"Loss" by category of loss

CEEG (Shanghai) Solar Science & Technology Co. v. Sunvalley Solar, Inc.
Shanghai International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (Shanghai International Arbitration Center)
Arbitration, 10 December 2013 – [2013] HMZCZ 411, CISG-online 5244
Shanghai International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (Shanghai International Arbitration Center)
Arbitration, 10 December 2013 – [2013] HMZCZ 411, CISG-online 5244
Held that the buyer can recover the currency exchange loss resulting from late payment of the contract price by the seller, calculated based on the assumption that the Chinese buyer would have had immediately converted the contract price (to be paid in USD) into his home currency (RMB) had the payment been made in time
Behrad Lalani, Die Ersatzfähigkeit von Reputationsschäden nach den Regeln des CISG und die Übertragbarkeit der Doktrin auf das deutsche Schadensersatzrecht, Berlin, Bern, Brussels, New York, Oxford, Warsaw, Vienna: Peter Lang (2021) [– in German]