MAA Schlechtriem CISG Conference, The Hague: Eleven International Publishing (2014), 71–94 [– in English]  
C. Ramberg, 'Problems Legal Practitioners Face in Finding the Law Relating to the CISG - Hardship, Defective Goods and Standard Terms', Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Handelsrecht (NTHR) (2012), 89–92 [– in English]
Djakhongir Saidov, 'Article 35 of the CISG: Reflecting on the Present and Thinking about the Future', 58 Villanova Law Review (Vill. L. Rev.) (2013), 529–552 [– in English]  
Djakhongir Saidov, Conformity of Goods and Documents: The Vienna Sales Convention, Oxford and Portland, Oregon: Hart (2015) [– in English]
Peter Schlechtriem, 'Vertragsgemäßheit der Ware und öffentlich-rechtliche Vorgaben', Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax) (1999), 388–389 [– in German]
Ingeborg Schwenzer, 'Conformity of the Goods – Physical Features on the Wane?', in: Ingeborg Schwenzer & Lisa Spagnolo (eds.), State of Play: The 3rd Annual MAA Peter Schlechtriem CISG Conference, The Hague: Eleven International Publishing (2012), 103–112 [– in English]  
Ingeborg Schwenzer, 'Ethical standards in CISG contracts', 22 Uniform Law Review/Revue de droit uniforme (Unif. L. Rev.) (2017), 122–131 [– in English]
Ingeborg Schwenzer & David Tebel, 'Suspicions, mere suspicions: non-conformity of the goods?', 19 Uniform Law Review/Revue de droit uniforme (Unif. L. Rev.) (2014), 152–168 [– in English]  
Richard E. Speidel, 'Warranties of Quality in Revised Article 2, Sales and the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods', 14 Journal of Contract Law (JCL) (1999), 15–27 [– in English]
Yingxia Su, Die vertragsgemäße Beschaffenheit der Ware im UNCITRAL-Kaufrecht im Vergleich zum deutschen und chinesischen Recht, Münster: LIT-Verlag (1996) [– in German]
Vittorio Tedeschi, 'Conformità delle Merci al Contratto e Diritti o Pretese di Terzi sulle Merci, nell'ULIS e nell'UNCITRAL: Brevi Appunti ', in: La Vendita Internazionale: La Convenzione di Vienna dell'11 Aprile 1980. Atti del Convegno di Studi di S. Margherita Ligure (26-28 settembre 1980), Milano: Dott. A. Giuffrè Editore (1981), 401–413 [– in Italian]
Marcelo Markus Teixeira, Henrique Rotava & Tainá Rafaela Bigaton, 'Os códigos de conduta como ferramenta de compliance na aplicação do art. 35 da CISG [The codes of conduct as a tool of compliance for conformity in the application of article 35 of the CISG]', 5(10) Brazilian Journal of Development (Braz. J. of Develop.) (October 2019), 21164–21179 [– in Portuguese]  
Anna Veneziano, 'Mancanza di conformità delle merci ed onere della prova nella vendita internazionale: un esempio di interpretazione autonoma del diritto uniforme alla luce dei precedenti stranieri', Diritto del Commercio Internazionale (Dir. com. int.) (2001), 509–518 [– in Italian]
Anna Veneziano, 'Non Conformity of Goods in International Sales - A Survey of Current Caselaw on CISG', Revue de Droit des Affaires Internationales/International Business Law Journal (RDAI/IBLJ) (1997), 39–65 [– in English]
Joyce Williams, 'Analysis of CISG Article 35: Conformity of the Goods in the Changing Power Dynamics of Corporate Social Responsibility', in: Trade Development through Harmonization of Commercial Law/L'Harmonisation du Droit Commercial Facteur de Développement du Commerce, Hors Serie Volume XIX, Wellington, New Zealand: Victoria University of Wellington (2015), 299–306 [– in English]  
Bruno Zeller, Rachel Chan & Camilla Baasch Andersen, 'To Know or Not to Know in the CISG: Can an Analogy between CISG Articles 35 and 42 Challenge the Outcome of the 1995 New Zealand Mussels Case?', International Trade Law & Regulation (Int. T.L.R.) (2019), 11–25 [– in English]
Fryderyk Zoll, 'The CISG – An Environment-Friendly Sales Law? A Brief Analysis of the Liability of the Seller for the Lack of Conformity From the Ecological Perspective', in: Francesca Benatti, Sergio García Long & Filippo Viglione (eds.), The Transnational Sales Contract – 40 years influence of the CISG on national jurisdictions, Milano: Wolters Kluwer & CEDAM (2022), 621 [– in English]