CISG by jurisdiction

Admin area

Hong Kong SAR (China)

Hong Kong SAR (China)
Status under the CISG:

Contracting State territory

Hong Kong, a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of the People's Republic of China, has without doubt been a CISG Contracting territory since 1 December 2022.

Prior to this date, Hong Kong's status under the CISG was uncertain (see in more detail below).

No reservations are in effect for Hong Kong. In particular, the Art. 95 CISG reservation in effect for the People's Republic of China does not extend to the Hong Kong SAR.

Further information:

Uncertainty regarding Hong Kong's status under the CISG between 1 July 1997 and 30 November 2022

Until 1 December 2022, the status of Hong Kong under the CISG was uncertain. The reasons for this uncertainty, briefly described, were as follows:

Prior to 1 December 2022 Hong Kong was not mentioned, and had never been mentioned, on the official list of CISG Contracting States kept and communicated to States by the Secretary-General of the United Nations in his role as depositary of the Sales Convention in accordance with Art. 89 CISG and Art. 77(1)(e) of the Vienna Convention on the Law Applicable to Treaties (1969).

Until 30 June 1997, Hong Kong had been a British Dependent Territory under the sovereignty of the United Kingdom, a CISG Non-Contracting State. On 1 July 1997, the sovereignty over Hong Kong was transferred to the People's Republic of China through the so-called "handover". Hong Kong became and has since been a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of the People's Republic of China. The People's Republic of China has been a CISG Contracting State already since 1988. The handover thus resulted in the territory of Hong Kong changing from being part of a CISG Non-Contracting State (UK) to a CISG Contracting State (China). The effects of this somewhat unusual process are not expressly addressed in the 1980 Sales Convention, resulting in uncertainty about Hong Kong's post-handover status under the CISG.

An important point of dispute resulted from the wording of Art. 93 CISG and this provision's applicability, if any, to the status of Hong Kong under the CISG: Art. 93(1) CISG authorizes each Contracting State that has two or more territorial units in which, according to its constitution, different systems of law are applicable in relation to the matters dealt with in this Convention to declare that the Convention is to extend to all its territorial units or only to one or more of them. Art. 31 of the Constitution of the People's Republic of China provides for the establishment of special administrative regions (like the Hong Kong SAR) that arguably qualify as "territorial units" in the sense of Art. 93(1) CISG. Furthermore, under the "one country, two systems" principle, the system of law applicable in the Hong Kong SAR relation to sales contracts is different from the system of law applicable in this regard in the PRC. Accordingly, the argument was made that Art. 93 CISG applied to the pre-2022 post-handover situation regarding Hong Kong. At the same time, the provision has clearly not been drafted with the scenario like the "handover" – a CISG Contracting State's post-accession extension by a territorial unit that did not form part of the State when it became a Contracting State – in mind.

The most significant difficulty raised by Art. 93 CISG's potential application to Hong Kong resulted from Art. 93(4) CISG. This provision reads:

If a Contracting State makes no declaration under paragraph (1) of this article, the Convention is to extend to all territorial units of that State.

Whenever Art. 93 CISG was considered applicable to post-1997 Hong Kong, Art. 93(4) CISG thus by law made the 1980 Sales Convention applicable to the Hong Kong SAR at that time, unless one reached the conclusion that the People's Republic of China had made a declaration to the Convention's depositary declaring that the CISG does not apply to Hong Kong. However, none of the declarations made by China in connection with the handover or later explicitly mentioned the CISG, and it was disputed whether any of the generic clauses in one of China's declarations to the UN Secretary-General could be construed as also referring to the CISG, or as constituting a declaration "equivalent to" the one envisaged by Art. 93(1) CISG.

Against this background, courts from a number of countries had to grapple with the question whether parties from Hong Kong were to be considered parties that had their place of business in a "Contracting State" for the purpose of Art. 1(1)(a) and (b) CISG, or not. Case law addressing this question was divided, both in outcome and in underlying reasoning. It has been summarized on a separate page:

Case law on the status of the Hong Kong SAR under the CISG (1997–2022)

On 4 May 2022, the People's Republic of China then made a declaration to the CISG's depositary providing that the Sales Convention would apply to Hong Kong from 1 December 2022 onwards, thereby removing the uncertainty that existed between 1997 and 2022. For purposes of the Convention's applicability in accordance with Art. 1(1)(a) or (b) CISG, parties with their place of business in the Hong Kong SAR are parties with a place of business in a CISG Contracting State when it comes to sales contracts concluded on or after 1 December 2022.

2020 Consultation on the Proposed Application of the CISG to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

In May 2019, the Hong Kong SAR's Department of Justice announced its intention to conduct a public consultation regarding the explicit extension of the 1980 Sales Convention to Hong Kong.

Legislative Council of the Hong Kong SAR, Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services, List of outstanding items for discussion (position as at 25 April 2019)

Department of Justice of the Hong Kong SAR, Paper briefing the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services: "Consultation on the Proposed Application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region" (27 May 2019)

On 27 May 2019, the Legislative Council's Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services discussed the matter and concluded that it in general supported the approach of the proposed application of CISG.

Legislative Council of the Hong Kong SAR, Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services, Minutes of the meeting on 27 May 2019, LC Paper No. CB(4)1224/18-19, at III.

Between 2 March and 30 September 2020, the Hong Kong Department of Justice conducted a public consultation on the proposed application of CISG to the Hong Kong SAR. The consultation was commenced by issuing a comprehensive Consultation Paper, accompanied by a Press Release.

Department of Justice of Hong Kong, Consultation Paper: Proposed Application of The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, 179 pp.

Press release

On 22 March 2021, the Legislative Council's Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services discussed the outcome of the public consulation.

Department of Justice of Hong Kong, Paper: Proposed Application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (March 2021), CB(4)648/20-21(03), 49 pp. (informing the members of the Legislative Council about the outcome of the public consultation, including the full text of most responses to the consultation)

Legislative Council Secretariat, Updated background brief on the proposed application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (16 March 2021), LC Paper No. CB(4)648/20-21(04), 7 pp.

2021 Sale of Goods (United Nations Convention) Ordinance

Taking into account the outcome of the public consultation, the Sale of Goods (United Nations Convention) Bill, which aimed to implement the CISG in the Hong Kong SAR, was introduced into the Legislative Council on 14 July 2021.

Sale of Goods (United Nations Convention) Bill

Legislative Council Brief: Sale of Goods (United Nations Convention) Bill, File Ref.: IL/ ITF/ 1/ 81

Press Release

The Bill was passed by the Legislative Council on 29 September 2021, enacting the Sale of Goods (United Nations Convention) Ordinance.

Sale of Goods (United Nations Convention) Ordinance, Ord. No. 30 of 2021

According to a notice by the Hong Kong Secretary for Justice published in the Gazette, the Ordinance came into operation on 1 December 2022.

Sale of Goods (United Nations Convention) Ordinance (Commencement) Notice, L.N. 160 of 2022

