Bibliography on Art. 75 CISG

Daan Dokter, 'De verhouding tussen abstracte en concrete schadevasstelling bij koop, opschorting', Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Burgerlijk Recht (NTBR) (1998), 345–350 [– in Dutch]
Peter Huber & Ivo Bach, 'Cover Purchase Without Avoidance: Welcome When Worthwhile', in: Stefan Kröll, Loukas A. Mistelis, Pilar Perales Viscasillas & Vikki M. Rogers (eds.), International Arbitration and International Commercial Law - Synergy, Convergence and Evolution: Liber Amicorum Eric Bergsten on the Occasion of his Eightieth Birthday, Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International (2011), 585–596 [– in English]
Jennifer Offermanns, 'Damages Arising Out of a Cover Purchase within the Framework of Articles 74 to 77 CISG', 10 Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration (VJ) (2006), 1–14 [– in English]
Daniela Roßmeier, 'Schadensersatz und Zinsen nach UN-Kaufrecht - Art. 74 bis 78 CISG', Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft (RIW) (2000), 407–415 [– in German]
Mareike Schmidt, 'Profiting from Substitute Transactions? – A Comment on the Offsetting of Benefits under the CISG', in: Andrea Büchler & Markus Müller-Chen (eds.), Private Law: national – global – comparative, Festschrift für Ingeborg Schwenzer zum 60. Geburtstag, Berne: Stämpfli (2011), 1499–1512 [– in English]
Bojidara Borisova, 'Remarks on the Manner in which the Principles of European Contract Law may be used to Interpret or Supplement Article 75 of the CISG', Nordic Journal of Commercial Law (NJCL) (2003), #1, 1–6 [– in English]