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Case name
Car paint case
Sąd Okręgowy w Olsztynie (District Court Olsztyn)
Date of decision
23 February 2012
Case nr./docket nr.
V GC 115/10
Claimant 1
Respondent 1
Case History
Seller 1
Buyer 1
Category of goods
53: Dyeing, tanning and colouring materials
Goods as per contract
Car paint
CISG applicable
yes, Art. 1(1)(a)
CISG applied
Key CISG provisions applied
Art. 35; Art. 39(1); Art. 46;
CISG provisions also cited
Art. 71; Art. 80; Art. 81(2); Art. 85; Art. 86(2)
This decision cites the following other CISG-online case 1
This decision cites the following CISG-AC Opinion 1