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CISG-online number
Case name
Milk powder case
Bundesgerichtshof (German Supreme Court)
VIII. Zivilsenat (8th panel for civil matters)
Dr. Katharina Deppert (Presiding Judge), Dr. Dieter Wolst (Judge), Dr. Dietrich Beyer (Judge), Dr. Peter Frellesen (Judge), Ulrich Wiechers (Judge)
Date of decision
09 January 2002
Case nr./docket nr.
VIII ZR 304/00
Claimant 1
Place of business
Role in transaction
Respondent 1
Place of business
Role in transaction
Case History
Milk powder case
Landgericht Dresden (District Court Dresden)
Germany, 31 March 2000 – 45 O 908/98, CISG-online 714
Milk powder case
Oberlandesgericht Dresden (Court of Appeal Dresden)
Germany, 23 October 2000 – 2 U 1181/00, CISG-online 1935
reversing in part
Present decision reversing in part
Sellers 2
Place of business
Role in trade
Dealer / Trader
Place of business
Role in trade
Producer of the goods sold
Buyer 1
Place of business
Role in trade
Dealer / Trader
Category of goods
2: Dairy products and birds' eggs
Goods as per contract
2,557.5 tons of milk powder
15'000'000.00 DEM (Deutsche Mark)
CISG applicable
yes, Art. 1(1)(a)
CISG applied
Key CISG provisions applied
Art. 19; Art. 79(1)
CISG provisions also cited
Art. 2(a); Art. 4; Art. 7(1); Art. 35; Art. 36; Art. 45; Art. 74; Art. 75
Non-provision-specific issues addressed
Battle of the forms; Burden of proof; Contractual limitation of liability clause in CISG contract (including its validity)
This decision cites the following other CISG-online cases 2
Vine wax case
Bundesgerichtshof (German Supreme Court)
Germany, 24 March 1999 – VIII ZR 121/98, CISG-online 396
New Zealand mussels case
Bundesgerichtshof (German Supreme Court)
Germany, 08 March 1995 – VIII ZR 159/94, CISG-online 144
This decision is cited by 13
Diammonium phosphate case
Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (CRCICA)
Arbitration, 19 February 2023 – 1527/2021 (Final Award), CISG-online 6272
Electronic electricity meters case
Bundesgericht/Tribunal fédéral (Swiss Federal Supreme Court)
Switzerland, 28 May 2019 – 4A_543/2018, CISG-online 4463
Cuttings case
Oberlandesgericht Brandenburg (Court of Appeal Brandenburg)
Germany, 03 July 2014 – 5 U 1/13, CISG-online 2543
Roser Technologies, Inc. v. Carl Schreiber GmbH
U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania
USA, 10 September 2013 – 11cv302 ERIE, CISG-online 2490
Lamborghini hauler case
Oberlandesgericht Koblenz (Court of Appeal Koblenz)
Germany, 10 September 2013 – 3 U 223/13, CISG-online 2472
Clay case
Oberlandesgericht Koblenz (Court of Appeal Koblenz)
Germany, 24 February 2011 – 6 U 555/07, CISG-online 2301
Spanish white wine case I
Oberlandesgericht Koblenz (Court of Appeal Koblenz)
Germany, 22 April 2010 – 2 U 796/07, CISG-online 2290
Macromex Srl. v. Globex International Inc.
