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Ideal Bike Corp. v. IMPEXO spol. s r.o.
Czech Republic
Nejvyšší soud České republiky (Supreme Court of the Czech Republic)
JUDr. Ing. Pavel Horák, Ph.D. (Presiding Judge), JUDr. Kateřina Hornochová (Judge), JUDr. Zdeněk Des (Judge)
Date of decision
17 December 2013
Case nr./docket nr.
23 Cdo 1308/2011
Claimant 1
Respondent 1
Case History
Seller 1
Buyer 1
Category of goods
78: Road vehicles (including air-cushion vehicles)
Goods as per contract
86'808.58 USD (U.S. Dollar)
CISG applicable
yes, Art. 1(1)(a)
CISG applied
Key CISG provisions interpreted and applied
Art. 13; Art. 96
Key CISG provisions applied
Art. 1(1)(b); Art. 4(a); Art. 11; Art. 12
CISG provisions also cited
Art. 6; Art. 8(3); Art. 9; Art. 18; Art. 19(1); Art. 19(3); Art. 66-69; Art. 101
Relevant CISG provisions not cited
Art. 95
Non-provision-specific issues addressed
Status of Taiwan under the CISG
This decision cites the following CISG-AC Opinion 1
This decision is cited by 1
CLOUT number
Full text, translation and abstract of decision 3