COVID-19 pandemic and the CISG
Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020, its effect on the performance of cross-border sales transactions and the legal consequences of a non-performance have attracted considerable attention.
Below, we list writings that specifically address COVID-19's effect on CISG contracts. If you are aware of further publications of this kind that should be listed here, please let us know at
Klaus Peter Berger & Daniel Behn, 'Force Majeure and Hardship in the Age of Corona: A Historical and Comparative Study', 6 McGill Journal of Dispute Resolution / Revue de règlement des différends de McGill (MJDR/RRDM) (2019–2020), 79–130 [– in English]
Yvonne Beyer & Philipp Hoffmann, 'Delta, Omikron und weiterhin COVID-19 – Still (an) Act of God / Force Majeure / Höhere Gewalt?', Neue Juristische Online Zeitschrift (NJOZ) (2022), 161–166 [– in German]
Giuditta Cordero-Moss, 'COVID-19 and force majeure under the Vienna Convention on Sales and in civil law', 13(2) New York Dispute Resolution Lawyer (2020), 50–52 [– in English]
Sema Çörtoğlu Koca, 'AB Üye Devletlerinde Covid-19 Aşılarının Ön Satın Alma Sözleşmeleri İçin Viyana Satım Antlaşmasının (CISG'in) Uygulanabilirliği [Applicability of the Vienna Sale Agreement (CISG) for Advanced Purchase Agreements of COVID-19 Vaccines in EU Member States]', 21(1) Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi/Ankara Review of European Studies (2022), 133–166 [– in Turkish]
Antonio Marcio da Cunha Guimaraes, Miguel Souza Dantas Neto, Marcio Pugliesi & Manuel David Masseno, 'COVID 19 and the contractual performance crisis in international contracts governed by the Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale and Purchase of Goods (CISG)', 2(64) Revista Jurídica – UNICURITIBA (2021), 158–183 [– in English]
Antonio Marcio da Cunha Guimaraes, Miguel Souza Dantas Neto, Marcio Pugliesi & Manuel David Masseno, 'COVID 19 e a crise de performance contratual nos contratos internacionais regidos pela Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre Contratos de Compra e Venda Internacional de Mercadorias (CISG)', 2(64) Revista Jurídica – UNICURITIBA (2021), 158–183 [– in Portuguese]
Rainer Gildeggen & Andreas Willburger, 'Das UN-Kaufrecht und die Corona-Krise', Internationales Handelsrecht (IHR) (2021), 45–53 [– in German]
Gilberto A. Guerrero-Rocca, 'The Relevance of the CISG in Settling International Arbitration Claims Arising due to COVID-19 in Absence of Force Majeure and Hardship Clauses', 13(2) World Arbitration and Mediation Review (WAMR) (2019), 123–134 [– in English]
Mathieu Guerriaud & Clotilde Jourdain-Fortier, 'L'accès au vaccin contre la Covid-19: le contrat international peut-il suffire?', Journal du droit international (JDI or Clunet) (2021), 463–498 [– in French]
André Janssen & Christian Johannes Wahnschaffe, 'Der internationale Warenkauf in Zeiten der Pandemie', Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (EuZW) (2020), 410–416 [– in German]
Nevena Jevremovic, 'Article 79 CISG: Testing the Effectiveness of the CISG in International Trade Through the Lens of the COVID-19 Outbreak', in: Poomintr Sooksripaisarnkit & Dharmita Prasad (eds.), Blurry Boundaries of Public and Private International Law: Towards Convergence or Divergent Still?, Singapore: Springer (2022), 127–155 [– in English]
Simon Laimer, 'Internationale Warenlieferungsverträge in der COVID-19-(Wirtschafts-)Krise', Juristische Blätter (JBl) (2020), 553 [– in German]
Thomas Liebscher, Stefan Zeyher & Ben Steinbrück, 'Recht der Leistungsstörungen im Lichte der COVID-19-Pandemie', Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (ZIP) (2020), 852–865 [– in German]
Fabrizio Marrella, 'Forza maggiore e vendita internazionale di beni mobili in un contesto di pandemia: alcune riflessioni', Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale (Riv. dir. int. priv. e proc.) (2021), 533–588 [– in Italian]
Osvaldo Marzorati, 'COVID-19 y los efectos en el incumplimiento de los contratos privados de compraventa internacional en Argentina', 69 Revista Foro de Derecho Mercantil (2020), 37–82 [– in Spanish]
Peter Mazzacano, 'Public International Law Versus Private International Law: Competing or Complementary Intersectionality in the CISG?', in: Poomintr Sooksripaisarnkit & Dharmita Prasad (eds.), Blurry Boundaries of Public and Private International Law: Towards Convergence or Divergent Still?, Singapore: Springer (2022), 179–196 [– in English]
Maria del Pilar Perales Viscasillas, 'La rebus sic stantibus en el marco de la Convención de Viena de 1980 sobre compraventa internacional de mercancías y en instrumentos de soft law', in: Sharon Izaguirre Gómez, Pilar Perales Viscasillas, José María Elías de Tejada Casanova & Prudencio López Martínez Acacio (eds.), La Rebus Sic Stantibus en Tiempos de Pandemia: Análisis General e Impacto por Sectores Económicos, Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch (2021), 89–125 [– in Spanish]
Burghard Piltz, 'Covid-19 bedingte Lieferstörungen', (4) Internationales Handelsrecht (IHR) (2020), 133–137 [– in German]
Sixto A. Sánchez Lorenzo, 'El advance purchase agreement (APA) entre AstraZeneca y la comisión europea visto desde el Derecho privado', La Ley Unión Europea No. 90, (marzo 2021) [– in Spanish]
Markus Uitz & Hemma Parsché, 'Coronavirus - ein Praxisleitfaden bei Unterbrechung internationaler Lieferketten', ecolex - Fachzeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (ecolex) (2020), 273 [– in German]
Christiane von Bary, 'Best efforts? Der Impfstoffstreit zwischen der EU und AstraZeneca', Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (ZIP) (2021), 1902–1910 [– in German]
Eric Wagner, Rudolph Anthony Holtz & Tina Dötsch, 'Auswirkungen von COVID-19 auf Lieferverträge', BetriebsBerater (BB) (2020), 845–851 [– in German]
Claude Witz & Ben Gerrit Köhler, 'Le Covid-19 et les ventes internationales régies par la Convention de Vienne', Recueil Dalloz (D.) (2022), 754–764 [– in French]
Bruno Zeller, 'Covid-19 and Article 79 – A Revisit', in: Francesca Benatti, Sergio García Long & Filippo Viglione (eds.), The Transnational Sales Contract – 40 years influence of the CISG on national jurisdictions, Milano: Wolters Kluwer & CEDAM (2022), 601–620 [– in English]