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Inter Rao UES et al. v. CELEC EP
Arbitral Tribunal
Centro de Arbitraje y Mediación de la Cámara de Comercio de Santiago (CAM Santiago)
(Santiago Arbitration and Mediation Centre)
(Santiago Arbitration and Mediation Centre)
Seat of the arbitration
Santiago de Chile
Prof. Dr. Juan Fernández-Armesto (Presiding arbitrator (Chairperson)), Alexis Mourre (Co-arbitrator), Guido Tawil (Co-arbitrator), Felipe Aragón (Arbitral Secretary)
Date of decision
29 May 2023
Case nr./docket nr.
Claimants 2
Respondent 1
Seller 1
Buyer 1
Category of goods
71: Power-generating machinery and equipment
Goods as per contract
Turbogenerating units and other electro and hydromechanical equipment (for installation as part of the Toachi Pilatón hydroelectric project in Ecuador)
144'998'830.00 USD (U.S. Dollar)
CISG applicable
no, Art. 3(2) and Art. 6
(Domestic) law applied in addition
Ecuador law
Key CISG provisions interpreted and applied
Art. 3(2); Art. 6
Key CISG provisions applied
Art. 8
CISG provisions also cited
Art. 1(1); Arts. 14–19; Art. 25; Art. 29; Art. 30; Art. 49; Art. 49(2)(a); Art. 53
Non-provision-specific issues addressed
Definition of 'contract of sale'; Turnkey contract
This decision cites the following other CISG-online case 1
This decision cites the following CISG-AC Opinion 1
Full text and abstract of decision 2