Foreseeability limitation (Art. 74 second sentence)

Coke fuel case
Sąd Najwyższy (Supreme Court of Poland)
Poland, 09 October 2008 – V CSK 63/08, CISG-online 3985
Sąd Najwyższy (Supreme Court of Poland)
Poland, 09 October 2008 – V CSK 63/08, CISG-online 3985
Held Art. 74, second sentence CISG to apply to Art. 76 and remanding the case due to the failure of the lower court to appoint an expert to give insight into the foreseeability of movements in price in the coke market 2003/2004
Detlev König, 'Voraussehbarkeit des Schadens als Grenze vertraglicher Haftung', in: Hans G. Leser & Wolfgang Marschall von Bieberstein (eds.), Das Haager Einheitliche Kaufgesetz und das Deutsche Schuldrecht, Kolloquium zum 65. Geburtstag von Ernst von Caemmerer, Karlsruhe: C. F. Müller (1973), 75–130 [– in German]
Filippo Viglione, 'The Influence of the CISG on the Interpretation of Domestic Laws: The Case of Willful Breach and the Foreseeability Doctrine', in: Francesca Benatti, Sergio García Long & Filippo Viglione (eds.), The Transnational Sales Contract – 40 years influence of the CISG on national jurisdictions, Milano: Wolters Kluwer & CEDAM (2022), 579–600 [– in English]