Bibliography on Art. 70 CISG

Johan Erauw, 'CISG Articles 66-70: The Risk of Loss and Passing It', 25 Journal of Law & Commerce (J.L. & Com.) (2005), 203–217 [– in English]  
Manuel Gustin, 'Passing of Risk and Impossibility of Performance under the CISG', Revue de Droit des Affaires Internationales/International Business Law Journal (RDAI/IBLJ) (2001), 379–400 [– in English]
Dong Wu, 'The Effect of Fundamental Breach on Passage of Risk in the International Sale of Goods under the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods: Comparative Analysis with the Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China', 7 Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration (VJ) (2003), 233–254 [– in English]