Bibliography on Art. 55 CISG

Farzaneh Akrami, Sakina Shaik Ahmad Yusoff & Suzanna Mohamed Isa, '„Open Price“ Term under the United Kingdom Sale of Goods Act 1979 and the United Nations Convention on Contracts for International Sale of Goods (CISG): A Comparative Analysis', 10(15) Asian Social Science (2014), 97–105 [– in English]  
Eugen Bucher, 'Preisvereinbarung als Voraussetzung der Vertragsgültigkeit beim Kauf: Zum angeblichen Widerspruch zwischen Art. 14 und 55 des "Wiener Kaufrechts"', in: Eugen Bucher (ed.), Wiener Kaufrecht: Berner Tage für die juristische Praxis 1990, Bern: Stämpfli (1991), 53–82 [– in German]  
Aleksandrs Fillers, 'Open-Price Contracts Under the CISG: The Law in Action', 35(2) European Business Law Review (EBLR) (2024), 263–288 [– in English]
Sandra Fišer-Šobot, 'Open-price ugovori o međunarodnoj prodaji robe – odnos članova 14 i 55 Konvencije Ujedinjenih nacija o ugovorima o međunarodnoj prodaji robe [Contracts for the international sale of goods with open-price terms: An interplay between arts. 14 and 55 CISG]', 66(1) Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu/Annals of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade, Belgrade Law Review (Belgrade L. Rev.) (2018), 180–198 [– in Serbian]  
Vincent Fortier, 'Le prix dans la Convention de Vienne sur la vente internationale de marchandises: les articles 14 et 55', Journal du droit international (JDI or Clunet) (1990), 381 [– in French]
Henry D. Gabriel, 'The Buyer's Performance Under the CISG: Articles 53-60 - Trends in the Decisions', 25 Journal of Law & Commerce (J.L. & Com.) (2005), 273–283 [– in English]  
Andrea Giardina, 'La determinazione del prezzo nei contratti internazionali', Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale (Riv. dir. int. priv. e proc.) (1993), 283 [– in Italian]
Loukas Mistelis, 'Article 55 CISG: the unknown factor', 25 Journal of Law & Commerce (J.L. & Com.) (2005), 285–297 [– in English]  
Nemanja Pandurević, 'Interplay between Article 14 and Article 55 of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)', 11 Proceedings of the Faculty of Economics in East Sarajevo (2015), 49–60 [– in English]