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Czech cheese case
Arbitral Tribunal
Schiedsgericht der Hamburger freundschaftlichen Arbitrage
(Hamburg Friendly Arbitration)
(Hamburg Friendly Arbitration)
Seat of the arbitration
Hamburg (Germany)
Date of decision
29 December 1998
Claimant 1
Respondent 1
Seller 1
Buyer 1
Category of goods
2: Dairy products and birds' eggs
Goods as per contract
300 tons of cheese
756'000.00 USD (U.S. Dollar)
CISG applicable
yes, Art. 1(1)(a) or (b)
CISG applied
(Domestic) law applied in addition
German law
Key CISG provisions applied
Art. 8; Art. 26; Art. 47(1); Art. 49(1)(b); Art. 63; Art. 73(1); Art. 73(2); Art. 74; Art. 81(2); Art. 84(1)
CISG provisions also cited
Art. 1(1)(a); Art. 1(1)(b); Art. 7(2); Art. 9; Art. 11; Art. 30; Art. 31(b); Art. 45(1)(a); Art. 53; Art. 54; Art. 60; Art. 61; Art. 74; Art. 85; Art. 87; Art. 88
This decision cites the following other CISG-online cases 4
This decision is cited by 2
Decision published in 5
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Case identifier in the old Albert H. Kritzer Database
Full text, translation and abstract of decision 3