Published CISG cases adjudicated by courts in the Hong Kong SAR (China):
1 decision
1 case
Czech Republic
Beyond the Network, Ltd v. Vectone Ltd
Hong Kong Court of First Instance
Hong Kong SAR (China), 13 December 2005 – [2005] HKCU 1771 / HCA 2826/2004, CISG-online 6391
Czech Republic
Beyond the Network, Ltd v. Vectone Ltd
Hong Kong Court of First Instance
Hong Kong SAR (China), 13 December 2005 – [2005] HKCU 1771 / HCA 2826/2004, CISG-online 6391
Published CISG cases worldwide involving parties from the Hong Kong SAR (China):
91 decisions
61 cases
Czech Republic
Protective masks case V
Kammergericht (Court of Appeal Berlin)
Germany, 01 February 2024 – 2 U 130/21, CISG-online 6910
Czech Republic
Packaging boxes for watches and jewelry case
Bundesgericht/Tribunal fédéral (Swiss Federal Supreme Court)
Switzerland, 08 December 2023 – 4A_11/2023, CISG-online 6883
Czech Republic
Texmont Design Ltd. v. Halston Operating Comp. LLC et al.
U.S. District Court for the Central District of California
USA, 21 June 2023 – CV 18-10164-CJC (GSJx), CISG-online 6381
Czech Republic
Packaging boxes for watches and jewelry case
Handelsgericht des Kantons Bern/Tribunal de Commerce du Canton de Berne (Commercial Court Canton Bern)
Switzerland, 17 November 2022, CISG-online 6811
Czech Republic
United Products and Technology Ltd. v. Above Edge, LLC
U.S. District Court for the Central District of California
USA, 09 November 2022 – CV 21-2661-DMG (AFMx), CISG-online 6347
Czech Republic
Ipso Facto S.A.S. et al. v. Win System Int‘l Ltd.
Cour de Cassation (French Supreme Court)
France, 26 October 2022 – 20-22.528 / 621 F-B, CISG-online 6141
Czech Republic
Kenwell Trading Ltd v. Porcelen, Ltd CT LLC
U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut
USA, 15 August 2022 – 3:22-CV-00248 (KAD), CISG-online 5943
Czech Republic
A.N. International B.V. v. [...] Ltd.
Gerechthof 's-Hertogenbosch (Court of Appeal 's-Hertogenbosch)
Netherlands, 02 August 2022 – 200.298.252/01, CISG-online 5937
Czech Republic
New York State Dept. of Health v. Rusi Technology Co., Ltd.
Supreme Court of the State of New York, Albany County
USA, 25 January 2022 – 907022-21, CISG-online 5781
Czech Republic
Protective masks case V
Landgericht Berlin (District Court Berlin)
Germany, 03 September 2021 – 94 O 23/20, CISG-online 6884
Czech Republic
Sungin Knitting Co. Ltd. v. Knit to Fit B.V.
Rechtbank Oost-Brabant (District Court Oost-Brabant)
Netherlands, 04 August 2021 – 355987 HA ZA 21-149, CISG-online 5649
Czech Republic
Protective masks case V
Landgericht Berlin (District Court Berlin)
Germany, 30 July 2021 – 94 O 23/20, CISG-online 6867
Czech Republic
[...] Ltd. v. A.N. International B.V.
Rechtbank Zeeland-West-Brabant (District Court Zeeland-West-Brabant)
Netherlands, 07 April 2021 – C/02/374204 / HA ZA 20-387, CISG-online 5890
Czech Republic
Ipso Facto S.A.S. v. Win System Int‘l Ltd.
Cour d'appel de Bordeaux (Court of Appeal Bordeaux)
France, 06 October 2020 – 18/00338, CISG-online 5570
Czech Republic
Cryptocurrencies mining systems case
Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC)
Arbitration, 31 December 2019 – [2019/a] (Final Award), CISG-online 5690
Czech Republic
Hong Kong Pang Ka Bi Trading Asia Ltd. v. Yucheng Jinhe Trading Company
河南省郑州市中级人民法院 (Intermediate People's Court Zhengzhou, Henan Province)
China, 15 May 2019 – (2018) No. 3451 of Henan Province, CISG-online 4802
Czech Republic
Four Directions Ltd. v. [...]
Rechtbank Amsterdam (District Court Amsterdam)
Netherlands, 07 November 2018 – C/13/613066 / HA ZA 16-774, CISG-online 3732
Czech Republic
Green Harvest Renewable Energy Sources L.L.C. v. TSS Energy International Co., Ltd. et al.
Gerechtshof Den Haag (Court of Appeal The Hague)
Netherlands, 18 September 2018 – 200.194.074/01, CISG-online 3423
Czech Republic
Artificial fish (violation of intellectual property) case
Cour d'appel de Paris (Court of Appeal Paris)
France, 03 July 2018 – 16/21302, CISG-online 5622
Czech Republic
CIP delivery case
Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC)
Arbitration, 05 April 2018 – 2017/058 (Final award), CISG-online 5494
Czech Republic
5 seconds timers case
Sąd Rejonowy w Gdyni (Local Court Gdynia)
Poland, 16 February 2018 – VI GC 274/16, CISG-online 6608
Czech Republic
Four Directions Ltd. v. [...]
Rechtbank Amsterdam (District Court Amsterdam)
Netherlands, 31 January 2018 – C/13/613066 / HA ZA 16-774, CISG-online 3731
Czech Republic
Win System Int‘l Ltd. v. Ipso Facto S.A.S.
Tribunal de Commerce de Bordeaux (Commercial Court Bordeaux)
France, 09 January 2018 – R.G. 2017F00578, CISG-online 5535
Czech Republic
Hong Kong Pang Ka Bi Trading Asia Ltd. v. Yucheng Jinhe Trading Company
河南省禹城市县人民法院 (People's Court of Yucheng County, Henan Province)
China, 2018, CISG-online 4767
Czech Republic
Perine International Inc. v. Bedford Clothiers, Inc.
Supreme Court of the State of New York, New York County
USA, 21 February 2017 – 650040/2012, CISG-online 2866
Czech Republic
Êxito Importadora e Exportadora v. Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group Imp & Exp Co. Ltd. et al. (I)
Centro de Arbitragem e Mediação Brasil-Canadá (Center for Arbitration and Mediation of the Chamber of Commerce Brazil-Canada (CAM-CCBC))
Arbitration, 14 November 2016 – 77/2013/SEC3, CISG-online 6040
Czech Republic
Perine International Inc. v. Bedford Clothiers, Inc.
Supreme Court of the State of New York, Appellate Division
USA, 11 October 2016 – 143 A.D.3d 491, CISG-online 2865
Czech Republic
Artificial fish (violation of intellectual property) case
Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris (District Court Paris)
France, 15 September 2016 – 14/11606, CISG-online 5591
Czech Republic
Recom Renewable Sources of Energy L.L.C. v. Newcorp Logistics B.V. et al.
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 03 February 2016 – C/10/474075 / HA ZA 15-362, CISG-online 3422
Czech Republic
Recom Renewable Sources of Energy L.L.C. v. Newcorp Logistics B.V. et al.
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 25 November 2015 – C/10/474075 / HA ZA 15-362, CISG-online 2682
Czech Republic
European Fur Elite Ltd. v. Nedfarm B.V.
Sø- og Handelsretten (Maritime and Commercial Court)
Denmark, 23 October 2015 – H-67-14, CISG-online 4309
Czech Republic
Perine International Inc. v. Bedford Clothiers, Inc.
Supreme Court of the State of New York, New York County
USA, 25 September 2015 – 650040/2012, CISG-online 2864
Czech Republic
Hong Kong textiles case
Oberlandesgericht Koblenz (Court of Appeal Koblenz)
Germany, 10 August 2015 – 12 U 580/11, CISG-online 2911
Czech Republic
Triulzi Cesare SRL v. Xinyi Group (Glass) Company Ltd
High Court of the Republic of Singapore
Singapore, 30 October 2014 – [2014] SGHC 220, CISG-online 2564
Czech Republic
Zhongshan Hengfu Furniture Company, Ltd. v. Home Accents Alliance, Inc.
U.S. District Court for the Central District of California
USA, 20 October 2014 – EDCV 14-00038-VAP (DTBx), CISG-online 4000
Czech Republic
Rock Resource Ltd. v. Altos Hornos De Mexico, S.A.B. de C.V.
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 22 May 2014 – 18133/CYK (Final Award), CISG-online 3652
Czech Republic
VSC Steel Company Limited v. Habas Sinai ve Tibbi Gazlar Istihsal Endustrisi AS
High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench Division
United Kingdom, 19 December 2013 – 1:15-cv-05292-GBD, CISG-online 6089
Czech Republic
Dragon Crowd Garments Fty Ltd v. Sapph Distribution B.V.
Rechtbank Amsterdam (District Court Amsterdam)
Netherlands, 11 December 2013 – 13-527401 HA ZA 12-1212, CISG-online 4641
Czech Republic
Xinyi Group (Glass) Company Ltd v. Triulzi Cesare S.r.l.
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 12 August 2013 – 18848/CYK (Final Award), CISG-online 3127
Czech Republic
Asia Steel & Metals v. Mineração Vila Nova
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 08 March 2013 – 18592/CA, CISG-online 5477
Czech Republic
VSC Steel Company Limited v. Habas Sinai ve Tibbi Gazlar Istihsal Endustrisi AS
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 10 July 2012 – 17195/MLK/ARP, CISG-online 6087
Czech Republic
Casaceli v. Natuzzi S.p.A.
Federal Court of Australia
Australia, 29 June 2012 – [2012] FCA 691 / NSD 396 of 2012, CISG-online 6045
Czech Republic
Montage Group Pty Ltd v. Wong (No. 2)
Supreme Court of New South Wales
Australia, 25 July 2011 – [2011] NSWSC 774 / 10/417017, CISG-online 6923
Czech Republic
Hong Kong textiles case
Landgericht Koblenz (District Court Koblenz)
Germany, 29 April 2011 – 15 O 177/10, CISG-online 2912
Czech Republic
Shanghai Fortune Chemical Co. et al. v. PMC Specialties Grp. Inc.
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio
USA, 11 March 2011 – 1:10cv449, CISG-online 3803
Czech Republic
Hong Kong Yingshun Development Co. Ltd. v. Zhejiang Zhongda Technology Import Co. Ltd.
中华人民共和国浙江省高级人民法院 (Higher People's Court Zhejiang Province)
China, 15 December 2010 – (2010) Zhe Shang Wai Zhong Zi No. 99, CISG-online 3937
Czech Republic
America's Collectibles Network et al. v. Timlly (HK) Ltd. et al.
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Tennessee
USA, 20 October 2010 – 3:10-CV-86, CISG-online 2484
Czech Republic
Electrocraft Arkansas, Inc. v. Super Electric Motors, Ltd
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas
USA, 19 August 2010 – 4:09 CV 00318 SWW, CISG-online 2149
Czech Republic
Electrocraft Arkansas, Inc. v. Super Electric Motors, Ltd
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas
USA, 02 April 2010 – 4:09 CV 00318 SWW, CISG-online 2093
Czech Republic
Electrocraft Arkansas, Inc. v. Super Electric Motors, Ltd
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas
USA, 23 December 2009 – 4:09 CV 00318 SWW, CISG-online 2045
Czech Republic
Innotex Precision Ltd. v. Horei Image Products, Inc.
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia
USA, 17 December 2009 – 1:09-CV-547-TWT, CISG-online 2044
Czech Republic
ICT testing instruments case
广东省深圳市中级人民法院 (Intermediate People‘s Court Shenzhen, Guangdong Province)
China, 30 March 2009 – (2008) Shen Zhong Fa Min Si Zhong Zi No. 101, CISG-online 3952
Czech Republic
Hannaford v. Australian Farmlink Pty Ltd
Federal Court of Australia
Australia, 24 October 2008 – [2008] FCA 1591 / ACN 087 011 541, CISG-online 1782
Czech Republic
CNA Int'l, Inc. v. Guangdong Kelon Electronical Holdings et al.
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois
USA, 03 September 2008 – 05 C 5734, CISG-online 2043
Czech Republic
CNA Int’l, Inc. v. Guangdong Kelon Electronical Holdings et al.
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois
USA, 17 June 2008 – 05 C 5734, CISG-online 4842
Czech Republic
Hong Kong Topway Trading Co. Ltd. v. Dongying Hongyu Import & Export Co. Ltd.
山东省东营市中级人民法院 (Intermediate People's Court Dongying, Shandong Province)
China, 12 May 2008 – IPC/38, CISG-online 2108
Czech Republic
Logicom v. CCT Marketing Ltd.
Cour de Cassation (French Supreme Court)
France, 02 April 2008 – 04-17726, CISG-online 1651
Czech Republic
Silicon metal case V
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 09 January 2008 – [CISG/2008/02], CISG-online 2056
Czech Republic
Offset printing machines case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 23 March 2007 – CISG/2007/08, CISG-online 2054
Czech Republic
Beyond the Network, Ltd v. Vectone Ltd
Hong Kong Court of First Instance
Hong Kong SAR (China), 13 December 2005 – [2005] HKCU 1771 / HCA 2826/2004, CISG-online 6391
Czech Republic
Tantalum powder case II
Oberster Gerichtshof (Austrian Supreme Court)
Austria, 31 August 2005 – 7 Ob 175/05v, CISG-online 1093
Czech Republic
Iron ore case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 25 May 2005 – CISG/2004/09, CISG-online 1685
Czech Republic
Australian wool case I
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 28 February 2005 – CISG/2005/06, CISG-online 1580
Czech Republic
Tantalum powder case II
Oberlandesgericht Innsbruck (Court of Appeal Innsbruck)
Austria, 01 February 2005 – 1 R 253/04x, CISG-online 1130
Czech Republic
Possehl (HK) Ltd. v. China Metals & Minerals Import & Export (Shenzhen) Co.
广东省高级人民法院 (Higher People's Court Guangdong Province)
China, 2005, CISG-online 1966
Czech Republic
Possehl (HK) Ltd. v. China Metals & Minerals Import & Export (Shenzhen) Co.