American Arbitration Association – International Centre for Dispute Resolution (AAA/ICDR)
Arbitration, 23 October 2007 – 50181T 0036406 (Interim Award), CISG-online 1645
Printed works for CD covers case
Oberlandesgericht Frankfurt am Main (Court of Appeal Frankfurt am Main)
Germany, 26 June 2006 – 26 Sch 28/05, CISG-online 1385
Hungarian wheat case
Oberlandesgericht Karlsruhe (Court of Appeal Karlsruhe)
Germany, 08 February 2006 – 7 U 1001/04, CISG-online 1328
Paprika powder case II
Bundesgerichtshof (German Supreme Court)
Germany, 30 June 2004 – VIII ZR 321/03, CISG-online 847
SO.M.AGRI s.a.s. v. Erzeugerorganisation Marchfeldgemüse GmbH & Co. KG
Tribunale di Padova (District Court Padova)
Italy, 25 February 2004 – 40552, CISG-online 819
Greek Powder and Cartridge Company SA v. Ministry of Defence (Iraq)
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 31 January 2003 – 7094/CK/AER/ACS, CISG-online 5445
Decision published in 9
Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (NJW) (2002), 1651–1655 [Full text – in German]
Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft (RIW) (2002), 396–400 [Full text – in German]
Wertpapiermitteilungen Teil IV – Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Bankrecht (WM) (2002), 1022–1027 [Full text – in German]
Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (ZIP) (2002), 672–676 [Full text – in German]
6 Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration (VJ) (2002), 345–356 [Full text (translation) – in English]
Monatsschrift für Deutsches Recht (MDR) (2002), 569–570 [Full text – in German]
Der Betrieb (DB) (2002), 1209 [Full text – in German]
Internationales Handelsrecht (IHR) (2002), 16–21 [Full text – in German]
Außenwirtschaftliche Praxis (AW-Prax) (2003), 435–436 [Full text – in German]
Case identifier in the old Albert H. Kritzer Database
Comments on this decision 11
Edoardo Ferrante, '"Battle of forms" and the 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG): A note on the BGH (German Supreme Court) decision of 9 January 2002', Uniform Law Review/Revue de droit uniforme (Unif. L. Rev.) (2003), 975–981 [– in English]
Edoardo Ferrante, 'La battle of forms nella Convenzione di Vienna: una recente decisione del Tribunale federale tedesco', Contratto e impresa/Europa (2003), 485–511 [– in Italian]
Andre U. Janssen, 'De “battle of forms” in het Weens Koopverdrag: Het probleem van tegenstrijdige algemene voorwarden in het internationale kooprecht', 133 Weekblad voor Privaatrecht, Notariaat en Registratie (WPNR) (2002), No. 6488, 355–358 [– in Dutch]
André Janssen, 'Kollidierende Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen im internationalen Kaufrecht (CISG)', Wirtschaftsrechtliche Blätter: Zeitschrift für österreichisches und europäisches Wirtschaftsrecht (wbl) (2002), 453–457 [– in German]
Francis Limbach, 'Observations sous Bundesgerichtshof, 9 janv. 2002', Recueil Dalloz (D.) (2003), Somm., 2362 [– in French]
Maria del Pilar Perales Viscasillas, 'Battle of the Forms and the Burden of Proof: An Analysis of BGH 9 January 2002', 6 Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration (VJ) (2002), 217–228 [– in English]
Ulrich G. Schroeter, Internationales UN-Kaufrecht, 7th ed., Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck (2022), at no. 352 [– in German]
Thomas Simons, 'Case comment on BGH (D) 9 January 2002 – VIII ZR 304/00', European Legal Forum (EuLF) (2004), 1–3 [– in English]  
Stefanie Theis, 'Anmerkung zu BGH, 9.1.2002 – VIII ZR 304/00', Entscheidungen zum Wirtschaftsrecht (EWiR) (2002), 429–430 [– in German]
Michael P. Van Alstine, 'The Unified Field Solution to the Battle of the Forms Under the U.N. Sales Convention', 62 William & Mary Law Review (Wm. & Mary L. Rev.) (2020), 213–286, at 244–245 [– in English]  
Kaia Wildner, 'Art. 19 CISG: The German Approach to the Battle of the Forms in International Contract Law: The Decision of the Federal Supreme Court of Germany of 9 January 2002', 20 Pace International Law Review (Pace Int'l L. Rev.) (2008), 1–18 [– in English]  
Full text and translation of decision 2
Full text of decision
Translation of decision
translated by
Birgit Kurtz