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CISG-online number
Case name
Scafom International BV v. Lorraine Tubes S.A.S.
Hof van Cassatie van België/Cour de cassation de Belgique (Belgian Supreme Court)
Robert Boes (Presiding Judge), Alain Smetryns (Judge), Beatrijs Deconinck (Judge), Eric Dirix (Judge), Johan Pafenols (Griffier)
Date of decision
19 June 2009
Case nr./docket nr.
Claimants 2
Scafom International BV
Place of business
Role in transaction
Orion Metal BVBA
Place of business
Role in transaction
End-user of the goods
Respondent 1
Exma CPI SA (became Lorraine Tubes S.A.S.)
Place of business
Role in transaction
Case History
Scafom International BV & Orion Metal BVBA v. Exma CPI SA
Rechtbank van Koophandel Tongeren (Commercial Court Tongeren)
Belgium, 25 January 2005 – A.R. A/04/01960, CISG-online 1106
Scafom International BV v. Lorraine Tubes S.A.S.
Hof van Beroep Antwerpen (Court of Appeal Antwerp)
Belgium, 29 June 2006 – 2005/AR/2372, CISG-online 3077
Scafom International BV v. Lorraine Tubes S.A.S.
Hof van Beroep Antwerpen (Court of Appeal Antwerp)
Belgium, 15 February 2007 – 2005/AR/2372, CISG-online 3062
Present decision
Seller 1
Exma CPI SA (became Lorraine Tubes S.A.S.)
Place of business
Role in trade
Buyer 1
Scafom International BV
Place of business
Category of goods
67: Iron and steel
Goods as per contract
Hot-rolled steel tubes intended for the production of scaffoldings
CISG applicable
CISG applied
Key CISG provisions interpreted and applied
Art. 7; Art. 79
Relevant CISG provisions not cited
Art. 4; Art. 23; Art. 29; Art. 53; Art. 60
This decision is cited by 2
YPF S.A. v. AES Urugaiana Emprendimientos S.A. et al.
ICC International Court of Arbitration
Arbitration, 08 May 2013 – 16232/JRF/CA (Partial Award on Liability), CISG-online 4558
P.E. v. Juwelier Degreef NV
Hof van Cassatie van België/Cour de cassation de Belgique (Belgian Supreme Court)
Belgium, 12 April 2013 – C.12.0483.N/1, CISG-online 2888
Decision published in 4
Rechtskundig Weekblad (RW) (2009-10), No. 18, 744 [Full text – in Dutch]
Tijdschrift voor Belgisch Handelsrecht/Revue de droit commercial belge (T.B.H./R.D.C.) (2010), 879–884 [Full text – in Dutch]
Tijdschrift voor Belgisch Handelsrecht/Revue de droit commercial belge (T.B.H./R.D.C.) (2009), 734–735 [Abstract – in Dutch]
Revue de droit international privé / Tijdschrift voor internationaal privaatrecht (2009 nr. 4), 25–34 [Full text – in Dutch]
Case identifier in the old Albert H. Kritzer Database
Comments on this decision 21
Amalina Ahmad Tajudin, 'Scafom International BV v. Lorraine Tubes S.A.S.: a case review of changing circumstances under the United Nations Convention on International Sale of Goods (CISG) of 1980', 4 Juridical Tribune (Juridical Trib.) (2014), 212–225 [– in English]  
Christine Biquet-Mathieu, 'Soubresauts en matière d’imprévision: Les arrêts des 19 juin 2009 et 14 octobre 2010', Revue de la Faculté de droit de l'Université de Liège (2012), 239–257 [– in French]
Christine Biquet-Mathieu, 'Propos sur l'imprévision: l'arrêt Scafom international et son contexte belge, européen et international', in: Benoît Moore (ed.), Mélanges Jean-Louis Baudouin, Cowansville: Éditions Yvon Blais (2012), 199–223 [– in French]  
Kristof Cox, 'Gewijzigde omstandigheden in internationale koopcontracten: het Hof van Cassatie als pionier', Rechtskundig Weekblad (RW) (2009-10), 730–737 [– in Dutch]
Tian Dai, 'A Case Analysis of Scafom International BV v Lorraine Tubes S.A.S: The Application of Article 79 of the United Nations Convention on International Sale of Goods', 1 Perth International Law Journal (Perth Int'l L. J.) (2016), 131–145 [– in English]  
Julie Dewez, Christina Ramberg, Rodrigo Momberg Uribe, Rémy Cabrillac & Lis Paula San Miguel Pradera, 'The Duty to Renegotiate an International Sales Contract under CISG in Case of Hardship and the Use of the Unidroit Principles', European Review of Private Law (ERPL) (2011), 101–154 [– in English]  