广东省深圳市中级人民法院 (Intermediate People‘s Court Shenzhen, Guangdong Province)
China, 2005 – (2005) Shen Zhong Fa Min Si Chu Zi No. 88, CISG-online 3836
Czech Republic
Tantalum powder case II
Landesgericht Innsbruck (District Court Innsbruck)
Austria, 09 July 2004 – 12 Cg 32/02i, CISG-online 1129
Czech Republic
Logicom v. CCT Marketing Ltd.
Cour d'appel d'Aix-en-Provence (Court of Appeal Aix-en-Provence)
France, 01 April 2004, CISG-online 3253
Czech Republic
Gravure press machine case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 14 January 2004 – Shen M2003016 / [CISG/2004/01], CISG-online 1452
Czech Republic
AOE and PECVD machines case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 18 December 2003 – CISG/2003/12, CISG-online 1609
Czech Republic
Tantalum powder case I
Oberster Gerichtshof (Austrian Supreme Court)
Austria, 17 December 2003 – 7 Ob 275/03x, CISG-online 828
Czech Republic
Alumina case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 26 June 2003 – CISG/2003/10, CISG-online 2928
Czech Republic
Tantalum powder case I
Oberlandesgericht Innsbruck (Court of Appeal Innsbruck)
Austria, 03 June 2003 – 1 R 90/03z, CISG-online 3074
Czech Republic
Wuhan Yinfeng Data Network Co. Ltd. et al. v. Xu Ming
湖北省高级人民法院 (Higher People's Court Hubei Province)
China, 19 March 2003, CISG-online 1965
Czech Republic
Tantalum powder case I
Landesgericht Innsbruck (District Court Innsbruck)
Austria, 06 February 2003 – 12 Cg 32/02i, CISG-online 3061
Czech Republic
Textiles production machine case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 18 July 2002 – CISG/2002/20, CISG-online 1554
Czech Republic
Sino-Add (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. v. Karawasha Resources Ltd.
中华人民共和国北海海事法院 (Maritime Court Beihai, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region)
China, 05 March 2002 – (2001) Haishangchuzi No.119, CISG-online 1383
Czech Republic
Carta Mundi NV v. Intex Syndicate Ltd.
Hof van Beroep Antwerpen (Court of Appeal Antwerp)
Belgium, 14 February 2002 – 2001/AR/551, CISG-online 995
Czech Republic
Memory modules case
Oberlandesgericht Hamm (Court of Appeal Hamm)
Germany, 12 November 2001 – 13 U 102/01, CISG-online 1430
Czech Republic
Memory modules case
Landgericht Bielefeld (District Court Bielefeld)
Germany, 27 March 2001 – 11 O 46/00, CISG-online 3129
Czech Republic
Intex Syndicate Ltd. v. Carta Mundi NV
Rechtbank van Koophandel Turnhout (Commercial Court Turnhout)
Belgium, 18 January 2001 – A/00/691, CISG-online 994
Czech Republic
Xu Ming v. Wuhan Yinfeng Data Network Co. Ltd. et al.
湖北省武汉市中级人民法院 (Intermediate People's Court Wuhan, Hubei Province)
China, 2001, CISG-online 2193
Czech Republic
Pharmaceutical products case II
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 06 December 2000 – [CISG/2000/13], CISG-online 1449
Czech Republic
Kmart Far East Ltd. v. China Science and Technology Information Import and Export Corp.
上海市第二中级人民法院 (Intermediate People’s Court Shanghai No. 2)
China, 24 November 2000, CISG-online 4356
Czech Republic
Cushions case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 29 September 2000 – CISG/2000/15, CISG-online 1592
Czech Republic
China Science and Technology Information Import and Export Corp. v. Kmart Far East Ltd.
上海市黄浦区人民院 (People’s Court Shanghai Huangpu District)
China, 30 August 2000 – BPC/05, CISG-online 2107
Czech Republic
Silicon metal case II
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 11 February 2000 – [CISG/2000/02], CISG-online 1529
Czech Republic
Ink cartridges case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 30 January 2000 – CISG/2000/10, CISG-online 1803
Czech Republic
Macao souvenir coins case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 2000 – [CISG/2000/17], CISG-online 1614
Czech Republic
Raincoats case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 10 August 1999 – [CISG/1999/35], CISG-online 1606
Czech Republic
Refrigeration equipment case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 28 January 1999 – CISG/1999/06, CISG-online 1206
Czech Republic
Texmont Design Ltd. v. Halston Operating Comp. LLC et al.
U.S. District Court for the Central District of California
USA, 21 June 2023 – CV 18-10164-CJC (GSJx), CISG-online 6381
Czech Republic
Packaging boxes for watches and jewelry case
Bundesgericht/Tribunal fédéral (Swiss Federal Supreme Court)
Switzerland, 08 December 2023 – 4A_11/2023, CISG-online 6883
Czech Republic
Packaging boxes for watches and jewelry case
Handelsgericht des Kantons Bern/Tribunal de Commerce du Canton de Berne (Commercial Court Canton Bern)
Switzerland, 17 November 2022, CISG-online 6811
Czech Republic
United Products and Technology Ltd. v. Above Edge, LLC
U.S. District Court for the Central District of California
USA, 09 November 2022 – CV 21-2661-DMG (AFMx), CISG-online 6347
Czech Republic
Kenwell Trading Ltd v. Porcelen, Ltd CT LLC
U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut
USA, 15 August 2022 – 3:22-CV-00248 (KAD), CISG-online 5943
Czech Republic
New York State Dept. of Health v. Rusi Technology Co., Ltd.
Supreme Court of the State of New York, Albany County
USA, 25 January 2022 – 907022-21, CISG-online 5781
Czech Republic
Sungin Knitting Co. Ltd. v. Knit to Fit B.V.
Rechtbank Oost-Brabant (District Court Oost-Brabant)
Netherlands, 04 August 2021 – 355987 HA ZA 21-149, CISG-online 5649
Czech Republic
Protective masks case V
Kammergericht (Court of Appeal Berlin)
Germany, 01 February 2024 – 2 U 130/21, CISG-online 6910
Czech Republic
Protective masks case V
Landgericht Berlin (District Court Berlin)
Germany, 03 September 2021 – 94 O 23/20, CISG-online 6884
Czech Republic
Protective masks case V
Landgericht Berlin (District Court Berlin)
Germany, 30 July 2021 – 94 O 23/20, CISG-online 6867
Czech Republic
A.N. International B.V. v. [...] Ltd.
Gerechthof 's-Hertogenbosch (Court of Appeal 's-Hertogenbosch)
Netherlands, 02 August 2022 – 200.298.252/01, CISG-online 5937
Czech Republic
[...] Ltd. v. A.N. International B.V.
Rechtbank Zeeland-West-Brabant (District Court Zeeland-West-Brabant)
Netherlands, 07 April 2021 – C/02/374204 / HA ZA 20-387, CISG-online 5890
Czech Republic
Cryptocurrencies mining systems case
Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC)
Arbitration, 31 December 2019 – [2019/a] (Final Award), CISG-online 5690
Czech Republic
CIP delivery case
Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC)
Arbitration, 05 April 2018 – 2017/058 (Final award), CISG-online 5494
Czech Republic
5 seconds timers case
Sąd Rejonowy w Gdyni (Local Court Gdynia)
Poland, 16 February 2018 – VI GC 274/16, CISG-online 6608
Czech Republic
Four Directions Ltd. v. [...]
Rechtbank Amsterdam (District Court Amsterdam)
Netherlands, 07 November 2018 – C/13/613066 / HA ZA 16-774, CISG-online 3732
Czech Republic
Four Directions Ltd. v. [...]
Rechtbank Amsterdam (District Court Amsterdam)
Netherlands, 31 January 2018 – C/13/613066 / HA ZA 16-774, CISG-online 3731
Czech Republic
Ipso Facto S.A.S. et al. v. Win System Int‘l Ltd.
Cour de Cassation (French Supreme Court)
France, 26 October 2022 – 20-22.528 / 621 F-B, CISG-online 6141
Czech Republic
Ipso Facto S.A.S. v. Win System Int‘l Ltd.
Cour d'appel de Bordeaux (Court of Appeal Bordeaux)
France, 06 October 2020 – 18/00338, CISG-online 5570
Czech Republic
Win System Int‘l Ltd. v. Ipso Facto S.A.S.
Tribunal de Commerce de Bordeaux (Commercial Court Bordeaux)
France, 09 January 2018 – R.G. 2017F00578, CISG-online 5535
Czech Republic
Hong Kong Pang Ka Bi Trading Asia Ltd. v. Yucheng Jinhe Trading Company
河南省郑州市中级人民法院 (Intermediate People's Court Zhengzhou, Henan Province)
China, 15 May 2019 – (2018) No. 3451 of Henan Province, CISG-online 4802
Czech Republic
Hong Kong Pang Ka Bi Trading Asia Ltd. v. Yucheng Jinhe Trading Company
河南省禹城市县人民法院 (People's Court of Yucheng County, Henan Province)
China, 2018, CISG-online 4767
Czech Republic
Êxito Importadora e Exportadora v. Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group Imp & Exp Co. Ltd. et al. (I)
Centro de Arbitragem e Mediação Brasil-Canadá (Center for Arbitration and Mediation of the Chamber of Commerce Brazil-Canada (CAM-CCBC))
Arbitration, 14 November 2016 – 77/2013/SEC3, CISG-online 6040
Czech Republic
Artificial fish (violation of intellectual property) case
Cour d'appel de Paris (Court of Appeal Paris)
France, 03 July 2018 – 16/21302, CISG-online 5622
Czech Republic
Artificial fish (violation of intellectual property) case
Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris (District Court Paris)
France, 15 September 2016 – 14/11606, CISG-online 5591
Czech Republic
Green Harvest Renewable Energy Sources L.L.C. v. TSS Energy International Co., Ltd. et al.
Gerechtshof Den Haag (Court of Appeal The Hague)
Netherlands, 18 September 2018 – 200.194.074/01, CISG-online 3423
Czech Republic
Recom Renewable Sources of Energy L.L.C. v. Newcorp Logistics B.V. et al.
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 03 February 2016 – C/10/474075 / HA ZA 15-362, CISG-online 3422
Czech Republic
Recom Renewable Sources of Energy L.L.C. v. Newcorp Logistics B.V. et al.
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 25 November 2015 – C/10/474075 / HA ZA 15-362, CISG-online 2682
Czech Republic
European Fur Elite Ltd. v. Nedfarm B.V.
Sø- og Handelsretten (Maritime and Commercial Court)
Denmark, 23 October 2015 – H-67-14, CISG-online 4309
Czech Republic
Perine International Inc. v. Bedford Clothiers, Inc.
Supreme Court of the State of New York, New York County
USA, 21 February 2017 – 650040/2012, CISG-online 2866
Czech Republic
Perine International Inc. v. Bedford Clothiers, Inc.
Supreme Court of the State of New York, Appellate Division
USA, 11 October 2016 – 143 A.D.3d 491, CISG-online 2865
Czech Republic
Perine International Inc. v. Bedford Clothiers, Inc.
Supreme Court of the State of New York, New York County
USA, 25 September 2015 – 650040/2012, CISG-online 2864
Czech Republic
Zhongshan Hengfu Furniture Company, Ltd. v. Home Accents Alliance, Inc.
U.S. District Court for the Central District of California
USA, 20 October 2014 – EDCV 14-00038-VAP (DTBx), CISG-online 4000
Czech Republic
Rock Resource Ltd. v. Altos Hornos De Mexico, S.A.B. de C.V.
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 22 May 2014 – 18133/CYK (Final Award), CISG-online 3652
Czech Republic
Dragon Crowd Garments Fty Ltd v. Sapph Distribution B.V.
Rechtbank Amsterdam (District Court Amsterdam)
Netherlands, 11 December 2013 – 13-527401 HA ZA 12-1212, CISG-online 4641
Czech Republic
Triulzi Cesare SRL v. Xinyi Group (Glass) Company Ltd
High Court of the Republic of Singapore
Singapore, 30 October 2014 – [2014] SGHC 220, CISG-online 2564
Czech Republic
Xinyi Group (Glass) Company Ltd v. Triulzi Cesare S.r.l.
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 12 August 2013 – 18848/CYK (Final Award), CISG-online 3127
Czech Republic
Asia Steel & Metals v. Mineração Vila Nova
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 08 March 2013 – 18592/CA, CISG-online 5477
Czech Republic
VSC Steel Company Limited v. Habas Sinai ve Tibbi Gazlar Istihsal Endustrisi AS
High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench Division
United Kingdom, 19 December 2013 – 1:15-cv-05292-GBD, CISG-online 6089
Czech Republic
VSC Steel Company Limited v. Habas Sinai ve Tibbi Gazlar Istihsal Endustrisi AS
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 10 July 2012 – 17195/MLK/ARP, CISG-online 6087
Czech Republic
Casaceli v. Natuzzi S.p.A.
Federal Court of Australia
Australia, 29 June 2012 – [2012] FCA 691 / NSD 396 of 2012, CISG-online 6045
Czech Republic
Montage Group Pty Ltd v. Wong (No. 2)
Supreme Court of New South Wales
Australia, 25 July 2011 – [2011] NSWSC 774 / 10/417017, CISG-online 6923
Czech Republic
Hong Kong textiles case
Oberlandesgericht Koblenz (Court of Appeal Koblenz)
Germany, 10 August 2015 – 12 U 580/11, CISG-online 2911
Czech Republic
Hong Kong textiles case
Landgericht Koblenz (District Court Koblenz)
Germany, 29 April 2011 – 15 O 177/10, CISG-online 2912
Czech Republic
Shanghai Fortune Chemical Co. et al. v. PMC Specialties Grp. Inc.
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio
USA, 11 March 2011 – 1:10cv449, CISG-online 3803
Czech Republic
