Impact of Art. 45 on the interpretation of non-CISG provisions
Beyond its actual sphere of application, Art. 45 CISG has occasionally been used as guidance by courts when interpreting provisions of domestic or international law. Some examples are listed below.

G4 Management B.V. v. Hanzevast Beleggingen B.V.
Parket bij de Hoge Raad (Advocate General at the Dutch Supreme Court)
Netherlands, 08 July 2011 – 10/00006, CISG-online 2379
Parket bij de Hoge Raad (Advocate General at the Dutch Supreme Court)
Netherlands, 08 July 2011 – 10/00006, CISG-online 2379
Reference inter alia made to Arts. 45, 49, 61 and 64 CISG (in particular the right of a party that has suffered a breach of contract to terminate the contract and in addition claim payment of damages under these CISG provisions) in discussing matters of damages calculation under Art. 6:87 of the Dutch Civil Code