Tobias Eckardt, Ulrich Magnus & Burghard Piltz, 'Art. 79 CISG in der internationalen Rechtsprechung. Eine Auswahl französischer, schweizerischer, belgischer, US-amerikanischer, niederländischer und spanischer Entscheidungen', Internationales Handelsrecht (IHR) (2020), 140–149, at 142–143 [– in German]  
Bénédicte Fauvarque-Cosson, 'Renégociation et révision judiciaire du contrat en cas de changement de circonstances: l'interprétation audacieuse de la CVIM par la Cour de cassation belge', Revue des Contrats (RDC) (2010), 1405 [– in French]
Franco Ferrari, Clayton P. Gillette, Marco Torsello & Steven D. Walt, 'The Inappropriate Use of the PICC to Interpret Hardship Claims under the CISG', Internationales Handelsrecht (IHR) (2017), 97–102, at 98 [– in English]
Harry M. Flechtner, 'CISG Article 79: Getting Scafomed', in: Joseph Lookofsky & Mads Bryde Andersen (eds.), The CISG Convention and Domestic Contract Law: Harmony, Cross-Inspiration, or Discord?, Copenhagen: DJØF (2015), 191–205 [– in English]
Marcel Fontaine, 'Hardship, CISG and the Unidroit Principles: An Important Decision of the Belgian Cour de Cassation', in: Umberto Celli, Maristela Basso & Alberto do Amaral (eds.), Arbitragem e Comercio Internacional: Estudos em Homenagem a Luiz Olavo Baptista, São Paulo: Editora Quartier Latin do Brasil (2013), 123–139 [– in English]
Grzegorz Gorczyński, 'Zmiana cen rynkowych a umowa międzynarodowej sprzedazy towarow (komentarz do wyroku belgijskiego Sadu Kasacyjnego z 19.06.2009 r. w sprawie Scafom International v. Lorraine Tubes)', in: Maksymilian Pazdan, Monika Jagielska, Ewa Rott-Pietrzyk & Maciej Szpunar (eds.), Rozprawy z prawa prywatnego: księga jubileuszowa dedykowana Profesorowi Wojciechowi Popiołkowi, Warsaw: Wolters Kluwer (2017), 887–906 [– in Polish]
Jonas Malfliet, 'Hoe contracteren onder CISG aanleiding kan geven tot onvoorziene omstandigheden', Tijdschrift voor Belgisch Handelsrecht/Revue de droit commercial belge (T.B.H./R.D.C.) (2010), 885–894 [– in Dutch]  
Luigi Montefusco, 'Interpreting the Conditions for Imprévision: The Goals of the Reform Projects as a Decisive Tool for French and Belgian Courts', 13 Journal of Civil Law Studies (J. Civ. L. Stud.) (2020), 193–247, at 209 [– in English]  
Brandon Nagy, 'Unreliable Excuses: How Do Differing Persuasive Interpretations of CISG Article 79 Affect Its Goal of Harmony?', 26(2) New York International Law Review (N.Y. Int'l L. Rev.) (2013), 61–92, at 83–89 [– in English]  
Roberto Pirozzi, 'The Effect of Changing Circumstances in International Commercial Contracts: The Scaform case', 16 Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration (VJ) (2012), 207–222 [– in English]  
Ulrich G. Schroeter, Internationales UN-Kaufrecht, 7th ed., Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck (2022), at no. 799 [– in German]
Anna Veneziano, 'UNIDROIT Principles and CISG: Change of Circumstances and Duty to Renegotiate According to the Belgian Supreme Court', 15 Uniform Law Review/Revue de droit uniforme (Unif. L. Rev.) (2010), 137–149 [– in English]  
Bruno Zeller, 'Analysis of the Cultural Homeward Trend in International Sales Law', 10(1) Victoria University Law and Justice Journal (VULJ) (2021), 131–143, at 140–142 [– in English]  
Bruno Zeller, 'The UNIDROIT Principles of Hardship and the Application of Article 79 CISG: Are They Compatible?', in: Ingeborg Schwenzer & Lisa Spagnolo (eds.), State of Play: The 3rd Annual MAA Peter Schlechtriem CISG Conference, The Hague: Eleven International Publishing (2012), 113–127 [– in English]
Tadeusz Zieliński, 'L’imprévision et la possibilité de la révision du contrat international en vertu de l’article 79 de la Convention de Vienne', Silesian Journal of Legal Studies (2014), 113–124 [– in French]  
Full texts and translation of decision 3
Full text of decision
Full text of decision
Translation of decision
translated by
Kristof Cox