Hong Kong Yingshun Development Co. Ltd. v. Zhejiang Zhongda Technology Import Co. Ltd.
中华人民共和国浙江省高级人民法院 (Higher People's Court Zhejiang Province)
China, 15 December 2010 – (2010) Zhe Shang Wai Zhong Zi No. 99, CISG-online 3937
Czech Republic
America's Collectibles Network et al. v. Timlly (HK) Ltd. et al.
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Tennessee
USA, 20 October 2010 – 3:10-CV-86, CISG-online 2484
Czech Republic
Electrocraft Arkansas, Inc. v. Super Electric Motors, Ltd
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas
USA, 19 August 2010 – 4:09 CV 00318 SWW, CISG-online 2149
Czech Republic
Electrocraft Arkansas, Inc. v. Super Electric Motors, Ltd
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas
USA, 02 April 2010 – 4:09 CV 00318 SWW, CISG-online 2093
Czech Republic
Electrocraft Arkansas, Inc. v. Super Electric Motors, Ltd
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas
USA, 23 December 2009 – 4:09 CV 00318 SWW, CISG-online 2045
Czech Republic
Innotex Precision Ltd. v. Horei Image Products, Inc.
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia
USA, 17 December 2009 – 1:09-CV-547-TWT, CISG-online 2044
Czech Republic
ICT testing instruments case
广东省深圳市中级人民法院 (Intermediate People‘s Court Shenzhen, Guangdong Province)
China, 30 March 2009 – (2008) Shen Zhong Fa Min Si Zhong Zi No. 101, CISG-online 3952
Czech Republic
Hannaford v. Australian Farmlink Pty Ltd
Federal Court of Australia
Australia, 24 October 2008 – [2008] FCA 1591 / ACN 087 011 541, CISG-online 1782
Czech Republic
CNA Int'l, Inc. v. Guangdong Kelon Electronical Holdings et al.
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois
USA, 03 September 2008 – 05 C 5734, CISG-online 2043
Czech Republic
CNA Int’l, Inc. v. Guangdong Kelon Electronical Holdings et al.
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois
USA, 17 June 2008 – 05 C 5734, CISG-online 4842
Czech Republic
Hong Kong Topway Trading Co. Ltd. v. Dongying Hongyu Import & Export Co. Ltd.
山东省东营市中级人民法院 (Intermediate People's Court Dongying, Shandong Province)
China, 12 May 2008 – IPC/38, CISG-online 2108
Czech Republic
Silicon metal case V
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 09 January 2008 – [CISG/2008/02], CISG-online 2056
Czech Republic
Offset printing machines case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 23 March 2007 – CISG/2007/08, CISG-online 2054
Czech Republic
Beyond the Network, Ltd v. Vectone Ltd
Hong Kong Court of First Instance
Hong Kong SAR (China), 13 December 2005 – [2005] HKCU 1771 / HCA 2826/2004, CISG-online 6391
Czech Republic
Iron ore case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 25 May 2005 – CISG/2004/09, CISG-online 1685
Czech Republic
Australian wool case I
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 28 February 2005 – CISG/2005/06, CISG-online 1580
Czech Republic
Possehl (HK) Ltd. v. China Metals & Minerals Import & Export (Shenzhen) Co.
广东省高级人民法院 (Higher People's Court Guangdong Province)
China, 2005, CISG-online 1966
Czech Republic
Possehl (HK) Ltd. v. China Metals & Minerals Import & Export (Shenzhen) Co.
广东省深圳市中级人民法院 (Intermediate People‘s Court Shenzhen, Guangdong Province)
China, 2005 – (2005) Shen Zhong Fa Min Si Chu Zi No. 88, CISG-online 3836
Czech Republic
Logicom v. CCT Marketing Ltd.
Cour de Cassation (French Supreme Court)
France, 02 April 2008 – 04-17726, CISG-online 1651
Czech Republic
Logicom v. CCT Marketing Ltd.
Cour d'appel d'Aix-en-Provence (Court of Appeal Aix-en-Provence)
France, 01 April 2004, CISG-online 3253
Czech Republic
Gravure press machine case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 14 January 2004 – Shen M2003016 / [CISG/2004/01], CISG-online 1452
Czech Republic
AOE and PECVD machines case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 18 December 2003 – CISG/2003/12, CISG-online 1609
Czech Republic
Alumina case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 26 June 2003 – CISG/2003/10, CISG-online 2928
Czech Republic
Tantalum powder case II
Oberster Gerichtshof (Austrian Supreme Court)
Austria, 31 August 2005 – 7 Ob 175/05v, CISG-online 1093
Czech Republic
Tantalum powder case II
Oberlandesgericht Innsbruck (Court of Appeal Innsbruck)
Austria, 01 February 2005 – 1 R 253/04x, CISG-online 1130
Czech Republic
Tantalum powder case II
Landesgericht Innsbruck (District Court Innsbruck)
Austria, 09 July 2004 – 12 Cg 32/02i, CISG-online 1129
Czech Republic
Tantalum powder case I
Oberster Gerichtshof (Austrian Supreme Court)
Austria, 17 December 2003 – 7 Ob 275/03x, CISG-online 828
Czech Republic
Tantalum powder case I
Oberlandesgericht Innsbruck (Court of Appeal Innsbruck)
Austria, 03 June 2003 – 1 R 90/03z, CISG-online 3074
Czech Republic
Tantalum powder case I
Landesgericht Innsbruck (District Court Innsbruck)
Austria, 06 February 2003 – 12 Cg 32/02i, CISG-online 3061
Czech Republic
Textiles production machine case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 18 July 2002 – CISG/2002/20, CISG-online 1554
Czech Republic
Sino-Add (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. v. Karawasha Resources Ltd.
中华人民共和国北海海事法院 (Maritime Court Beihai, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region)
China, 05 March 2002 – (2001) Haishangchuzi No.119, CISG-online 1383
Czech Republic
Memory modules case
Oberlandesgericht Hamm (Court of Appeal Hamm)
Germany, 12 November 2001 – 13 U 102/01, CISG-online 1430
Czech Republic
Memory modules case
Landgericht Bielefeld (District Court Bielefeld)
Germany, 27 March 2001 – 11 O 46/00, CISG-online 3129
Czech Republic
Carta Mundi NV v. Intex Syndicate Ltd.
Hof van Beroep Antwerpen (Court of Appeal Antwerp)
Belgium, 14 February 2002 – 2001/AR/551, CISG-online 995
Czech Republic
Intex Syndicate Ltd. v. Carta Mundi NV
Rechtbank van Koophandel Turnhout (Commercial Court Turnhout)
Belgium, 18 January 2001 – A/00/691, CISG-online 994
Czech Republic
Wuhan Yinfeng Data Network Co. Ltd. et al. v. Xu Ming
湖北省高级人民法院 (Higher People's Court Hubei Province)
China, 19 March 2003, CISG-online 1965
Czech Republic
Xu Ming v. Wuhan Yinfeng Data Network Co. Ltd. et al.
湖北省武汉市中级人民法院 (Intermediate People's Court Wuhan, Hubei Province)
China, 2001, CISG-online 2193
Czech Republic
Pharmaceutical products case II
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 06 December 2000 – [CISG/2000/13], CISG-online 1449
Czech Republic
Cushions case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 29 September 2000 – CISG/2000/15, CISG-online 1592
Czech Republic
Kmart Far East Ltd. v. China Science and Technology Information Import and Export Corp.
上海市第二中级人民法院 (Intermediate People’s Court Shanghai No. 2)
China, 24 November 2000, CISG-online 4356
Czech Republic
China Science and Technology Information Import and Export Corp. v. Kmart Far East Ltd.
上海市黄浦区人民院 (People’s Court Shanghai Huangpu District)
China, 30 August 2000 – BPC/05, CISG-online 2107
Czech Republic
Silicon metal case II
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 11 February 2000 – [CISG/2000/02], CISG-online 1529
Czech Republic
Ink cartridges case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 30 January 2000 – CISG/2000/10, CISG-online 1803
Czech Republic
Macao souvenir coins case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 2000 – [CISG/2000/17], CISG-online 1614
Czech Republic
Raincoats case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 10 August 1999 – [CISG/1999/35], CISG-online 1606
Czech Republic
Refrigeration equipment case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 28 January 1999 – CISG/1999/06, CISG-online 1206
Parties from the Hong Kong SAR most frequently settled their CISG disputes in:
1. Arbitration
22 decisions
22 cases
36.07 %
Czech Republic
Cryptocurrencies mining systems case
Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC)
Arbitration, 31 December 2019 – [2019/a] (Final Award), CISG-online 5690
Czech Republic
CIP delivery case
Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC)
Arbitration, 05 April 2018 – 2017/058 (Final award), CISG-online 5494
Czech Republic
Êxito Importadora e Exportadora v. Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group Imp & Exp Co. Ltd. et al. (I)
Centro de Arbitragem e Mediação Brasil-Canadá (Center for Arbitration and Mediation of the Chamber of Commerce Brazil-Canada (CAM-CCBC))
Arbitration, 14 November 2016 – 77/2013/SEC3, CISG-online 6040
Czech Republic
Rock Resource Ltd. v. Altos Hornos De Mexico, S.A.B. de C.V.
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 22 May 2014 – 18133/CYK (Final Award), CISG-online 3652
Czech Republic
Xinyi Group (Glass) Company Ltd v. Triulzi Cesare S.r.l.
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 12 August 2013 – 18848/CYK (Final Award), CISG-online 3127
Czech Republic
Asia Steel & Metals v. Mineração Vila Nova
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 08 March 2013 – 18592/CA, CISG-online 5477
Czech Republic
VSC Steel Company Limited v. Habas Sinai ve Tibbi Gazlar Istihsal Endustrisi AS
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 10 July 2012 – 17195/MLK/ARP, CISG-online 6087
Czech Republic
Silicon metal case V
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 09 January 2008 – [CISG/2008/02], CISG-online 2056
Czech Republic
Offset printing machines case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 23 March 2007 – CISG/2007/08, CISG-online 2054
Czech Republic
Iron ore case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 25 May 2005 – CISG/2004/09, CISG-online 1685
Czech Republic
Australian wool case I
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 28 February 2005 – CISG/2005/06, CISG-online 1580
Czech Republic
Gravure press machine case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 14 January 2004 – Shen M2003016 / [CISG/2004/01], CISG-online 1452
Czech Republic
AOE and PECVD machines case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 18 December 2003 – CISG/2003/12, CISG-online 1609
Czech Republic
Alumina case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 26 June 2003 – CISG/2003/10, CISG-online 2928
Czech Republic
Textiles production machine case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 18 July 2002 – CISG/2002/20, CISG-online 1554
Czech Republic
Pharmaceutical products case II
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 06 December 2000 – [CISG/2000/13], CISG-online 1449
Czech Republic
Cushions case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 29 September 2000 – CISG/2000/15, CISG-online 1592
Czech Republic
Silicon metal case II
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 11 February 2000 – [CISG/2000/02], CISG-online 1529
Czech Republic
Ink cartridges case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 30 January 2000 – CISG/2000/10, CISG-online 1803
Czech Republic
Macao souvenir coins case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 2000 – [CISG/2000/17], CISG-online 1614
Czech Republic
Raincoats case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 10 August 1999 – [CISG/1999/35], CISG-online 1606
Czech Republic
Refrigeration equipment case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 28 January 1999 – CISG/1999/06, CISG-online 1206
Czech Republic
Cryptocurrencies mining systems case
Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC)
Arbitration, 31 December 2019 – [2019/a] (Final Award), CISG-online 5690
Czech Republic
CIP delivery case
Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC)
Arbitration, 05 April 2018 – 2017/058 (Final award), CISG-online 5494
Czech Republic
Êxito Importadora e Exportadora v. Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group Imp & Exp Co. Ltd. et al. (I)
Centro de Arbitragem e Mediação Brasil-Canadá (Center for Arbitration and Mediation of the Chamber of Commerce Brazil-Canada (CAM-CCBC))
Arbitration, 14 November 2016 – 77/2013/SEC3, CISG-online 6040
Czech Republic
Rock Resource Ltd. v. Altos Hornos De Mexico, S.A.B. de C.V.
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 22 May 2014 – 18133/CYK (Final Award), CISG-online 3652
Czech Republic
Xinyi Group (Glass) Company Ltd v. Triulzi Cesare S.r.l.
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 12 August 2013 – 18848/CYK (Final Award), CISG-online 3127
Czech Republic
Asia Steel & Metals v. Mineração Vila Nova
