Relationship between the CISG and other international instruments
The CISG does not exist in a vacuum, but is surrounded by other international Conventions, agreements and similar instruments with (potentially) overlapping scopes. Courts have had the opportunity to address the relationship between the CISG and other international instruments to substantiate the interplay in practice.

Hardening agent for glue case
Cour d'appel de Rouen (Court of Appeal Rouen)
France, 26 September 2013 – 11/04939, CISG-online 2551
Cour d'appel de Rouen (Court of Appeal Rouen)
France, 26 September 2013 – 11/04939, CISG-online 2551
CISG takes precedence over the 1955 Hague Convention because the CISG is the more recent set of rules

Italian bridal wear case
Tribunale d'appello Ticino (Court of Appeal Canton Ticino)
Switzerland, 22 February 2011 – 12.2009.32, CISG-online 5075
Tribunale d'appello Ticino (Court of Appeal Canton Ticino)
Switzerland, 22 February 2011 – 12.2009.32, CISG-online 5075
CISG takes precedence over the 1955 Hague Convention because the Art. 90 CISG only refers to conventions that create substantive uniform law

Calzaturificio Moreo Junior S.r.l. v. Philmar Diffusion S.p.r.l.u.
Rechtbank van Koophandel Brussel/Tribunal de Commerce de Bruxelles (Commercial Court Brussels)
Belgium, 05 October 1994 – R.G. 1205/93, CISG-online 447
Rechtbank van Koophandel Brussel/Tribunal de Commerce de Bruxelles (Commercial Court Brussels)
Belgium, 05 October 1994 – R.G. 1205/93, CISG-online 447
CISG takes precedence over the 1980 Rome Convention because no conflict between a uniform substantive law convention (like the CISG) and a uniform conflict-of-laws convention (like the Rome Convention) is possible (the Court also cites Art. 90 CISG and Art. 21 of the Rome Convention)

Giacometti Group S.r.l. v. David & Cie S.C.S.
Corte Suprema di Cassazione (Italian Supreme Court)
Italy, 21 October 2009 – 22239, CISG-online 4932
Corte Suprema di Cassazione (Italian Supreme Court)
Italy, 21 October 2009 – 22239, CISG-online 4932

Tractor case II
Cour d'appel de Nancy (Court of Appeal Nancy)
France, 06 November 2013 – 10/03154 / 2158/2013, CISG-online 2549
Cour d'appel de Nancy (Court of Appeal Nancy)
France, 06 November 2013 – 10/03154 / 2158/2013, CISG-online 2549

Intraval S.L. v. Econ Industries GmbH
Tribunal Supremo (Spanish Supreme Court)
Spain, 06 July 2020 – 3133/2017 / 398/2020, CISG-online 5370
Tribunal Supremo (Spanish Supreme Court)
Spain, 06 July 2020 – 3133/2017 / 398/2020, CISG-online 5370
Michel Pelichet, 'Les rapports entre la Convention de Vienne et la Convention de La Haye de 1986 sur la loi applicable aux contrats de vente internationale de marchandises', in: Ferenc Majoros (ed.), emptio-venditio inter nationes: Convention de Vienne sur la vente internationale de marchandises/The UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)/Wiener Übereinkommen betreffend Verträge über den internationalen Warenkauf, Basel: Recht und Gesellschaft (1997), 57–79 [– in French]
Michel Pelichet, 'Les rapports entre la Convention de Vienne et la Convention de La Haye de 1986 sur la loi applicable aux contrats de vente internationale de marchandises', in: Sébastien Bettschart (ed.), Les ventes internationales: Journée d'étude en l'honneur du professeur Karl H. Neumayer, Lausanne: CEDIDAC (1998), 57–80 [– in French]
Regulation (EC) No. 593/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 2008 on the law applicable to contractual obligations (Rome I Regulation)

Used car case III
Oberlandesgericht Köln (Court of Appeal Cologne)
Germany, 17 February 2017 – 19 U 101/16, CISG-online 2946
Oberlandesgericht Köln (Court of Appeal Cologne)
Germany, 17 February 2017 – 19 U 101/16, CISG-online 2946

Intraval S.L. v. Econ Industries GmbH
Tribunal Supremo (Spanish Supreme Court)
Spain, 06 July 2020 – 3133/2017 / 398/2020, CISG-online 5370
Tribunal Supremo (Spanish Supreme Court)
Spain, 06 July 2020 – 3133/2017 / 398/2020, CISG-online 5370