Set-off under the CISG
While the CISG does not address the set-off of claims between the parties explicitly, it has been heavily discussed in literature and case law whether the CISG can be applied nevertheless:

Italian grape juice case
Oberlandesgericht Hamm (Court of Appeal Hamm)
Germany, 25 March 2019 – 2 U 132/18, CISG-online 5215
Oberlandesgericht Hamm (Court of Appeal Hamm)
Germany, 25 March 2019 – 2 U 132/18, CISG-online 5215

Hungarian injection moulding tools case
Bundesgerichtshof (German Supreme Court)
Germany, 24 September 2014 – VIII ZR 394/12, CISG-online 2545
Bundesgerichtshof (German Supreme Court)
Germany, 24 September 2014 – VIII ZR 394/12, CISG-online 2545
The court considered the CISG to apply to set-off if the respective claims originated from the same (CISG-)contract

Plastic labels case
Rechtbank Midden-Nederland (District Court Midden-Nederland)
Netherlands, 02 November 2016 – 4515811 AC EXPL 15-4389 KdM/1151, CISG-online 4725
Rechtbank Midden-Nederland (District Court Midden-Nederland)
Netherlands, 02 November 2016 – 4515811 AC EXPL 15-4389 KdM/1151, CISG-online 4725
The court held set-off not to be encompassed by the CISG and applied Polish law under Art. 17 Rome I-Convention even though the buyer tried to set-off with a damages claim against the claim for the price under the same contract

VÚB a.s. v. LITOZ s.r.o.
Nejvyšší soud České republiky (Supreme Court of the Czech Republic)
Czech Republic, 29 January 2019 – 23 Cdo 427/2017-336, CISG-online 4867
Nejvyšší soud České republiky (Supreme Court of the Czech Republic)
Czech Republic, 29 January 2019 – 23 Cdo 427/2017-336, CISG-online 4867
Held that set-off is not covered by the CISG, irrespective whether both claims arose from different contracts concluded under different national laws (and therefore not falling into the scope of the CISG), whether both claims arose from different contracts both governed by the CISG or whether both claims arose from one and the same contract governed by the CISG

Set-off case
Tribunal d'arrondissement de Luxembourg (District Court Luxembourg)
Luxembourg, 21 January 2011 – 131 230 and Jugement commercial II No. 92/2011, CISG-online 5041
Tribunal d'arrondissement de Luxembourg (District Court Luxembourg)
Luxembourg, 21 January 2011 – 131 230 and Jugement commercial II No. 92/2011, CISG-online 5041
Held that set-off is not covered by the CISG, which is why the court applied the Rome Regulation and consequently Luxembourg law

Czech floor materials case
Sąd Apelacyjny w Katowicach (Court of Appeal Katowice)
Poland, 18 January 2017 – ACa 344/16, CISG-online 5049
Sąd Apelacyjny w Katowicach (Court of Appeal Katowice)
Poland, 18 January 2017 – ACa 344/16, CISG-online 5049
Held that set-off is not covered by the CISG (even though the claim and the alleged counter-claim), which is why the court applied the Rome Regulation

Prodema S.A. v. PontMeyer Handelsbedrijven B.V.
Rechtbank Haarlem (District Court Haarlem)
Netherlands, 16 July 2008 – 139990 - HA ZA 07-1287, CISG-online 5258
Rechtbank Haarlem (District Court Haarlem)
Netherlands, 16 July 2008 – 139990 - HA ZA 07-1287, CISG-online 5258
While the CISG does not contain rules on set-off (claims originated under different contracts), the Principles of European Contract Law (PECL) contain general principles in this regard and can be applied