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 08 March 2013 – 18592/CA, CISG-online 5477
Czech Republic
VSC Steel Company Limited v. Habas Sinai ve Tibbi Gazlar Istihsal Endustrisi AS
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 10 July 2012 – 17195/MLK/ARP, CISG-online 6087
Czech Republic
Silicon metal case V
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 09 January 2008 – [CISG/2008/02], CISG-online 2056
Czech Republic
Offset printing machines case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 23 March 2007 – CISG/2007/08, CISG-online 2054
Czech Republic
Iron ore case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 25 May 2005 – CISG/2004/09, CISG-online 1685
Czech Republic
Australian wool case I
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 28 February 2005 – CISG/2005/06, CISG-online 1580
Czech Republic
Gravure press machine case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 14 January 2004 – Shen M2003016 / [CISG/2004/01], CISG-online 1452
Czech Republic
AOE and PECVD machines case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 18 December 2003 – CISG/2003/12, CISG-online 1609
Czech Republic
Alumina case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 26 June 2003 – CISG/2003/10, CISG-online 2928
Czech Republic
Textiles production machine case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 18 July 2002 – CISG/2002/20, CISG-online 1554
Czech Republic
Pharmaceutical products case II
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 06 December 2000 – [CISG/2000/13], CISG-online 1449
Czech Republic
Cushions case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 29 September 2000 – CISG/2000/15, CISG-online 1592
Czech Republic
Silicon metal case II
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 11 February 2000 – [CISG/2000/02], CISG-online 1529
Czech Republic
Ink cartridges case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 30 January 2000 – CISG/2000/10, CISG-online 1803
Czech Republic
Macao souvenir coins case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 2000 – [CISG/2000/17], CISG-online 1614
Czech Republic
Raincoats case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 10 August 1999 – [CISG/1999/35], CISG-online 1606
Czech Republic
Refrigeration equipment case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 28 January 1999 – CISG/1999/06, CISG-online 1206
2. USA
16 decisions
11 cases
18.03 %
Czech Republic
Texmont Design Ltd. v. Halston Operating Comp. LLC et al.
U.S. District Court for the Central District of California
USA, 21 June 2023 – CV 18-10164-CJC (GSJx), CISG-online 6381
Czech Republic
United Products and Technology Ltd. v. Above Edge, LLC
U.S. District Court for the Central District of California
USA, 09 November 2022 – CV 21-2661-DMG (AFMx), CISG-online 6347
Czech Republic
Kenwell Trading Ltd v. Porcelen, Ltd CT LLC
U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut
USA, 15 August 2022 – 3:22-CV-00248 (KAD), CISG-online 5943
Czech Republic
New York State Dept. of Health v. Rusi Technology Co., Ltd.
Supreme Court of the State of New York, Albany County
USA, 25 January 2022 – 907022-21, CISG-online 5781
Czech Republic
Perine International Inc. v. Bedford Clothiers, Inc.
Supreme Court of the State of New York, New York County
USA, 21 February 2017 – 650040/2012, CISG-online 2866
Czech Republic
Perine International Inc. v. Bedford Clothiers, Inc.
Supreme Court of the State of New York, Appellate Division
USA, 11 October 2016 – 143 A.D.3d 491, CISG-online 2865
Czech Republic
Perine International Inc. v. Bedford Clothiers, Inc.
Supreme Court of the State of New York, New York County
USA, 25 September 2015 – 650040/2012, CISG-online 2864
Czech Republic
Zhongshan Hengfu Furniture Company, Ltd. v. Home Accents Alliance, Inc.
U.S. District Court for the Central District of California
USA, 20 October 2014 – EDCV 14-00038-VAP (DTBx), CISG-online 4000
Czech Republic
Shanghai Fortune Chemical Co. et al. v. PMC Specialties Grp. Inc.
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio
USA, 11 March 2011 – 1:10cv449, CISG-online 3803
Czech Republic
America's Collectibles Network et al. v. Timlly (HK) Ltd. et al.
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Tennessee
USA, 20 October 2010 – 3:10-CV-86, CISG-online 2484
Czech Republic
Electrocraft Arkansas, Inc. v. Super Electric Motors, Ltd
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas
USA, 19 August 2010 – 4:09 CV 00318 SWW, CISG-online 2149
Czech Republic
Electrocraft Arkansas, Inc. v. Super Electric Motors, Ltd
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas
USA, 02 April 2010 – 4:09 CV 00318 SWW, CISG-online 2093
Czech Republic
Electrocraft Arkansas, Inc. v. Super Electric Motors, Ltd
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas
USA, 23 December 2009 – 4:09 CV 00318 SWW, CISG-online 2045
Czech Republic
Innotex Precision Ltd. v. Horei Image Products, Inc.
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia
USA, 17 December 2009 – 1:09-CV-547-TWT, CISG-online 2044
Czech Republic
CNA Int'l, Inc. v. Guangdong Kelon Electronical Holdings et al.
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois
USA, 03 September 2008 – 05 C 5734, CISG-online 2043
Czech Republic
CNA Int’l, Inc. v. Guangdong Kelon Electronical Holdings et al.
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois
USA, 17 June 2008 – 05 C 5734, CISG-online 4842
Czech Republic
Texmont Design Ltd. v. Halston Operating Comp. LLC et al.
U.S. District Court for the Central District of California
USA, 21 June 2023 – CV 18-10164-CJC (GSJx), CISG-online 6381
Czech Republic
United Products and Technology Ltd. v. Above Edge, LLC
U.S. District Court for the Central District of California
USA, 09 November 2022 – CV 21-2661-DMG (AFMx), CISG-online 6347
Czech Republic
Kenwell Trading Ltd v. Porcelen, Ltd CT LLC
U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut
USA, 15 August 2022 – 3:22-CV-00248 (KAD), CISG-online 5943
Czech Republic
New York State Dept. of Health v. Rusi Technology Co., Ltd.
Supreme Court of the State of New York, Albany County
USA, 25 January 2022 – 907022-21, CISG-online 5781
Czech Republic
Perine International Inc. v. Bedford Clothiers, Inc.
Supreme Court of the State of New York, New York County
USA, 21 February 2017 – 650040/2012, CISG-online 2866
Czech Republic
Perine International Inc. v. Bedford Clothiers, Inc.
Supreme Court of the State of New York, Appellate Division
USA, 11 October 2016 – 143 A.D.3d 491, CISG-online 2865
Czech Republic
Perine International Inc. v. Bedford Clothiers, Inc.
Supreme Court of the State of New York, New York County
USA, 25 September 2015 – 650040/2012, CISG-online 2864
Czech Republic
Zhongshan Hengfu Furniture Company, Ltd. v. Home Accents Alliance, Inc.
U.S. District Court for the Central District of California
USA, 20 October 2014 – EDCV 14-00038-VAP (DTBx), CISG-online 4000
Czech Republic
Shanghai Fortune Chemical Co. et al. v. PMC Specialties Grp. Inc.
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio
USA, 11 March 2011 – 1:10cv449, CISG-online 3803
Czech Republic
America's Collectibles Network et al. v. Timlly (HK) Ltd. et al.
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Tennessee
USA, 20 October 2010 – 3:10-CV-86, CISG-online 2484
Czech Republic
Electrocraft Arkansas, Inc. v. Super Electric Motors, Ltd
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas
USA, 19 August 2010 – 4:09 CV 00318 SWW, CISG-online 2149
Czech Republic
Electrocraft Arkansas, Inc. v. Super Electric Motors, Ltd
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas
USA, 02 April 2010 – 4:09 CV 00318 SWW, CISG-online 2093
Czech Republic
Electrocraft Arkansas, Inc. v. Super Electric Motors, Ltd
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas
USA, 23 December 2009 – 4:09 CV 00318 SWW, CISG-online 2045
Czech Republic
Innotex Precision Ltd. v. Horei Image Products, Inc.
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia
USA, 17 December 2009 – 1:09-CV-547-TWT, CISG-online 2044
Czech Republic
CNA Int'l, Inc. v. Guangdong Kelon Electronical Holdings et al.
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois
USA, 03 September 2008 – 05 C 5734, CISG-online 2043
Czech Republic
CNA Int’l, Inc. v. Guangdong Kelon Electronical Holdings et al.
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois
USA, 17 June 2008 – 05 C 5734, CISG-online 4842
3. China
12 decisions
8 cases
13.11 %
Czech Republic
Hong Kong Pang Ka Bi Trading Asia Ltd. v. Yucheng Jinhe Trading Company
河南省郑州市中级人民法院 (Intermediate People's Court Zhengzhou, Henan Province)
China, 15 May 2019 – (2018) No. 3451 of Henan Province, CISG-online 4802
Czech Republic
Hong Kong Pang Ka Bi Trading Asia Ltd. v. Yucheng Jinhe Trading Company
河南省禹城市县人民法院 (People's Court of Yucheng County, Henan Province)
China, 2018, CISG-online 4767
Czech Republic
Hong Kong Yingshun Development Co. Ltd. v. Zhejiang Zhongda Technology Import Co. Ltd.
中华人民共和国浙江省高级人民法院 (Higher People's Court Zhejiang Province)
China, 15 December 2010 – (2010) Zhe Shang Wai Zhong Zi No. 99, CISG-online 3937
Czech Republic
ICT testing instruments case
广东省深圳市中级人民法院 (Intermediate People‘s Court Shenzhen, Guangdong Province)
China, 30 March 2009 – (2008) Shen Zhong Fa Min Si Zhong Zi No. 101, CISG-online 3952
Czech Republic
Hong Kong Topway Trading Co. Ltd. v. Dongying Hongyu Import & Export Co. Ltd.
山东省东营市中级人民法院 (Intermediate People's Court Dongying, Shandong Province)
China, 12 May 2008 – IPC/38, CISG-online 2108
Czech Republic
Possehl (HK) Ltd. v. China Metals & Minerals Import & Export (Shenzhen) Co.
广东省高级人民法院 (Higher People's Court Guangdong Province)
China, 2005, CISG-online 1966
Czech Republic
Possehl (HK) Ltd. v. China Metals & Minerals Import & Export (Shenzhen) Co.
广东省深圳市中级人民法院 (Intermediate People‘s Court Shenzhen, Guangdong Province)
China, 2005 – (2005) Shen Zhong Fa Min Si Chu Zi No. 88, CISG-online 3836
Czech Republic
Wuhan Yinfeng Data Network Co. Ltd. et al. v. Xu Ming
湖北省高级人民法院 (Higher People's Court Hubei Province)
China, 19 March 2003, CISG-online 1965
Czech Republic
Sino-Add (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. v. Karawasha Resources Ltd.
中华人民共和国北海海事法院 (Maritime Court Beihai, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region)
China, 05 March 2002 – (2001) Haishangchuzi No.119, CISG-online 1383
Czech Republic
Xu Ming v. Wuhan Yinfeng Data Network Co. Ltd. et al.
湖北省武汉市中级人民法院 (Intermediate People's Court Wuhan, Hubei Province)
China, 2001, CISG-online 2193
Czech Republic
Kmart Far East Ltd. v. China Science and Technology Information Import and Export Corp.
上海市第二中级人民法院 (Intermediate People’s Court Shanghai No. 2)
China, 24 November 2000, CISG-online 4356
Czech Republic
China Science and Technology Information Import and Export Corp. v. Kmart Far East Ltd.
上海市黄浦区人民院 (People’s Court Shanghai Huangpu District)
China, 30 August 2000 – BPC/05, CISG-online 2107
Czech Republic
Hong Kong Pang Ka Bi Trading Asia Ltd. v. Yucheng Jinhe Trading Company
河南省郑州市中级人民法院 (Intermediate People's Court Zhengzhou, Henan Province)
China, 15 May 2019 – (2018) No. 3451 of Henan Province, CISG-online 4802
Czech Republic
Hong Kong Pang Ka Bi Trading Asia Ltd. v. Yucheng Jinhe Trading Company
河南省禹城市县人民法院 (People's Court of Yucheng County, Henan Province)
China, 2018, CISG-online 4767
Czech Republic
Hong Kong Yingshun Development Co. Ltd. v. Zhejiang Zhongda Technology Import Co. Ltd.
中华人民共和国浙江省高级人民法院 (Higher People's Court Zhejiang Province)
China, 15 December 2010 – (2010) Zhe Shang Wai Zhong Zi No. 99, CISG-online 3937
Czech Republic
ICT testing instruments case
广东省深圳市中级人民法院 (Intermediate People‘s Court Shenzhen, Guangdong Province)
China, 30 March 2009 – (2008) Shen Zhong Fa Min Si Zhong Zi No. 101, CISG-online 3952
Czech Republic
Hong Kong Topway Trading Co. Ltd. v. Dongying Hongyu Import & Export Co. Ltd.
山东省东营市中级人民法院 (Intermediate People's Court Dongying, Shandong Province)
China, 12 May 2008 – IPC/38, CISG-online 2108
Czech Republic
Possehl (HK) Ltd. v. China Metals & Minerals Import & Export (Shenzhen) Co.
广东省高级人民法院 (Higher People's Court Guangdong Province)
China, 2005, CISG-online 1966
Czech Republic
Possehl (HK) Ltd. v. China Metals & Minerals Import & Export (Shenzhen) Co.
