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CISG-online number
Case name
Damstahl A/S v. A.T.I. S.r.l.
Højesteret (Danish Supreme Court)
Date of decision
15 February 2001
Case nr./docket nr.
Claimant 1
Damstahl A/S
Place of business
Role in transaction
Respondent 1
A.T.I. S.r.l.
Place of business
Role in transaction
Case History
Damstahl A/S v. A.T.I. S.r.l.
Vestre Landsret (Court of Appeal for the Western Circuit)
Denmark, 26 November 1997, CISG-online 4303
Present decision
Seller 1
A.T.I. S.r.l.
Place of business
Role in trade
Manufacturer of the goods sold
Buyer 1
Damstahl A/S
Place of business
Role in trade
Dealer / Trader
Category of goods
67: Iron and steel
Goods as per contract
1500 m of acid- and rust-resistant pipes 30 x 2 mm of the type wst. 4436/aisi 316
Key CISG provisions applied
Art. 1(1)(a); Art. 1(1)(b)
CISG provisions also cited
Art. 6; Art. 7(2); Art. 8; Art. 9; Art. 19; Art. 31(a); Art. 92
Editorial remark
by Kasper Steensgaard
The case concerned jurisdiction a case of delivery of defective pipes between a Danish buyer and an Italian seller. The court had to decide whether a "franco" delivery clause in the parties' agreement could forms basis for jurisdiction under art. 5(1) Brussels Convention (1968). The parties agreed that Italian law was applicable to the case, the clause had to be interpreted accordingly, which meant that the clause only affected the distribution of transportation costs - and not the place of delivery (as opposed to under § 65 of the Danish Sales Act). The place of delivery was then decided under art. 31(a) CISG, which was at the place of handing over the pipes to the first carrier in Italy. Thus the Danish courts could not claim jurisdiction under art. 5(1) Brussels Convention (1968), and the case was dismissed. The Supreme Court of Denmark affirmed the decision by the Western High Court.
Decision published in 1
Ugeskrift for Retsvæsen (UfR) (2001), 1039
CLOUT number
Case identifier in the old Albert H. Kritzer Database
Comments on this decision 3
Morten M. Fogt, 'Die Vereinbarung und Auslegung von FRANCO-Lieferklauseln beim CISG-Kauf: Zugleich Vorüberlegungen zur Reform des Teil II des CISG und zur begrenzten Rücknahme nordischer Vorbehalte zum CISG (Zur Entscheidung des dänischen Højesteret vom 15.2.2001)', European Legal Forum (EuLF) (2003), 61–70 [– in German]  
Morten M. Fogt, 'La stipulazione e l'interpretazione di clausole di consegna franco domicilio nei contratti di vendita rientranti nell'ambito della CISG: e considerazioni preliminari sulla riforma della seconda parte della CISG e sul limitato ritiro delle riserve nordiche alla CISG', European Legal Forum (EuLF) (2003), 61–70 [– in Italian]
Morten M. Fogt, 'The stipulation and interpretation of freight prepaid delivery clauses under the CISG: Preliminary considerations for reform of Part II of the CISG and a limited withdrawal of Scandinavian declarations', European Legal Forum (EuLF) (2003), 61–70 [– in English]  
Full text and abstract of decision 2