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Case name
Garage Door Systems, LLC v. Blue Giant Equipment Corp.
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana
Indianapolis Division
Jane Magnus-Stinson (District Judge)
Date of decision
20 June 2024
Case nr./docket nr.
Claimant 1
Respondent 1
Seller 1
Buyer 1
Category of goods
74: General industrial machinery and equipment, not elsewhere specified, and machine parts, not elsewhere specified
Goods as per contract
39 mechanical dock levelers (equipment that bridges the gap between a trailer and a loading dock during the loading and unloading process)
CISG applicable
yes, Art. 1(1)(a)
CISG applied
Key CISG provisions applied
Art. 1(1); Art. 19(1); Art. 19(3)
CISG provisions also cited
Art. 4
Relevant CISG provisions not cited
Art. 8; Art. 14(1)
Non-provision-specific issues addressed
Formation of party agreement on dispute resolution clause; Incorporation of standard terms into CISG contracts
This decision cites the following other CISG-online cases 5
This decision cites the following CISG-AC Opinion 1
Decision published in 1
Full text of decision 1