广东省深圳市中级人民法院 (Intermediate People‘s Court Shenzhen, Guangdong Province)
China, 2005 – (2005) Shen Zhong Fa Min Si Chu Zi No. 88, CISG-online 3836
Czech Republic
Sino-Add (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. v. Karawasha Resources Ltd.
中华人民共和国北海海事法院 (Maritime Court Beihai, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region)
China, 05 March 2002 – (2001) Haishangchuzi No.119, CISG-online 1383
Czech Republic
Wuhan Yinfeng Data Network Co. Ltd. et al. v. Xu Ming
湖北省高级人民法院 (Higher People's Court Hubei Province)
China, 19 March 2003, CISG-online 1965
Czech Republic
Xu Ming v. Wuhan Yinfeng Data Network Co. Ltd. et al.
湖北省武汉市中级人民法院 (Intermediate People's Court Wuhan, Hubei Province)
China, 2001, CISG-online 2193
Czech Republic
Kmart Far East Ltd. v. China Science and Technology Information Import and Export Corp.
上海市第二中级人民法院 (Intermediate People’s Court Shanghai No. 2)
China, 24 November 2000, CISG-online 4356
Czech Republic
China Science and Technology Information Import and Export Corp. v. Kmart Far East Ltd.
上海市黄浦区人民院 (People’s Court Shanghai Huangpu District)
China, 30 August 2000 – BPC/05, CISG-online 2107
4. Netherlands
9 decisions
5 cases
8.20 %
Czech Republic
A.N. International B.V. v. [...] Ltd.
Gerechthof 's-Hertogenbosch (Court of Appeal 's-Hertogenbosch)
Netherlands, 02 August 2022 – 200.298.252/01, CISG-online 5937
Czech Republic
Sungin Knitting Co. Ltd. v. Knit to Fit B.V.
Rechtbank Oost-Brabant (District Court Oost-Brabant)
Netherlands, 04 August 2021 – 355987 HA ZA 21-149, CISG-online 5649
Czech Republic
[...] Ltd. v. A.N. International B.V.
Rechtbank Zeeland-West-Brabant (District Court Zeeland-West-Brabant)
Netherlands, 07 April 2021 – C/02/374204 / HA ZA 20-387, CISG-online 5890
Czech Republic
Four Directions Ltd. v. [...]
Rechtbank Amsterdam (District Court Amsterdam)
Netherlands, 07 November 2018 – C/13/613066 / HA ZA 16-774, CISG-online 3732
Czech Republic
Green Harvest Renewable Energy Sources L.L.C. v. TSS Energy International Co., Ltd. et al.
Gerechtshof Den Haag (Court of Appeal The Hague)
Netherlands, 18 September 2018 – 200.194.074/01, CISG-online 3423
Czech Republic
Four Directions Ltd. v. [...]
Rechtbank Amsterdam (District Court Amsterdam)
Netherlands, 31 January 2018 – C/13/613066 / HA ZA 16-774, CISG-online 3731
Czech Republic
Recom Renewable Sources of Energy L.L.C. v. Newcorp Logistics B.V. et al.
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 03 February 2016 – C/10/474075 / HA ZA 15-362, CISG-online 3422
Czech Republic
Recom Renewable Sources of Energy L.L.C. v. Newcorp Logistics B.V. et al.
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 25 November 2015 – C/10/474075 / HA ZA 15-362, CISG-online 2682
Czech Republic
Dragon Crowd Garments Fty Ltd v. Sapph Distribution B.V.
Rechtbank Amsterdam (District Court Amsterdam)
Netherlands, 11 December 2013 – 13-527401 HA ZA 12-1212, CISG-online 4641
Czech Republic
Sungin Knitting Co. Ltd. v. Knit to Fit B.V.
Rechtbank Oost-Brabant (District Court Oost-Brabant)
Netherlands, 04 August 2021 – 355987 HA ZA 21-149, CISG-online 5649
Czech Republic
A.N. International B.V. v. [...] Ltd.
Gerechthof 's-Hertogenbosch (Court of Appeal 's-Hertogenbosch)
Netherlands, 02 August 2022 – 200.298.252/01, CISG-online 5937
Czech Republic
[...] Ltd. v. A.N. International B.V.
Rechtbank Zeeland-West-Brabant (District Court Zeeland-West-Brabant)
Netherlands, 07 April 2021 – C/02/374204 / HA ZA 20-387, CISG-online 5890
Czech Republic
Four Directions Ltd. v. [...]
Rechtbank Amsterdam (District Court Amsterdam)
Netherlands, 07 November 2018 – C/13/613066 / HA ZA 16-774, CISG-online 3732
Czech Republic
Four Directions Ltd. v. [...]
Rechtbank Amsterdam (District Court Amsterdam)
Netherlands, 31 January 2018 – C/13/613066 / HA ZA 16-774, CISG-online 3731
Czech Republic
Green Harvest Renewable Energy Sources L.L.C. v. TSS Energy International Co., Ltd. et al.
Gerechtshof Den Haag (Court of Appeal The Hague)
Netherlands, 18 September 2018 – 200.194.074/01, CISG-online 3423
Czech Republic
Recom Renewable Sources of Energy L.L.C. v. Newcorp Logistics B.V. et al.
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 03 February 2016 – C/10/474075 / HA ZA 15-362, CISG-online 3422
Czech Republic
Recom Renewable Sources of Energy L.L.C. v. Newcorp Logistics B.V. et al.
Rechtbank Rotterdam (District Court Rotterdam)
Netherlands, 25 November 2015 – C/10/474075 / HA ZA 15-362, CISG-online 2682
Czech Republic
Dragon Crowd Garments Fty Ltd v. Sapph Distribution B.V.
Rechtbank Amsterdam (District Court Amsterdam)
Netherlands, 11 December 2013 – 13-527401 HA ZA 12-1212, CISG-online 4641
5. Germany
7 decisions
3 cases
4.92 %
Czech Republic
Protective masks case V
Kammergericht (Court of Appeal Berlin)
Germany, 01 February 2024 – 2 U 130/21, CISG-online 6910
Czech Republic
Protective masks case V
Landgericht Berlin (District Court Berlin)
Germany, 03 September 2021 – 94 O 23/20, CISG-online 6884
Czech Republic
Protective masks case V
Landgericht Berlin (District Court Berlin)
Germany, 30 July 2021 – 94 O 23/20, CISG-online 6867
Czech Republic
Hong Kong textiles case
Oberlandesgericht Koblenz (Court of Appeal Koblenz)
Germany, 10 August 2015 – 12 U 580/11, CISG-online 2911
Czech Republic
Hong Kong textiles case
Landgericht Koblenz (District Court Koblenz)
Germany, 29 April 2011 – 15 O 177/10, CISG-online 2912
Czech Republic
Memory modules case
Oberlandesgericht Hamm (Court of Appeal Hamm)
Germany, 12 November 2001 – 13 U 102/01, CISG-online 1430
Czech Republic
Memory modules case
Landgericht Bielefeld (District Court Bielefeld)
Germany, 27 March 2001 – 11 O 46/00, CISG-online 3129
Czech Republic
Protective masks case V
Kammergericht (Court of Appeal Berlin)
Germany, 01 February 2024 – 2 U 130/21, CISG-online 6910
Czech Republic
Protective masks case V
Landgericht Berlin (District Court Berlin)
Germany, 03 September 2021 – 94 O 23/20, CISG-online 6884
Czech Republic
Protective masks case V
Landgericht Berlin (District Court Berlin)
Germany, 30 July 2021 – 94 O 23/20, CISG-online 6867
Czech Republic
Hong Kong textiles case
Oberlandesgericht Koblenz (Court of Appeal Koblenz)
Germany, 10 August 2015 – 12 U 580/11, CISG-online 2911
Czech Republic
Hong Kong textiles case
Landgericht Koblenz (District Court Koblenz)
Germany, 29 April 2011 – 15 O 177/10, CISG-online 2912
Czech Republic
Memory modules case
Oberlandesgericht Hamm (Court of Appeal Hamm)
Germany, 12 November 2001 – 13 U 102/01, CISG-online 1430
Czech Republic
Memory modules case
Landgericht Bielefeld (District Court Bielefeld)
Germany, 27 March 2001 – 11 O 46/00, CISG-online 3129
6. France
7 decisions
3 cases
4.92 %
Czech Republic
Ipso Facto S.A.S. et al. v. Win System Int‘l Ltd.
Cour de Cassation (French Supreme Court)
France, 26 October 2022 – 20-22.528 / 621 F-B, CISG-online 6141
Czech Republic
Ipso Facto S.A.S. v. Win System Int‘l Ltd.
Cour d'appel de Bordeaux (Court of Appeal Bordeaux)
France, 06 October 2020 – 18/00338, CISG-online 5570
Czech Republic
Artificial fish (violation of intellectual property) case
Cour d'appel de Paris (Court of Appeal Paris)
France, 03 July 2018 – 16/21302, CISG-online 5622
Czech Republic
Win System Int‘l Ltd. v. Ipso Facto S.A.S.
Tribunal de Commerce de Bordeaux (Commercial Court Bordeaux)
France, 09 January 2018 – R.G. 2017F00578, CISG-online 5535
Czech Republic
Artificial fish (violation of intellectual property) case
Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris (District Court Paris)
France, 15 September 2016 – 14/11606, CISG-online 5591
Czech Republic
Logicom v. CCT Marketing Ltd.
Cour de Cassation (French Supreme Court)
France, 02 April 2008 – 04-17726, CISG-online 1651
Czech Republic
Logicom v. CCT Marketing Ltd.
Cour d'appel d'Aix-en-Provence (Court of Appeal Aix-en-Provence)
France, 01 April 2004, CISG-online 3253
Czech Republic
Ipso Facto S.A.S. et al. v. Win System Int‘l Ltd.
Cour de Cassation (French Supreme Court)
France, 26 October 2022 – 20-22.528 / 621 F-B, CISG-online 6141
Czech Republic
Ipso Facto S.A.S. v. Win System Int‘l Ltd.
Cour d'appel de Bordeaux (Court of Appeal Bordeaux)
France, 06 October 2020 – 18/00338, CISG-online 5570
Czech Republic
Win System Int‘l Ltd. v. Ipso Facto S.A.S.
Tribunal de Commerce de Bordeaux (Commercial Court Bordeaux)
France, 09 January 2018 – R.G. 2017F00578, CISG-online 5535
Czech Republic
Artificial fish (violation of intellectual property) case
Cour d'appel de Paris (Court of Appeal Paris)
France, 03 July 2018 – 16/21302, CISG-online 5622
Czech Republic
Artificial fish (violation of intellectual property) case
Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris (District Court Paris)
France, 15 September 2016 – 14/11606, CISG-online 5591
Czech Republic
Logicom v. CCT Marketing Ltd.
Cour de Cassation (French Supreme Court)
France, 02 April 2008 – 04-17726, CISG-online 1651
Czech Republic
Logicom v. CCT Marketing Ltd.
Cour d'appel d'Aix-en-Provence (Court of Appeal Aix-en-Provence)
France, 01 April 2004, CISG-online 3253
7. Australia
3 decisions
3 cases
4.92 %
Czech Republic
Casaceli v. Natuzzi S.p.A.
Federal Court of Australia
Australia, 29 June 2012 – [2012] FCA 691 / NSD 396 of 2012, CISG-online 6045
Czech Republic
Montage Group Pty Ltd v. Wong (No. 2)
Supreme Court of New South Wales
Australia, 25 July 2011 – [2011] NSWSC 774 / 10/417017, CISG-online 6923
Czech Republic
Hannaford v. Australian Farmlink Pty Ltd
Federal Court of Australia
Australia, 24 October 2008 – [2008] FCA 1591 / ACN 087 011 541, CISG-online 1782
Czech Republic
Casaceli v. Natuzzi S.p.A.
Federal Court of Australia
Australia, 29 June 2012 – [2012] FCA 691 / NSD 396 of 2012, CISG-online 6045
Czech Republic
Montage Group Pty Ltd v. Wong (No. 2)
Supreme Court of New South Wales
Australia, 25 July 2011 – [2011] NSWSC 774 / 10/417017, CISG-online 6923
Czech Republic
Hannaford v. Australian Farmlink Pty Ltd
Federal Court of Australia
Australia, 24 October 2008 – [2008] FCA 1591 / ACN 087 011 541, CISG-online 1782
8. Austria
6 decisions
1 case
1.64 %
Czech Republic
Tantalum powder case II
Oberster Gerichtshof (Austrian Supreme Court)
Austria, 31 August 2005 – 7 Ob 175/05v, CISG-online 1093
Czech Republic
Tantalum powder case II
Oberlandesgericht Innsbruck (Court of Appeal Innsbruck)
Austria, 01 February 2005 – 1 R 253/04x, CISG-online 1130
Czech Republic
Tantalum powder case II
Landesgericht Innsbruck (District Court Innsbruck)
Austria, 09 July 2004 – 12 Cg 32/02i, CISG-online 1129
Czech Republic
Tantalum powder case I
Oberster Gerichtshof (Austrian Supreme Court)
Austria, 17 December 2003 – 7 Ob 275/03x, CISG-online 828
Czech Republic
Tantalum powder case I
Oberlandesgericht Innsbruck (Court of Appeal Innsbruck)
Austria, 03 June 2003 – 1 R 90/03z, CISG-online 3074
Czech Republic
Tantalum powder case I
Landesgericht Innsbruck (District Court Innsbruck)
Austria, 06 February 2003 – 12 Cg 32/02i, CISG-online 3061
Czech Republic
Tantalum powder case II
Oberster Gerichtshof (Austrian Supreme Court)
Austria, 31 August 2005 – 7 Ob 175/05v, CISG-online 1093
Czech Republic
Tantalum powder case II
Oberlandesgericht Innsbruck (Court of Appeal Innsbruck)
Austria, 01 February 2005 – 1 R 253/04x, CISG-online 1130
Czech Republic
Tantalum powder case II
Landesgericht Innsbruck (District Court Innsbruck)
Austria, 09 July 2004 – 12 Cg 32/02i, CISG-online 1129
Czech Republic
Tantalum powder case I
Oberster Gerichtshof (Austrian Supreme Court)
Austria, 17 December 2003 – 7 Ob 275/03x, CISG-online 828
Czech Republic
Tantalum powder case I
Oberlandesgericht Innsbruck (Court of Appeal Innsbruck)
Austria, 03 June 2003 – 1 R 90/03z, CISG-online 3074
Czech Republic
Tantalum powder case I
Landesgericht Innsbruck (District Court Innsbruck)
Austria, 06 February 2003 – 12 Cg 32/02i, CISG-online 3061
9. Switzerland
2 decisions
1 case
1.64 %
Czech Republic
Packaging boxes for watches and jewelry case
Bundesgericht/Tribunal fédéral (Swiss Federal Supreme Court)
Switzerland, 08 December 2023 – 4A_11/2023, CISG-online 6883
Czech Republic
Packaging boxes for watches and jewelry case
Handelsgericht des Kantons Bern/Tribunal de Commerce du Canton de Berne (Commercial Court Canton Bern)
Switzerland, 17 November 2022, CISG-online 6811
Czech Republic
Packaging boxes for watches and jewelry case
Bundesgericht/Tribunal fédéral (Swiss Federal Supreme Court)
