Hardship under the CISG

Scafom International BV v. Lorraine Tubes S.A.S.
Hof van Cassatie van België/Cour de cassation de Belgique (Belgian Supreme Court)
Belgium, 19 June 2009 – C.07.0289.N, CISG-online 1963
Hof van Cassatie van België/Cour de cassation de Belgique (Belgian Supreme Court)
Belgium, 19 June 2009 – C.07.0289.N, CISG-online 1963

Dupiré Invicta Industrie SA v. Gabo Sp. z o.o.
Cour d'appel de Reims (Court of Appeal Reims)
France, 04 September 2012 – 11/02698, CISG-online 3141
Cour d'appel de Reims (Court of Appeal Reims)
France, 04 September 2012 – 11/02698, CISG-online 3141

Coke fuel case
Sąd Najwyższy (Supreme Court of Poland)
Poland, 20 January 2015 – V CSK 254/14, CISG-online 5063
Sąd Najwyższy (Supreme Court of Poland)
Poland, 20 January 2015 – V CSK 254/14, CISG-online 5063
Held that no hardship under Art. 79 CISG existed in the case at hand, but allowed a reduction of damages under Art. 74 sentence 2 CISG to 20% of the loss suffered because of the unforeseeability of a higher loss
Christoph Brunner, Force Majeure and Hardship under General Contract Principles: Exemption for Non-performance in International Arbitration
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Caroline Cavassin Klamas & Sabrina Maria Fadel Becue, 'The Applicability of Force Majeure and Hardship to CISG Contracts Due to Trade Restrictions and to Other Government Actions in Latin America', in: Ingeborg Schwenzer, Cesar Pereira & Leandro Tripodi (eds.), CISG and Latin America: Regional and Global Perspectives, The Hague: Eleven International Publishing (2016), 527–546 [– in English]
Stefano Enrico Cirielli, 'Clausola di hardship e adattamento nel contratto commerciale internazionale', Contratto e impresa/Europa (1998), 733–789 [– in Italian]
Giorgio De Nova, 'Risoluzione per eccessiva onerosità e Convenzione di Vienna', I Contratti (1993), 584–585 [– in Italian]
Shyam David Fernández Vidal, 'El riesgo de tener poca imaginación: un análisis económico contractual de la aplicación de los Principios UNIDROIT en arbitrajes sobre excesiva onerosidad (hardship) según la Convención de Viena de 1980', 20 Gaceta Judicial (Santo Domingo) (2016) [– in Spanish]
Franco Ferrari, Clayton P. Gillette, Marco Torsello & Steven D. Walt, 'The Inappropriate Use of the PICC to Interpret Hardship Claims under the CISG', Internationales Handelsrecht (IHR) (2017), 97–102 [– in English]
Harry M. Flechtner, 'CISG Article 79: Getting Scafomed', in: Joseph Lookofsky & Mads Bryde Andersen (eds.), The CISG Convention and Domestic Contract Law: Harmony, Cross-Inspiration, or Discord?, Copenhagen: DJØF (2015), 191–205 [– in English]
Harry M. Flechtner, 'The Exemption Provisions of the Sales Convention, including Comments on Hardship Doctrine and the 19 June 2009 Decision of the Belgian Cassation Court', 59 Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu/Annals of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade, Belgrade Law Review (Belgrade L. Rev.) (2011), 84–101 [– in English]
Sang Man Kim & Jongho Kim, 'Can a Change of Circumstances Qualify as an Impediment under Article 79 of the CISG', 18 Chinese Journal of International Law (Chinese J. Int'l L.) (2019), 129–164 [– in English]
Jenni Miettinen, 'Economic Impediment as Grounds for Exemption from Liability in the Scope of CISG Article 79', 18 Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration (VJ) (2014), 227–248 [– in English]
Ndubuisi Nwafor & Chidi Lloyd, 'Re-Imagining the Doctrines of Hardship and Exemption/Force Majeure under the CISG and UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts', 8 Global Journal of Comparative Law (Global J. Comp. L.) (2019), 52–79 [– in English]
Markus Petsche, 'Hardship under the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG)', 19 Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration (VJ) (2015), 147–170 [– in English]
C. Ramberg, 'Problems Legal Practitioners Face in Finding the Law Relating to the CISG - Hardship, Defective Goods and Standard Terms', Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Handelsrecht (NTHR) (2012), 89–92 [– in English]
José Maria Rossani Garcez, 'CISG Articles 6, 7, 25 and 79 - Pacta Sunt Servanda, Rebus sic Stantibus, Force Majeure and Hardship Principles - Brazilian Civil Code Related Articles', in: Ingeborg Schwenzer, Cesar Pereira & Leandro Tripodi (eds.), CISG and Latin America: Regional and Global Perspectives, The Hague: Eleven International Publishing (2016), 417–432 [– in English]
Ingeborg Schwenzer, 'Force Majeure and Hardship in International Sales Contracts', 39 Victoria University of Wellington Law Review (VUWLR) (2009), 709–725 [– in English]
Bruno Zeller, 'The UNIDROIT Principles of Hardship and the Application of Article 79 CISG: Are They Compatible?', in: Ingeborg Schwenzer & Lisa Spagnolo (eds.), State of Play: The 3rd Annual MAA Peter Schlechtriem CISG Conference, The Hague: Eleven International Publishing (2012), 113–127 [– in English]
Hüseyin Can Aksoy, 'Elephant in the Room: CISG, Hardship, and Uniform Application', 34(3) European Business Law Review (EBLR) (2023), 463–480 [– in English]