Switzerland, 08 December 2023 – 4A_11/2023, CISG-online 6883
Czech Republic
Packaging boxes for watches and jewelry case
Handelsgericht des Kantons Bern/Tribunal de Commerce du Canton de Berne (Commercial Court Canton Bern)
Switzerland, 17 November 2022, CISG-online 6811
10. Belgium
2 decisions
1 case
1.64 %
Czech Republic
Carta Mundi NV v. Intex Syndicate Ltd.
Hof van Beroep Antwerpen (Court of Appeal Antwerp)
Belgium, 14 February 2002 – 2001/AR/551, CISG-online 995
Czech Republic
Intex Syndicate Ltd. v. Carta Mundi NV
Rechtbank van Koophandel Turnhout (Commercial Court Turnhout)
Belgium, 18 January 2001 – A/00/691, CISG-online 994
Czech Republic
Carta Mundi NV v. Intex Syndicate Ltd.
Hof van Beroep Antwerpen (Court of Appeal Antwerp)
Belgium, 14 February 2002 – 2001/AR/551, CISG-online 995
Czech Republic
Intex Syndicate Ltd. v. Carta Mundi NV
Rechtbank van Koophandel Turnhout (Commercial Court Turnhout)
Belgium, 18 January 2001 – A/00/691, CISG-online 994
Goods most frequently traded under the CISG by buyers and sellers from the Hong Kong SAR:
1. Iron and steel
8 decisions
6 cases
6.90 %
Czech Republic
Rock Resource Ltd. v. Altos Hornos De Mexico, S.A.B. de C.V.
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 22 May 2014 – 18133/CYK (Final Award), CISG-online 3652
Czech Republic
VSC Steel Company Limited v. Habas Sinai ve Tibbi Gazlar Istihsal Endustrisi AS
High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench Division
United Kingdom, 19 December 2013 – 1:15-cv-05292-GBD, CISG-online 6089
Czech Republic
Asia Steel & Metals v. Mineração Vila Nova
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 08 March 2013 – 18592/CA, CISG-online 5477
Czech Republic
VSC Steel Company Limited v. Habas Sinai ve Tibbi Gazlar Istihsal Endustrisi AS
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 10 July 2012 – 17195/MLK/ARP, CISG-online 6087
Czech Republic
Silicon metal case V
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 09 January 2008 – [CISG/2008/02], CISG-online 2056
Czech Republic
Possehl (HK) Ltd. v. China Metals & Minerals Import & Export (Shenzhen) Co.
广东省高级人民法院 (Higher People's Court Guangdong Province)
China, 2005, CISG-online 1966
Czech Republic
Possehl (HK) Ltd. v. China Metals & Minerals Import & Export (Shenzhen) Co.
广东省深圳市中级人民法院 (Intermediate People‘s Court Shenzhen, Guangdong Province)
China, 2005 – (2005) Shen Zhong Fa Min Si Chu Zi No. 88, CISG-online 3836
Czech Republic
Silicon metal case II
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 11 February 2000 – [CISG/2000/02], CISG-online 1529
Czech Republic
Rock Resource Ltd. v. Altos Hornos De Mexico, S.A.B. de C.V.
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 22 May 2014 – 18133/CYK (Final Award), CISG-online 3652
Czech Republic
Asia Steel & Metals v. Mineração Vila Nova
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 08 March 2013 – 18592/CA, CISG-online 5477
Czech Republic
VSC Steel Company Limited v. Habas Sinai ve Tibbi Gazlar Istihsal Endustrisi AS
High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench Division
United Kingdom, 19 December 2013 – 1:15-cv-05292-GBD, CISG-online 6089
Czech Republic
VSC Steel Company Limited v. Habas Sinai ve Tibbi Gazlar Istihsal Endustrisi AS
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 10 July 2012 – 17195/MLK/ARP, CISG-online 6087
Czech Republic
Silicon metal case V
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 09 January 2008 – [CISG/2008/02], CISG-online 2056
Czech Republic
Possehl (HK) Ltd. v. China Metals & Minerals Import & Export (Shenzhen) Co.
广东省高级人民法院 (Higher People's Court Guangdong Province)
China, 2005, CISG-online 1966
Czech Republic
Possehl (HK) Ltd. v. China Metals & Minerals Import & Export (Shenzhen) Co.
广东省深圳市中级人民法院 (Intermediate People‘s Court Shenzhen, Guangdong Province)
China, 2005 – (2005) Shen Zhong Fa Min Si Chu Zi No. 88, CISG-online 3836
Czech Republic
Silicon metal case II
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 11 February 2000 – [CISG/2000/02], CISG-online 1529
2. Miscellaneous manufactured articles, not elsewhere specified
8 decisions
6 cases
6.90 %
Czech Republic
Artificial fish (violation of intellectual property) case
Cour d'appel de Paris (Court of Appeal Paris)
France, 03 July 2018 – 16/21302, CISG-online 5622
Czech Republic
5 seconds timers case
Sąd Rejonowy w Gdyni (Local Court Gdynia)
Poland, 16 February 2018 – VI GC 274/16, CISG-online 6608
Czech Republic
Artificial fish (violation of intellectual property) case
Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris (District Court Paris)
France, 15 September 2016 – 14/11606, CISG-online 5591
Czech Republic
America's Collectibles Network et al. v. Timlly (HK) Ltd. et al.
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Tennessee
USA, 20 October 2010 – 3:10-CV-86, CISG-online 2484
Czech Republic
Innotex Precision Ltd. v. Horei Image Products, Inc.
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia
USA, 17 December 2009 – 1:09-CV-547-TWT, CISG-online 2044
Czech Republic
Carta Mundi NV v. Intex Syndicate Ltd.
Hof van Beroep Antwerpen (Court of Appeal Antwerp)
Belgium, 14 February 2002 – 2001/AR/551, CISG-online 995
Czech Republic
Intex Syndicate Ltd. v. Carta Mundi NV
Rechtbank van Koophandel Turnhout (Commercial Court Turnhout)
Belgium, 18 January 2001 – A/00/691, CISG-online 994
Czech Republic
Ink cartridges case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 30 January 2000 – CISG/2000/10, CISG-online 1803
Czech Republic
5 seconds timers case
Sąd Rejonowy w Gdyni (Local Court Gdynia)
Poland, 16 February 2018 – VI GC 274/16, CISG-online 6608
Czech Republic
Artificial fish (violation of intellectual property) case
Cour d'appel de Paris (Court of Appeal Paris)
France, 03 July 2018 – 16/21302, CISG-online 5622
Czech Republic
Artificial fish (violation of intellectual property) case
Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris (District Court Paris)
France, 15 September 2016 – 14/11606, CISG-online 5591
Czech Republic
America's Collectibles Network et al. v. Timlly (HK) Ltd. et al.
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Tennessee
USA, 20 October 2010 – 3:10-CV-86, CISG-online 2484
Czech Republic
Innotex Precision Ltd. v. Horei Image Products, Inc.
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia
USA, 17 December 2009 – 1:09-CV-547-TWT, CISG-online 2044
Czech Republic
Carta Mundi NV v. Intex Syndicate Ltd.
Hof van Beroep Antwerpen (Court of Appeal Antwerp)
Belgium, 14 February 2002 – 2001/AR/551, CISG-online 995
Czech Republic
Intex Syndicate Ltd. v. Carta Mundi NV
Rechtbank van Koophandel Turnhout (Commercial Court Turnhout)
Belgium, 18 January 2001 – A/00/691, CISG-online 994
Czech Republic
Ink cartridges case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 30 January 2000 – CISG/2000/10, CISG-online 1803
3. Machinery specialized for particular industries
6 decisions
5 cases
5.75 %
Czech Republic
Êxito Importadora e Exportadora v. Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group Imp & Exp Co. Ltd. et al. (I)
Centro de Arbitragem e Mediação Brasil-Canadá (Center for Arbitration and Mediation of the Chamber of Commerce Brazil-Canada (CAM-CCBC))
Arbitration, 14 November 2016 – 77/2013/SEC3, CISG-online 6040
Czech Republic
Triulzi Cesare SRL v. Xinyi Group (Glass) Company Ltd
High Court of the Republic of Singapore
Singapore, 30 October 2014 – [2014] SGHC 220, CISG-online 2564
Czech Republic
Xinyi Group (Glass) Company Ltd v. Triulzi Cesare S.r.l.
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 12 August 2013 – 18848/CYK (Final Award), CISG-online 3127
Czech Republic
Offset printing machines case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 23 March 2007 – CISG/2007/08, CISG-online 2054
Czech Republic
Gravure press machine case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 14 January 2004 – Shen M2003016 / [CISG/2004/01], CISG-online 1452
Czech Republic
Textiles production machine case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 18 July 2002 – CISG/2002/20, CISG-online 1554
Czech Republic
Êxito Importadora e Exportadora v. Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group Imp & Exp Co. Ltd. et al. (I)
Centro de Arbitragem e Mediação Brasil-Canadá (Center for Arbitration and Mediation of the Chamber of Commerce Brazil-Canada (CAM-CCBC))
Arbitration, 14 November 2016 – 77/2013/SEC3, CISG-online 6040
Czech Republic
Triulzi Cesare SRL v. Xinyi Group (Glass) Company Ltd
High Court of the Republic of Singapore
Singapore, 30 October 2014 – [2014] SGHC 220, CISG-online 2564
Czech Republic
Xinyi Group (Glass) Company Ltd v. Triulzi Cesare S.r.l.
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 12 August 2013 – 18848/CYK (Final Award), CISG-online 3127
Czech Republic
Offset printing machines case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 23 March 2007 – CISG/2007/08, CISG-online 2054
Czech Republic
Gravure press machine case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 14 January 2004 – Shen M2003016 / [CISG/2004/01], CISG-online 1452
Czech Republic
Textiles production machine case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 18 July 2002 – CISG/2002/20, CISG-online 1554
4. Articles of apparel and clothing accessories
6 decisions
5 cases
5.75 %
Czech Republic
Texmont Design Ltd. v. Halston Operating Comp. LLC et al.
U.S. District Court for the Central District of California
USA, 21 June 2023 – CV 18-10164-CJC (GSJx), CISG-online 6381
Czech Republic
Sungin Knitting Co. Ltd. v. Knit to Fit B.V.
Rechtbank Oost-Brabant (District Court Oost-Brabant)
Netherlands, 04 August 2021 – 355987 HA ZA 21-149, CISG-online 5649
Czech Republic
Hong Kong textiles case
Oberlandesgericht Koblenz (Court of Appeal Koblenz)
Germany, 10 August 2015 – 12 U 580/11, CISG-online 2911
Czech Republic
Dragon Crowd Garments Fty Ltd v. Sapph Distribution B.V.
Rechtbank Amsterdam (District Court Amsterdam)
Netherlands, 11 December 2013 – 13-527401 HA ZA 12-1212, CISG-online 4641
Czech Republic
Hong Kong textiles case
Landgericht Koblenz (District Court Koblenz)
Germany, 29 April 2011 – 15 O 177/10, CISG-online 2912
Czech Republic
Raincoats case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 10 August 1999 – [CISG/1999/35], CISG-online 1606
Czech Republic
Texmont Design Ltd. v. Halston Operating Comp. LLC et al.
U.S. District Court for the Central District of California
USA, 21 June 2023 – CV 18-10164-CJC (GSJx), CISG-online 6381
Czech Republic
Sungin Knitting Co. Ltd. v. Knit to Fit B.V.
Rechtbank Oost-Brabant (District Court Oost-Brabant)
Netherlands, 04 August 2021 – 355987 HA ZA 21-149, CISG-online 5649
Czech Republic
Dragon Crowd Garments Fty Ltd v. Sapph Distribution B.V.
Rechtbank Amsterdam (District Court Amsterdam)
Netherlands, 11 December 2013 – 13-527401 HA ZA 12-1212, CISG-online 4641
Czech Republic
Hong Kong textiles case
Oberlandesgericht Koblenz (Court of Appeal Koblenz)
Germany, 10 August 2015 – 12 U 580/11, CISG-online 2911
Czech Republic
Hong Kong textiles case
Landgericht Koblenz (District Court Koblenz)
Germany, 29 April 2011 – 15 O 177/10, CISG-online 2912
Czech Republic
Raincoats case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 10 August 1999 – [CISG/1999/35], CISG-online 1606
5. Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances, not elsewhere specified, and electrical parts thereof (including non- electrical counterparts, not elsewhere specified, of electrical household-type equipment)
8 decisions
4 cases
4.60 %
Czech Republic
Electrocraft Arkansas, Inc. v. Super Electric Motors, Ltd
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas
USA, 19 August 2010 – 4:09 CV 00318 SWW, CISG-online 2149
Czech Republic
Electrocraft Arkansas, Inc. v. Super Electric Motors, Ltd
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas
USA, 02 April 2010 – 4:09 CV 00318 SWW, CISG-online 2093
Czech Republic
Electrocraft Arkansas, Inc. v. Super Electric Motors, Ltd
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas
USA, 23 December 2009 – 4:09 CV 00318 SWW, CISG-online 2045
Czech Republic
ICT testing instruments case
广东省深圳市中级人民法院 (Intermediate People‘s Court Shenzhen, Guangdong Province)
China, 30 March 2009 – (2008) Shen Zhong Fa Min Si Zhong Zi No. 101, CISG-online 3952
Czech Republic
CNA Int'l, Inc. v. Guangdong Kelon Electronical Holdings et al.
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois
USA, 03 September 2008 – 05 C 5734, CISG-online 2043
Czech Republic
CNA Int’l, Inc. v. Guangdong Kelon Electronical Holdings et al.
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois
USA, 17 June 2008 – 05 C 5734, CISG-online 4842
Czech Republic
Logicom v. CCT Marketing Ltd.
Cour de Cassation (French Supreme Court)
France, 02 April 2008 – 04-17726, CISG-online 1651
Czech Republic
Logicom v. CCT Marketing Ltd.
Cour d'appel d'Aix-en-Provence (Court of Appeal Aix-en-Provence)
France, 01 April 2004, CISG-online 3253
Czech Republic
Electrocraft Arkansas, Inc. v. Super Electric Motors, Ltd
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas
USA, 19 August 2010 – 4:09 CV 00318 SWW, CISG-online 2149
Czech Republic
Electrocraft Arkansas, Inc. v. Super Electric Motors, Ltd
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas
USA, 02 April 2010 – 4:09 CV 00318 SWW, CISG-online 2093
Czech Republic
Electrocraft Arkansas, Inc. v. Super Electric Motors, Ltd
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas
USA, 23 December 2009 – 4:09 CV 00318 SWW, CISG-online 2045
Czech Republic
ICT testing instruments case
广东省深圳市中级人民法院 (Intermediate People‘s Court Shenzhen, Guangdong Province)
China, 30 March 2009 – (2008) Shen Zhong Fa Min Si Zhong Zi No. 101, CISG-online 3952
Czech Republic
CNA Int'l, Inc. v. Guangdong Kelon Electronical Holdings et al.
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois
USA, 03 September 2008 – 05 C 5734, CISG-online 2043
Czech Republic
CNA Int’l, Inc. v. Guangdong Kelon Electronical Holdings et al.
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois
USA, 17 June 2008 – 05 C 5734, CISG-online 4842
Czech Republic
Logicom v. CCT Marketing Ltd.
Cour de Cassation (French Supreme Court)
France, 02 April 2008 – 04-17726, CISG-online 1651
Czech Republic
Logicom v. CCT Marketing Ltd.
Cour d'appel d'Aix-en-Provence (Court of Appeal Aix-en-Provence)
France, 01 April 2004, CISG-online 3253
6. Medicinal and pharmaceutical products
6 decisions
4 cases
4.60 %
Czech Republic
Protective masks case V
Kammergericht (Court of Appeal Berlin)
Germany, 01 February 2024 – 2 U 130/21, CISG-online 6910
Czech Republic
United Products and Technology Ltd. v. Above Edge, LLC
U.S. District Court for the Central District of California
USA, 09 November 2022 – CV 21-2661-DMG (AFMx), CISG-online 6347
Czech Republic
New York State Dept. of Health v. Rusi Technology Co., Ltd.
Supreme Court of the State of New York, Albany County
USA, 25 January 2022 – 907022-21, CISG-online 5781
Czech Republic
Protective masks case V
Landgericht Berlin (District Court Berlin)
Germany, 03 September 2021 – 94 O 23/20, CISG-online 6884
Czech Republic
Protective masks case V
Landgericht Berlin (District Court Berlin)
Germany, 30 July 2021 – 94 O 23/20, CISG-online 6867
Czech Republic
Pharmaceutical products case II
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 06 December 2000 – [CISG/2000/13], CISG-online 1449
Czech Republic
United Products and Technology Ltd. v. Above Edge, LLC
U.S. District Court for the Central District of California
USA, 09 November 2022 – CV 21-2661-DMG (AFMx), CISG-online 6347
Czech Republic
New York State Dept. of Health v. Rusi Technology Co., Ltd.
Supreme Court of the State of New York, Albany County
USA, 25 January 2022 – 907022-21, CISG-online 5781
Czech Republic
Protective masks case V
Kammergericht (Court of Appeal Berlin)
Germany, 01 February 2024 – 2 U 130/21, CISG-online 6910
Czech Republic
Protective masks case V
Landgericht Berlin (District Court Berlin)
Germany, 03 September 2021 – 94 O 23/20, CISG-online 6884
Czech Republic
Protective masks case V
Landgericht Berlin (District Court Berlin)
Germany, 30 July 2021 – 94 O 23/20, CISG-online 6867
Czech Republic
Pharmaceutical products case II
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 06 December 2000 – [CISG/2000/13], CISG-online 1449
7. Metalliferous ores and metal scrap
3 decisions
3 cases
3.45 %
Czech Republic
Iron ore case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 25 May 2005 – CISG/2004/09, CISG-online 1685
Czech Republic
Alumina case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 26 June 2003 – CISG/2003/10, CISG-online 2928
Czech Republic
Sino-Add (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. v. Karawasha Resources Ltd.
中华人民共和国北海海事法院 (Maritime Court Beihai, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region)
China, 05 March 2002 – (2001) Haishangchuzi No.119, CISG-online 1383
Czech Republic
Iron ore case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 25 May 2005 – CISG/2004/09, CISG-online 1685
Czech Republic
Alumina case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 26 June 2003 – CISG/2003/10, CISG-online 2928
Czech Republic
Sino-Add (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. v. Karawasha Resources Ltd.
中华人民共和国北海海事法院 (Maritime Court Beihai, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region)
China, 05 March 2002 – (2001) Haishangchuzi No.119, CISG-online 1383
8. Furniture and parts thereof; bedding, mattresses, mattress supports, cushions and similar stuffed furnishings
3 decisions
3 cases
3.45 %
Czech Republic
Zhongshan Hengfu Furniture Company, Ltd. v. Home Accents Alliance, Inc.
U.S. District Court for the Central District of California
USA, 20 October 2014 – EDCV 14-00038-VAP (DTBx), CISG-online 4000
Czech Republic
Casaceli v. Natuzzi S.p.A.
Federal Court of Australia
Australia, 29 June 2012 – [2012] FCA 691 / NSD 396 of 2012, CISG-online 6045
Czech Republic
Cushions case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 29 September 2000 – CISG/2000/15, CISG-online 1592
Czech Republic
Zhongshan Hengfu Furniture Company, Ltd. v. Home Accents Alliance, Inc.
U.S. District Court for the Central District of California
USA, 20 October 2014 – EDCV 14-00038-VAP (DTBx), CISG-online 4000
Czech Republic
Casaceli v. Natuzzi S.p.A.
Federal Court of Australia
Australia, 29 June 2012 – [2012] FCA 691 / NSD 396 of 2012, CISG-online 6045
Czech Republic
Cushions case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 29 September 2000 – CISG/2000/15, CISG-online 1592
9. Textile yarn, fabrics, made-up articles, not elsewhere specified, and related products
4 decisions
2 cases
2.30 %
Czech Republic
Perine International Inc. v. Bedford Clothiers, Inc.
Supreme Court of the State of New York, New York County
USA, 21 February 2017 – 650040/2012, CISG-online 2866
Czech Republic
Perine International Inc. v. Bedford Clothiers, Inc.
Supreme Court of the State of New York, Appellate Division
USA, 11 October 2016 – 143 A.D.3d 491, CISG-online 2865
Czech Republic
Perine International Inc. v. Bedford Clothiers, Inc.
Supreme Court of the State of New York, New York County
USA, 25 September 2015 – 650040/2012, CISG-online 2864
Czech Republic
Montage Group Pty Ltd v. Wong (No. 2)
Supreme Court of New South Wales
Australia, 25 July 2011 – [2011] NSWSC 774 / 10/417017, CISG-online 6923
Czech Republic
Perine International Inc. v. Bedford Clothiers, Inc.
Supreme Court of the State of New York, New York County
USA, 21 February 2017 – 650040/2012, CISG-online 2866
Czech Republic
Perine International Inc. v. Bedford Clothiers, Inc.
Supreme Court of the State of New York, Appellate Division
USA, 11 October 2016 – 143 A.D.3d 491, CISG-online 2865
Czech Republic
Perine International Inc. v. Bedford Clothiers, Inc.
Supreme Court of the State of New York, New York County
USA, 25 September 2015 – 650040/2012, CISG-online 2864
Czech Republic
Montage Group Pty Ltd v. Wong (No. 2)
Supreme Court of New South Wales
Australia, 25 July 2011 – [2011] NSWSC 774 / 10/417017, CISG-online 6923
10. General industrial machinery and equipment, not elsewhere specified, and machine parts, not elsewhere specified
3 decisions
2 cases
2.30 %
Czech Republic
A.N. International B.V. v. [...] Ltd.
Gerechthof 's-Hertogenbosch (Court of Appeal 's-Hertogenbosch)
Netherlands, 02 August 2022 – 200.298.252/01, CISG-online 5937
Czech Republic
[...] Ltd. v. A.N. International B.V.
Rechtbank Zeeland-West-Brabant (District Court Zeeland-West-Brabant)
Netherlands, 07 April 2021 – C/02/374204 / HA ZA 20-387, CISG-online 5890
Czech Republic
Refrigeration equipment case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 28 January 1999 – CISG/1999/06, CISG-online 1206
Czech Republic
A.N. International B.V. v. [...] Ltd.
Gerechthof 's-Hertogenbosch (Court of Appeal 's-Hertogenbosch)
Netherlands, 02 August 2022 – 200.298.252/01, CISG-online 5937
Czech Republic
[...] Ltd. v. A.N. International B.V.
Rechtbank Zeeland-West-Brabant (District Court Zeeland-West-Brabant)
Netherlands, 07 April 2021 – C/02/374204 / HA ZA 20-387, CISG-online 5890
Czech Republic
Refrigeration equipment case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Arbitration, 28 January 1999 – CISG/1999/06, CISG-online 1206
Parties from the Hong Kong SAR were involved in CISG transactions:
as seller: 48 = 68.57 %
as buyer: 15 = 21.43 %
in other roles: 7 = 10.00 %
CISG decisions by courts in the Hong Kong SAR (China):
Hong Kong Court of First Instance
Czech Republic
Beyond the Network, Ltd v. Vectone Ltd
Hong Kong Court of First Instance
Hong Kong SAR (China), 13 December 2005 – [2005] HKCU 1771 / HCA 2826/2004, CISG-online 6391
CISG decisions in arbitrations administered by institutions based in the Hong Kong SAR (China):
Arbitral awards rendered in arbitrations with seat in the Hong Kong SAR (China):
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Czech Republic
Monkfish tail case
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
Hong Kong SAR (China), Nov 2006 – CISG/2006/12, CISG-online 1926
Navin G. Ahuja, '聯 合國國際貨物銷售合同公 約》是否適用於香港?[CISG in Hong Kong – to Apply or not to Apply?]', Hong Kong Lawyer (July 2018), 64–65 [– in Chinese]  
Navin G. Ahuja, 'CISG in Hong Kong – to Apply or not to Apply?', Hong Kong Lawyer (July 2018), 63–64 [– in English]  
Markus Buschbaum, 'Anwendbarkeit des UN-Kaufrechts im Verhältnis zu Hongkong?', Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax) (2004), 546 [– in German]
香港特別行政區政府 律政司 [Department of Justice of the Hong Kong SAR, International Law Division], '國際貿易的共同 語言 ——《聯合國 國際貨物銷售 合同公約》及其在 香港特別行政區 的實施 [A Common Language for International Trade – The CISG and its Implementation in the HKSAR]', Hong Kong Lawyer (January 2022), 42–44 [– in Chinese]  
Department of Justice of the Hong Kong SAR, International Law Division, 'A Common Language for International Trade – The CISG and its Implementation in the HKSAR', Hong Kong Lawyer (January 2022), 39–41 [– in English]  
Samantha Lau & Tara Liao, 'Force Majeure: a New Analysis Post Local Enactment of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods ("CISG")', Hong Kong Lawyer (July 2022), 45–46 [– in English]  
Donald J. Lewis, 'The UN Convention for the International Sale of Goods: Implications for Hong Kong and China', Law Lectures for Practitioners (1988), 243–253 [– in English]  
Edward Liu, 'CISG and Hong Kong: its Implications on Hong Kong Arbitration', Hong Kong Lawyer (February 2022), 42–45 [– in English]  
Qiao Liu, 'The CISG and its Extension to a Territorial Unit of a Contracting State: The Case of Hong Kong', 52(1) Hong Kong Law Journal (HKLJ) (2022), 67–88 [– in English]
Qiao Liu & Xiang Ren, 'CISG in Chinese Courts: The First Look', in: Qiao Liu & Wenhua Shan (eds.), China and International Commercial Dispute Resolution, Leiden: Brill (2015), 273–305 [– in English]
Qiao Liu & Jiangyu Wang, 'Applying the CISG to Hong Kong: Legal Analysis and Policy Recommendations', 9(3) Chinese Journal of Comparative Law (CJCL) (2021), 448–457 [– in English]
Weidi Long, 'The Reach of the CISG in China: Declarations and Applicability to Hong Kong and Macao', in: Ingeborg Schwenzer & Lisa Spagnolo (eds.), Towards Uniformity: The 2nd Annual MAA Schlechtriem CISG Conference, The Hague: Eleven International Publishing (2011), 83–129 [– in English]  
Ulrich Magnus, 'Borderline Problems of the CISG', in: Eppur si muove: The Age of Uniform Law – Essays in honour of Michael Joachim Bonell to celebrate his 70th birthday, Rome: UNIDROIT (2016), 1771–1792 [– in English]
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